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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Molecular characterization of the Tick-borne encephalitis virus : Environments and replication

Melik, Wessam January 2012 (has links)
The flavivirus genus is of major concern for world morbidity and mortality and includes viruses causing both encephalitic as well as hemorrhagic diseases. The incidence of Tick-borne encephalitis is increasing in many European countries and several reports have emphasized the expansion of the main vector, Ixodes ricinus. The pattern of vector distribution is also changing in Sweden, which makes it important to set up solid and successful strategies for detection and genetic characterization of novel Swedish TBEV strains. In this study we have generated strategies for detection of broad types of tick-borne flaviviruses in pools of I. ricinus sampled in Sweden. The positive collection on the island of Torö was used to generate a sequence of a complete TBEV genome straight from the arthropod reservoir. This cloned virus was used to construct a self-replicating DNA based sub-genomic TBEV replicon capable of expressing reporter genes. The replicon was used to study the effect of TBEV on neurite outgrowth, which revealed that the MTase domain of NS5 block the formation of the Scribble/Rac1/βPIX protein complex, impairing neurite outgrowth in neuronal growth factor induced PC12 cells. We also demonstrate that TBEV replication is affected by two PDZ binding motifs within NS5 and reveal putative PDZ binding proteins. These interactions might affect cellular pathways and might have a role in flavivirus replication. We also characterize the variable 3´ non-coding region (V3’-NCR) by in silico studies on TBEV. Analysis brings new evidence that V3’-NCR region carries an enhancer element important for different replication/translation dynamics during the viral lifecycle in mammalian and tick cells. We also propose a temperature-sensitive trans-acting riboswitch mechanism; altering the secondary RNA structures of a closed form at lower temperatures and a form open for translation at higher temperatures. This mechanism may explain the low TBEV level observed in sampled ticks. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of arbovirus-infected tick cells

Weisheit, Sabine January 2014 (has links)
Ticks are important vectors of a wide variety of pathogens including protozoa, bacteria and viruses. Many of the viruses transmitted by ticks are of medical or veterinary importance including tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) and Crimean- Congo hemorrhagic fever virus causing disease in humans, and African swine fever virus and Nairobi sheep disease virus affecting livestock. Although several studies have elucidated tick antimicrobial mechanisms including cellular immune responses such as nodulation, encapsulation and phagocytosis and humoral immune responses such as the JAK/STAT pathway, complement-like proteins, antimicrobial peptides, lectin like pattern-recognition molecules and lysozymes, very little is known about the innate immune response of ticks towards viral infection. This study therefore aimed to identify molecules that might be involved in the response of ticks to viral infection. The hypothesis was that TBEV infection leads to changes in the expression of immunity-related transcripts and proteins in Ixodes spp. tick cells and that at least some of these might be antiviral. Ixodes scapularis-derived cell lines IDE8 and ISE6 were chosen since I. scapularis is currently the only tick species with a sequenced genome and an Ixodes ricinus-derived cell line, IRE/CTVM19, was used because I. ricinus is the natural vector of TBEV. Basic parameters required to study the responses of tick cells to infection were determined, including levels of virus infection, kinetics of virus replication and production, formation of replication complexes and uptake of dsRNA or siRNA. The cell lines IDE8, ISE6 and IRE/CTVM19 were infected with either of two tick-borne flaviviruses, TBEV and Langat virus (LGTV), or with the mosquito-borne alphavirus Semliki Forest virus (SFV). Infection was characterised using techniques including plaque assay, luciferase assay, immunostaining and conventional, confocal and electron microscopy. Two time points for transcriptomics and proteomics analysis of TBEVinfected IDE8 and IRE/CTVM19 cells were selected: day 2 post-infection (p.i.) when virus production was increasing and day 6 p.i. when virus production was decreasing. RNA and protein were isolated from TBEV-infected and mock-infected tick cells at days 2 and 6 p.i. and RNA-Seq and mass spectrometric technologies were used to identify changes in, respectively, transcript and protein abundance. Differential expression of transcripts was determined using the data analysis package DESeq resulting in a total of 43 statistically significantly differentially expressed transcripts in IDE8 cells and 83 in IRE/CTVM19 cells, while differential protein representation using Χ2 test statistics with Bonferroni correction in IDEG6 software resulted in 76 differentially represented proteins in IDE8 cells and 129 in IRE/CTVM19 cells. These included transcripts and proteins which could affect stages of the virus infection, including virus entry, replication, maturation and protein trafficking, and also innate immune responses such as phagocytosis, RNA interference (RNAi), the complement system, the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, cell stress and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response. After verification of sequencing data by qRT-PCR, the ability of several of the identified transcripts or proteins to affect virus infection was determined by knockdown experiments in IDE8 and IRE/CTVM19 cells using wild type LGTV, LGTV replicons or TBEV replicons. Knockdown of genes encoding proteins including the ER chaperone gp96 and the heat-shock protein HSP90 resulted in increased virus production in both cell lines, hinting at an antiviral role. In contrast, knockdown of calreticulin, another ER chaperone, resulted in a decrease in virus production in IRE/CTVM19 cells but not in IDE8 cells, implying a requirement for virus production. This functional genomics approach has identified possible novel genes/proteins involved in the interaction between flaviviruses and tick cells and also revealed that there might be antiviral innate immune pathways present in ticks additional to the exogenous RNAi pathway.

