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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The management of classroom discipline by educators and HODs of Gauteng East primary schools

Magabe, Raymond Peace 07 May 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Sesotho / Classroom discipline is one of the pillars of good education globally. This study aimed to determine the role of teachers and HODs in maintaining effective classroom discipline among learners in selected primary schools in Gauteng East. The research question set by the researcher to gather the relevant information was: How does a purposively selected group of primary school HODs and teachers in the Gauteng East District view their experiences, skills and knowledge of classroom discipline and management in a post-corporal punishment era, as explored through a qualitative study using multiple techniques of data gathering? The researcher sought to determine how classroom discipline and management took place and which strategies teachers and HODs could adopt for effective classroom discipline and management. A qualitative research approach was employed for the empirical inquiry carried out at the selected research sites. Information about classroom discipline and management strategies was gathered from selected participants, made up of 24 teachers and six HODs from six primary schools. This was achieved using semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews, document analysis and observation tools. The study revealed that all the selected participants were applying the reactive or punitive disciplinary approach rather than a proactive or positive approach. The literature review on the causes of poor classroom discipline and management, along with the research-based behavioural strategies and the empirical enquiry in the selected schools, allowed the researcher to critically assess the current disciplinary strategies implemented by teachers and HODs in Gauteng East primary schools and to make meaningful recommendations for improvement of discipline and classroom management. The main recommendations entail that teachers and HODs extend their horizons in order to be able to use the three models of control proposed by Wolfgang and Glickman in their classrooms. Use of the three models would aid them in exercising effective and meaningful classroom discipline and in utilising the strategies emanating from the research on effective classroom management. These main recommendations are further extended in the additional recommendations put forward. / Klaskamerdissipline is wêreldwyd een van die hoekstene van goeie onderwys. Hierdie studie is uitgevoer om die rol van onderwysers en departementshoofde in die doeltreffende handhawing van klaskamerdissipline by leerders in uitgesoekte laerskole in Gauteng-Oos te bepaal. Die navorsingsvraag wat deur die navorser gestel is om die tersaaklike inligting in te samel, was: Hoe beskou ʼn doelbewus gekose groep laerskooldepartementshoofde en laerskool-onderwysers in die Gauteng-Oos-distrik hul ervarings, vaardighede en kennis van klaskamerdissipline en -bestuur in ʼn post-lyfstraf-era, soos ondersoek in ʼn kwalitatiewe studie met behulp van verskeie data-insamelingstegnieke? Die navorser het gepoog om te bepaal hoe klaskamerdissipline en -bestuur plaasgevind het en watter strategieë deur onderwysers en departementshoofde aangewend kan word vir doeltreffende klaskamerdissipline en -bestuur. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gevolg vir die empiriese ondersoek wat by die gekose navorsingsplekke uitgevoer is. Inligting oor klaskamerdissipline en -bestuurstrategieë is verkry van gekose deelnemers bestaande uit 24 onderwysers en ses departementshoofde van ses laerskole. Dit is gedoen deur halfgestruktureerde onderhoude, fokusgroeponderhoude, dokumentontleding en waarnemingshulpmiddele te gebruik. Die studie het getoon dat al die gekose deelnemers die reaktiewe of strafbenadering tot dissipline gevolg het, eerder as ʼn proaktiewe of positiewe benadering. Die literatuuroorsig oor die oorsake van swak klaskamerdissipline en -bestuur, tesame met die navorsingsgebaseerde gedragstrategieë en die empiriese ondersoek in die geselekteerde skole, het dit vir die navorser moontlik gemaak om die huidige dissiplinêre strategieë wat deur onderwysers en departementshoofde in laerskole in Gauteng-Oos geïmplementeer word, krities te assesseer en om sinvolle aanbevelings vir die verbetering van dissipline en klaskamerbestuur te doen. Die vernaamste aanbevelings behels dat onderwysers en departementshoofde hul horisonne moet verbreed sodat hulle in staat sal wees om die drie modelle van beheer wat deur Wolfgang en Glickman voorgestel word, in hul klaskamers te gebruik. Die gebruik van die drie modelle sal hulle help om doeltreffende en sinvolle klaskamerdissipline te beoefen, en om die strategieë wat uit die navorsing oor doeltreffende klaskamerbestuur voortspruit, te gebruik. Hierdie hoofaanbevelings word verder uitgebrei in die bykomende aanbevelings wat gemaak is. / Kgalemo ka phaposing ya ho rutela ke e nngwe ya ditshiya tsa thuto e hantle lefatsheng ka bophara. Phuputso ena e ne e reretswe ho tseba boikarabello ba matitjhere le Dihlooho tsa mafapha (di-HOD) ba ho boloka kgalemo e sebetsang phaposing ya ho rutela hara baithuti dikolong tse kgethilweng tsa mathomo Gauteng Botjhabela. Potso ya patlisiso e entsweng ke mofuputsi ho bokella tlhahisoleseding e nepahetseng e ne e le hore na: Sehlopha se kgethilweng ka boomo sa dihlooho tsa mafapha (di-HOD) le matitjhere a Setereke sa Gauteng Botjhabela se bona boiphihlelo ba sona jwang, bokgoni le tsebo tsa kgalemelo ya phaposing ya ho rutela le tsamaiso nakong ya kamora nako ya ho tloswa ha ho shapuwa ha baithuti jwalo ka ha ho hlahlojwa ka phuputso ya boleng ho sebediswa mekgwa e mengata ya ho bokella datha? Mofuputsi o ile a batla ho tseba hore na kgalemo ya phaposing ya ho rutela le tsamaiso di etsahetse jwang le hore na ke mawa afe ao matitjhere le dihlooho tsa mafapha (di-HOD) ba ka a sebedisang bakeng sa kgalemo e sebetsang ya phaposing ya ho rutela le tsamaiso. Mokgwa wa ho etsa dipatlisiso wa boleng o ile wa sebediswa bakeng sa patlisiso ya tlhahlobo e entsweng dibakeng tsa patlisiso tse kgethilweng. Tlhahisoleseding mabapi le kgalemo ya phaposing ya ho rutela le maano a tsamaiso e ile ya bokellwa ho tswa ho bankakarolo ba kgethilweng, ba entsweng ka matichere a 24 le dihlooho tsa mafapha (di-HOD) tse tsheletseng dikolong tse tsheletseng tsa mathomo. Sena se fihletswe ka dipuisano tse batlang di hlophisitswe, dipuisano tsa sehlopha se kgethilweng, manollo ya ditokomane le disebediswa tsa temoho. Phuputso e senotse hore bankakarolo bohle ba kgethilweng ba ne ba sebedisa mokgwa wa kgalemo o sebetsang kapa o fanang ka kotlo ho fapana le mokgwa o sebetsang kapa o nepahetseng. Tlhahlobo ya dingodilweng ka disosa tsa boitshwaro bo bobe ba phaposing ya ho rutela le tsamaiso, hammoho le maano a boitshwaro a ipapisitseng le dipatlisiso tse matla dikolong tse kgethilweng, e dumelletse mofuputsi ho lekola ka botebo maano a kgalemo a tshebetsong a sebediswang ke matitjhere le dihlooho tsa mafapha (di-HOD) dikolong tsa mathomo tsa Gauteng Botjhabela le ho etsa ditlhahiso tse nang le moelelo bakeng sa ntlafatso ya boitshwaro le tsamaiso ya phaposi ya ho rutela. Ditlhahiso tsa mantlha di kenyeletsa hore matitjhere le dihlooho tsa mafapha (di-HOD) ba batle mekgwa e meng eo ba ka sebetsanang le sena ka yona e le hore ba kgone ho sebedisa dimmotlolo tse tharo tsa taolo tse hlahisitsweng ke Wolfgang le Glickman diphaposing tsa bona tsa ho rutela. Tshebediso ya dimmotlolo tse tharo e ka ba thusa ho sebedisa kgalemo e sebetsang le e nang le moelelo phaposing ya ho rutela le ho sebedisa maano a tswang dipatlisisong a mabapi le tsamaiso e sebetsang ya phaposi ya ho rutela. Ditlhahiso tsena tsa mantlha di boetse di atoloswa ho feta ditlhahisong tsa tlatsetso tse hlahisitsweng. / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)

