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Uticaj sadržaja i osnovne strukture aromatskih ugljovodonika na termooksidacionu stabilnost mineralnih ulja / THE INFLUENCE OF CONTENT AND STRUCTURAL TYPE OF AROMATIC COMPOUNDS ON MINERAL OIL THERMOOXIDATIVE STABILITYSokolović Slobodan 30 June 1986 (has links)
No description available.
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Sposobnost formiranja biofilma različitih sojeva Salmonella Enteritidis i inhibitorni efekat etarskih ulja na inicijalnu adheziju i formirani biofilm / Ability of biofilm formation the different strains of Salmonella Enteritidis and inhibitory effect of essential oils on the initial adhesion and preformed biofilmČabarkapa Ivana 18 June 2015 (has links)
<p>Poznavanje i razumevanje adhezivne sposobnosti i formiranja biofilma patogenih bakterija, kao i njihovog odnosa prema faktorima koji mogu stimulisati ili inhibirati razvoj biofilma, je od fundamentalnog značaja za iznalaženje mera za njihovu efikasnu prevenciju i eliminaciju.<br />Imajući u vidu navedenu činjenicu kao i da je Salmonella enterica serotip Enteritidis epidemiološki najfrekventniji serotip cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita: sposobnost različitih sojeva Salmonella Enteritidis izolovanih iz kliničkog materijala, hrane za životinje i odabranog referentnog soja da formiraju biofilm, adherentnost na površine od stakla i nerđajućeg čelika, sposobnost preživljavanja odabranih biofilm produkujućih sojeva kao i mogućnost primene konfokalne laserske i skening elektronske mikroskopije u vizuelizaciji trodimenzionalne strukture biofilma.<br />Određivanjem morfotipa kolonija na Kongo red agaru na temperaturi inkubiranja od 25°C među testiranim izolatima detektovana su tri morfotipa RDAR (red, dry and rough), BDAR (brown dry and rough) i SAW (smooth and white). Polovina testiranih izolata je eksprimirala RDAR morfotip. Izolati koji su eksprimirali karakterističan morfotip na ovoj temperaturi su formirali na vazduh tečnost međufazi isti tip pelikule.<br />Uporednom analizom rezultata primenjenih skrining testova za utvrđivanje sposobnosti formiranja biofilma pri temperaturi inkubiranja od 25°C ustanovljena je korelacija između pojave određenog morfotipa na Kongo crvenom agaru i sposobnosti formiranja biofilma u kristal violet i pelikula testu. Međutim, sa povećanjem temperature inkubiranja na 37oC, ova korelacija nije ustanovljena, sa izuzetkom izolata SE8.<br />Svi testirani izolati su pokazali sposobnost adherencije na površinu stakla i nerđajućeg čelika, ali u različitoj meri. Na sposobnost adherencije povoljniji uticaj je imala temperatura inkubiranja od 25°C (p<0,05), sa izuzetkom izolata SE3 (p>0,05). Između stepena adherencije izolata na površine stakla i nerđajućeg čelika nisu ustanovljene statistički značajne razlike (p>0,05).<br />Praćenjem stope preživljavanja tokom 28 dana u uslovima isušivanja evidentirana je znatno veća stopa preživljavanja ćelija izolata RDAR morfotipa u odnosu na stopu preživljavanja ćelija BDAR morfotipa (p<0,05). Praćenjem stope preživljavanja tokom 90 dana u uslovima povremene dostupnosti hranljivih materija, zabeležena je veća stopa preživljavanja u odnosu na stopu preživljavanja u uslovima isušivanja. U uslovima povremene dostupnosti hranljivih materija nakon devedeset dana ispitivanja kod obe grupe izolata procenat vijabilnih ćelija je iznosio više od 50%.<br />Primenjenim mikroskopskim tehnikama (CLSM i SEM) omogućena je detaljna vizualizacija formiranih biofilmova. Na modelu izolata SERDAR morfotipa, ustanovljeno je da se formiranje biofilma pod primenjenim eksperimentalnim uslovima, odvija u tri faze: 1) inicijalna adhezija za površinu i formiranje manjih ćelijskih agregata (24h); 2) formiranje većih ćelijskih agregata uz produkciju EPS (48h); 3) sazrevanje biofilma uz značajnu produkciju EPS što omogućava formiranje stabilne trodimenzionalne strukture biofilma (96h).<br />Nasuprot karakteristikama koje bakterije pokazuju tokom rasta u medijumima koji obiluju hranljivim materijama, bakterije u biofilmovima pokazuju drugačije osobine u pogledu ekspresije gena i karakteristika rasta. Zahvaljujući ovim razlikama, bakterije u biofilmovima pokazuju povećanu rezistenciju na antibiotike i dezinficijense, zbog čega se konstantno razvijaju nove kontrolne strategije u cilju iznalaženja potencijalnih bioloških rešenja koja pored različitih enzima, faga, antimikrobnih jedinjenja proizvedenih od strane mikroorganizama uključuju i antimkrobna jedinjenja biljnog porekla kao što su biljni ekstrakti, etarska ulja i različiti začini. Stoga, je u okviru drugog segmenta ovog istraživanja ispitivan hemijski sastav etarskih ulja, antimikrobni efekat etarskih ulja (O. heracleoticum , O. vulgare , Th. vulgaris i Th. serpyllum) i pojedinačnih komponenti etarskog ulja (karvakrola i timola) na bujonske kulture testiranih sojeva Salmonella Enteritidis kao i uticaj odabranih koncentracija etarskih ulja na inicijalnu adheziju i već formirani biofilm odabranih sojeva Salmonella Enteritidis.<br />Etarska ulja je karakterisao visok zbirni udeo glavnih fenolnih komponenti karvakrola i timola: O. heracleoticum (71,6%), O. vulgare (63,6%), Th. vulgaris (59,77%), Th. serpyllum (40,04%). Etarska ulja su ispoljila antimikrobni efekat sledećim redosledom: O. heracleoticum >O. vugare =Th. vulgaris >Th. serpyllum. Antimikrobni efekat etarskih ulja je bio direktno srazmeran zbiru fenolnih komponenti (karvakrola i timola) u etarskom ulju. U odgovoru na tretman etarskim uljima između izolata S. Enteritidis nisu ustanovljene razlike.<br />Etarska ulja, karvakrol i timol su pokazali inhibitorni efekat na inicijalnu adheziju i posledično na formiranje biofilma testiranih izolata S. Enteritidis na dozno zavisan način. Upoređivanjem uticaja etarskih ulja na inhibiciju inicijalne adhezije i metabolitičke aktivnosti ćelija između izolata RDAR i BDAR morfotipa ustanovljene razlike nisu bile statistički značajne (p>0,05).<br />Ispitivanjem uticaja etarskih ulja, karvakrola i timola na ukupnu biomasu biofilma i metabolitičku aktivnost ćelija dokazano je da etarska ulja u primenjenim koncentracijama ispoljavaju uticaj na redukciju ukupne biomase formiranog biofilma i metaboličke aktivnosti bakterijskih ćelija na dozno zavisan način u funkciji vremena. Znatno veća efikasnost primenjenih tretmana je pokazana u slučaju njihove primene na biofilmove formirane od strane izolata BDAR morfotipa (p<0,05).</p> / <p><span style="font-size:10px;">Knowledge and understanding ability of the pathogenic bacteria that adhere to surface and form biofilm, as well as their relationship between these abilities and factors that stimulate or inhibit biofilm development, are essential to develop strategies for their prevention and elimination.<br />Considering also the fact that Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis has been epidemiologically the most frequently found serotype, the aims of this study were to evaluate: biofilm forming ability of several Salmonella Enteritidis strains isolated from clinical material, feed and selected control strain, their ability to adhere to glass and stainless steel surfaces, survival of selected biofilm-producing strains, as well as the possibility of applying confocal laser scanning (CLSM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for visualization of biofilm three-dimensional structure.<br />Determination of colony morphotype on Congo red agar at incubation temperature of 25°C revealed that among all tested isolates three morphotypes were detected: RDAR (red, dry and rough), BDAR (brown dry and rough) and SAW (smooth and white). Half of all tested isolates expressed RDAR morphotype. All isolates that expressed specific morphotype at this incubation temperature also formed the corresponding type of pellicle at air-liquid interface.<br />Comparing the results of the applied assays was ascertained the correlation between specific morphotype on Congo red agar and biofilm forming ability in Cristal violet and pellicle tests, at incubation temperature of 25ºC. In the case of assays conducted at 37°C, this correlation was not established, except for the isolate SE8.