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Dimensionamento otimizado de canal trapezoidal pelo critério de custo global. / Optimum design of trapezoidal channels by the criterion of overall cost.Ortega, Thiago Borges 19 July 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um modelo matemático de suporte à decisão para projeto de canais com seção trapezoidal, cujo regime de escoamento seja do tipo unidimensional, fluvial e permanente, para terrenos naturais. A seção é otimizada pelo critério de custo global, composto pelos custos de implantação (motorização, escavação, aterro, revestimento) e manutenção (conservação e operação, contabilizada através da perda de energia). A determinação da seção ótima foi feita por algoritmo de programação não linear. As variáveis analisadas foram o revestimento (custo, espessura, coeficiente de Manning), a vazão, a declividade de fundo do canal, a vida útil, taxa de juros, seções topográficas (com horizontes geotécnicos), e o resultado contempla a largura de fundo e consequentemente a altura da seção. / This work presents a decision support mathematical model for design of trapezoidal sections channel, for the case of one-dimensional, subcritical, steady and open-channel flow. The section is optimized by the criterion of total cost, composed by the costs of implementation (engine, excavation, landfill, lining) and maintenance (conservation and operation, accounted for by the loss of energy). The determination of optimum section was performed by nonlinear programming algorithm. The variables analyzed were the lining (cost, thickness, Mannings coefficient), flow, the channel bottoms slope, the project lifetime, interest rates, topographic sections (including geotechnical data), and the result includes the width and consequently the height of the section.
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Dimensionamento otimizado de canal trapezoidal pelo critério de custo global. / Optimum design of trapezoidal channels by the criterion of overall cost.Thiago Borges Ortega 19 July 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um modelo matemático de suporte à decisão para projeto de canais com seção trapezoidal, cujo regime de escoamento seja do tipo unidimensional, fluvial e permanente, para terrenos naturais. A seção é otimizada pelo critério de custo global, composto pelos custos de implantação (motorização, escavação, aterro, revestimento) e manutenção (conservação e operação, contabilizada através da perda de energia). A determinação da seção ótima foi feita por algoritmo de programação não linear. As variáveis analisadas foram o revestimento (custo, espessura, coeficiente de Manning), a vazão, a declividade de fundo do canal, a vida útil, taxa de juros, seções topográficas (com horizontes geotécnicos), e o resultado contempla a largura de fundo e consequentemente a altura da seção. / This work presents a decision support mathematical model for design of trapezoidal sections channel, for the case of one-dimensional, subcritical, steady and open-channel flow. The section is optimized by the criterion of total cost, composed by the costs of implementation (engine, excavation, landfill, lining) and maintenance (conservation and operation, accounted for by the loss of energy). The determination of optimum section was performed by nonlinear programming algorithm. The variables analyzed were the lining (cost, thickness, Mannings coefficient), flow, the channel bottoms slope, the project lifetime, interest rates, topographic sections (including geotechnical data), and the result includes the width and consequently the height of the section.
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Turbulent heat transfer in a trapezoidal channel with transverse and v-shaped ribs on two opposite wallsSubramanian, Karthik 12 April 2006 (has links)
This study investigates the turbulent heat transfer and friction in a trapezoidal
channel with opposite walls roughened with transverse and v-shaped ribs. The
roughened channel depicts the internal cooling passage of an aerofoil near the trailing
edge. The various configurations investigated for this study are smooth channel, channel
with 90° transverse ribs and channel with v-shaped ribs angled at 45°. The pitch-toheight
ratio (P/e), rib height-to-hydraulic diameter ratio (e/Dh) and the aspect ratio (W/e)
were maintained at 12, 0.1906 and 1, respectively. The configuration was tested for
Reynolds number ranging from 7,000 to 40,000. The 45° rib was found to produce the
maximum heat transfer and minimum pressure loss.