An exploration of alcohol abuse as a risk factor for Intimate Partner Violence in Kibera, Kenya

Kariuki, Lydiah Wanjiru 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of alcohol abuse on intimate partner violence (IPV) committed in Kibera, Kenya. The study is premised on the high prevalence of IPV and alcohol abuse in Kenya, especially among informal settlement dwellers. Kenya is geographically located in Eastern Africa. Kibera is an informal settlement in the country’s capital city, Nairobi, and is plagued by extreme poverty, unemployment and crime. A qualitative approach was implemented and a case study research design employed. Non-probability sampling, using purposive and snowball techniques, was used to select research participants. A total of 32 female victims of IPV made up the sample used in the study. Although the study did not intend to exclude males from the sample, no male victims of IPV could be located. Semi-structured interviews were held individually with each participant. Ethical considerations were actively applied throughout the duration of the study. The raw data collected were thematically analysed. The findings of the study revealed that most of the participants were under 40 years old, married, and had at least one child. Their educational levels were limited, and their occupations as well as their partners’ occupations generated low incomes. Physical and psychological abuse were cited as the most common types of abuse. However, sexual abuse was still prevalent and in some cases was extended to the children. The physical and psychological impacts were identified as the most prevalent effects of IPV. The effects on the children and family were also explored. The study found a strong link between alcohol use and IPV. However, alcohol use and/or abuse could not be identified as the only causal factor of IPV. Interestingly, the participants’ experiences highlighted the patriarchal and cultural milieu significant to Kibera. It was found that the patriarchal nature maintained in Kibera is one of the factors contributing to IPV and its perpetuation. / Utafiti huu ulilenga kuchunguza athari za pombe kwa dhuluma zinazosababishwa na mpenzi unayeshiriki naye ngono (IPV) katika eneo la Kibera nchini Kenya. Utafiti huu unatokana na kiwango cha juu cha hali ya IPV na unywaji wa pombe kupindukia nchini Kenya, hasa kwa wanaoishi kwenye mitaa ya mabanda. Kenya hupatikana katika eneo la kijiografia la Afrika Mashariki. Kibera ni mtaa wa mabanda ambao unapatikana katika mji mkuu wa Nairobi. Kibera inakabiliwa na umasikini uliokithiri, ukosefu wa ajira na uhalifu. Mbinu ya kutathmini ubora ilitumika, na uchunguzi kifani ulitumika. Sampuli isiyokuwa na welekeo wa uwezekano ilitumika, kwa kutumia mbinu za kimakusudi, na kwa kuongeza mambo utafiti unapoendelea wakati wa kuchagua watu wa kushiriki kwenye utafiti. Jumla ya waathiriwa wa IPV 32 wa kike walitumika kama sampuli katika utafiti huu. Ijapokuwa utafiti haukuwa na lengo la kutowashirikisha wanaume, hakuna muathiriwa wa IPV wa kiume alipatikana. Maswali yaliyokuwa na utaratibu maalum yalitumika kwa kila mshiriki. Maadili yalizingatiwa mno wakati wa mchakato mzima wa utafiti. Data iliyokusanywa ilichanganuliwa kwa kuzingatia mada. Matokeo ya utafiti huu yalionyesha kuwa wengi wa washiriki waliokuwa na umri usiozidi miaka 40, walikuwa wameolewa na angalau mtoto mmoja. Hawakuwa