<br />All tested isolates showed varying degree of the ability to adhere to glass and stainless steel surfaces. Incubation temperature of 25ºC had more favorable effect on the adherence, with the exception of isolate SE3 (p>0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between adherence ability of all isolates to glass and stainless steel surfaces (p>0.05).<br />Accompaniment of the survival rate during 28 days in the conditions of desiccation, the significantly higher survival rate was</span> <span style="font-size:10px;">obtained for RDAR than BDAR morphotype isolates (p<0.05). Accompaniment of the survival rate during 90 days in the conditions of occasional availability of nutrients, it was detected the higher survival rate than in condition of desiccation. Under these conditions, after 90 days, there were more than 50% of viable cells among both groups of isolates.<br />Applied microscopic techniques (CLSM and SEM) provided detailed visualization of formed biofilms. On model of SERDAR morphotype isolate, it was established that biofilm formation under this experimental conditions has three phases: 1) initial adhesion to the surface and formation of small cell aggregates (24h); 2) formation of large cell aggregates followed with production of extracellular polymer substance (EPS) (48h); 3) maturation of biofilm followed with significant EPS production, which allows formation of stabile three dimensional structure of the biofilm (96h).<br />Contrary to characteristics that bacteria expressed during their growth in the nutrient media, bacteria in biofilms show different properties in terms of genes expression and growth characteristics. Due to these differences, bacteria in biofilms showed higher resistance to antibiotics and disinfectants. For these reasons are being constantly developed new potential biological control strategies that aim at finding the potential biological solutions that besides different enzymes, phages, antimicrobial compounds produced by microorganisms, also include antimicrobial compounds of plant origin, such as extracts, essential oils and different spices.<br />Therefore, the other segment of this research was investigation of the chemical composition and antimicrobial properties of different essential oils (O. heracleoticum, O. vulgare, Th. vulgaris and Th. serpyllum) and their components (carvacrol and thymol), against broth cultures of Salmonella Enteritidis. Also, selected concentrations of essential oils were tested against initial adhesion and preformed biofilm of selected Salmonella Enteritidis isolates.<br />Essential oils were characterized by high amount of phenol compounds carvacrol and thymol: O. heracleoticum (71.6%), O. vulgare (63.6%), Th. vulgaris (59.77%) and Th. serpyllum (40.04%). Essential oils showed antimicrobial potential as follows: O. heracleoticum > O. vugare = Th. vulgaris > Th. serpyllum. Antimicrobial effect was directly proportional to the total content of phenolic components (carvacrol and thymol) in essential oil. Between responses of different S. Enteritidis isolates to essential oil treatment, there was no significant difference.<br />Essential oils, carvacrol and thymol demonstrated inhibitory effect on initial adhesion and consequently, on biofilm formation of S. Enteritidis isolates, in a dose-dependent manner. Comparing influence of essential oil on the inhibition of initial cell adhesion and metabolic activity of cells RDAR and BDAR morphotype, no statistically significant differences were established (p>0.05).<br />Examination of the influence of essential oils, carvacrol and thymol on total biomass of preformed biofilms and metabolic activity of cells, it was revealed that essential oils in applied concentrations cause reduction of total biomass of preformed biofilm and metabolic activity</span> <span style="font-size:10px;">of bacterial cells in a time and dose dependent manner. Applied treatments demonstrated significantly higher efficiency on BDAR morphotype biofilms (p<0.05).</span></p>
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Biohemijski aspekti sazrevanja zacinske paprike (Capsicum annuum L.) / Biochemical Aspects of Spice Paprika (Capsicum anuumm L.) RipeningKevrešan Žarko 30 December 2008 (has links)
<p>U radu su ispitane biohemijske promene na plodovima paprike tokom sazrevanja plodova i tokom dozrevanja plodova posle branja. U cilju ispitivanja promena tokom sazrevanja plodovi su uzorkovani u različitim fazama zrelosti tj. kad su plodovi bili zelene, braon, crvene i tamno crvene boje. Svaka od pomenutih grupa zrenja je dozrevana sledećih petnaest dana sa i bez prisustva svetla. Posle perioda dozrevanja plodovi su osušeni i samleveni. </p><p>U uzorcima svežih plodova paprika ispitan je sadržaj vode, pepela, ukupnih mono i oligosaharida, mikro i makroelemenata, boja plodova (vizuelnom ocenom i instrumentalnim merenjem), sadržaj pigmenata i sastav etarskih ulja, dok je u suvim uzorcima određena boja, sadržaj mikro i makro elemenata, pigmenata i sastav etarskih ulja. U semenima paprika ispitan je sadržaj vode, pepela, ulja i neophodnih mikro i makro elemenata. </p><p>Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se tokom sazrevanja dešavaju biohemijske promene na plodovima paprika. Povećava se sadržaj suve materije, dolazi do promena u sastavu pigmenata i etarskih ulja. Tokom 15 dana dozrevanja, ispitani parametri plodova paprika pokazuju da se promene na plodovima nastavljaju i posle ubiranja plodova. U zavisnosti od stepena zrelosti, povećava se sadržaj pigmenta, a menja se i sastav etarskih ulja. </p> / <p>The aim of this study was to investigate biochemical changes of paprika fruits during ripening and postharvest treatments. Fruits were collected in different stages of development i.e. when green, brown, red and deep red color. Each of these color‐type fruits where ripped after harvest (collection) during next fifteen days with or without light. Thereafter, postharvest treatment fruits were dried and milled.</p><p>In samples of fresh paprika fruits the content of water, ash, mono‐ and oligosaharides, micro and macro nutrient, color of fruits (by visual evaluation and instrumental measuring), ASTA value, chlorophyll and carotenoid content, certain constituents of essential oil were determined and activity of peroxidase and β‐glucosidase enzymes, while in dried fruits the color, content of micro and macroelements and composition of essential oils were determined. In seed, the content of water, ash, oil and micro and macroelements were determined.</p><p>Based on the results it could be concluded that, during ripening, the biochemical changes are occurring on paprika fruits. The increase in dry matter content is observ ed along with the changes in pigment and essential oil composition. During the postharvest time, all evaluated parameters indicated that ripening is in progress after the harvest of paprika fruits. Changes in both the pigment and the essential oil content is dependent of a ripening stage.</p>
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Uticaj kvaliteta semena na dinamiku razvoja, prinosi kvalitet suncokreta / The effect of seed quality on the developmentaldynamics, yield and quality of sunflowerMrđa Jelena 30 December 2015 (has links)
