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The effects of thinning intensity on snag and cavity tree abundance in an Appalachian hardwood standGraves, Aaron T. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--West Virginia University, 1999. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains viii, 75 p. : ill., map. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 33-41).
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Thinning aged Douglas-fir : an analysis of mobilization costs and a log bucking strategy for revenue improvement /Pilkerton, Stephen J. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Oregon State University, 2010. / Printout. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 90-94). Also available on the World Wide Web.
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Aspects of precommercial thinning in heterogeneous forests in southern Sweden /Fahlvik, Nils, January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2005. / Appendix includes papers co-authored with others. Includes bibliographical references. Issued also electronically via World Wide Web in PDF format; online version lacks appendix.
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Long-term effects of herbicide and precommercial thinning treatments on species composition, stand structure, and net present value in spruce-fir stands in Maine: the austin pond study /Daggett, R. Howard, January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.) in Forestry--University of Maine, 2003. / Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 113-118).
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Factors affecting self-pruning in Northern Red Oak : (Quercus rubra L.) /Jenniges, Stephanie M. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Wisconsin--Stevens Point, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 55-57).
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The Influences of Conventional and Low Density Thinning on Leaf Area, Growth, and Growing Space Relationships of Eastern White Pine (Pinus Strobus L.)Guiterman, Christopher Henry January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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New chemical thinning strategies for stone fruitSteenkamp, Human 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Thinning of stone fruit, just as in any other deciduous fruit crop, plays an important role in producing fruit of the right size and quality. Hand thinning is highly labor intensive and time consuming, thus an alternative method of thinning is important to the industry. Chemical and mechanical thinning either alone or in combination could be the alternative.
Two chemicals, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) and 6-benzyladenine (6-BA) were evaluated on Japanese plums, cling peaches and nectarines. In addition, the Darwin 300™, a mechanical string thinner, was also included in trials on early maturing ‘Alpine’ nectarine and ‘African Rose™’ plum. In all trials the objective was to reduce the required hand thinning during commercial hand thinning without compromising on yield and fruit quality.
In Japanese plums we were able to reduce the hand thinning requirement significantly with both the ACC thinning and mechanical thinning strategies. Regarding ACC, cultivars differed in their sensitivity to the chemical and the recommended rate will differ for cultivars. ACC consistently reduced the required hand thinning linearly with increasing rate. The recommended rate of ACC for ‘African Rose™’ is 600 μl.L-1 and for ‘Laetitia’ 400 μl.L-1. For ‘Fortune’ a recommended rate could not be determined at this stage, thus further trials should be conducted. The Darwin 300™ reduced hand thinning significantly without reducing the yield significantly. Combining the Darwin 300™ with ACC 600 μl.L-1 in ‘African Rose™’ gave promising results with regard to hand thinning requirement and fruit size, without reducing yield efficiency significantly. No leaf drop was observed on Japanese plums, except in the pilot trial when applications were made at high temperatures, which should therefore be avoided.
ACC was effective as thinning agent in cling peaches. In ‘Keisie’, the results were positive during both seasons, and ACC reduced the hand thinning requirement without reducing yield efficiency. The recommended rate of ACC for ‘Keisie’ is 600 μl.L-1. Slight leaf drop was observed. In ‘Sandvliet’, there was a significant reduction in fruit set, without reducing the required hand thinning. The reduction in fruit set led to a significant reduction in yield. Severe leaf drop was observed, indicating that cultivars differ in sensitivity to ACC. ACC would not currently be recommended for ‘Sandvliet’.
In nectarines, ACC only thinned ‘Turquoise’ but not ‘Alpine’ or ‘August Red’ at the rates and phenological stage used, again indicating cultivar differences in sensitivity. In ‘Turquoise’, the highest ACC rate (500 μl.L-1) reduced fruit set per tagged shoot, as well as the hand thinning requirement, but this rate also reduced the total yield. The Darwin 300™ evaluated on ‘Alpine’ reduced fruit set significantly and the hand thinning requirement without reducing yield efficiency, indicating that mechanical thinning is a viable option in nectarines. Slight leaf drop was observed in all nectarine trials and ACC would not currently be recommended for nectarines. 6-BA was included to combat ACC-induced leaf drop and was partially successful. The reason for the differences observed in response to ACC between cling peaches and plums on the one hand, and nectarines on the other, cannot currently be explained. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Uitdun van steenvrugte, net soos vir enige ander sagtevrugte soort, speel 'n belangrike rol in die produksie van vrugte met die regte grootte en gehalte. Uitdun van steenvrugte is hoogs arbeidsintensief en tydrowend, dus is dit belangrik om ʼn alternatief te vind vir die bedryf. Chemiese of meganiese uitdunning alleen of in kombinasie kan die alternatiewe wees.
Twee middels, 1-aminosiklopropaan-1-karboksielsuur (ACC) en 6-bensieladenien (6-BA) is geëvalueer op Japanese pruime, taaipitperskes en nektariens. Daarby is die Darwin 300™, ʼn meganiese uitdunmasjien, ingesluit vir twee vroeë kultivars, nl. Alpine nektarien en African Rose™ pruim. Die doel van die proewe was om handuitdunning tydens kommersiële handuitdun te verminder, sonder om die opbrengs en vrugkwaliteit negatief te beïnvloed.