wamesoma mno, na wao pamoja na wapenzi wao walikuwa na ajira zenye ujira duni. Kupigwa na kuteswa kisaikolojia ni dhuluma zilizojitokeza mno. Hata hivyo, unyanyasaji wa kimapenzi bado ulishuhudiwa na hata wakati mwingine ulifanyiwa watoto. Madhara kwa mwili na ya kisaikolojia yalijitokeza kama athari kuu za IPV. Athari kwa watoto na kwa familia pia zilichunguzwa. Utafiti huu ulionyesha kuwa kuna uhusiano mkuu kati ya matumizi ya pombe kupindukia na IPV. Hata hivyo, matumizi ya pombe/au kulewa kupindukia siyo tu mambo yanayosababisha IPV. Cha kushangaza, hali zilizoelezwa na washiriki zilionyesha umuhimu wa mfumo dume kwa utamaduni wa watu wa Kibera. Iligunduliwa kuwa mfumo wa udume unaoendelea katika eneo la kibera, ni mojawapo wa mambo yanayochangia IPV na kuendelezwa kwake Utafiti huu ulilenga kuchunguza athari za pombe kwa dhuluma zinazosababishwa na mpenzi unayeshiriki naye ngono (IPV) katika eneo la Kibera nchini Kenya. Utafiti huu unatokana na kiwango cha juu cha hali ya IPV na unywaji wa pombe kupindukia nchini Kenya, hasa kwa wanaoishi kwenye mitaa ya mabanda. Kenya hupatikana katika eneo la kijiografia la Afrika Mashariki. Kibera ni mtaa wa mabanda ambao unapatikana katika mji mkuu wa Nairobi. Kibera inakabiliwa na umasikini uliokithiri, ukosefu wa ajira na uhalifu. Mbinu ya kutathmini ubora ilitumika, na uchunguzi kifani ulitumika. Sampuli isiyokuwa na welekeo wa uwezekano ilitumika, kwa kutumia mbinu za kimakusudi, na kwa kuongeza mambo utafiti unapoendelea wakati wa kuchagua watu wa kushiriki kwenye utafiti. Jumla ya waathiriwa wa IPV 32 wa kike walitumika kama sampuli katika utafiti huu. Ijapokuwa utafiti haukuwa na lengo la kutowashirikisha wanaume, hakuna muathiriwa wa IPV wa kiume alipatikana. Maswali yaliyokuwa na utaratibu maalum yalitumika kwa kila mshiriki. Maadili yalizingatiwa mno wakati wa mchakato mzima wa utafiti. Data iliyokusanywa ilichanganuliwa kwa kuzingatia mada. Matokeo ya utafiti huu yalionyesha kuwa wengi wa washiriki waliokuwa na umri usiozidi miaka 40, walikuwa wameolewa na angalau mtoto mmoja. Hawakuwa wamesoma mno, na wao pamoja na wapenzi wao walikuwa na ajira zenye ujira duni. Kupigwa na kuteswa kisaikolojia ni dhuluma zilizojitokeza mno. Hata hivyo, unyanyasaji wa kimapenzi bado ulishuhudiwa na hata wakati mwingine ulifanyiwa watoto. Madhara kwa mwili na ya kisaikolojia yalijitokeza kama athari kuu za IPV. Athari kwa watoto na kwa familia pia zilichunguzwa. Utafiti huu ulionyesha kuwa kuna uhusiano mkuu kati ya matumizi ya pombe kupindukia na IPV. Hata hivyo, matumizi ya pombe/au kulewa kupindukia siyo tu mambo yanayosababisha IPV. Cha kushangaza, hali zilizoelezwa na washiriki zilionyesha umuhimu wa mfumo dume kwa utamaduni wa watu wa Kibera. Iligunduliwa kuwa mfumo wa udume unaoendelea katika eneo la kibera, ni mojawapo wa mambo yanayochangia IPV na kuendelezwa kwake Utafiti huu utakuwa na manufaa kwa waathiriwa wa IPV, jamii wanazotoka na watungaji wa sheria za kitaifa bila kusahau jamii ya watafiti wa kisayansi. / Maikemisetso a thutopatlisiso eno e ne e le go tlhotlhomisa tshusumetso ya tiriso e e botlhaswa ya nnotagi mo tirisodikgokeng ya balekane ba baratani (IPV) e e diragalang kwa Kibera, Kenya. Thutopatlisiso e theilwe mo tiragalong e e kwa godimo ya IPV le tiriso e e botlhaswa ya nnotagi kwa Kenya, bogolo segolo magareng ga banni ba mafelo a baipei. Kenya e fitlhelwa kwa Botlhaba jwa Aforika. Kibera ke lefelo la baipei mo motsemogolong wa naga, Nairobi, mme e aparetswe ke lehuma, botlhokatiro le bosenyi jo bo boitshegang. Go dirisitswe molebo o o lebelelang mabaka mme ga dirisiwa thadiso ya thutopatlisiso e e lebelelang kgetse. Go dirisitswe mokgwa wa go tlhopha sampole moo baagi ba se nang tšhono e e tshwanang ya go nna le seabe le dithekeniki tsa go tlhopha sampole go ya ka maitlhomo le go