<p>Izvod<br />IZ<br />Pet hibrida suncokreta (Sremac, Oliva, Cepko, NS-H-111 i Sumo 2 OR) gajena su tokom<br />vegetacionih sezona 2010. i 2011. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i<br />povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, na Rimskim šančevima i na oglednom polju Poljoprivredne stručne<br />službe Zrenjanin. Laboratorijski deo ogleda izveden je u Laboratoriji za ispitivanje semena<br />Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada i Biohemijskoj laboratoriji<br />Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Novom Sadu. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi da li semenski<br />materijal, poreklom sa istog lokaliteta i iste parcele, u procesu dorade semena tj. odvajanja<br />semena po frakcijama menja kvalitet, kao i da li ovakav način dorade semenskog materijala<br />utiče na prinos i komponente prinosa semena, kao i na sadržaj i prinos ulja odabranih<br />hibrida suncokreta. Takođe, cilj je bio i da se utvrdi da li nedostatak primarnog korena kod<br />ponika suncokreta dovodi do statistički značajnog smanjenja prinosa semena i ulja, kao i<br />kakav uticaj ima na komponente prinosa suncokreta. Analizirane su sledeće osobine:<br />klijavost i vigor semena, enzimska aktivnost, nicanje u polju, nakupljanje suve materije (po<br />biljnim organima i ukupno po biljci), visina stabla, prečnik glave, prinos semena, masa 1000<br />semena, sadržaj ulja i prinos ulja. Statistička obrada podataka izvršena je primenom analize<br />varijanse trofaktorijalnog ogleda, prema modelu podeljenih parcela. Iz tabele analize<br />varijanse je prikazana verovatnoća značajnosti razlika po F-testu, a na osnovu učešća u<br />sumi kvadrata tretmana određen je procentualni udeo svakog faktora u ukupnoj<br />varijabilnosti. Takođe su izračunate i LSD vrednosti za poređenje razlika između tretmana<br />posmatranog faktora, na pragovima značajnosti od 1 i 5%. Utvrđena je i korelaciona<br />zavisnost posmatranih osobina. Rezultati analize varijanse pokazali su visoko značajno<br />učešće glavnih faktora (godine, lokaliteta, frakcije semena, tipa ponika), kao i njihovih<br />međusobnih interakcija za većinu ispitivanih osobina. Na vrednosti ispitivanih osobina<br />najveći uticaj imala je godina istraživanja, a zatim lokalitet. Frakcija semena je imala visoko<br />značajan uticaj na klijavost semena, nicanje u polju, nakupljanje suve materije, prinos<br />semena i prinos ulja. Tip ponika je imao visoko značajan uticaj na enzimsku aktivnost</p> / <p>Five sunflower hybrids (Sremac, Oliva, Cepko, NS-H-111, and Sumo 2 OR) were grown in<br />2010 and 2011, on experimental fields of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi<br />Sad - Rimski Šančevi, and experimental fields of the Agricultural Service Zrenjanin.<br />Laboratory tests were conducted at Laboratory for Seed Testing of the Institute of Field<br />and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad, and Biochemical Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture,<br />University of Novi Sad. The aim of this research was to determine whether seed material<br />from the same locality and the same field lot changes quality during seed processing, i.e.<br />dividing seed lot into fractions, and additionally whether this type of seed processing<br />affects seed yield, seed yield components, oil yield, and oil content of the selected<br />sunflower hybrids. The aim was also to determine if missing primary root in sunflower<br />seedlings results in statistically significant decrease of seed and oil yield, and establish how<br />it influences sunflower yield components. The following traits were examined: seed<br />germination and vigour, enzymatic activity, field emergence, dry matter accumulation (in<br />plant organs and in the whole plant), stem height, head diameter, seed yield, 1000 seed<br />mass, oil content and oil yield. Statistical analysis of data was performed by analysis of<br />variance of the trifactorial trial using the split-plot design model. Table of analysis of<br />variance shows the probability of significance of differences by F-test, and based on the<br />participation in the treatment sum of squares, percentage ratio of each factor was<br />calculated in the total variability. LSD values at 1 and 5% were computed to compare<br />differences between treatments of the observed factor. Correlation dependence between<br />the observed traits was determined. Results of the analysis of variance showed a highly<br />significant participation of the main factors (year, locality, seed fraction, type of seedling),<br />and their mutual interactions for the majority of the examined traits. Year and locality had<br />the highest effect on the value of the examined traits. Seed fraction had highly significant<br />effect on seed germination, emergence, dry matter accumulation, seed yield, and oil yield.<br />Type of seedling had a highly significant effect on the enzymatic activity, seed yield, oil<br />content, and oil yield.</p>
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Uticaj dodatka etarskih ulja na kvalitet fino usitnjenih barenih i fermentisanih suvih kobasica / Effect of essential oils addition on quality of finely comminuted cooked and dry fermented sausagesSavanović Jovo 21 March 2019 (has links)
<p>Osnovni zadatak ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita<br />uticaj dodatka odabranih etarskih ulja izolovanih iz začinskog<br />i lekovitog bilja (kima, kleke i žalfije) na kvalitet fino<br />usitnjenih barenih i fermentisanih suvih kobasica. Fino<br />usitnjene barene kobasice proizvedene su sa dodatkom<br />etarskih ulja kima, kleke i žalfije u količinama od 0,1, 0,5, 1,0,<br />2,0 i 5,0 μl/g, kao i bez dodatka etarskih ulja (kontrola), dok<br />su fermentisane suve kobasice proizvedene sa dodatkom<br />etarskih ulja kima, kleke i žalfije u količinama od 0,01, 0,05 i<br />0,10 μl/g, kao i bez dodatka etarskih ulja (kontrola). Dodatno,<br />odlučeno je da se ispita i mogućnost delimične ili potpune<br />zamene nitrita sa ovim uljima i to na fermentisanim suvim<br />kobasica koje su proizvedene sa tri različita sadržaja nitrita (0,<br />75 i 150 mg/kg) i dva različita sadržaja masti (15 i 25%) i čiji<br />je kvalitet i bezbednost praćen tokom 225 dana čuvanja.<br />Kvalitet fino usitnjenih barenih i fermentisanih suvih kobasica<br />ispitan je određivanjem i analizom fizičkih [vrednost pH, boja<br />– instrumentalno (L*, a* i b* vrednosti)], hemijskih [TBARS<br />vrednost, antiradikalska aktivnost prema DPPH radikalu (IC<sub>50</sub><br />vrednost), sadržaj ukupnih fenola (samo kod fino usitnjenih<br />barenih kobasica)], mikrobioloških [ukupan broj aerobnih<br />mezofilnih bakterija, ukupan broj aerobnih mezofilnih<br />sporogenih bakterija, ukupan broj bakterija mlečne kiseline<br />(samo kod fermentisanih suvih kobasica), ukupan broj<br />lipolitičkih bakterija (samo kod fermentisanih suvih kobasica),<br />ukupan broj Enterobacteriaceae, ukupan broj Escherichia<br />coli, ukupan broj sulfitoredukujućih klostridija, Listeria spp.<br />(uključujući i Listeria monocytogenes) (samo kod<br />fermentisanih suvih kobasica), ukupan broj kvasaca i plesni] i<br />senzorskih [boja, miris (samo kod fermentisanih suvih<br />kobasica), ukusnosti] parametara kvaliteta.<br />Kod fino usitnjenih barenih kobasica koje su proizvedene sa<br />dodatkom etarskih ulja kima, kleke ili žalfije, u poređenju sa<br />fino usitnjenim barenim kobasicama koje su proizvedene bez<br />dodatka etarskog ulja, nezavisno od dodate koncentracije etarskih ulja, utvrđeno je sledeće: smanjenje svetloće (L*<br />vrednosti) – utvrđena je tamnija boja, povećanje udela crvene<br />boje (a* vrednosti), smanjenje udela žute boje (b* vrednosti),<br />smanjenje TBARS vrednosti, smanjenje IC<sub>50</sub> vrednosti,<br />povećanje sadržaja ukupnih fenola, smanjenje ukupnog broja<br />aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija, smanjenje ukupnog broja<br />aerobnih mezofilnih sporogenih bakterija, senzorski tamnija<br />boja i senzorski veći intenzitet ukusnosti, s tim da se sa<br />povećanjem koncentracija etarskih ulja efekat smanjenja<br />TBARS vrednosti, smanjenja IC<sub>50</sub> vrednosti, povećanja<br />sadržaja ukupnih fenola, smanjenja ukupnog broja aerobnih<br />mezofilnih bakterija, smanjenja ukupnog broja aerobnih<br />mezofilnih sporogenih bakterija i povećanja intenziteta<br />ukusnosti još više ispoljava.<br />Kod fermentisanih suvih kobasica koje su proizvedene sa<br />dodatkom etarskih ulja kima, kleke ili žalfije, u poređenju sa<br />fermentisanim suvim kobasicama koje su proizvedene bez<br />dodatka etarskog ulja, nezavisno od dodate koncentracije<br />etarskih ulja, utvrđeno je sledeće: povećanje vrednosti pH,<br />smanjenje TBARS vrednosti, senzorski tamnija boja,<br />senzorski veći intenzitet mirisa i senzorski veći intenzitet<br />ukusnosti, s tim da se sa povećanjem koncentracija etarskih<br />ulja efekat smanjenja TBARS vrednosti, povećanja intenziteta<br />mirisa i povećanja intenziteta ukusnosti još više ispoljava.