Změny globální genové exprese v lidských neurálních buňkách po infekci virem klíšťové encefalitidy / Changes in global gene expression in human neural cells following tick-borne encephalitis virus infection

TYKALOVÁ, Hana January 2009 (has links)
Our study was focused on the effect of tick-borne encephalitis virus infection on global gene expression in two human neural cell lines (neuroblastoma and glioblastoma). Changes of gene expression were determined using microarray approach. We identified several genes with up-or down-regulated expression in neural cells following the infection. The changes in expression of some of them were similar in both cell lines,other exhibited different pattern.

Změny v genomu viru klíšťové encefalitidy u variant s různou historií pasáží a odlišnými biologickými vlastnostmi / Genome changes of tick-borne encephalitis virus in variants with different passage history and biological properties

STROUHALOVÁ, Renata January 2011 (has links)
Tick-borne encephalitis virus (strain Hypr) was serially subcultured in PS cells and tick cell line IRE/CTVM19, producing four different viral variants. Biological properties of these new variants were investigated in mouse model. Possible determinants of virulence were found by full-genome sequencing. The role of glycosylation for tick-borne encephalitis virus was evaluated.

Vliv klíštěcích slin na replikaci viru klíšťové encefalitidy v myších makrofázích. Úloha interferonu-\recke{beta} a oxidu dusnatého.

BERÁNKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to characterize the replication of tick borne encephalitis virus in mouse macrophages and investigate the influence of tick saliva derived from Ixodes ricinus on the viral replication. Moreover, the effect of interferon (the member of type I interferons) and nitric oxide on virus replication was studied.

Vztahy vektor - patogen - hostitel na příkladu spirochét lymeské boreliózy (a viru klíšťové encefalitidy) / Vector-pathogen-host interaction on the example of spirochetes Lyme boreliosis disease (and tick-borne encephalistis virus)

VAVRUŠKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
This study was focused on vector-pathogen-host interaction. Questing ticks from field were tested for presence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. and host DNA. Small rodents were trapped, ticks were collected from them, infestation patterns were estimated regarding the species and stage of ticks and species, sex and body weight of the host. Ticks aquired from hosts were tested for presence of Borrellia burgdorferi s.l. and tick-borne encephalitis virus. Both results from identification of hosts and from detection of pathogens were compared to be able to investigate interactions between host, vector and pathogen.

Vliv infekce klíšťat Ixodes ricinus virem klíšťové encefalitidy na jejich aktivitu / Effect of infection with the tick-borne encephalitis virus on Ixodes ricinus tick activity

VÝLETOVÁ, Eva January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of tick infection with tick-borne encephalitis virus on its behaviour and development. The effect of infection on feeding performance, metamorphosis, locomotion or phototaxis was analysed. Despite the fact that we were not able to demonstrate any significant effect of infection on tick behaviour, the obtained results contribute to understanding transmission dynamics of the virus during tick life cycle including co-feeding and transovarial transmission.

