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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cleaning of fouled membranes using enzymes from a sulphidogenic bioreactor

Melamane, Xolisa January 2004 (has links)
Maintenance of membrane performance requires inevitable cleaning or defouling of fouled membranes. Membrane cleaning using enzymes such as proteases, lipases, α-glucosidases from a sulphidogenic bioreactor was investigated. At first, dilute and concentrated enzyme extract were prepared form the sulphidogenic pellet. Enzyme assays on 0.5 % azocaisen, 1 % triacetin and 1 mg/ml ρ-nitrophenyl-α-D-glucopyranoside were performed using the concentrated enzyme extract (0 – 200 mg/ml). For membrane fouling, an abattoir effluent was obtained from Ostritech Pty (Ltd), Grahamstown, South Africa. The effluent was characterised for presence of potential foulants such as lipids, proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates. Static fouling of polysulphone membranes (0.22 μm, 47 mm) was then performed using the abattoir effluent. Cleaning of the fouled membranes was also performed using at first the dilute and then the concentrated form (200 mg/ml) of enzyme extracts. Qualitative and quantitative biochemical analysis for proteins, lipids and carbohydrates was performed to ascertain the presence of foulants on polysulphone membranes and their removal by dilute or concentrated enzyme extracts. The ability of dilute enzyme extracts to remove proteins lipids, and carbohydrates fouling capillary UF membrane module; their ability to restore permeate fluxes and transmembrane pressure after cleaning/defouling was also investigated. Permeate volumes from this UF membrane module were analysed for protein, amino acids, lipids, and carbohydrates concentrations after fouling and defouling. Fouling was further characterized by standard blocking, cake filtration and pore blocking models using stirred UF cell and polyethersulphone membranes with MWCO of 30 000, 100 000 and 300 000. After characterization of fouling, polyethersulphone membranes with MWCO of 30 000 and 300 000 were defouled using the concentrated enzyme extract (100 mg ml). Enzyme activities at 200 mg/ml of enzyme concentration were 8.071 IU, 86.71 IU and 789.02 IU for proteases, lipases and α-glucosidases. The abattoir effluent contained 553 μg/ml of lipid, 301 μg/ml of protein, 141 μg/ml of total carbohydrate, and 0.63 μg/ml of total reducing sugars. Proteins, lipids and carbohydrates fouling polysulphone membranes after a day were removed by 23.4 %, when a dilute enzyme was used. A concentrated enzyme extract of 200 mg/ml was able to remove proteins, lipids and carbohydrates up to 5 days of fouling by 100 %, 82 %, 71 %, 68 % and 76 % respectively. Defouling of dynamically fouled capillary ultrafiltration membranes using sulphidogenic proteases was successful at pH 10, 37°C, within 1 hour. Sulphidogenic proteases activity was 2.1 U/ml and flux Recovery (FR %) was 64. Characterization of fouling revealed that proteins and lipids were major foulants while low concentration of carbohydrates fouled polyethersulphone membranes. Fouling followed standard blocking for 10 minutes in all the membranes; afterwards fouling adopted cake filtration model for membranes with 30 000 MWCO and pore blocking model for membranes with 300 000 MWCO. A concentration of 100 mg/ml of enzyme extract was able to remove fouling from membranes with MWCO of 30 000. Defouling membranes that followed pore blocking model i.e. 300 000 MWCO was not successful due to a mass transfer problem. From the results of defouling of 30 000 and 300 000 MWCO it was concluded that defouling of cake layer fouling (30 000 MWCO) was successful while defouling of pore blocking fouling was unsuccessful due to a mass transfer problem. The ratio of enzymes present in the enzyme extract when calculated based on enzymatic activity for proteases, lipases and α-glucosidases was 1.1 %, 11 % and 87.9 %. It was hypothesized that apart from proteases, lipases, α and β-glucosidases; phosphatases, sulphatases, amonipeptidases etc. from a sulphidogenic bioreactor clean or defoul cake layer fouling by organic foulants and pore blocking fouling provided the mass transfer problem is solved. However, concentration of enzymes from a sulphidogenic bioreactor has not been optimized yet. Other methods of concentrating the enzyme extract can be investigated for example use of organic solvents.