<br />Kod fermentisanih suvih kobasica koje su proizvedene sa<br />dodatkom nitrita (75 i 150 mg/kg), u poređenju sa<br />fermentisanim suvim kobasicama koje su proizvedene bez<br />dodatka nitrita, utvrđeno je sledeće: veće vrednosti pH, manje<br />svetloće (L* vrednosti) – utvrđena je tamnija boja, što je<br />potvrđeno i senzorski – rangiranjem, veći udeli žute boje (b*<br />vrednosti), manje TBARS vrednosti, veće IC<sub>50</sub> vrednosti,<br />manji ukupan broj bakterija mlečne kiseline (samo kod<br />fermentisanih suvih kobasica koje su proizvedene sa<br />dodatkom nitrita od 150 mg/kg), manje senzorske ocene za<br />razliku u boji i veće senzorske ocene za razliku u mirisu, s tim<br />da je kod fermentisanih suvih kobasica koje su proizvedene sa<br />dodatkom nitrita od 150 mg/kg, u poređenju sa fermentisanim<br />suvim kobasicama koje su proizvedene sa dodatkom nitrita od<br />75 mg/kg, utvrđeno sledeće: veći udeo žute boje (b* vrednost)<br />i manja senzorska ocena za razliku u boji.<br />Kod fermentisanih suvih kobasica koje su proizvedene sa<br />15% masti, u poređenju sa fermentisanim suvim kobasicama<br />koje su proizvedene sa 25% masti, utvrđeno je sledeće: veća vrednost pH, manja svetloća (L* vrednost) – utvrđena je<br />tamnija boja, veći udeo crvene boje (a* vrednost), veći udeo<br />žute boje (b* vrednost), manja IC<sub>50</sub> vrednost, veći ukupan broj<br />aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija i manja senzorska ocena za<br />razliku u boji.<br />U toku čuvanja fermentisanih suvih kobasica (od neposredno<br />nakon proizvodnje do 225 dana) utvrđeno je sledeće:<br />povećanje vrednosti pH, smanjenje svetloće (L* vrednosti) –<br />utvrđena je tamnija boja, povećanje udela crvene boje (a*<br />vrednosti), povećanje udela žute boje (b* vrednosti),<br />povećanje TBARS vrednosti, povećanje IC<sub>50</sub> vrednosti,<br />povećanje ukupnog broja aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija,<br />smanjenje ukupnog broja bakterija mlečne kiseline i<br />povećanje senzorskih ocena za razliku u boji, uz nekoliko<br />izuzetaka koji bitnije ne odstupaju od utvrđenog trenda.</p> / <p>The main aim of this doctoral dissertation is to examine the<br />influence of the addition of selected essential oils isolated<br />from spices and medicinal herbs (caraway, juniper, and sage)<br />on the quality of finely comminuted cooked and dry<br />fermented sausages. Finely comminuted cooked sausages<br />were produced with the addition of essential oils of caraway,<br />juniper, and sage in the respective amounts of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0,<br />2.0, and 5.0 μl/g, as well as without the addition of essential<br />oils (control group), while dry fermented sausages were<br />produced with the addition of essential oils of caraway,<br />juniper, and sage in the respective amounts of 0.01, 0.05, and<br />0.10 μl/g, as well as without the addition of essential oils<br />(control group). In addition, it was decided to examine the<br />possibility of partial or complete replacement of nitrite<br />contents with these oils on dry fermented sausages made with<br />three different levels of nitrite contents (0, 75, and 150 mg/kg)<br />and two different fat contents (15 and 25%), whose quality<br />and safety were monitored during 225 days of storage. The<br />quality of finely comminuted cooked and dry fermented<br />sausages was tested by determining and analysing physical<br />[pH value, colour – instrumental (L*, a*, and b* values)],<br />chemical [TBARS value, antiradical activity against the<br />DPPH radical (IC50 value), total phenolic content (only for<br />finely comminuted cooked sausages)], microbiological [the<br />total number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, the total number<br />of aerobic mesophilic sporogenic bacteria, the total number of<br />lactic acid bacteria (only for dry fermented sausages), the<br />total number of lipolytic bacteria (only for dry fermented<br />sausages), the total number of Enterobacteriaceae, the total<br />number of Escherichia coli, the total number of sulphitereducing<br />clostridia, total number of Listeria spp. (including<br />Listeria monocytogenes) (only for dry fermented sausages),<br />the total number of yeasts and moulds] and sensory [colour,<br />odour (only for dry fermented sausages), flavour] quality<br />parametres. For finely comminuted cooked sausages produced with the<br />addition of essential oils of caraway, juniper, or sage, in<br />comparison with finely comminuted cooked sausages<br />produced without the addition of essential oils, independently<br />of the added concentrations of essential oils, the following<br />was determined: a decrease in lightness (L* values) – a darker<br />colour was determined, an increase in redness (a* values), the<br />decrease in yellowness (b* values), the reduction of TBARS<br />values, a reduction of the IC50 values, an increase of total<br />phenolic content, a reduction of the total number of aerobic<br />mesophilic bacteria, a reduction of the total number of aerobic<br />mesophilic sporogenic bacteria, a sensory darker colour, and a<br />sensory higher intensity of flavour, with an increase in the<br />concentrations of the essential oils resulting in the even more<br />pronounced effect of decreasing the TBARS values, of<br />decreasing the IC50 values, of increasing the total phenolic<br />content, of decreasing the total number of aerobic mesophilic<br />bacteria, of decreasing the total number of aerobic mesophilic<br />sporogenic bacteria, and of increasing the intensity of flavour.<br />In the case of dry fermented sausages produced with the<br />addition of essential oils of caraway, juniper, or sage, in<br />comparison with dry fermented sausages produced without<br />the addition of essential oil, independently of the added<br />concentrations of essential oils, the following was<br />determined: an increase in pH values, a reduction of TBARS<br />values, a sensory darker colour, a sensory higher intensity of<br />odour, and a sensory higher intensity of flavour, with an<br />increase in the concentrations of the essential oils resulting in<br />the even more pronounced effect of decreasing the TBARS<br />values, of increasing the intensity of odour, and of increasing<br />the intensity of flavour.<br />For dry fermented sausages produced with the addition of<br />nitrite (75 and 150 mg/kg), in comparison with dry fermented<br />sausages produced without the addition of nitrite, the<br />following was determined: higher values of pH, lower<br />lightness (L* values) – a darker colour was determined, which<br />was also confirmed by sensory analysis – by ranking, higher<br />yellowness (b* values), lower TBARS values, higher IC50<br />values, lower total number of lactic acid bacteria (only for dry<br />fermented sausages produced with the addition of nitrite in<br />the amount of 150 mg /kg), lower sensory scores for colour<br />difference and higher sensory scores for the difference in<br />odour, with a higher yellowness (b* value) and a lower sensory score for colour difference determined in dry<br />fermented sausages produced with the addition of nitrite in<br />the amount of 150 mg/kg, in comparison with dry fermented<br />sausages produced with the addition of nitrite in an amount of<br />75 mg/kg.<br />In the case of dry fermented sausages produced with 15% fat,<br />compared to dry fermented sausages produced with 25% fat,<br />the following was determined: a higher pH value, lower<br />lightness (L* value) – a darker colour was determined, a<br />higher redness (a* value), a higher yellowness (b* value), a<br />lower IC50 value, a higher total number of aerobic mesophilic<br />bacteria, and a lower sensory score for colour difference.<br />During storage of dry fermented sausages (from the moment<br />of production to 225 days), the following was determined: an<br />increase in pH values, a decrease in lightness (L* values) – a<br />darker colour was determined, an increase in redness (a*<br />values), an increase in yellowness (b* values), an increase in<br />TBARS values, an increase in IC50 values, an increase in total<br />number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, a decrease in total<br />number of lactic acid bacteria, and an increase of sensory<br />scores for colour difference, with several exceptions that do<br />not differ greatly from the established trend.</p>