letla banni-le-seabe ba pele go ngokela ba bangwe go tlhopha banni-le-seabe ba patlisiso. Palogotlhe ya batswasetlhabelo ba basadi ba IPV ba le 32 e nnile sampole e e dirisitsweng mo thutopatlisisong. Le fa thutopatlisiso e ne e sa ikaelela go se akaretse banna mo sampoleng, go ne go se na batswasetlhabelo bape ba IPV ba banna ba ba tlhageletseng. Go nnile le dipotsolotso tse di batlileng go rulagana tse di tshwerweng le monni-le-seabe mongwe le mongwe ka sebele. Go dirisitswe ntlha ya maitsholo a a siameng ka botlhaga mo tsamaong ya thutopatlisiso yotlhe. Data e e kokoantsweng e ne ya lokololwa go ya ka meono. Diphitlhelelo tsa thutopatlisiso di senotse gore bontsi jwa banni-le-seabe ba ne ba le dingwaga tse di kwa tlase ga 40, ba nyetswe mme ba na le bonnye ngwana a le mongwe. Seelo sa bona sa thuto se ne se lekanyeditswe mme ditiro tsa bona gammogo le tsa balekane ba bona di ne di tsenya letseno le le kwa tlase. Tshotlakako ya mo mmeleng le ya maikutlo di tlhagisitswe jaaka mefuta e e tlwaelegileng thata ya tshotlakako. Le gale, tshotlakako ya thobalano e ne e ntse e le teng mme mo mabakeng mangwe e ne e fetela le mo baneng. Ditlamorago tsa mo mmeleng le mo tlhaloganyong di supilwe jaaka ditlamorago tse di bonalang thata tsa IPV. Go lebeletswe le ditlamorago mo baneng le mo lelapeng. Thutopatlisiso e fitlhetse go na le kgolagano e e maatla magareng ga tiriso ya nnotagi le IPV. Le gale, tiriso le/gongwe tiriso e e botlhaswa ya nnotagi ga e a supiwa e le yona fela ntlha e e bakang xi IPV. Se se kgatlhisang ke gore maitemogelo a banni-le-seabe a senotse ka moo tsamaiso e e letlang banna go laola basadi le setso di laolang basadi ka gona mo loagong e leng se se maleba tota kwa Kiberia. Go fitlhetswe gore tsamaiso ya setšhaba e e letlang banna go laola basadi e e tswelediwang kwa Kiberia ke nngwe ya dintlha tse di tshwaelang le go etegetsa IPV. Thutopatlisiso e lebeletse go ungwela batswasetlhabelo ba IPV, baagi ba selegae le lekgotlataolo la bosetšhaba, gammogo le dipatlisiso tsa saense. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

The use of mobile communication technology in professional identity development : a case of using whatsapp messenger to teach inquiry-based pedagogy to university chemistry teachers

Mutanga, Patrick 07 May 2021 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Setswana / This study investigated the feasibility of using WhatsApp Messenger as a tool to enhance the professional identity and inquiry-based pedagogy through the professional development of university chemistry teachers. The epistemological interpretive paradigm was used to guide the study. The study assumed a naturalistic, exploratory investigation. The qualitative research methodology was used to conduct the study. Nine university teachers were purposively sampled from three universities (three teachers from each university) for the study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, participant observations, and focus group discussions. Data analysis was completed using the thematic networks analysis. Ethics considerations were observed by not disclosing personal information of the participants or information about the universities where they represented. This study was guided by four theoretical underpinnings: the connectivism theory, the transformative learning theory, the expectancy-value theory, and the dual systems theory. The primary research question guiding this study was: How does the professional identity of university chemistry teachers develop as they learn IBP through WhatsApp Messenger? A two-pronged approach was used in the research: (1) comparing the professional identity of the teachers before and after the course, and (2) observing and describing the professional identity process as the teachers undertook the course. The