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Painel sanduíche com núcleo corrugado de partículas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e resina PU-mamona / Sandwich panel with corrugated core of sugarcane bagasse and PU-castor resinPozzer, Thales Favoretto 08 January 2019 (has links)
Atualmente existe uma nova tendência na área da construção civil que visa a utilização de materiais com baixo impacto ambiental e sistemas construtivos que utilizem estruturas leves. Neste contexto, os painéis sanduíche vêm conquistando espaço por ser um material que permite conciliar alta resistência mecânica, isolamento térmico e baixo peso. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o desempenho físico e mecânico de painéis de partículas no formato sanduíche, constituídos de duas faces planas e núcleo corrugado, ambos de partículas bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e resina poliuretana bicomponente à base de óleo de mamona (PU mamona). O material produzido foi caracterizado por meio da determinação das propriedades densidade aparente, inchamento em espessura, módulo e rigidez de cisalhamento, rigidez à flexão e adesão interna das partículas, seguindo as recomendações estabelecidas pelas normas ASTM D1037:2006 (propriedades físico-mecânicas dos painéis planos); ASTM C393 M:2016 e D7250 M:2016 (propriedades mecânicas de flexão do painel sanduíche). Os resultados obtidos de propriedades mecânicas de flexão foram comparados com valores de diferentes classes de painéis OSB contidos no documento PS-2-10 (APA The Engineered Wood Association, 2011), essa comparação permitiu classificar o material com possibilidade de uso comocomponente construtivo com função estrutural, inclusive para aplicações como laje-piso, sendo que o painel avaliado suportou as cargas típicas residenciais e atendeu aos requisitos de deflexão admissível estabelecidos pelo International Building Code (IBC, 2012). Com relação à densidade, os painéis sanduíche avaliados se enquadram na categoria de painéis de baixa densidade. As propriedades de inchamento em espessura e adesão interna dos tratamentos T1 e T2 atenderam às exigências dos requisitos normativos. / Currently there is a new trend in the area of civil construction that aims to use materials with low environmental impact and construction systems that use lightweight structures. In this context, the sandwich panels have been gaining space because it is a material that allows to reconcile high mechanical resistance, thermal insulation and low weight. The present work had the objective of studying the physical and mechanical performance of sandwich panels, consisting of two flat faces and corrugated core, both of sugarcane bagasse particles and castor oil based bicomponent polyurethane resin ( PU castor). The material produced was characterized by determining the properties of bulk density, thickness swelling, shear modulus and stiffness, flexural stiffness and internal adhesion of the particles, following the recommendations established by ASTM D1037: 2006 (physical-mechanical properties of panels plans); ASTM C393 M: 2016 and D7250 M: 2016 (mechanical properties of sandwich panel flexure). The obtained results of mechanical properties of flexion were compared with values of different classes of OSB panels contained in document PS-2-10 (APA The Engineered Wood Association, 2011), this comparison allowed to classify the material with possibility of use with constructive component with function structural, including for slab-floor applications, and the panel evaluated supported typical residential loads and met the International Building Code (IBC, 2012) deflection requirements. With regard to density, the sandwich panels evaluated fall into the category of low density panels. The swelling properties in thickness and internal adhesion of the treatments T1 and T2 met the requirements of the normative requirements.
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Evaluation of Sensor Solutions & Motor Speed Control Methods for BLDCM/PMSM in Aerospace ApplicationsJohansson, Mattias January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to evaluate sensors and motor speed control methods for BLDC/PMSM motors in Aerospace applications. The sensors and methods were evaluated by considering accuracy, robustness, cost, development gain and parameter sensitivity. The sensors and methods chosen to simulate were digital Hall sensors and sensorless control of BLDC motors. Using Matlab Simulink/Simscape some motor speed control methods and motor speed estimation methods were simulated using the Hall sensors and sensorless control as a basis. It was found that the sensorless control methods for BLDC motors couldn't estimate the speed accurately during dynamic loads and that the most robust and accurate solution based on the simulations was using the digital Hall sensors for both speed estimation and commutation and this was tested on a hardware setup.