The Origin of the Genus Flavivirus and the Ecology of Tick-Borne Pathogens

Pettersson, John H.-O. January 2013 (has links)
The present thesis examines questions related to the temporal origin of the Flavivirus genus and the ecology of tick-borne pathogens. In the first study, we date the origin and divergence time of the Flavivirus genus. It has been argued that the first flaviviruses originated after the last glacial maximum. This has been contradicted by recent analyses estimating that the tick-borne flaviviruses emerged at least before 16,000 years ago. It has also been argued that the Powassan virus was introduced into North America at the time between the opening and splitting of the Beringian land bridge. Supported by tip date and biogeographical calibration, our results suggest that this genus originated circa 120,000 (156,100–322,700) years ago if the Tamana bat virus is included in the genus, or circa 85,000 (63,700–109,600) years ago excluding the Tamana bat virus. In the second study we estimate the prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) in host-seeking Ixodes ricinus from 29 localities in Sweden and compare our data with those of neighbouring countries. Nymphs and adult ticks were screened for TBEV using a real-time PCR assay. The mean TBEV prevalence for all tick stages combined was 0.26% for Sweden and 0.28% for all Scandinavian countries, excluding Iceland. The low prevalence of TBEV in nature may partly be explained by the fact that TBEV occurs in spatially small foci and that the inclusion of ticks from non-infected foci will reduce the prevalence estimate. In the third and fourth study, we conducted the first large-scale investigations to estimate the prevalence and geographical distribution of Anaplasma spp. and Rickettsia spp. in host-seeking larvae, nymphs and adults of I. ricinus ticks in Sweden. Ticks were collected from several localities in central and southern Sweden and were subsequently screened for the presence of Anaplasma spp. and Rickettsia spp. using a real-time PCR assay. For all active tick stages combined, the mean prevalence of Anaplasma spp. and Rickettsia spp. in I. ricinus in Sweden was estimated to 1.1% and 4.8%, respectively. It was also shown that A. phagocytophilum and R. helvetica are the main Anaplasma and Rickettsia species occurring in Sweden.

Ticks and Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus : From Nature to Infection