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Uticaj procesnih parametara na pirolizu drvne biomase / Influence of process parameters on the pyrolysis of woody biomassKosanić Tijana 17 November 2015 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji vršeno je istraživanje mogućnosti konverzije energije<br />različitih vrsta drvne biomase procesom pirolize. Ispitivanu drvnu biomasu<br />predstavljale su strugotina hrasta, bukve, trešnje, oraha, jele, lipe, kao i<br />mešavina navedenih vrsta. Dobijeni eksperimentalni rezultati ukazuju da<br />prinos gasa, tečne i čvrste faze tokom odvijanja procesa pirolize zavise od<br />reakcionog vremena, temperature i brzine zagrevanja.</p> / <p>Doctoral dissertation investigates possibilities for energy conversion of<br />different woody biomass types through pyrolysis process. Investigated woody<br />biomass included oak, beech, cherry, walnut, fir, lime wood chips and their<br />mixture. Obtained experimental results imply that gas, liquid and solid phase<br />yields during pyrolysis process depend on reaction time, temperature and<br />heating rate.</p>
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Uporedni pregled morfo-anatomskih karakteristika biljnih organa i analiza etarskih ulja sa njihovom primenom u taksonomiji odabranih rodova tribusa Inuleae Cass. (Compositae) / Comparative review of morpho-anatomical characteristics of plant organs and analyses of essential oils with their application in taxonomy of selected genera of the tribe Inuleae Cass. (Compositae)Karanović Dunja 27 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Komparativnom analizom morfo-anatomskih i mikromorfoloških karakteristika lista, stabla, rizoma, korena, ploda i receptakuluma, kao i biohemijskom analizom etarskih ulja podzemnih organa, obuhvaćeno je ukupno 16 vrsta iz 4<br />roda, Inula (I. aschersoniana, I. bifrons, I. britannica, <em> I. conyza, I. ensifolia, I. germanica, I. helenium, I. oculus-christi, I. saslicina ssp. salicina, I. salicina ssp. aspera, I. spiraeifolia), Dittrichia (D. graveolens, D. viscosa), Limbarda (L.<br />crithmoides) i Pulicaria (P. dysenterica, P. vulgaris) iz</em> tribusa Inuleae, familije Compositae. Vrste iz različitih rodova analizirane u ovoj disertaciji ranijom klasifikacijom svrstavane su u okviru različitih sekcija roda Inula, a takođe i tipska vrsta ovog roda,<em> I. helenium L</em>., svrstavana je u okviru zasebne sekcije<em> Corvisartia.</em> Na osnovu najnovijih molekularnih filogenetskih analiza, baziranih na sekvencama plastidne i jedarne DNK, kao i na osnovu morfoloških i karioloških podataka, predloženo je da sekcija <em>Corvisartia </em> bude izdvojena u zaseban rod. Ciljevi ove<br />disertacije definisani su u skladu sa činjenicom da su podaci o morfo-anatomskoj, mikromorfološkoj i biohemijskoj građi vegetativnih i reproduktivnih organa vrsta ovog tribusa malobrojni i nepotpuni, dok su analize vršene parcijalno i<br />nezavisno kod pojedinih predstavnika, sa slabim akcentom na njihovu komparativnu analizu. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo veliki broj kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih karaktera koji su analizirani i mereni pomoću stereomikroskopa, svetlosnog, fluorescentnog i skening elektronskog mikroskopa. Dobijeni podaci statistički su obrađeni različitim metodama numeričke analize koje se inače<br />koriste pri taksonomskim istraživanjima. Ovakav tip analize za vrste rodova <em> Inula,</em> <em>Dittrichia, Limbarda i Pulicaria</em> nije zabeležen u dosadašnjoj literaturi.<br />Sprovedena analiza pokazala je da ni jedan vegetativni biljni organ pojedinačno ne pruža dovoljno informacija na osnovukojih bi se sa statističkom sigurnošću mogle izdvojiti određene grupe vrsta, niti rodovi prema postojećoj podeli. U okviru analiziranih anatomskih i mikromorfoloških karakteristika ploda i receptakuluma, organizacija sklerenhimskog tkiva u zrelom plodu i karakteristike receptakuluma predstavljaju karaktere koji su dijagnostički za rodove. Karakteri koji razdvajaju analizirane taksone jesu: karakteristike papusa kod vrsta roda <em> Pulicaria; </em>prstenasato suženje između baze papusa i cipsele, organizacija<br />sklerenhimskog tkiva ploda i tip trihoma na površini receptakuluma kod vrsta roda<em> Dittrichia</em>; sekretorni kanali u perikarpu ploda, odsustvo trihoma i slabo izražena rebra na površini receptakuluma kod vrste<em> L. crithmoides</em>. Plod vrste <em> I.</em><br /><em>helenium</em> razlikuje se od plodova svih preostalih analiziranih vrsta na osnovu njegovih dimenzija, većeg broja sklerenhimskih vrpci koje nisu istaknute u rebra, kao i na osnovu slabo izraženih rebara na receptakulumu, između karpopodijalnih otisaka, na kojima se nalaze žlezdane i nežlezdane trihome. Rezultati su<br />ukazali na to da se vrsta I. helenium izdvaja kao zaseban takson na osnovu anatomskih i mikromorfoloških karakteristika ploda i receptakuluma sa jednako malim stepenom statističke podrške koji takođe podržava izdvajanje rodova <em>Dittrichia, Limbarda i Pulicaria</em> u zasebne rodove. Stoga, naši rezultati podržavaju tvrdnju da vrsta I. helenium treba biti izdvojena od preostalih<br />vrsta roda Inula u zaseban rod, pri čemu je njena autentičnost evidentna na nivou anatomije i mikromorfologije vegetativnih i reproduktivnih organa.<br />Rezultati hemijske analize etarskog ulja pružili su do sada nepoznate podatke o kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom sastavu etarskog ulja podzemnih organa analiziranih taksona i ukazali na mogućnost njihove primene u taksonomiji ispitivanog tribusa na nivou identifikacije pojedinačnih taksona. Takođe, dobijeni<br />rezultati ukazali su na nove potencijalno lekovite vrste koje predstavljaju potencijalni resurs za farmaceutsku industriju. Rezultati analize osnovnih komponenti kao i rezultati korespodentne analize ukazali su na odsustvo tendencije grupisanja taksona koji pripadaju istom rodu prema trenutno<br />važećoj klasifikaciji. Zbog velike varijabilnosti uslovljene faktorima spoljašnje sredine sastav etarskih ulja ne može se koristiti samostalno kao pouzdan hemotaksonomski marker. Ipak, rezultati o sastavu etarskih ulja značajni su u smislu njihove primene u medicinske i kozmetičke svrhe, u industriji<br />gde se etarska ulja koriste kao sirovina, te su dobijeni rezultati značajni i u kontekstu evaluacije kvaliteta etarskih ulja ispitivanih vrsta.<br />Sprovedeno istraživanje daje značajan doprinos u pogledu tačnije klasifikacije unutar tribusa koja se danas bazira uglavnom na morfološkim karakteristikama. Detaljno opisani morfo-anatomski i mikromorfološki karakteri analiziranih<br />vegetativnih i reproduktivnih organa doprinose boljem poznavanju karakteristika vrsta analiziranih rodova i predstavljaju dopunu postojećim podacima o analiziranimtaksonima. Takođe, na bazi morfo-anatomskih karakteristika ploda i receptakuluma izrađen je dihotomi ključ za determinaciju analiziranih rodova i vrsta. Korišćenjem metoda diskriminantne i korespodentne analize izdvojeni su i karakteri na osnovu kojih je moguće izvršiti diskriminaciju određenih grupa u okviru<br />analiziranih taksona.