Methods for estimating reliability of water treatment processes : an application to conventional and membrane technologies

Beauchamp, Nicolas 11 1900 (has links)
Water supply systems aim, among other objectives, to protect public health by reducing the concentration of, and potentially eliminating, microorganisms pathogenic to human beings. Yet, because water supply systems are engineered systems facing variable conditions, such as raw water quality or treatment process performance, the quality of the drinking water produced also exhibits variability. The reliability of a treatment system is defined in this context as the probability of producing drinking water that complies with existing microbial quality standards. This thesis examines the concept of reliability for two physicochemical treatment technologies, conventional rapid granular filtration and ultrafiltration, used to remove the protozoan pathogen Cryptosporidium parvum from drinking water. First, fault tree analysis is used as a method of identifying technical hazards related to the operation of these two technologies and to propose ways of minimizing the probability of failure of the systems. This method is used to compile operators’ knowledge into a single logical diagram and allows the identification of important processes which require efficient monitoring and maintenance practices. Second, an existing quantitative microbial risk assessment model is extended to be used in a reliability analysis. The extended model is used to quantify the reliability of the ultrafiltration system, for which performance is based on full-scale operational data, and to compare it with the reliability of rapid granular filtration systems, for which performance is based on previously published data. This method allows for a sound comparison of the reliability of the two technologies. Several issues remain to be addressed regarding the approaches used to quantify the different input variables of the model. The approaches proposed herein can be applied to other water treatment technologies, to aid in prioritizing interventions to improve system reliability at the operational level, and to determine the data needs for further refinements of the estimates of important variables. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Civil Engineering, Department of / Graduate

Improved Membrane Pretreatment by Floatation

Xu, Bingjie January 2015 (has links)
Coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation is a common pretreatment process prior to microfiltration (MF) or ultrafiltration (UF) to alleviate membrane fouling, however there has been limited research on floatation as the pretreatment separation process. The main objective of this study is to compare sedimentation with floatation as part of the pretreatment for ultrafiltration of Ottawa River water (ORW) with relatively high natural organic matter (NOM) content. Water samples pretreated at two full-scale plants were subjected to multiple-day UF membrane fouling tests (constant flux with backwash and chemical cleaning) using an automated bench-scale UF hollow fiber membrane system. For all the experiments, the transmembrane pressure (TMP) increased sharply during the beginning of the operation (~10 h), which indicated the adsorption was significant. In the later cycles, the TMP showed a more linear constant increase, which indicated the built up of the cake layers. The total fouling index (TFI), hydraulically irreversible fouling index (HIFI) and chemical irreversible fouling index (CIFI) for floated water were much smaller than those of settled waters during both summer and winter testing. Thus, for this type of water coagulation/floatation pretreatment was superior process compared to coagulation/sedimentation, the decreased fouling appears to be linked to greater hydrophobic NOM removal by the coagulation/floatation. For all the tests, HIFI/TFIs were less than 0.1, which is to mean most of the fouling was reversible by hydraulic backwashing.Large fluctuation of backwash efficiencies with time were found for all the tested waters. Enhanced chemical backwash with 100 ppm chlorine and chemical clean with 0.1N NaOH & 200 ppm chlorine were found to be very effective at reducing fouling for pretreated ORW. As expected longer filtration cycles resulted in greater fouling but with a slightly greater degree of hydraulically reversible fouling.

Remoção de bisfenol A de águas contaminadas através de processos de separação por membranas e de sorção

