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Creating triangle strips from clustered point setsJenke, Peter January 2010 (has links)
To create a digital model of the surface of some object from a setof points, representing positions on the surface of this object, requiresinformation about the relationship between the points. This informa-tion is not immediatly accessible. Thus, for creating such a model itis necessary to establish relationsships between the points of the set.In addition, it should be possible to render the resulting modelas efficiently as possible. Modern graphics cards offer to send vertexinformations as triangle strips; by using triangle strips the informationabout the triangles can be compressed.This work is about a method for retrieving information about therelations between points in an unstructered spatial point set and trans-forming this information into triangle strips. It is based on the convexlayers of a planar point set and an algorithm for triangulating theannuli of the convex layers, which uses the Rotating Calipers.
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Minimalistická reprezentace modelu areálu Božetěchova / Minimal Representation of the Božetěchova ComplexKrál, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
The document describes developing graphical application with limited size. It describes suitable techniques for a polygonal mesh's compression. The second part is focused on practical usage of this techniques for developing scene in 3D modeling environment and also describes how to transfer this model to the executable file. The work attends to optimalizations of source code compilation and executables compression at the final chapters.
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