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The efficacy of the genus epidemicus remedy in the treatment of influenzaDomeisen, Deborah Jennifer 23 July 2014 (has links)
M.Tech. (Homoeopathy) / Influenza is a highly infectious illness caused by the influenza A or B viruses. Together with the high infectivity rates, relatively short incubation period and the genetic lability of the influenza virus, influenza can cause overwhelming epidemics and thus become extremely problematic to world public health (Bannister et al., 1996: 131-134). Influenza and influenza-like syndromes are responsible for one third of absenteeism in the workplace and it is due to this that prophylactic and curative measures have become necessary (papp et al., 1998: 69-76). In homoeopathyit is known that treatment of an epidemic with the genus epidemicus remedy should be effective in the majority of cases (Kent, 1979: 33-39). This remedy is carefully chosen on account of its similarity to the main presenting symptoms displayed in all cases of the respective year's influenza picture. The aim of this study . was to demonstrate the effectiveness of the genus epidemicus remedy indicated for the current year's influenza epidemic, namely Arsenicum album. It was administered in a 30CH potency. The efficacy of the genus epidemicus remedy in the treatment of influenza was assessed by investigating the intensity and duration of influenza symptoms over a specified period of time, this being four days, in a suitable sample group. The sample group was selected and obtained in a clinical setting. The sample group was randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group of fifteen participants respectively. Symptoms were monitored with the use of a questionnaire (Appendix C). Placebos were administered to the control group and Arsenicum album 30CH was administered to the experimental group. The medication was administered as a single dose of five pillules three times daily. The first dose of medication was administered in the clinician's office on commencement of the study and the following. six doses were to be taken three times daily, in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, by the participants themselves. Data was analysed by means of the Mann-Whitney statistical test. The experimental and control groups were analysed separately. Group A was determined to be the control group and Group B was determined to be the experimental group. Effectiveness ofArsenicum album 30CH in the treatment of influenza was defined as a statistically significant greater decrease in the symptom severity over time in the experimental group, Group B, as compared with the control group, Group A. From statistical evaluation it was determined that the homoeopathic remedy, Arsenicum album 30CH, was the indicated genus epidemicus remedy for the influenza epidemic of the winter of 2001. It was further determined that Arsenicum album 30CH was effective in reducing the severity of symptoms of influenza or influenza-like syndrome and was thus effective in the treatment of influenza and influenza-like syndrome.
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The efficacy of lacticum acidum homaccord in the treatment of chronic tension-type headachesMaimela, Nomathamsanqa Resegofetse 15 July 2015 (has links)
M.Tech. (Homoeopathy) / Chronic tension-type headaches (CTTHs) affect 30-40% of the population and account for a number of absences from, and decreased performances at, work and school as well as recreational activities. CTTHs typically occur at least 15 times a month or at least every second day, and present as an achey or tight sensation that is felt around the head. The pain may last from 30 minutes to several days and varies in intensity. Conventional treatment is palliative, consisting of analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which may produce adverse effects and analgesic rebound headaches. Lacticum acidum 30CH is a homoeopathic remedy that has been shown to have potential benefits in the treatment of CTTHs. Homaccords are the preparation of one remedy in multiple increasing potencies in a single vehicle. There has been no research done to date on Lacticum acidum Homaccord in the treatment of CTTHs. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of Lacticum acidum Homaccord in the treatment of CTTHs, using the modified Headache Diary and the Headache Disability Inventory. The study was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled matched pair study which took place at the Homoeopathic Health Centre at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) Doornfontein campus, over a period of four weeks. A randomised sample of 34 male and female participants between the ages of 18 and 45 years who suffered from CTTHs were recruited by means of purposive sampling via advertisements placed on the UJ campus. At the initial consultation (day 0), prospective participants were requested to sign the Participant Information and Consent Form. The participants were then requested to complete the Screening Questionnaire to assess their eligibility for participating in the study. Participants’ meeting the diagnostic criteria for CTTHs, and those whose symptoms matched at least eight out of the twelve Lacticum acidum headache-related symptoms, were eligible to participate in the study. Participants’ were placed into matched pairs, according to gender and age. Participants in both groups received one 30 mL bottle of their respectively dispensed and labelled medication. On days 1-28 the participant was requested to complete the modified Headache Diary at the end of each day and to take 5 pillules of the medication in the morning and in the evening of each day. The first follow-up visit occurred on day 14; here participants completed the Headache Disability Inventory; the completed headache diaries were exchanged with new ones, a physical examination with vital signs was conducted and an additional bottle of medication was given. The second and final follow-up vi visit occurred on day 28, where the participant completed the Headache Disability Inventory, and a physical examination with vital signs was conducted. The average duration (time), intensity, frequency of headaches, and medication use was recorded on a daily basis and the level of perceived disability from CTTHs was measured weekly. This was conducted by completing the modified Headache Diary and the Headache Disability Inventory respectively. The data from the study was evaluated and analysed using frequencies and descriptive tests, cross tabulations, the Shapiro Wilk test, the Mann-Whitney test, and the Friedman and Wilcoxon signed ranks tests ...
