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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of profile relief on narrow face width parallel axis gears

Palmer, David January 1999 (has links)
The well established practice of applying tip and/or root relief to the teeth of low contact ratio spur gears is reviewed. Results are presented for the experimental validation of a systematic design method for profile relief that depends critically on how far the relief extends along the path of contact. This method has proved to be effective in controlling gear vibration and noise. A good correlation between static transmission error, dynamic transmission error and sound pressure level was found. This allows design rules to be formulated which can be applied to achieve the minimum vibration and noise levels at a given operating load. A computer program was also developed that allows the introduction of measured gear tooth profiles from an involute tester, to predict the static transmission error curves and thus give an indication of gear quality as regards vibration and noise levels for any given simulated operating load or load range. The computer program was extended to take into consideration the more complex geometry of helical gears using the 'Thin Slice' theory. This allows the prediction of the effects of lead crowning, misalignment, pitch errors and various profile reliefs including relief coined "cross relief", where the relief is applied parallel to the base helix angle. An optimisation routine was included in the computer program that systematically varies the extent of profile relief and amount of lead crowning to minimise transmission error. Since the amount of required profile relief is concomitant with extent of relief and amount of lead crowning (load remaining constant), the program iterates to find the correct amount of profile relief to avoid undesirable comer/tip contact. This new approach has facilitated the generalisation of the effects of profile relief on transmission error for a whole range of typical axial and transverse contact ratios for narrow face width helical gears, previous analyses concentrating on specific designs. Results are also presented for the experimental validation of predicted static transmission error in helical gears. A good correlation between static transmission error, dynamic transmission error and sound pressure level was found as in the spur gear analysis.

An Investigation of Positive Engagement, Continuously Variable Transmissions

Dalling, Ryan R. 07 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
A Positive Engagement, Continuously Variable Transmission (PECVT) allows for a continuously variable transmission ratio over a given range using positively engaged members, such as gear teeth, to transmit torque. This research is an investigation of PECVTs to establish a classification system and governing principles that must be satisfied for an embodiment to overcome the non-integer tooth problem. Results of an external patent search are given as examples of different concepts and PECVT embodiments that have been employed to negate the effects of the non-integer tooth problem. To classify all published and unpublished PECVT embodiments, a classification system is developed, based on how particular PECVT embodiments overcome the non-integer tooth problem. Two classes of PECVTs are defined: 1) the problem correction class and 2) the alternate device class. General principles that must be satisfied for a promising PECVT embodiment to exist in each class of PECVTs are also developed. These principles, along with the classification system, are the major contribution of this research. The principles describe what an embodiment in each of the PECVT classes must accomplish to negate the effects of the non-integer tooth problem. A product development phase integrated with TRIZ methodology is implemented to generate several concepts that satisfy the newly developed general principles and the product specifications that were also created. A screening and scoring process is used to eliminate less promising concepts and to find the most viable PECVT embodiment. An embodiment that only operates at preferred transmission ratios, where no meshing problems exist, proves to be the most promising concept based on the results of this methodology. The embodiment also utilizes cams and a differential device to provide the needed correction to the orientation of the driving members when misalignment occurs. This misalignment only occurs while transitioning between preferred operating ratios. A case study of the final embodiment developed by Vernier Moon Technologies and Brigham Young University is presented and analyzed to show how the final concepts ensure proper engagement without the effects of the non-integer tooth problem. The final embodiment is not the optimal solution but represents a conceptual design of an embodiment that satisfies the governing principles. The classification system and the governing principles that have been established are valid for all PECVT embodiments and will be valuable in future research. Future work yet to be conducted for this research, including an involutometry analysis, is discussed as well as other recommendations.

Úloha energetického matebolismu při odchylce od Mendelovské dědičnosti v případě t-haplotypu u myší / The Role of Energetic Metabolism in the t-haplotype Transmission ratio distortion

Marvanová, Hana January 2017 (has links)
When two alleles carried by a heterozygote are transmitted unequally to the zygote at the time of fertilization, transmission ratio distortion occurs. The best studied example of this phenomenon in mammals is t-haplotype in mice. The mouse t-haplotype is a selfish variant region on chromosome 17, in nature transmitted as a unit. Male mice homozygous for t haplotype are sterile, but heterozygotes transmit the t haplotype up to 99% of their progeny. This is believed to be caused by motility differences between sperm carrying the t haplotype and wild-type sperm from the same heterozygous male. The concrete mechanism of the postulated sperm competition in favour of t haplotype carrying sperm was so far not fully illuminated. During this project, we worked with the hypothesis that the differences in sperm motility putatively responsible for transmission ratio distortion are triggered, at least in part, by metabolic causes. Our results from ATP and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) comparison indeed suggest that there are metabolic dissimilarities in sperm from the different genotypes of t (t/t, t/+, +/+). Specifically, our data show that there is significantly less ATP in t/t sperm when compared to the other two genotypes. Likewise, sperm from t/t mice also seem to have lower MMP, suggesting that...

