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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the structure of flow in an inclined settling column

Jaara, Fatimeh January 1988 (has links)
Although there have been useful developments in the theory of solid-liquid separation in inclined tubes, many assumptions and concepts have not been tested. In the present study the principal objective was to gain a clearer understanding of the settling mechanism through observation of the flow fields within a particle-free fluid layer which exists at the upper face of the bulk suspension and within the bulk suspension itself. Experimental investigations were carried out using glass beads in an aqueous glycerol solution. Preliminary tests in a vertical column showed that the relationship between the settling velocity Vc, and the solids concentration C could be described by Vc=A(1-C)n when n=4.66 In the subsequent work in an inclined column the flow field in the clear fluid channel and within the suspension core was studied for suspension under the concentration conditions Co = 0.1 and Co 0.2. Characteristics features (width, velocity and average flow) of the clear-fluid layer were measured and compared with existing theory. Generally it was shown that there is a fairly good agreement between theory and experiments especially at early stages of settling and away from the top interface. Particular attention was paid to mode of infiltration from the bulk suspension into the clear-fluid channel. Measurements of the concentration distribution along the settling column were carried out using an electro-conduct ivity technique from suspension. Fluid velocity was measured by a dye-tracer. From the data, it was seen that the fluid velocities within the suspension were exceedingly high, being roughly 10 times the buck settling velocity of the suspension. All the characteristics of the flow field within the clear-fluid channel indicate a change in behaviour between the upper and lower parts of the settling column and take place as if there was a form of rotation above and below a horizontal axis at the middle of the tube. Existing theory (PNK) was modified to take account of the height of the sediment layer at the bottom of the tube. This provided goodagreement with experimental data over the range of conditions studied, apart from the final stages of settlement.

Analysis of dielectric waveguide termination with a slightly tilted facet

Wu, Chao-chin 07 July 2004 (has links)
Utilizing the semiconductor processing technology, a large number of optical components can be integrated into a small area. It is of low cost and high reliability and can be massively produced. The PLC(planar light circuit) has become an important component with the opto-communication industry.In this thesis, we aim to study dielectric waveguide termination witha slightly tilted facet. A waveguide with normal termination in the air will have non-zero reflection coefficients due to the impedance difference at the core-air junction. To reduce the reflection of the fundamental mode, it is custom to terminate the waveguide with a small tilted angle. The angle is optimally chosen to avoid spurious scattering into high-order radiation modes.To analyze this problem, we employ the modal expansion method for both the reflected waves and the transmitted waves. We then analytically extend the waves and join the two fields on the bordering line by matching the fields and their normal derivatives. An incomplete transverse-mode integral equation (TMIE) is derived for the reflection and transmission coefficients. The incomplete TMIE is good for waveguide termination with small tilted angles. Our analysis show that for multi-mode 1-D slab waveguide (simulating the 1-D optical fiber), the fundamental mode reflection coefficient is about -28dB down. It gradually reduces to -60dB as we increase the tilt angle from around 8 degrees. The result agrees well with those calculate from frequency-domain finite-difference method.

H I line profiles of galaxies: tilted ring models

Nelson, Erica 08 May 2008 (has links)
Two-dimensional information on the kinematics and spatial distribution of gas in spiral galaxies is encoded in radio observations of their one-dimensional 21-cm neutral hydrogen (HI) line profiles. More than ten thousand HI profiles have been published and are publicly available. In order to explore the parameter space mapped out by the 21-cm neutral hydrogen line pro file, we have modified and run a FORTRAN-based computer simulation code. We have identified 7 control parameters that define the morphology of the modelled galaxy: they describe the neutral hydrogen gas distribution (density and spatial location of the gas), characteristics of its rotation curve, warps, asymmetries, and finally, the viewing angle. All except the last of these parameters tell us significant physical information about the galaxy but a determination of them is not immediately apparent from the two-dimensional 21-cm line profile. Hence, the goal of this exploration is to find meaningful correlations between the observed 21-cm line profile features and the underlying physical parameters.