Asghar, Naveed January 2016 (has links)
Vector-borne diseases are an increasing global threat to humans due to climate changes, elevating the risk of infections transmitted by mosquitos, ticks, and other arthropod vectors. Ixodes ricinus, a common tick in Europe, transmits dangerous tick-borne pathogens to humans. Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a vector-borne disease caused by TBE virus (TBEV). Climate change has contributed to increased tick abundance and incidence of tick-borne diseases, and between 10,000 and 15,000 human TBE cases are reported annually in Europe and Asia. TBEV shows a patchy geographical distribution pattern where each patch represents a natural focus. In nature, TBEV is maintained within the tick-rodent enzootic cycle. Co-feeding is the main route for TBEV transmission from infected to uninfected ticks and for maintenance within the natural foci. The increasing number of TBE cases in Scandinavia highlights the importance of characterizing additional TBEV sequences and of identifying novel natural foci, and in this work we sequenced and phylogenetically characterized four TBEV strains: Saringe-2009 (from a blood-fed nymph), JP-296 (from a questing adult male), JP-554 (from a questing adult male), and Mandal-2009 (from a pool of questing nymphs, n = 10). Mandal-2009 represents a TBEV genome from a natural focus in southern Norway. Saringe-2009 is from a natural endemic focus in northern Stockholm, Sweden, and JP-296 and JP-554 originate from a natural focus “Torö” in southern Stockholm. In addition, we have studied the effect of different biotic and abiotic factors on population dynamics of I. ricinus in southern Stockholm and observed significant spatiotemporal variations in tick activity patterns. Seasonal synchrony of immature stages and total tick abundance are important factors for the probability of horizontal transmission of TBEV among co-feeding ticks. We found that the probability of co-occurrence of larvae, nymphs, and female adults was highest during early summer whereas increasing vegetation height and increasing amounts of forest and open water around the study sites had a significant negative effect on co-occurrence of larvae, nymphs, and female adults. The proximal part of the 3 ́non-coding region (3 ́NCR) of TBEV contains an internal poly(A) tract, and genomic analysis of Saringe-2009 revealed variability in the poly(A) tract indicating the existence of different variants within the TBEV pool of Saringe-2009. Like other RNA viruses, TBEV exists as swarms of unique variants called quasispecies. Because Saringe-2009 came from an engorged nymph that had been feeding on blood for &gt;60 h, we propose that Saringe-2009 represents a putative shift in the TBEV pool when the virus switches from ectothermic/tick to endothermic/mammalian environments. We investigated the role of poly(A) tract variability in replication and virulence of TBEV by generating two infectious clones of the TBEV strain Toro-2003, one with a short/wild-type (A)3C(A)6 poly(A) tract and one with a long (A)3C(A)38 poly(A) tract. The infectious clone with the long poly(A) tract showed poor replication in cell culture but was more virulent in C57BL/6 mice than the wild-type clone. RNA folding predictions of the TBEV genomes suggested that insertion of a long poly(A) tract abolishes a stem loop structure at the beginning of the 3 ́NCR. Next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis of the TBEV genomes after passaging in cell culture and/or mouse brain revealed molecular determinants and quasispecies structure that might contribute to the observed differences in virulence. Our findings suggest that the long poly(A) tract imparts instability to the TBEV genome resulting in higher quasispecies diversity that in turn contributes to TBEV virulence. Phylogenetic analysis of Saringe-2009, JP-296, JP-554, and Mandal-2009 predicted a strong evolutionary relationship among the four strains. They clustered with Toro-2003, the first TBEV strain from Torö, demonstrating a Scandinavian clade. Except for the proximal part of the 3 ́NCR, TBEV is highly conserved in its genomic structure. Genomic analysis revealed that Mandal-2009 contains a truncated 3 ́NCR similar to the highly virulent strain Hypr, whereas JP-296 and JP-554 have a genomic organization identical to Toro-2003, the prototypic TBEV strain from the same natural focus. NGS revealed significantly higher quasispecies diversity for JP-296 and JP-554 compared to Mandal-2009. In addition, single nucleotide polymerphism (SNP) analysis showed that 40% of the SNPs were common between quasispecies populations of JP-296 and JP-554, indicating the persistence and maintenance of TBEV quasispecies within the natural focus. Taken together, these findings indicate the importance of environmental factors for the occurrence pattern of the different life-stages of the tick vector, which are important for the persistence of TBEV in nature. Our findings also show that the selection pressure exerted by specific host also affects the population structure of the TBEV quasispecies. In addition, our results further demonstrate that the evolution of quasispecies has effect on TBEV virulence in mice. / Vektorburna sjukdomar är ett växande globalt hot mot både människor och djur. De pågående klimatförändringarna kan leda till förhöjda risker för infektioner överförda av myggor, fästingar och andra leddjursvektorer. Ixodes ricinus är en vanlig fästing i Europa som överför fästingburna patogener som är farliga för människor. Fästingburen encefalit (TBE) är en vektorburen sjukdom som orsakas av TBE-virus (TBEV). De pågående klimatförändringarna har bidragit till en ökning både av vektorn och sjukdomsfrekvensen. Mellan 10 000 och 15 000 mänskliga TBE-fall rapporteras årligen i Europa och Asien. Den geografiska fördelningen av TBEV visar ett