</p> / <p>A comparative analysis of morpho-anatomical and micromorphological characteristics of leaf, stem, rhizome, root, fruit and receptacle, as well as biochemical analysis of essential oils of underground organs, was conducted over 16 species of 4 genera, <em> Inula (I. aschersoniana, I. bifrons, I. britannica, I.conyza, I. ensifolia, I. germanica, I. helenium, I. oculus-christi, I. saslicina ssp. salicina, I. salicina ssp. aspera, I. spiraeifolia), Dittrichia (D. graveolens, D. viscosa), Limbarda (L. crithmoides) and Pulicaria (P. dysenterica, P. vulgaris)</em> tribe Inuleae, Compositae. In addition to the fact that the species from different genera analysed in this paper were previously placed in different sections within <em>Inula, I. helenium L</em>., as the type species of the genus <em> Inula,</em> has also been placed in a separate section Corvisartia. According to the latest molecular phylogenetic analyses, based on plastid and nuclear DNA sequence data, as well as morphological and karyological data, it is suggested that section Corvisartia should be segregated from the remaining Inula species as a separate genus, thus achieving a greater morphological homogeneity of the genus <em>Inula. </em> The objectives of dissertation are defined in accordance with the fact that the data on the morpho-anatomical, micromorphological and biochemical structure of the vegetative and reproductive organs of species of examined tribe are sparse and incomplete, while the analyses were carried out on few species of <em>Inula, Pulicaria, Dittrichia</em> and<em> Limbarda</em>, but less emphasis was placed on comparative purpose. The research involved a large number of qualitative and quantitative characters that were analysed and measured using a stereomicroscope, light, fluorescent and scanning electron microscope. The obtained data were statistically processed by various numerical analysis methods usually used in taxonomic research. These types of analyses for the species of the generaInula<em>, Dittrichia, Limbard </em> and <em> Pulicaria </em> have not been recorded in the literature so far. The conducted analysis showed that vegetative organs do not provide enough information on the basis of which certain groups of species could be singled out with statistically significant suport, neither the genera according to the actual classification. The yielded results indicated that the species from different genera were clearly delimited on the basis of their carpological and receptacular micromorphological and anatomical characteristics. Receptacle features and organisation of sclerenchyma tissue in a fruit are traits that tend to be diagnostic for genera. The features that separate analysed taxa are: two rows of pappus hairs in <em> Pulicaria </em>species; the ring constriction of the fruit over which it passes into pappus, the sclerenchymatous tissue in fruit in form of continuous ring, the type of trichomes on the receptacular surface in <em> Dittrichia </em>species; the fruit with secretory ducts, and the receptacular surface with weakly pronounced ridges without glands in L. crithmoides. I. helenium fruits differ from those of all the other species by their size, greater number of inconspicuous sclerenchymatic bundles, and poorly expressed ridges among carpopodial prints with glandular and non-glandular trichomes distributed along them. Results revealed that I. helenium stands out as a separate taxon, based on the anatomical and micromorphological characteristics of its fruit and receptacle, with equally small percentage of statistical support, which also supports the recognition of<em> Pulicaria, </em> <em>Dittrichia</em> and<em> Limabarda</em> as separate genera. Obtained results support the claim that I. helenium should be separated from the Inula genus, whereby its authenticity is evident at the level of anatomy and micromorphology of vegetative and reproductive organs. The chemical analysis of the essential oil has provided new data on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the essential oil of the underground organs of the analysed taxa and pointed out the possibility of their application in taxonomy. Also, the obtained results indicated potentially new medicinal plants that represent a potential resource for the pharmaceutical industry. Principal component analysis as well as the results of the Correspondent analysis indicated the absence of the grouping tendency of taxa belonging to the same genus, according to the actual classification. Due to the high variability conditioned by the environmental factors the composition of essential oils cannot be used independently as a reliable chemotaxonomic marker. However, the results of the composition of essential oils are significant in terms of their application for medical and cosmetic purposes, in the industry where oils are used as raw materials, and the results obtained are also significant in the context of evaluation of the quality of investigated essential oils.The conducted research makes a significant contribution to more precise classification within the tribe, which is now basedmainly on morphological characteristics. The detailed description of morpho-anatomical and micromorphological characters of the analysed vegetative and reproductive organs contributes to better knowledge of the characteristics of the analysed species and complements the existing data on them. Also, on the basis of morpho-anatomical characteristics of the fruit and the receptacle a dichotomous key for the determination of the analysed genera and species was developed. According to the Discriminant and Correspodent analysis the characteristics on which is possible to discriminate certain groups within the analysed genera are also distinguished.</p>
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Biološko suzbijanje Colletotrichum spp. parazitauskladištenih plodova jabukeGrahovac Mila 28 May 2014 (has links)
<p>Colletotrichum spp. su značajni prouzrokovači bolesti biljaka u svetu i u našoj zemlji, u polju i u skladištu. Na plodovima jabuke prisutne su dve vrste ovog roda, C. acutatum i C. gloeosporioides. Pomenute vrste uzrokuju ekonomski značajne gubitke posle berbe plodova jabuke, tokom skladištenja, transporta i plasmana na tržište. Nedoumice sa kojima se naučna javnost suočava kada je u pitanju ovaj rod jeste precizno utvrđivanje sistematske pozicije i definisanje vrsta i nižih kategorija. Klasične fitopatološke metode ne omogućavaju preciznu<br />iv<br />identifikaciju do nivoa vrste. Otuda su molekularni pristupi sve zastupljeniji u identifikaciji Colletotrichum spp. U suzbijanju skladišnih patogena pretežno se primenjuju hemijski fungicidi. Zbog nepovoljnih toksikoloških svojstava i pojave rezistentnosti, primena hemijskih fungicida se sve više redukuje, a njihova upotreba posle berbe plodova zabranjena je u većini zemalja. Stoga, za održivi razvoj poljoprivredne proizvodnje neophodna su istraživanja usmerena ka otkrivanju mikroorganizama i prirodno sintetisanih materija koje imaju potencijala za primenu u biološkoj zaštiti.<br />Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi zastupljenost Colletotrichum spp. na uskladištenim plodovima jabuke u R. Srbiji, kao i pouzdanost klasičnih i molekularnih metoda za njihovu identifikaciju do nivoa vrste i nižih kategorija. Utvrđivanje filogenetske pozicije i genetičke udaljenosti izolata je takođe svrstano u ciljeve istraživanja. Nadalje, cilj je i da se izdvoje mikroorganizami i etarska ulja koja ispoljavaju antifungalno delovanje na Colletotrichum spp. Zatim, da se za mikroorganizam sa najizraženijim antifungalnim delovanjem definišu uslovi kultivacije (sastav hranljive podloge i trajanje) koji maksimizuju njegovu antifungalnu aktivnost i utvrdi način njegovog delovanja.