Vir Japanese pruime kon ons die nodige handuitdunning beduidend verminder met beide die ACC en meganiese uitdun strategieë. Daar was wel ʼn verskil tussen die kultivars se sensitiwiteit teenoor ACC en die aanbevole konsentrasie sal verskil tussen kultivars. ACC het die benodigde handuitdunning vir al drie kultivars lineêr verminder met ʼn toename in konsentrasie. Die aanbevole konsentrasie van ACC vir ‘African Rose ™’ is 600 μl.L-1 en vir ‘Laetitia’ 400 μl.L-1. Vir ‘Fortune’ kan daar nog nie op hierdie stadium 'n konsentrasie aanbeveling gemaak word nie. Die Darwin 300™ behandeling het die benodigde handuitdunning beduidend verminder sonder om die opbrengs te beïnvloed. Die kombinasie van die Darwin 300 ™ met ACC 600 μl.L-1 het ook goeie resultate opgelewer wat handuitdunning en vruggrootte aanbetref sonder om die opbrengsdoeltreffendheid te verlaag. Geen blaarval was opgemerk by die pruime nie, behalwe in ʼn voorlopige proef toe die ACC toegedien is by hoë temperature, wat dus vermy moet word.
Die effektiwiteit van ACC as uitdunmiddel van taaipitperskes was belowend. Vir ‘Keisie’ was die resultate positief vir beide seisoene, en ACC het handuitdunning verminder sonder om die opbrengs te beïnvloed. Die aanbevole ACC konsentrasie vir ‘Keisie’ is 600 μl.L-1. Effense blaarval is wel waargeneem. Vir ‘Sandvliet’ was daar 'n beduidende vermindering in vrugset, sonder dat handuitdunning verminder is. Daar was ook 'n beduidende afname in opbrengs en erge blaarval in die proef waargeneem. ACC sal tans nie aanbeveel word vir 'Sandvliet’ nie.
Met nektariens het ACC net ‘n uitduneffek op ‘Turquoise’ getoon, maar nie teen die aangewende dosisse en ontwikkelingstadium op ‘Alpine’ of ‘Augustus Red’ nie. Dit dui daarop dat ACC kultivarspesifiek mag wees. In ‘Turquoise’ het die hoogste konsentrasie (500 μl.L-1) vrugset van gemerkte lote en die handuitdunning verminder, maar ook die totale opbrengs. Die Darwin 300 ™ het die vrugset van ‘Alpine’ asook die benodigde handuitdunning aansienlik verminder sonder om die opbrengs te verlaag. Effense blaarval was opgemerk in alle nektarien proewe. ACC sal nie aanbeveel word as uitdunmiddel vir nektariens nie. 6-BA was in die studie ingesluit om ACC-geïnduseerde blaarval teen te werk en was slegs gedeeltelik suksesvol. Die rede vir die verskille in respons tot ACC tussen pruime, perskes en nektariens kan nie tans verklaar word nie.
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Managing for oak regeneration: The effects of six common treatments in southern IllinoisMurphy, Brian 01 August 2012 (has links)
The current oak-hickory overstory that exists in the productive uplands of Southern Illinois is a result of a disturbance regime that lasted thousands of years. The species mix that is currently regenerating under this overstory is a consequence of the historic disturbance regime being severely altered in the last century. As the importance and value of the oak-hickory forest type is widely recognized, land managers seek effective ways to ensure the perpetuation of an oak-hickory component in future stands. Across its range, forest management activities are being implemented in an effort to promote oak, with mixed results. The current study was conducted in the eastern portion of the Shawnee National Forest on private land, with the exception of some Burn only and control stands which were located on Forest Service land. Treatments for these stands fell within five distinct groups: TSI, Burn, TSI/Burn, TSI/Harvest, TSI/Harvest/Burn, plus a control group. Data was collected on overstory, regeneration, and site characteristics. The change in height and abundance of oak seedlings across treatment groups was analyzed with an ANCOVA test. The competitive position of oak and hickory seedlings relative to all seedlings was analyzed with an ANOVA test. The results revealed that TSI only may actually put oak regeneration at a disadvantage, possibly because it only increases the amount of light enough to promote shade tolerant species. The TSI/Harvest/Burn group showed potential to increase the size and abundance of oak regeneration, suggesting the need for higher disturbance intensity in order to increase oak regeneration. When competitive position of oak and hickory seedlings were analyzed, the burn only group showed the greatest increase over the control group, reinforcing the idea that fire naturally selects for oak. Management activities should focus on using heavy disturbance to establish oak regeneration, then fire to ensure that they are competitive enough to eventually reach the overstory.
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Life history responses of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) to mass removalNg, Rebecca Yuen Wah, 1977- January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Spraying to prevent fruit formation on certain shade and ornamental trees.King, Gordon S. 01 January 1958 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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