Aydt, Wayne 01 May 2018 (has links)
Accessibility to clean water which is necessary for a healthy lifestyle is a problem that spans the globe. Many societies that lack clean water are also without the energy resources such as electricity or gas that are used for purification. This project is on the development of a solar powered water purification system with Phase Change Material (PCM) energy storage and experimental studies on the system. Water distillation was achieved and analyses were performed on the effects of weather conditions on the distillate production. Solar systems are affected by limited sunshine which occurs only during daylight hours. A second part of the research involved adding a PCM heat exchanger to the system to extend distillation beyond the daylight hours. The analyses evaluated distillate production against outdoor conditions such as temperature, wind speed, and use of the PCM heat exchanger, to determine how they affect the performance of the system. Results show that increased outdoor temperature and clear atmospheric conditions yield greater distillate production. The effects of wind speed were less conclusive. Use of the PCM heat exchanger shifted production to later in the day, but overall, resulted in lower daily production than when the heat exchanger was bypassed. The most definite indicator of distillate production was the temperature differential between the water entering the still and the outdoor temperature.

The Liquid Sensor Using Shear-Mode Thin Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator with AlN Films

Yang, Chun-hung 15 August 2011 (has links)
Shear-mode thin film bulk acoustic resonator (TFBAR) devices with c-axis tilted AlN films are fabricated for the application of liquid sensors. To fabricate shear-mode TFBAR devices, the off-axis RF magnetron sputtering method for the growth of piezoelectric AlN thin films is adopted and influences of the relative distance and the sputtering parameters are investigated. The shrar-mode phenomenon of a TFBAR results from the tilted crystalline orientation of AlN thin films. In this thesis, the AlN thin films are deposited with tilting angles of 15¢X and 23¢X, set by controlling the deposition parameters. The properties of the AlN thin films are investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The frequency response is measured using an HP8720 network analyzer and a CASCADE probe station. The frequency response of the TFBAR device with 23¢X tilted AlN thin film is measured to reveal its ability to provide shear-mode resonance. The resonance frequencies of the longitudinal and shear modes are 2.07 GHz and 1.17 GHz, respectively. To investigate the sensing characteristics of TFBAR, two basic experiments of mass and liquid loading are carried out. The sensitivities of the longitudinal and shear modes to mass loading are calculated to be 2295 Hz cm2/ng and 1363 Hz cm2/ng with the mechanical quality factors of 588 and 337, respectively. However, the mechanical quality factors of the longitudinal mode of TFBAR without and with a liquid loading decreased from 588 to 0, whereas those remain almost the same for the shear mode under liquid loading. The sensitivities of the longitudinal and shear modes are calculated to be 0 and 17.88 Hz cm2/£gg for liquid loading.

Study of Liquid Sensor Using Dual-Mode ZnO Thin-Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator (TFBAR)

Jiang, Jia-Ming 30 August 2011 (has links)
A novel liquid sensor is designed and fabricated by using thin film bulk acoustic resonator (TFBAR) devices with c-axis 23¢X-tilted ZnO films. To fabricate TFBAR devices, the off-axis RF magnetron sputtering method for the growth of piezoelectric ZnO thin films is adopted. The influences of the relative distance and sputtering parameters are investigated. In this report, the piezoelectric ZnO thin films with tilting angle of 23¢X are set by controlling the deposition parameters. The properties of the c-axis 23¢X-tilted ZnO thin films are investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The frequency response is measured using an HP8720 network analyzer with a CASCADE probe station. The TFBAR devices with 23¢X-tilted ZnO thin films display shear and longitudinal resonant modes at 752.75 MHz and 1.70 GHz, respectively. The mechanical quality factors (QL for longitude mode and QS for shear mode) are thus the important parameters of dual-mode TFBAR devices used in liquid environments. QL decreased from 545 to 0 upon in liquid loading, whereas QS remained almost unchanged at 296 in all environments. Moreover, the sensitivity of the shear mode to liquid loading is calculated to be 13 Hz cm2/£gg.

