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The Rhetoric of Pravda Editorials : A Diachronic Study of a Political GenrePöppel, Ludmila January 2007 (has links)
The present study considers the diachronic changes that took place in Soviet political discourse as reflected in six selections of Pravda editorials from the 1920s through the 1950s, as well as slogans and headlines in that newspaper from 1917 through 1933. The principal goal of analyses conducted on various levels is to identify and investigate a number of tendencies demonstrating the gradual transformation of the language of revolution into totalitarian language. A quantitative analysis of the vocabulary of slogans and headlines in Chapter 2 focuses on chronological changes in words and addresses the contexts in which they were used. The same material is used in a review of the polarization of vocabulary in positive and negative contexts. Chapters 3-6 are devoted to a qualitative analysis of editorial texts on three levels: lexical rhetorical means (Chapter 3), semantically charged elements of argumentation (Chapter 4), and the overall composition of the text (Chapter 5). Chapter 6 concludes the study with an illustration of the devices considered in Chapters 3-5 based on two editorials, one each from the revolutionary and totalitarian periods. The analysis identifies a number of stable elements present throughout the period under study, such as the self – other opposition and references to the classics of Marxism-Leninism. At the same time, noted on all levels are changes illustrating the process by which the language of revolution was gradually transformed into totalitarian language. These include the disappearance from rhetoric of emotionality, imagery, and elements of logic, as well as stylistic leveling and an increase in the frequent repetition of the same conclusions and clichés.
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Jazyk nacionálně-socialistické propagandy v lužickosrbském tisku 30. let / The language of Nazi propaganda in the Sorbian press of the 1930sTomčík, Stanislav January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of nazi ideology on language in the Sorbian press of the 1930s. The predominantly Upper Sorbian material presents lexemes that were associated with the terminology of the nazi regime. While some lexemes have persisted in the language and have not changed their form ever since, others are completely forgotten. Furthermore, some ideologemes of nazi propaganda and their adaptation in the Sorbian environment are presented. In particular, the areas of identity are unique to the Sorbian context, as they shift the meanings contained in the official conception of ideology. Furthermore literature which was published on the pages of the Sorbianpress is presented as a specific area where the language influenced by nazi ideology has penetrated. Key words: Sorbian press, Upper Sorbian, totalitarian language, propaganda, identity, ideology
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Jak jazyk ovládá mysl: Obsahová kvantitativní analýza rétoriky hnutí ANO, SPD a IvČRN ve vztahu k totalitnímu jazyku Třetí říše / How Language Possess Mind - Quantitative Content Analysis of the Rhetoric of ANO, SPD and IvČRN Political Movements in Relation to Totalitarian Language of the Third ReichLigas, Aleš January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of the European Migration Crisis in 2015 on the number of uses of selected features of totalitarian language in the rhetoric of ANO movement chairman Andrej Babiš, SPD chairman Tomia Okamura and IvČRN initiative leader Martin Konvička. This work aims to use new quantitative methods to examine over time the frequency and structure of the characters used in totalitarian language based on the concept of politics of eternity of the American historian Timothy Snyder. The occurrence of signs of totalitarian language was monitored on the social network Facebook in the period 2013-2017. The results of the analysis show an increase in the use of features of the totalitarian language with the onset of the migration crisis. In the end, a comparison of the monitored political actors and a contextual interpretation of the findings is given.
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Jazyk a propaganda v časopisu Mladý svět do roku 1989 / Language nad Propaganda in Mladý Svět Magazine until 1989Mrzenová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
Our diploma thesis was concerned with language and propaganda in Mladý svět weekly to 1989. The objective of our work was not only a complex text analysis but also analysis of linguistic devices in terms of propaganda. The task was to analyse linguistic devices of selected text corpuses, specifically always of the introductory spread of the first issue in that particular year from 1959 to 1989. The objective was to find those linguistic devices that were being used in propaganda, sort them according to specific linguistic areas, point out myths that the propaganda created and show how propaganda used language to influence the recipient. Our work consists of a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with the overall historical context of censorship functioning in years 1959-1989. Later on, it gives an overview of the young and children's magazines market. In the next chapter, we give general characteristics of propaganda based on specialized publications. One chapter deals with the way the young perceived propaganda. The last chapter involves the language and propaganda, which also draws from specialized publications. We deal with the language of newspaper reporting and linguistic devices, which the propaganda may have used; methods of influencing the recipient; and using...