ojämnt fördelningsmönster där viruset är koncentrerat till vissa fokusområden. TBEV återfinns i naturen i en livscykel där viruset hela tiden överförs mellan fästingar och däggdjur. Spridningen sker dels från en infekterad fästing till ett ryggradsdjur när fästingen äter på värddjuret. Spridning mellan fästingar sker troligen främst genom så kallad “co-feeding”, det vill säga att flera fästingar suger blod samtidigt från samma värddjur. Viruset kan då passera från en infekterad fästing, genom värddjuret till oinfekterade fästingar. Virus kan identifieras och studeras med genetiska metoder. Det ökande antalet TBE-fall i Skandinavien styrker vikten av att hitta och karakterisera ytterligare TBEV-stammar och identifiera nya naturliga fokusområden. Vi har sekvenserat och fylogenetiskt beskrivit fyra TBEV-stammar: Saringe-2009 (blodfylld nymf), JP-296 (födosökande vuxen hane), JP-554 (födosökande vuxen hane) och Mandal-2009 (födosökande nymfer, n = 10). Mandal-2009 är ett TBEV från ett naturligt fokusområde i södra Norge. Saringe-2009 kommer från ett naturligt fokusområde i norra Stockholms län, Sverige. JP-296 och JP-554 härstammar från Torö som är ett naturligt fokusområde i södra Stockholms län, Sverige. Förutom den genetiska sekvenseringen av TBEV har vi också studerat effekten av olika biotiska och abiotiska faktorer på populationsdynamik av I. ricinus i södra Stockholm och observerade variation i fästingsaktivitetsmönster både temporalt och spatialt. Förekomstmönster av fästinglarver, nymfer och vuxna honor, och det totala antalet fästingar är viktiga faktorer för sannolikheten för horisontell överföring av TBEV mellan fästingar. Vi fann att sannolikheten för synkron förekomst av larver, nymfer och honor var högst under försommaren. Vegetationshöjd, mängden skog och mängd öppet vatten runt undersökningsområden hade signifikanta negativa effekter på sannolikheten för att larver, nymfer och honor skulle förekomma samtidigt. Den variabla delen av den icke-kodande 3 ́regionen (3'NCR) av TBEV-genomet innehåller ofta en intern poly(A)-sekvens. Liksom andra RNA-virus, förekommer TBEV som så kallade ”quasispecies” vilka definieras som grupper av olika genetiska varianter av virus. Genom analysen av TBEV-stam Saringe-2009 avslöjades variation i poly(A)-sekvensen vilket indikerar förekomst av ”quasispecies”. Eftersom Saringe-2009 kom från en blodfylld nymf som hade sugit blod i &gt; 60 timmar, föreslår vi att Saringe-2009 visar en förändring i ”quasispecies”-poolen när viruset överförs från exoterm fästingmiljö till endoterm däggdjursmiljö. Vi undersökte poly(A)-ekvensens variabilitet och dess roll vid replikering och för virulens hos TBEV, genom att skapa två infektiösa kloner av Torö-2003 stammen; en med en kort/vild-typ (A)3C(A)6 poly(A)-sekkvens, och en med en lång (A)3C(A)38 poly(A)-sekvens. Den infektiösa klonen med lång poly(A)-sekvens replikerade sämre än vildtypklonen i cellkultur, men (A)3C(A)38 poly(A) var mer virulent i C57BL/6-möss än (A)3C(A)6 poly(A). Datasimulering av TBEV-genomets sekundär-RNA-struktur visade att de längre poly(A)-sekvenserna påverkar veckningen av en specifik sekundärstruktur (SL14) i början av 3 ́NCR. Djupsekvenseringsanalys av TBEV-gnomen avslöjade skillnader för specifika gener och ”quasispecies”-strukturen efter passering i cellkultur och/eller mushjärna. Dessa förändringar föreslås bidra till de observerade skillnaderna i virulens. Våra resultat indikerar att den långa poly(A)-sekvensen ger instabilitet i TBEV-genomet, vilket resulterar i ökad mångfald av ”quasispecies”-populationen som i sin tur kan bidra till TBEV-virulens. Fylogenetisk analys av Saringe-2009, JP-296, JP-554 och Mandal-2009 visade på ett nära släktskap mellan de fyra skandinaviska TBEV-stammarna. De nya stammarna formerade ett kluster med en tidigare TBEV-stam identifierad på Torö (Toro-2003), vilket skapade ett skandinaviskt klad. Genetisk analys visade att Mandal-2009 innehåller en trunkerad 3 ́NCR som liknar den högvirulenta stammen HYPR. JP-296 och JP-554 hade däremot samma genetiska struktur som den längre Torö-2003 stammen från samma fokusområde. Djupsekvensering visade höge mångfald av ”quasispecies”-populationen för JP-296 och JP- 554 jämfört med Mandal-2009. Analys av enkel nukleotid polymorfism (SNP) visade att 40 % av alla SNP var gemensamma mellan ”quasispecies”-populationen för JP-296 och JP-554. Detta indikerar att TBEV-”quasispecies”-strukturen kan vara konserverad för närbesläktade virus vilken kan leda till att den bevaras inom specifika fokusområden. Sammantaget så visar dessa studier att miljöfaktorer påverkar förekomsten av fästingvektorn och dess olika livsstadier, vilket är en bakomliggande faktor för utbredning av TBEV i naturliga fokusområden. Det visar även på att värdmiljön påverkar strukturen för ”quasispecies”-populationen. Dessutom visar våra studier att evolution och utveckling av ”quasispecies”-strukturen kan påverka virulensen för TBEV i möss.

Interakce viru klíšťové encefalitidy s cytoskeletem hostitelských buněk

PRANČLOVÁ, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the role of host cytoskeleton, primarily microtubules and microfilaments, during tick-borne encephalitis virus infection in human neuroblastoma cell line SK-N-SH and tick cell line IRE/CTVM19. The importance of cytoskeletal integrity and dynamics to the viral replication cycle were examined using specific chemical inhibitors showing the virus utilizes studied structures in both cell lines. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed structural changes in the actin cytoskeleton during late infection in SK-N-SH cells. Moreover, differences in expression of cytoskeleton-associated genes in both cell lines were compared. Several genes with up-regulated expression in SK-N-SH cells were identified during late infection.

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