Study of the effect of the antiangiogenic factor 16K hPRL on tumor growth and metastasis and identification of new antiangiogenic peptides/Etude de l'effet antiangiogène de la prolactine 16K sur la progression tumorale et métastatique et identification de nouveaux peptides antiangiogènes.

Nguyen, Ngoc-Quynh-Nhu 26 October 2006 (has links)
Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, is a crucial step in many pathologies, including tumor growth and metastasis. We developed an adenovirus vector allowing the 16K hPRL expression, an antiangiogenic factor, in situ. We show 16K hPRL inhibits oxygen-induced retinopathy in mice. Then, using the 16K-Ad vector, we investigated the ability of 16K hPRL to prevent metastatic spread through inhibition of angiogenesis. We show that 16K hPRL administered via adenovirus-mediated gene transfer inhibits tumor growth in a subcutaneous B16-F10 mouse melanoma model by reducing the size and width of tumor vessels. We also show, for the first time, that 16K hPRL considerably reduces the establishment of B16-F10 metastases in an experimental lung metastasis model. These results highlight a potential role for 16K hPRL in anticancer therapy for both primary tumors and metastases. In parallel, we have sought to identify in human 16K PRL (16K hPRL) a peptide that might be responsible for its antiangiogenic activity. Although the 16K fragments of the other three human PRL/GH-family members are also potently antiangiogenic, the sequence similarity of these fragments is low (around 35% similarity between all mammalian PRL/GH sequences). This led us to seek a peculiar common structural feature rather than a similar sequence. We demonstrate that all these fragments possess a 14-amino-acid sequence having the characteristics of a tilted peptide. We show for the first time that tilted peptides exert antiangiogenic activity. The tilted peptides of hPRL and hGH induce endothelial cell apoptosis, inhibit endothelial cell proliferation, and inhibit capillary formation both in vitro and in vivo. These antiangiogenic effects are abolished when the peptides hydrophobicity gradient is altered by mutation. We further demonstrate for the first time that the well-known tilted peptides of SIV gp32 and Alzheimers beta-amyloid peptide are also angiogenesis inhibitors. Taken together these results point to a potential new role for tilted peptides in regulating angiogenesis. Langiogenèse, la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux à partir de vaisseaux préexistants, joue un rôle important dans de nombreuses pathologies incluant la croissance tumorale et la dissémination des métastases. Nous avons développé un vecteur adénoviral (16K-Ad) nous permettant de produire le facteur antiangiogène hPRL 16K directement in situ. Une première analyse permettant détudier les effets de la hPRL 16K produite par lapproche adénovirale a été réalisée in vivo. Nous montrons tout dabord que la hPRL 16K produite est capable de prévenir la néovascularisation rétinienne dans un modèle murin de rétinopathie. Par la suite, en utilisant le vecteur 16K-Ad, nous montrons que la hPRL 16K peut inhiber le développement tumoral dans un modèle murin développant des tumeurs formées par les cellules de mélanome B16-F10 dans le tissu sous-cutané. Cette inhibition de la croissance tumorale est corrélée avec une diminution de la taille des vaisseaux. Nous montrons aussi, pour la première fois, que la hPRL 16K peut considérablement réduire létablissement des métastases B16-F10 dans un modèle expérimental de métastases se développant dans le poumon. Ces résultats soulignent le rôle potentiel de la hPRL 16K dans la thérapie anticancéreuse dirigée contre les tumeurs primaires et les métastases. Parallèlement à ces travaux, nous nous sommes attachés à identifier une région responsable de lactivité de la hPRL 16K. Partant du fait que les fragments 16K des trois autres membres de la famille humaine PRL/GH sont aussi de puissants facteurs antiangiogènes, malgré que leur similarité de séquence soit faible (environ 35% de similarité entre les séquences de la PRL et de la GH), nous avons recherché une caractéristique structurale commune partagée par ces différents fragments. Nous avons identifié un domaine susceptible d'adopter une structure en peptide oblique dans les séquences protéiques des fragments de 16 kDa de la famille PRL/GH. Leffet antiangiogène des peptides obliques de la hPRL 16K et de la hGH 16K est montré dans des expériences menées in vitro et in vivo. Nous montrons également leffet antiangiogène des peptides obliques du peptide de fusion gp 32 du virus SIV et du peptide b-amyloïde.