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The efficacy of the homoeopathic complexes Dr Reckeweg R10 and R20 in the treatment of symptoms of the climactericMuila, Sainani Charles 27 August 2014 (has links)
M.Tech. (Homoeopathy) / The climacteric describes the ongoing changes and symptoms, of the phase or transition period that may last 15-20 years in a woman's lifecycle, when ovarian function and hormonal production declines. Menopause is the permanent cessation of the menses, identified retrospectively after one year without menses and occurs within this period of climacteric (Bernstein et al. 1996). The most common symptoms of climacteric include hot flushes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, nervousness, depressive moods, feelings of vertigo, inability to concentration, joint pain, headache and heart palpitations. The most commonly used allopathic medication to palliate these symptoms is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). There are adverse side effects and risks associated with this treatment and not all women feel better on HR.T (Stoppard, 2001). The aim of this research study was to determine the efficacy of the Homoeopathic complexes Dr Reckeweg RI0® and R20® (Homoeopathic complexes) in relieving the symptoms of the climacteric. The methodology and Ethics were accepted by Higher Degrees Committee and Academic Ethics Committee on the 25 August 2008 (Ethical clearance no: 40/08). Participants were recruited by advertisements (Appendix A) at the University of Johannesburg, in health food shops and in pharmacies. This was a double blind, placebo controlled study involving thirty-two participants who were divided into two matched groups based on the severity of the menopausal symptoms. Volunteers were selected . using the exclusion and inclusion criteria. Volunteers meeting the inclusion criteria completed the information and consent form (Appendix B), and a patient profile and case history (Appendix C) were taken. The participants were randomly allocated to an experimental or control group, and given sets of medication (Remedy A and B, 50ml bottles) to take for a period of eight weeks (Appendix D). The participants took 10 drops of Remedy A (R10® or placebo) in the morning and Remedy B (R20® or placebo) at night. The participants were requested to complete the abbreviated Kupperman Menopause Index (KMI) weekly. The abbreviated KMI (Appendix E) scores were added...
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A study to determine the effect of the biochemic tissue salt magnesia phosphorica 6X in the treatment of irritable bowel syndromeRobinson, Denise 09 June 2009 (has links)
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The effect of Angio® in the treatment of postural hypotensionBlake, Graeme 29 July 2009 (has links)
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The efficacy of psorinum 200CH in the treatment of allergic rhinitisBeguin, Lara Elizabeth 25 May 2009 (has links)
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Parents perception of paediatric chiropractic in JohannesburgPhilips, Gina 30 January 2012 (has links)
M.Tech. / Objectives: To gain statistics on the perception parents in Johannesburg have regarding paediatric chiropractic and to educate the public as to the value of paediatric chiropractic in infants and children and increase the number of paediatric patients presenting to chiropractic practices. Methods: One-hundred-and-fifty questionnaires were completed by willing participants attending various antenatal classes throughout Johannesburg. Thereafter, a brief educational talk on paediatric chiropractic was given to all participants and information brochures were distributed. Results: A total of 34.50% of the participants had been previously treated by a chiropractor, with only 12.80% having been treated during their pregnancy and a further 15.70% who intended to receive chiropractic treatment while they were pregnant. Throughout the various age groups majority (54.20%- 56.30%) of the participants felt that might consult a chiropractor for the treatment of a child, although very little was known about the paediatric conditions that may be treated by chiropractors. Majority of the participants felt that chiropractic treatment of paediatrics and during pregnancy was completely safe. Conclusions: Although the participants were not entirely opposed to paediatric chiropractic (the treatment of children and pregnant mothers) they had very little knowledge regarding the topic of paediatric chiropractic, the conditions it may be successful in treating and the health benefits for children who receive chiropractic treatment. Majority of the participants were interested in furthering their knowledge regarding the topic of paediatric chiropractic.
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The effectiveness of chiropractic treatment in combination with dry needling of the vastus medialis oblique muscle in the management of patellofemoral pain syndromeSayers, Adam Cornelius 04 May 2009 (has links)
M.Tech. / The purpose of this unblinded controlled study was to determine the effective of dry needling of the Vastus Medialis Oblique muscle when utilised in conjunction with conservative chiropractic management for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS). The subjects of the trial were treated at the Chiropractic Day Clinic at the University of Johannesburg. Thirty patients suffering from chronic Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome were chosen for the study and they were divided into two groups of fifteen. The first group received conservative chiropractic care which consisted of manipulation of the sacroiliac joint, mobilisation of the knee and patella joints and stretching and strengthening exercises consisting of Quadriceps standing self stretch and Quadriceps setting as the strengthening exercise. The second group received the above treatment but also underwent dry needling of the Vastus Medialis Oblique muscle. The objective data for this research was recorded using a lower limb isometric dynamometer and the subjective data was recorded with a pain scale. Both sets of data were recorded on the first, third and fifth treatments. The results of the trial showed that there was a significant increase in strength with a reduction in pain levels for both groups but there was no statistically significant difference when comparing the two groups. The dry needling group did however improve at a faster rate than the other group but it did even out after the five treatments. What was noteworthy is that the males of the study improved their strength by a much greater extent than the females which is uncommon for PFPS. The end result of this study is that overall, dry needling of the Vastus Medialis Oblique muscle is not highly beneficial in the long term management of PFPS but does have its benefits in the early stages of the treatment in order to relieve the acute pain and increase the Quadriceps muscle strength rapidly.