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Proces jako divadlo - Proces s Miladou Horákovou a jeho literární a divadelní podoby / Trial as a Theatre - Milada Horáková Trial and its Literary and Theatre AdaptationsKonvalinková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the theatricality of Milada Horáková and company trial and its theatrical reflections. In this thesis, the political trial is regarded as an ideological fiction on the grounds of the ritual and theatrical character. The dramas, which are inspired with this trial, are interpreted in the following chapters. First of them, it deals with Pařeniště by E. F. Burian in the context of the socialist realism, which was put on the stage in a short time after this trial. It paid attention to re-putting on the stage in 2008 as well. The last part of this thesis deals with contemporary productions, which are inspired with this trial (Horáková, Gottwald by Karel Steigerwald and opera Tomorrow will... by Aleš Březina and Jiří Nekvasil), which depict absurdity and bizzare atmosphere of this trial.
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Od lingvistických anomálií k subverzi moci: Narušování jazyka moci a vyjádření vykořeněnosti skrze střídání a míšení jazyků v literatuře / From Linguistic Aberration to the Subversion of Power: Literary Code-switching and Code-mixing as Tools for Upsetting the Language of Power and Expressing ExpatriationZelenková, Alena January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores literary code-switching, i.e. multilingual aspects within a single speech, as a key polyphonic structural element in the selected works. First, it analyzes Gloria Anzaldúa's Borderlands: The New Mestiza = La Frontera (1987) as a work, where the author seeks to establish a literary tradition that would reflect the life in borderlands and the given community through a new language. Secondly, the language of photography and multilingual speech patterns in W. G. Sebald's The Emigrants (1992) are considered as vital elements of the authenticity play. The following chapter deals with Franz Kafka's short stories, where gestures form an essential part of, if not the whole stories, and determine the fragmentary nature of such writing. Finally, the importance of language of power, the discourse of social realism altogether with their emergence into private and intimate discussions through repetitions and variations is commented upon in Václav Havel's play The Garden Party (1963).
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K Bedřichu Brenskemu a "jazyku zla": řeč nacistické totality jako charakterizační prostředek v Lustigově novele Modlitba pro Kateřinu Horovitzovou / Bedřich Brenske and "the language of evil": Nazi totalitarian discourse as means of characterization in Arnošt Lustig's novella A Prayer for Kateřina HorovitzováGráfová, Sarah Jane January 2017 (has links)
The present master's thesis undertakes to provide a comparative study of authentic and literary nazi discourse. It takes up the thread of research already carried out into the concept of original nazi language, projects existing observations on that phenomenon onto a work of Czech fine literature and examines the possibility of the drawing of parallels between authentic nazi discourse and its recreation in fiction. The method selected for the purpose is one of study and collation of the features and devices of original nazi language as described in existing linguistic and philological commentaries in parallel with a detailed analysis of the discourse of Bedřich Brenske, the prime nazi protagonist in Arnošt Lustig's novella A Prayer for Katerina Horovitzova (1964). The main focus throughout is on lexical and semantic aspects and their roles in the process of psychological manipulation; the analysis of the fictional text also casts light upon certain extralinguistic and paralinguistic aspects of Brenske's communication that are revealed to the reader through the narrator discourse. Consideration of Brenske's direct speech in the light of the original discourse of the Third Reich reveals a high degree of correspondence between the two, both on the fundamental level of linguistic features and in terms...
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