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Finite element modelling of a push test with trapezoidal metal deckingQureshi, J., Lam, Dennis, Ye, J. January 2010 (has links)
No / The main objective of this research is to develop an accurate and efficient nonlinear finite element model to study the behaviour headed shear connectors in composite beams with pairs of shear connectors. A numerical model for push test will be prepared to predict capacity, load-slip behaviour and failure modes of headed shear stud. The model will be verified against test results and after validation; it will be used to study the effect of various parameters on the performance of the shear connector.
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Camera positioning for 3D panoramic image renderingAudu, Abdulkadir Iyyaka January 2015 (has links)
Virtual camera realisation and the proposition of trapezoidal camera architecture are the two broad contributions of this thesis. Firstly, multiple camera and their arrangement constitute a critical component which affect the integrity of visual content acquisition for multi-view video. Currently, linear, convergence, and divergence arrays are the prominent camera topologies adopted. However, the large number of cameras required and their synchronisation are two of prominent challenges usually encountered. The use of virtual cameras can significantly reduce the number of physical cameras used with respect to any of the known camera structures, hence adequately reducing some of the other implementation issues. This thesis explores to use image-based rendering with and without geometry in the implementations leading to the realisation of virtual cameras. The virtual camera implementation was carried out from the perspective of depth map (geometry) and use of multiple image samples (no geometry). Prior to the virtual camera realisation, the generation of depth map was investigated using region match measures widely known for solving image point correspondence problem. The constructed depth maps have been compare with the ones generated using the dynamic programming approach. In both the geometry and no geometry approaches, the virtual cameras lead to the rendering of views from a textured depth map, construction of 3D panoramic image of a scene by stitching multiple image samples and performing superposition on them, and computation of virtual scene from a stereo pair of panoramic images. The quality of these rendered images were assessed through the use of either objective or subjective analysis in Imatest software. Further more, metric reconstruction of a scene was performed by re-projection of the pixel points from multiple image samples with a single centre of projection. This was done using sparse bundle adjustment algorithm. The statistical summary obtained after the application of this algorithm provides a gauge for the efficiency of the optimisation step. The optimised data was then visualised in Meshlab software environment, hence providing the reconstructed scene. Secondly, with any of the well-established camera arrangements, all cameras are usually constrained to the same horizontal plane. Therefore, occlusion becomes an extremely challenging problem, and a robust camera set-up is required in order to resolve strongly the hidden part of any scene objects. To adequately meet the visibility condition for scene objects and given that occlusion of the same scene objects can occur, a multi-plane camera structure is highly desirable. Therefore, this thesis also explore trapezoidal camera structure for image acquisition. The approach here is to assess the feasibility and potential of several physical cameras of the same model being sparsely arranged on the edge of an efficient trapezoid graph. This is implemented both Matlab and Maya. The quality of the depth maps rendered in Matlab are better in Quality.
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Dosimetric Investigation of Electron Arc Therapy Delivered Using Siemens Electron Arc Applicator with a Trapezoidal ApertureXing, Aitang January 2007 (has links)
This study investigated the delivery of electron arc treatment with a trapezoidal aperture. The aim of the investigation is to reduce the nonuniformity of the dose distribution, which is caused by the variation of the patient contour from superior to inferior. The characteristics of static electron beam were first investigated. Then a measurement-based algorithm was developed and implemented as a computer program called EarcMU to calculate the monitor units required for delivering the prescribed dose with a trapezoidal aperture. The central axis percentage depth dose was found to be independent of source-to-surface distance (SSD) and the width of the aperture. The inplane profiles of a trapezoidal aperture show that the dose decreases longitudinally from the wide to the narrow end of the trapezoidal aperture. The EarcMU program was verified using two cylindrical water phantoms. The measured dose and the dose calculated by the program agreed within 2.1% in the typical clinical conditions. A simple method was also proposed for determining the trapezoidal aperture for an individual patient. Under the same conditions, the trapezoidal apertures calculated by this method along with the open aperture were used to deliver treatments to several conical phantoms. Significant improvement in the uniformity of dose distribution was observed. On average, the flatness index of the longitudinal dose distribution from superior to inferior decreases dramatically from 8% for open aperture down to 0.58% for trapezoidal aperture. The results are clinically significant, indicating that delivering the electron arc treatment using a trapezoidal aperture can bring more uniform dose to the patient regardless of the change of patient contour from superior to inferior.