results from the interviews conducted before the teachers undertook the WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP course showed that most teachers had a negative professional identity. They had become teachers for a variety of reasons, but they did not consider themselves teachers and believed they would leave university teaching if opportunities arose in the industry. They had no formal qualifications in pedagogy, and they did not believe that such knowledge was necessary. The majority of these teachers used teacher-centred approaches. Results from participant observations during the WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP course showed that the course slowly imparted to the teachers the norms associated with not only IBP, but other teaching approaches as well. WhatsApp Messenger provided a flexible online platform where the teachers interacted and exchanged ideas without the need to meet in a physical space. The results from the interviews conducted after the teachers participated in the WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP course showed that the participants' professional identity had changed positively. They now recognised the importance of pedagogy in teaching, they positively identified with the teaching profession, and some were considering acquiring formal qualifications in pedagogy. / Lolu cwaningo beluphenya ithuba lokusetshenziswa kwangempela kwe-WhatsApp Messenger njengethuluzi lokuqinisa isithombe sesisebenzi kanye nohlelo lokufundisa olwencike phezu kophenyo lothisha besifundo seKhemistri (chemistry) enyuvesi, ngohlelo lokuthuthukisa abasebenzi. Uhlelo lwepharadayimu echazayo ye-ephistemoloji lwasetshenziswa ukuhlahla indlela yesifundo, okuyindlela enqume ukulandela indlela yemvelo, ephenyayo. Umethodoloji wocwaningo olwencike kuKhwalithi (Qualitative) lusetshenzisiwe ukwenza ucwaningo, ndawonye nothisha basemanyuvesi ayisishiyagalolunye abakhethwe ngenhloso kumanyuvesi amathathu (abathathu kwinyuvesi eyodwa). Idatha yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezimbaxambili (semi-structured interviews), ngokubheka izenzo zomdlalindima (participant observation) kanye nezingxoxo zeqembu eliqondiwe (focus group discussions), kanti ukuhlaziywa kwedatha kwenziwa kwaqedwa ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lokuhlaziya oluwuthungelelwano lwendikimba (thematic network analysis). Kubonakele ukulandelwa komgomo wokuziphatha ngokungadaluli ulwazi lomuntu ongumdlalindima noma ulwazi olumayelana namanyuvesi ababewameleyo. Ucwaningo beluholwa yizinhlaka ezine zethiyori: i-connectivism theory, i-transformative learning theory, i-expectancy-value theory kanye nama-dual systems theory. Umbuzo wokuqala wezocwaningo ohola ucwaningo bewuthi: Ngabe isithombe sobizo lobuthishela wekhemistri enyuvesi sithuthukiswa kanjani ngesikhathi befunda uhlelo lwemfundo eyencike ekuphenyeni (inquiry-based pedagogy (IBP) ngokusebenzisa i-WhatsApp Messenger? Indlela embaxambili iye yasetshenziswa: 1) ukuqhathanisa isithombe sobizo lobuthishela ngaphambi nangemuva kwesifundo,, kanye no-2) baqhathanisa isithombe sobizo lobuthishela sothisha ngaphambi nangemuva kwesifundo, kanye no 2) babheke futhi bachaza uhlelo lwezimpawu zokwakha isithombe sobizo lobuthishela njengoba othisha baye badlala indima kulesi sifundo. Imiphumela evela kwizinhlolovo ezenziwe ngaphambi kokuba othisha bahambele isifundo se-WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP, ikhombise ukuthi iningi lothisha libe nesithombe sobizo esibi. Baye bafundela ubuthishela ngezizathu ezahlukahlukile, kodwa abakaze bazibona bangothisha futhi baye bacabanga ukuyeka inyuvesi uma ngabe kuvela amathuba kwimboni. Abakaze babe neziqu zokufundisa, kanti abazange bakholwe ukuthi ulwazi olunjalo kwakunesidingo sokuba nalo, kanti