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商標權侵害行為刑事責任之研究 —以「混淆誤認之虞」的解釋為中心 / Research on criminal liability of trademark right infringement-focusing on the Interpretation of "Likelihood of Confusion"侯羽欣, Hou, Yu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
然而,綜觀我國商標法刑事責任的條文,不僅條文內容多為不確定法律概念,與我國商標法民事侵權責任之條文內容幾近相同。民事責任和刑事責任於其本質上大有不同,基於刑罰手段的嚴厲性,對於人民權利的侵害程度非民事責任所能比擬,故有刑法最後手段性原則的出現,但是,我國現行商標法的民事侵權責任和刑罰規範內容幾近相同,則似有違刑法的謙抑性,因此,似有重新對我國現行商標刑罰條文重新檢視之必要,而探究刑法存在的目的,現行多數見解認為是刑法法益,故將探究商標法的保護法益為何,再從確立的法益重新解釋商標刑罰的條文,又商標法第95條為最典型和最原始的仿冒商標行為規範,因此,將專注於商標法第95條的檢討和反思。 / Since ancient times, people have had the habit of using marks, yet the beginning of the use of the mark has been hard to verify. In addition, the use of trademark has important meaning for the modern society. Without trademark, the economic market would be hard to operate. Consumers would not be able to distinguish one product from another, let alone buying the product. As for producers, they would lack the motivation to promote the quality of the product. It might not only stop the operation of the economic market, but also lead to the collapse of the economic competition mechanism. In light of the importance of the trademark, most of the countries signed international treaties, made relevant norms to protect trademarks and formulated civil and criminal liability for counterfeiting trademarks. Originally, there was only civil liability in our trademark law, however, due to the international situation of that time and the needs of the international treaties, our trademark law has brought in criminal punishment for counterfeiting trademarks and selling counterfeit goods. After several amendments to the trademark law, our trademark penalty is mainly based on the view of consumers to determine whether the conduct is found guilty, that is, by using the concept of " the likelihood of confusion" as the threshold of the establishment of the trademark criminal liability. Apart from that, our trademark penalties also require the use of trademark and the subjective elements.
However, if we look through our trademark penalties, there are full of uncertain legal concepts, and the content of the provision is same as the trademark civil liability. But there is great difference between the nature of the civil liability and criminal liability, so it is necessary to review our trademark penalty again, and from the view of Rechtsgut. Therefore, after defining the Rechtsgut of our trademark penalty, I would reinterpret Article 95 of the trademark law from the point of view of Rechtsgut, as Article 95 is the typical and the original norms for the conduct of counterfeiting trademarks.
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