<br />Utvrđeno je da su Colletotrichum spp. redovno prisutni na uskladištenim plodovima jabuke u Vojvodini i delovima zapadne, centralne i jugoistočne Srbije i da je njihova zastupljenost u odnosu na druge fitopatogene gljive 7,8-10%. Zbog osetljivosti C. gloeosporioides na niske temperature, C. acutatum postaje sve dominantnija vrsta ovog roda na uskladištenim plodovima jabuke. Razlikovanje C. acutatum i C. gloeosporioides je moguće na osnovu fenotipskih karakteristika kolonija (u slučaju hromogenih izolata C. acutatum), dužine konidija, rasta kolonija na 5 i 35°C i brzine rasta kolonija na različitim podlogama. Oblik i širina konidija i optimalna temperatura rasta su nedovoljno pouzdani kriterijumi za identifikaciju do nivoa vrste. PCR metodom uz primenu prajmera specifičnih za vrstu uspešno se identifikuju C. acutatum i C. gloeosporioides. Primenom univerzalnih prajmera ITS1 i ITS4 amplifikuju se rDNK-ITS sekvence ovih izolata. Analizom sekvenci izrađuju se filogenetska stabla visoke stabilnosti i jasno razdvajaju C. acutatum i C. gloeosporioides, a u okviru C. acutatum se odvajaju nehromogeni i hromogeni izolati. S. hygroscopicus, S. aureus, B. cereus, P. aeruginosa i B. subtilis sojevi N146, ST 1/III, Č13 i QST 713 ispoljavaju antifungalnu aktivnost na Colletotrichum spp. in vitro i in vivo. S. hygroscopicus obezbeđuje zaštitu plodova na nivou sa hemijskim fungicidima (trifloksistrobin, boskalid+piraklostrobin, pirimetanil+flukvinkonazol, kaptan). Kultivacijom S. hygroscopicus u podlozi sa 15,07 g/l glicerola, 5,28 g/l ekstrakta kvasca i 0,81 g/l fosfata, u<br />v<br />trajanju 3-4 dana, postiže se maksimalno antifungalno delovanje na Colletotrichum spp. Antifungalno delovanje S. hygroscopicus zasnovano je na produkciji ekstracelularnih, termostabilnih metabolita. Dvomesečno skladištenje trtiranih plodova na 2±0,5°C ne slabi antifungalno delovanje S. hygroscopicus. Etarska ulja origana i timijana ispoljavaju snažno inhibitorno delovanje na Colletotrichum spp.</p> / <p>Colletotrichum spp. are significant plant pathogens worldwide in field, as well as on stored fruits. Two species of this genera, C. acutatum and C. gloeosporioides, can occur on apple fruits. The species cause significant economic losses on apple fruits after harvest, during storage, transport and marketing. Scientific community faces confusion in defining precise systematic position of this genera, as well as in identification to the species level and lower categories. Conventional<br />viii<br />phytopathological methods do not provide precise identification to the species level. Thus, molecular approaches are taking the lead in Colletotrichum spp. identification. Post-harvest pathogens are mainly managed by chemical fungicides. Due to adverse toxicological properties and resistance occurrence, use of chemical fungicides is being reduced, and their application after harvest is prohibited in most countries. Therefore, studies regarding detection of microorganisms and naturally synthetized substances with a potential for application in biological control are necessary for sustainable development of agriculture.<br />The aim of this study was to determine frequency of Colletotrichum spp. on stored apple fruits in the Republic of Serbia as well as reliability of conventional and molecular methods in their identification to the species level and lower categories. Determination of phylogenetic position and molecular distance of the isolates were also set as investigation goals. The aim was also to determine microorganisms and essential oils with antifungal activity against Colletotrichum spp. Defining of cultivation conditions (nutrient medium composition and duration) for the microorganism with the most pronounced antifungal activity which maximize its activity and defining its mode of action were also set as goals.<br />It was found that Colletotrichum spp. are commonly present on stored apple fruits in Vojvodina Province and in western, central and southeastern parts of Serbia with a share of 7.8-10% among other phytopathogenic fungi. Due to susceptibility of C. gloeosporioides to low temperatures, C. acutatum is becoming dominant species of this genus on stored apple fruits. Discrimination between C. acutatum and C. gloeosporioides is possible on the basis of phenotypic characteristics of colony (in the case of chromogenus isolates of C. acutatum), conidium length, colony growth at 5 and 35°C and colony growth rate on different media. Conidium shape and width and optimal growth temperature are insufficient criteria for identification to the species level. PCR method using species-specific primers is reliable for identification of C. acutatum and C. gloeosporioides. rDNK-ITS sequences of the isolates can be successfully amplified with universal primers, ITS1 and ITS4. Analyses of the sequences alow construction of highly stable phylogenetic trees with distinctively separated C. acutatum and C. gloeosporioides clades, and also additional clades of non-chromogenum and chromogenum C. acutatum isolates. S. hygroscopicus, S. aureus, B. cereus, P. aeruginosa and B. subtilis strains N146, ST 1/III, Č13 and QST<br />ix<br />713 exhibit antifungal activity against Colletotrichum spp. in vitro and in vivo. S. hygroscopicus ensures fruit protection at the same level as chemical fungicides (trifloxistrobin, boscalid+pyraclostrobine, pyrimethanil+flukvinconazol, captan). Cultivation of S. hygroscopicus in the medium with 15.07 g/l glycerol, 5.28 g/l yeast extract and 0.81 g/l phosphates, for 3-4 days, ensures maximal antifungal activity against Colletotrichum spp. Antifungal activity of S. hygroscopicus is based on production of extracelular, thermostable metabolites. Two-month storage of treated apple fruits at 2±0.5°C does not reduce antifungal activity of S. hygroscopicus. Oregano and thyme essential oils exhibit strong inhibitory effects on Colletotrichum</p>
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Mogućnosti korišćenja energije pirolizom poljoprivredne biomase / The possibilities for application of energy from agricultural biomass pyrolysisBrankov Saša 10 April 2017 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji realizovano je istraživanje mogućnosti konverzije energije različitih vrsta poljoprivredne biomase procesom pirolize. Ispitivanu poljoprivrednu biomasu predstavljale su pšenična, ovsena, sojina slama, slama od kukuruzovine kao i mešavina navedenih slama. Dobijeni eksperimentalni rezultati ukazuju da prinos gasa, tečne i čvrste faze tokom odvijanja procesa pirolize zavise od više parametara vođenja procesa među kojima dominantan uticaj imaju reakciono vreme, temperatura i brzina<br />zagrevanja.</p> / <p>Doctoral dissertation investigates possibilities for energy conversion of different agricultural biomass types through pyrolysis process. Investigated agricultural biomass included wheat, corn, oat, soy straw and the mixture of mentioned straws. Obtained experimental results imply that gas, liquid and solid phase yields during pyrolysis process depend on various process parameters, where the reaction time, temperature and heating rate have dominant influence.</p>
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Uticaj ozona na uklanjanje zagađujućih materija iz površinske vode procesima koagulacije flokulacije i obsorpcije / Effect of ozone on pollutants removal in surface water by coagulation, flocculation and adsorption processesBečelić Milena 13 July 2007 (has links)
<p>U radu je izvršena karakterizacija sirove (površinske) vode na lokalitetima: akumulaciono jezero, nizvodna deonica do izvorišta namenjenog za vodosnabdevanje, na lokalitetu samog izvo-rišta i na ulazu u poluindustrijsko istraživačko postrojenje. Ustanovljene su sledeće karakteristike sirove vode: eutrofne karakteristike akumulacionog jezera u vremenskom periodu od kraja juna do sredine septembra meseca; fekalna zagađenost deonice od akumulacionog jezera do izvorišta na-menjenog za vodosnabdevanje; veliki raspon temperature u toku godine (4-19ºC); niske vrednosti mutnoće vode u najvećem delu godine uz povremen i kratkotrajan izrazit porast ovog parametra (<1 NTU do >90 NTU); promena sadržaja organskih materija u vodi (izraženih preko potrošnje ka-lijum-permanganata u kiseloj sredini i UV apsorbancije na 254 nm); izražen potencijal za formira-njem nusprodukata dezinfekcije (THM) u toku obilnih padavina. <br />Na poluindustrijskom istraživačkom postrojenju izvršeno je ispitivanje različitih tehnoloških vari-janti pripreme vode za piće iz površinske vode namenjene vodosnabdevanju uz primenu savreme-nih tehnoloških rešenja i adekvatnog tretmana u slučaju ekscesa izazvanih ljudskom aktivnošću. Primenjenim tretmanom vode procesima ozonizacije-koagulacije-flokulacije-sedimentacije-filtra-cije na poluindustrijskom istraživačkom postrojenju zadovoljena je primarna funkcija redukcije opterećenja vode pre odlaska na završno bistrenje procesom filtracije. Ustanovljeni su najvažniji faktori uticaja na mutnoću vode nakon primenjenih procesa: vrsta koagulanta (najbolji efekti po-stignuti primenom Al<sub>2</sub>(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3 </sub>i FeCl<sub>3</sub>) i primenjena doza ozona (pozitivan, mikroflokulacioni efekat ozona postignut pri primenjenim dozama ozona od 0,5-1,0 mgO<sub>3</sub>/l). Izračunato je da su pri primeni Al<sub>2</sub>(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3 </sub>kao koagulacionog sredstva dvomedijumski filteri namenjeni završnom bistrenju vode imali najduži filtracioni ciklus. Srednje vrednosti količine uklonjene mutnoće su 2,5- 3,5 puta veće u odnosu na ove vrednosti dobijene pri primeni ostalih koagulanata u fazi koagulacije vode. Značaj primenjenog procesa ozonizacije (doze ozona) uočen je i sa aspekta smanjenja sadržaja prekursora formiranja THM.