iningi lothisha lwalandela indlela izindlela ezencike kuthisha. Imiphumela evela ekubukeni izenzo zothisha ngesikhathi sesifundo se-IBP ikhombise ukuthi isifundo kancane kancane sinikeze othisha izimfundiso ezithile, kanti futhi nezinye izindlela zokufundisa. Uhlelo lwe-WhatsApp Messenger lunikeze inkundla ye- inthanethi engenamngcele lapho othisha bebahlangana futhi baphakelane ngemibono nhlangothi zombili ngaphandle kwesidingo sokuhlangana endaweni ephathekayo. Ngemuva kwesifundo se-IBP abadlalindima baye babika ukuthi babone izithombe zobizo lwabo zizinhle kakhulu. Manje sebeyakwazi ukubaluleka kwendlela yephedagogi ekufundiseni, bazibona behambisane kahle kakhulu nobizo lobuthishela. Kanti abanye baze bacabanga ukuthola ezinye iziqu ezisemthethweni zobizo lobuthisha. / Thuto e, e dirile dipatlisiso tsa kgonagalo tsa go dirisa WhattsApp Messenger jaaka sediriso sa go tlotlomatsa tlhaolo ya borutegi le potsiso theo ya thuto ya sekolo ya barutabana ba Yunibesithi ba thuto ya khemise, ka tlhabololo ya borutegi. Go dirisitswe pharataeme ya phetolo ya episitemoloji go kaela thuto e e tsaletseng botlhagiso jwa tlhago le tlhotlhomiso. Thutatsela ya patlisiso e e boleng e ne ya dirisiwa go tsamaisa thuto, le barutabana ba ba robongwe ba diyunibesithi tse di neng di na le maikemisetso a bosupi go tswa mo diyunibesithi tse tharo (ba bararo go tswa mo go nngwe le nngwe ya tsona). Didatha di ne di kgobokantswe ka seka-popego sa dipuisano, kelotlhokomelo ya batsayakarolo le tsepamiso ya setlhopha sa dipuisano, fa tshekatsheko ya datha e feditswe ka go dirisa tshekatsheko ya kgokagano ya thitokgang. Kelotlhoko ya maitshwaro e ne e na le tlhokomelo ka go se senole tshedimosetso ya batsayakarolo kgotsa tshedimosetso ka diyunibesthi tse e leng baemedi ba tsona. Thuto e ne e kaelwa ke metheo e mene ya tiori: tiori ya kopano, tiori ya phetogo ya thuto, tiori ya boleng jo bo solofetsweng le tiori ya thulaganyo. Potso e kgolo ya patlisiso e e kaelang thuto e ne e le: tlhaolo ya borutegi e gola jaang mo barutabaneng ba yunibesithi ba thuto ya Khemise fa ba ithuta thuto ka theo-potsiso ya petakoji (IBP) ka WhatsApp Messenger? Go thapilwe tlhagiso e e tlhagelelang gabedi 1) go farologanya tlhaolo ya barutabana pele le morago ga khoso le 2) go ela tlhoko le go tlhalosa tshedimosetso ya tlhaolo ya borutegi jaaka barutabana ba batsayakarolo mo khosong. Dipholo tsa tsamaiso ya potsotherisano e e neng e le teng pele ga go tsena khoso ya WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP, di bontsha gore ba bantsi ba na le tlhaolo ya borutegi jo bo sa siamang. Ba ne ba nna barutabana ka mabaka a a rileng a a sa tshwaneng fela ba sa ipone sentle jaaka barutabana, ka megopolo ya go tlogela Yunibesithi fa ditšhono tsa intasetari di tlhagelela. Ba ne ba sena boatlhodi jwa semmuso ba petakoji, mme ba ne ba sa dumele gore kitso e jaana e a tlhokagala, ka bone bontsi bo ne bo tsaletswe ditlhagiso tsa go tsepama mo borutabaneng. Dipholo tsa kelotlhoko ya batsayakarolo mo nakong ya khoso ya IBP di bontsha gore khoso e e neetse barutabana ditlwaelo tse di rileng tse di sa tsamaisaneng fela le IBP gape le ditlhagiso tse dingwe tsa borutabana. WhatsApp Messenger e kgona go abelana mo polatefomong e e bonolo ya inthanete mo barutabaneng ba ba tlhaeletsanang le go abelana dikakanyo kwa ntle ga tlhokego ya go kopana mo lefelong ka sebele. Morago ga khoso ya IBP batsayakarolo ba begile gore ba leba ditlhaolo tsa bone tsa borutegi ka letshwao la koketso. Jaanong ba lemogile botlhokwa jwa petakoji mo go ruteng, se se tlhagisiwa ka letshwao la koketso mo boruteging jwa go ruta, ba bangwe ba ntse ba akanya go nna le boatlhodi jwa semmuso ka mo petakoji. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil. (Curriculum Studies)

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