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The effect of Argentum nitricum 200CH on pulse rate, blood pressure and perceived levels of anxiety in students undergoing a testSnyman, Christinette 05 September 2008 (has links)
Anxiety is a universal human emotion, described as a state of changed mood with obvious negative affect and expectation of future adversity and danger (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Although anxiety can be an important motivational drive, it can become debilitating when experienced to an extreme degree (Smith et al., (1996). Nervousness or apprehension in students due to an upcoming examination is an extremely widespread occurrence. However, some students experience test related anxiety to such an extent that it interferes with their studying and may lead to other negative effects of anxiety such as inability to concentrate or focus, depression, poor academic results and loss of self-esteem and self-confidence (American Counseling Association, 2004). Homoeopathy is an effective form of treatment for many acute disorders and the remedy Argentum nitricum is considered a specific treatment for anxiety, especially when related to an upcoming event (Morrison, 1993; Swayne, 1998). The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Argentum nitricum 200CH on blood pressure, pulse rate and perceived levels of anxiety in students undergoing a test. The research study was conducted according to the randomized, double-blind method. Forty participants older than eighteen years of age and studying the same course were recruited from the University of Johannesburg. The fact that the participants were currently in the same year and studying the same course, ensured that that similar stress levels were experienced. Participants were randomly divided into an experimental and control group consisting of twenty participants respectively. During the course of the study, neither the researcher nor the participants were aware of the nature of the groups. Perceived anxiety levels as well as cardiovascular responses to anxiety were assessed by way of a State-Trait-Anxiety-Inventory (Appendix F) and measurement of blood pressure and pulse rate. Each participant was required to undergo these investigations fifteen days prior to the test, as this provided a baseline level to compare with measurements taken on the day that participants wrote a test. Argentum nitricum 200CH or placebo was taken daily at eight o’clock in the morning for five days prior to the test, including the day of the test. Results from measurement of blood pressure and pulse rate were entered on the participant’s Data Collection Table (Appendix B) and compared and analysed according to the paired t-test. Furthermore the results from the State-Trait-Anxiety-Inventory for each participant was determined, compared and analysed using the paired t-test. The results of this study showed that Argentum nitricum 200CH does not reduce test related anxiety in a general population of tertiary students, although it did have a definite effect on the pulse rate of the experimental group which remained more stable and increased to a lesser degree than that of the control group. / Dr. S.C. van Es Dr. A. Fourie Dr. R.K. Razlog
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The effect of a homoeopathic complex on psoriasisGunter, Roxanna 24 October 2012 (has links)
M.Tech. / Psoriasis vulgaris (plaque psoriasis) is a chronic recurring inflammatory skin disease that manifests most commonly as well-circumscribed, erythematous papules and plaques of varying sizes, covered with silvery scales (Beers et al., 2010). The condition itself is considered to be difficult to treat and manage by many types of healthcare practitioners, due in part to its unknown aetiology/trigger and partly due to the nature of the disease itself (Medonça and Burden, 2003). The aim of this study was to ascertain the effects of a Homoeopathic complex remedy on psoriasis. A group of twenty seven participants completed the study. Participants were of both sexes, had to be between the ages of 18 and 65 and had to have been previously diagnosed with plaque psoriasis. The study was conducted over four consultations, two weeks apart, over a six week period. The study followed a double-blind, placebo controlled format. Participants were grouped into matching pairs in terms of age and severity of disease and were then randomly assigned into either the treatment or placebo group for the study duration. Participants were evaluated at each consultation using the three primary assessment tools, namely: the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) used to assess erythema, thickness and scaling of lesions; the psoriasis disability index questionnaire (PDI), a subjective participant-orientated evaluation of the psychological impact of the disease and the 5-D itch scale used to quantitatively rate the subjective experience of pruritus. The secondary tools used at each consultation were for monitoring purposes only and were used to determine: changes in selected lesion area, as well as the effects of the intervention on the total body surface area (TBSA) affected by psoriasis. The TBSA tool was also used to determine whether new lesions developed during the study period. Using non-parametric analyses, the results of the study demonstrated statistically significant improvement in three of the five variables tested. This includes improvement in: lesion appearance (erythema, scaling and thickness) as determined by PASI; improved psychological experience of the disease quantified by PDI and improvement in the degree of pruritus. It was noted that non-parametric analyses also showed improvement in lesion area. However, lesion area measurement was a secondary tool used for monitoring purposes and it was noted that the use of the tool demonstrated short-comings with regards to consistency and reliability. Parametric analyses showed improvement of statistical significance in one of the five variables tested, namely that of pruritus levels as determined by the 5-D itch scale. It was concluded from this study that the homoeopathic complex remedy was found to be effective in the treatment of certain symptoms of psoriasis and as such should be considered as an adjunct therapy in its treatment.
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