H I Line Profiles of Galaxies: Tilted Ring Models

Nelson, Erica 08 May 2008 (has links)
Two-dimensional information on the kinematics and spatial distribution of gas in spiral galaxies is encoded in radio observations of their one-dimensional 21-cm neutral hydrogen (HI) line profiles. More than ten thousand HI profiles have been published and are publicly available. In order to explore the parameter space mapped out by the 21-cm neutral hydrogen line pro file, we have modified and run a FORTRAN-based computer simulation code. We have identified 7 control parameters that define the morphology of the modelled galaxy: they describe the neutral hydrogen gas distribution (density and spatial location of the gas), characteristics of its rotation curve, warps, asymmetries, and finally, the viewing angle. All except the last of these parameters tell us significant physical information about the galaxy but a determination of them is not immediately apparent from the two-dimensional 21-cm line profile. Hence, the goal of this exploration is to find meaningful correlations between the observed 21-cm line profile features and the underlying physical parameters.

Indium Nitride Surface Structure, Desorption Kinetics and Thermal Stability

Acharya, Ananta R 12 August 2013 (has links)
Unique physical properties such as small effective mass, high electron drift velocities, high electron mobility and small band gap energy make InN a candidate for applications in high-speed microelectronic and optoelectronic devices. The aim of this research is to understand the surface properties, desorption kinetics and thermal stability of InN epilayers that affect the growth processes and determine film quality as well as device performance and life time. We have investigated the structural properties, the surface desorption kinetics, and the thermal stability using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), x-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS), and temperature programmed desorption (TPD). Investigations on high pressure chemical vapor deposition (HPCVD)-grown InN samples revealed the presence of tilted crystallites, which were attributed to high group V/III flux ratio and lattice mismatch. A study of the thermal stability of HPCVD-grown InN epilayers revealed that the activation energy for nitrogen desorption was 1.6±0.2 eV, independent of the group V/III flux ratio. Initial investigations on the ternary alloy In0.96Ga0.04N showed single-phase, N-polar epilayers using XRD and HREELS, while a thermal desorption study revealed an activation energy for nitrogen desorption of 1.14 ± 0.06 eV. HREELS investigations of atomic layer epitaxy (ALE)-grown InN revealed vibrational modes assigned to N-N vibrations. The atomic hydrogen cleaned InN surface also exhibited modes assigned to surface N-H without showing In-H species, which indicated N-polar InN. Complete desorption of hydrogen from the InN surface was best described by the first-order desorption kinetics with an activation energy of 0.88 ± 0.06 eV and pre-exponential factor of (1.5 ± 0.5) ×105 s-1. Overall, we have used a number of techniques to characterize the structure, surface bonding configuration, thermal stability and hydrogen desorption kinetics of InN and In0.96Ga0.04N epilayers grown by HPCVD and ALE. High group V/III precursors ratio and lattice mismatch have a crucial influence on the film orientation. The effects of hydrogen on the decomposition add to the wide variation in the activation energy of nitrogen desorption. Presence of surface defects lowers the activation energy for hydrogen desorption from the surface.

Computational Study of Transverse Peltier Coolers

Ali, Syed Ashraf 23 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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