</p><p>Ispitivanjem efekta predtretmana vode procesom ozonizacije, primenom vodonik-peroksida i ko-mercijalnog preparata koji u svom sastavu sadrži 25% H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>+ 0,05% Ag u ozoniranu vodu u cilju redukcije broja mikroorganizama uočeni su pozitivni efekti na log<sub>10 </sub>inaktivacije pri dozama ozona >0,5 mgO<sub>3</sub>/l (u slučaju sporogenih sulfitoredukujućih klostridija) i viših vrednosti odnosa H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>/O<sub>3 </sub>i H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>+Ag/O<sub>3 </sub>(u slučaju ukupnog broja aerobnih organotrofnih bakterija). Prednost primene preparata koji u svom sastavu sadrži 25% H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>+ 0,05% Ag u ozoniranu vodu ogleda se u većem kapa-citetu eliminacije mikroorganizama i pri kraćem hidrauličkom vremenu zadržavanja vode. </p><p>Analizom frekvencije pojavljivanja jedinjenja koje prouzrokuje nepoželjan miris vode (geosmin) nakon primenjenih procesa ozonizacije-koagulacije-flokulacije-sedimentacije-filtracije ustanovljena je najmanja frekvencija pojavljivanja ovog jedinjenja (10% od ukupnog broja analiziranih uzo-raka) u vodi nakon procesa ozonizacije i njegova potpuna redukcija primenom koagulanta FeCl<sub>3 </sub>u fazi koagulacije vode.<br />Pri simulaciji ekscesnih situacija na poluindustrijskom istraživačkom postrojenju (doziranjem sintetičkih organskih jedinjenja pesticida i nafte) utvrđeno je da se primenom procesa ozonizacije-koagulacije-flokulacije-sedimentacije-filtracije uz dodatak AUP u fazi koagulacije vode postiže reduk-cija lindana u vodi za 97%, atrazina 99%, ukupnih ugljovodonika 91% i mineralnih ulja 89%.<br />Svi rezultati dobijeni u toku istraživanja na poluindustrijskom istraživačkom postrojenju posmatra-ni sa aspekta optimizacije tehnoloških uslova pripreme vode za piće i varijabilnog kvaliteta površin-ske vode ukazuju na prvom mestu na neophodnost primene procesa ozonizacije vode i pozitivan efekat unapređenih procesa oksidacije u fazi pripreme vode za dalju obradu, kao i na značaj primenjene vrste koagulanta i aktivnog uglja u prahu u fazi koagulacije i flokulacije vode.</p> / <p>The paper presents the characterisation of raw (surface) water at the following sites: accu-mulation lake, downstream section from the water supply well field at the very site of the well field and at the entrance into pilot plant. The following raw water characteristics have been determined: eutrophic properties of accumulation lake within the time frame from the end of June to the middle of September; faeces pollution of the section from the accumulation lake to the water supply well field; a wide range of temperature during the year (4-19ºC); low values of water turbidity during the largest part of the year, with occasional and short-term emphasised growth of this parameter (<1NTU to >90 NTU); change in the content of natural organic matters in water (expressed through potassium permanganate consumption in acid environment and UV absorption at 254 nm); ex-pressed potential for disinfection by-products (THM) creation during high rainfall levels.</p><p>Study of different technological options for drinking water preparation from surface water desig-nated to water supply with application of the latest technological solutions and adequate treatment in cases of accidents caused by human activities has been carried out at the pilot plant.</p><p>The water treatment composed of ozonation-coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation-filtration applied at the pilot plant satisfied the primary function of reduction of water load prior to departure to the final clarification in filtration process. The most significant factors affecting water turbidity after the applied processes have been determined: type of coagulant (the best effects have been ob-tained by application of Al<sub>2</sub>(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3 </sub>and FeCl<sub>3</sub>) and the applied ozone dose (positive, micro-floccula-tion effect of ozone has been obtained with the applied ozone doses of 0,5-1,0 mgO<sub>3</sub>/l). It has been calculated that two-media filters designated to final water clarification had the longest filtration cy-cle when Al<sub>2</sub>(SО<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3 </sub>was used as coagulation means. Medium values of quantity of the eliminated tur-bidity are 2,5-3,5 times higher in comparison to these values obtained when others coagulants were used in the water coagulation phase. The significance of the applied ozonization process (ozone dose) has also been found from the aspect of reduction of THM generation precursor contents. <br />Investigation of effects of water pre-treatment with ozonation process and application of hydrogen-peroxide and commercial preparation containing 25% H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>+ 0,05% Ag in ozonized water aiming at reduction of micro-organisms count showed positive effects on log<sub>10 </sub>inactivation when >0,5 mgO<sub>3</sub>/l doses of ozone were used (in case of sulphito-reducing clostridia) and higher values of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>/O<sub>3 </sub>and H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>+Ag/O<sub>3 </sub>ratio (in case of total aerobic organotrophic bacteria count). The advantage of appli-cation of the preparation containing 25% H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>+ 0,05% Ag in ozonized water is reflected in higher microorganisms elimination capacity and shorter hydraulic retention time. <br />The analysis of occurrence frequency of compounds causing unpleasant water odour (geosmin) af-ter the applied ozonation-coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation-filtration processes showed that the lowest occurrence frequency for this compound (10% of the total number of the analysed sam-ples) in water after ozonisation process and its total reduction after the application of FeCl<sub>3 </sub>coagu-lant in water coagulation phase.<br />In simulation of accidents at pilot plant (dosing of synthetic organic compounds of pesticides and oil) it was found that reduction of lindane in water for 97%, atrazine for 99%, total hydrocarbons for 91% and mineral oils for 89% is accomplished with application of the ozonation-coagulation-floccu-lation-sedimentation-filtration processes with addition of AUP in the phase of water coagulation. All the results that have been obtained during the researches at pilot plant have been considered from the aspect of optimisation of technological conditions of drinking water preparation and vari-able surface water quality point primarily to the necessity of application of water ozonization proc-ess and positive effect of the improved oxidation processes in the phase of water preparation for further processing as well as to the significance of the applied type of coagulant and active powder charcoal in water coagulation and flocculation phase.</p>
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