The genetic basis of incipient speciation in <em>Arabidopsis lyrata</em>

Leppälä, J. (Johanna) 25 January 2011 (has links)
Abstract The study of speciation has been an area of primary interest in evolutionary biology from Darwin to the present day. Understanding the processes that give rise to new species requires knowledge on how reproductive isolation develops between diverging populations. An irreversible and therefore important component of reproductive isolation is intrinsic postzygotic isolation. Postzygotic incompatibilities often manifest themselves through hybrid inviability or sterility, and distort allelic transmission ratios in hybrid progenies. The genetic basis of such incompatibilities has often been found to be negative interactions between two or more loci, also known as Bateson-Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities. During the last decade some genes involved in this type of incompatibilities have been identified, but especially in plants our knowledge remains scarce. In this thesis I examined whether intrinsic postzygotic isolation had developed between allopatric populations of a perennial, outcrossing plant; Arabidopsis lyrata. The studied populations of A. lyrata were found to be genetically highly differentiated. In F2 progenies of crosses between populations many molecular markers reveal non-Mendelian genotype ratios, that is, show transmission ratio distortion (TRD). By contrast, TRD was found to be nearly absent in progenies of within population crosses. The degree of TRD clearly increased with genetic distance between the crossed populations, and origin for TRD was often in F1 gamete formation, instead of F2 zygotic level. The genetic basis of TRD appeared due to interactions between nuclear loci, and between nuclear and cytoplasmic factors. In addition to transmission ratio distortion, reduced male fertility and cytoplasmic male sterility was found in the F2 hybrids between A. lyrata subspecies petraea and lyrata. Quantitative trait loci for reduced male fertility were polymorphic within populations, and dependent on cytoplasm. Thus, the findings in this thesis underline the role of cytonuclear interactions, and the possibility of development of genic incompatibilities through genomic conflicts due to divergence likely unrelated to local adaptation. / Tiivistelmä Lajiutumistutkimus on ollut yksi evoluutiobiologian suurimmista kiinnostuksen kohteista Darwinin ajoista nykypäivään. Jotta voisimme ymmärtää uusien lajien syntymiseen johtavia prosesseja, on ensin ymmärrettävä, miten lisääntymisisolaatio kehittyy erilaistuvien populaatioiden välille. Lajien välisten risteytysten jälkeläiset ovat usein steriilejä tai elinkyvyttömiä. Tämä perustuu kahden erilaistuneen populaation perimän yhteensopimattomuuteen. Tällaiset sisäsyntyiset hedelmöityksen jälkeiset yhteensopimattomuudet ovat tärkeä osa lisääntymisisolaatiota, sillä ne ovat peruuttamattomia. Ne aiheuttavat vääristymiä genotyyppien lukusuhteissa risteytysjälkeläistöissä. Posttsygoottisen yhteensopimattomuuden taustalla on usein kahden tai useamman geenilokuksen välinen negatiivinen interaktio, jota kutsutaan myös Bateson-Dobzhansky-Muller -inkompatibiliteetiksi. Viime vuosikymmenen aikana on tunnistettu muutamia geenejä, jotka ovat mukana negatiivisissa interaktioissa, mutta kasveista tietoa geneettisistä tekijöistä on vielä vähän. Väitöstutkimuksessa selvitettiin onko geneettisiä posttsygoottisia yhteensopimattomuuksia kehittynyt kasvilajin sisällä (Arabidopsis lyrata) allopatristen populaatioiden välille. Tutkitut kasvipopulaatiot olivat geneettisesti hyvin erilaistuneita. Näiden populaatioiden välisten jälkeläistöjen genotyypeissä havaittiin yleisesti paljon mendelistisistä lukusuhteista poikkeavia lukusuhteita. Genotyyppejä tarkasteltiin myös populaation sisäisissä risteytyksissä, joiden jälkeläistöissä periytyminen oli lähes mendelististä. Väitöstutkimuksessa havaittiin, että mitä geneettisesti erilaisemmat populaatiot risteytettiin, sitä suurempi oli ei-mendelistisen periytymisen osuus. Tutkimukset osoittivat lukusuhteiden vääristyvän jo F1-hybridin tuottaessa sukupuolisoluja, eikä niinkään muodostuneissa uusissa F2-tsygooteissa. Taustalla olevien geneettisten yhteensopimattomuuksien havaittiin vaikuttavan tuman geenien välillä, mutta myös tuman ja soluliman geneettisten tekijöiden välillä. Mendelistisistä lukusuhteista poikkeamisen lisäksi tutkimuksessa havaittiin siitepölyn alentunut elinkyky ja solulimaan liittyvä koirassteriliteetti F2-jälkeläistössä A. lyrata alalajien petraea ja lyrata välillä. Lokukset, jotka vaikuttivat siitepölyn alentuneeseen elinkykyyn, olivat polymorfisia populaatioiden sisällä ja vuorovaikutuksessa soluliman geneettisten tekijöiden kanssa. Nämä tutkimustulokset korostavat tuman ja soluliman geenien vuorovaikutuksen tärkeyttä lajien välisten lisääntymisesteiden synnyssä. Ne myös osoittavat, että yhteensopimattomuus voi kehittyä mahdollisesti ilman luonnonvalinnan vaikutusta.

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