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Controle vetorial sensorless para máquinas síncronas de ímã permanente com força contra-eletromotriz não senoidal / Sensorless vectorial control for non sinusoidal back-EMF permanent magnet synchronous machinesAlmeida, Thales Eugenio Portes de 20 July 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do desenvolvimento de um sistema de controle vetorial para máquinas elétricas síncronas de ímã permanente (MSIP), com forma de onda da força contra eletromotriz (FCEM) não senoidal, sem a utilização de sensor de posição angular do eixo. O sistema de controle é desenvolvido utilizando a transformação não-senoidal dqx, que exige a todo instante o conhecimento da posição do rotor, assim aplica-se um estimador de posição baseado nas medidas elétricas e no modelo matemático da máquina elétrica utilizando o filtro de Kalman juntamente com PLLs. Abordam-se a modelagem matemática da máquina, as técnicas de controle sem sensor tradicionais e as abordagens de controle de alto desempenho sem o uso de sensor de posição. Mostra-se o sistema proposto bem como os resultados da sua aplicação em ambiente simulado e por meio de testes práticos em bancada, mostrando o comportamento dinâmico da máquina síncrona. / This work deals with the development of a vector control system for permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM), with non-sinusoidal back electromotive force (Back EMF) waveforms, widely known as the BLDC machine, without shaft angular position sensor. The control system is developed using the non-sinusoidal transformation dqx, which demands constant knowledge of the shaft\'s angular position. This way, a position estimator is applied, based solely on electrical measurements and the machines mathematical model applying the Kalman filter and PLLs. Thus, the machines mathematical modelling, and the sensorless control and estimation approaches are reviewed. The developed system is explained, along with the results obtained trough simulations and practical tests, demonstrating the dinamic behavior of the PMSM.
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Controle vetorial sensorless para máquinas síncronas de ímã permanente com força contra-eletromotriz não senoidal / Sensorless vectorial control for non sinusoidal back-EMF permanent magnet synchronous machinesThales Eugenio Portes de Almeida 20 July 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do desenvolvimento de um sistema de controle vetorial para máquinas elétricas síncronas de ímã permanente (MSIP), com forma de onda da força contra eletromotriz (FCEM) não senoidal, sem a utilização de sensor de posição angular do eixo. O sistema de controle é desenvolvido utilizando a transformação não-senoidal dqx, que exige a todo instante o conhecimento da posição do rotor, assim aplica-se um estimador de posição baseado nas medidas elétricas e no modelo matemático da máquina elétrica utilizando o filtro de Kalman juntamente com PLLs. Abordam-se a modelagem matemática da máquina, as técnicas de controle sem sensor tradicionais e as abordagens de controle de alto desempenho sem o uso de sensor de posição. Mostra-se o sistema proposto bem como os resultados da sua aplicação em ambiente simulado e por meio de testes práticos em bancada, mostrando o comportamento dinâmico da máquina síncrona. / This work deals with the development of a vector control system for permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM), with non-sinusoidal back electromotive force (Back EMF) waveforms, widely known as the BLDC machine, without shaft angular position sensor. The control system is developed using the non-sinusoidal transformation dqx, which demands constant knowledge of the shaft\'s angular position. This way, a position estimator is applied, based solely on electrical measurements and the machines mathematical model applying the Kalman filter and PLLs. Thus, the machines mathematical modelling, and the sensorless control and estimation approaches are reviewed. The developed system is explained, along with the results obtained trough simulations and practical tests, demonstrating the dinamic behavior of the PMSM.
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