Dal Magro, Renata January 2013 (has links)
Os desreguladores endócrinos, como o bisfenol A (BPA), são compostos encontrados na água em concentrações da ordem de μg.L-1 ou ng.L-1, sendo por isso também denominados micropoluentes. Sua presença, mesmo em baixas concentrações, pode causar prejuízos aos organismos expostos. Neste contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a remoção de BPA por membranas de ultrafiltração (UF) e osmose inversa (OI) e por carvão ativado granular (CAG). Essas técnicas têm a vantagem de não gerar subprodutos que também podem ser tóxicos. Nos estudos foram realizados experimentos para remoção do BPA através de membrana PL-1 (celulose regenerada de 1 kDa), Sy-10 (polietersulfona de 10 kDa) e membrana de OI (poliamida) reutilizada, com concentração inicial de 500 μg.L-1 de BPA. Para a membrana Sy-10, foram testados os pHs 7 e 10. Os ensaios de adsorção foram realizados com CAG (1-2mm) em frascos contendo 100 mL da solução de BPA, com 0,5 g de CAG para cada frasco. As variáveis testadas foram pH, tempo de contato e concentração inicial na ordem de mg.L-1. Adicionalmente, foi testada a concentração inicial de 500 μg.L-1 de BPA em experimento de adsorção. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a capacidade da membrana Sy-10 para remoção de BPA foi superior, chegando a cerca de 90% de remoção, em contraposição aos 20% encontrados para PL-1. A membrana de OI apresentou remoções de cerca de 95%. A influência do pH (7 e 10) na remoção do BPA para a membrana Sy-10 não mostrou-se significativa. Nos ensaios de adsorção, analisando diferentes valores de pH, obteve-se eficiência de 93% para pH 7. Ensaios de variação do tempo de contato com CAG mostraram que o equilíbrio é atingido nos primeiros 10 minutos para a maior concentração e em 40 minutos para a menor concentração testada, de 500 μg.L-1. O estudo do efeito da concentração inicial de BPA na adsorção mostrou que a remoção aumenta com o aumento da concentração inicial do poluente. Conclui-se que tanto a adsorção em CAG quanto membranas são boas alternativas para a remoção de BPA de soluções aquosas. As duas técnicas poderiam ser usadas conjuntamente, sendo que o concentrado do processo com membranas poderia ser submetido à adsorção por CAG. / Endocrine disrupting chemicals, such as bisphenol A (BPA) compounds, are found in water at concentrations of the order of μg.L-1 or ng.L-1 is therefore also known micropollutants. His presence, even at low concentrations, can cause damage to exposed organisms. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the removal of BPA by ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO) membranes and granular activated carbon (GAC). These techniques have the advantage of not generating by-products can also be toxic. In the studies were performed experiments to remove the BPA by PL-1 (1 kDa regenerated cellulose), Sy-10 (10 kDa polyethersulfone) and RO (polyamide) reused membranes, with initial concentration of 500 μg.L-1 of BPA. For Sy-10 membrane pHs 7 and 10 were tested. The adsorption experiments were carried out with GAC (1-2mm) in flasks containing 100 mL of the BPA solution and 0.5 g of GAC to each vial. The variables tested were pH, contact time and initial concentration on the order of mg.L-1. Additionally, we tested the initial concentration of 500 μg.L-1 of BPA in adsorption experiment. Results showed that the capacity of Sy-10 membrane to remove BPA was higher, reaching approximately 90% removal, as opposed to the 20% found to PL-1. The RO membrane showed removal of about 95%. The influence of pH (7 and 10 ) in the removal of BPA onto the membrane Sy - 10 was not significant. In adsorption tests, analyzing different pH values was obtained efficiency from 93% to pH 7. Testing time variation of contact GAC showed that equilibrium is reached in the first 10 minutes to the largest concentration and 40 minutes to the lowest concentration tested, 500 μg.L-1. The study of the effect of the initial concentration of BPA in the adsorption showed that removal increases with increase in the initial concentration of the pollutant. It was concluded that both the GAC adsorption as membranes are good alternatives for the removal of the BPA aqueous solutions. The two techniques could be used together, with the concentrate from the membrane process could be subjected to adsorption GAC.

Estudo da concentração do licopeno da polpa de mamão (Carica papaya L.) por ultrafiltração em escala piloto / Study of the concentration of lycopene from the pulp of papaya (Carica papaya L.) ultrafiltration on pilot scale

Paes, Juliana, 1980- 08 December 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Antonio Viotto / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T13:58:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paes_Juliana_M.pdf: 2604997 bytes, checksum: d7ef0b20d4fe9e008ad2bf97ee008848 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O licopeno, um dos mais importantes carotenóides, tem sido crescentemente estudado devido a resultados positivos em pesquisas relacionadas à redução de riscos de alguns cânceres e doenças cardíacas. Os processos de separação com membranas destacam-se como uma alternativa aos processos convencionais de tratamento térmico, agindo como uma barreira permeável seletiva para separar um ou mais solutos de um fluido inclusive microrganismos. Dentre estes, a ultrafiltração pode ser um atrativo para a concentração de alguns componentes funcionais. A concentração de licopeno por membranas é um processo viável, pois este carotenóide fica na porção retida mesmo possuindo baixa massa molecular, já que se liga a outras moléculas como as proteínas, pectina e lipídio. Visando a concentração do licopeno, foi avaliado o desempenho de duas membranas de ultrafiltração (UF), polissulfona (PS) 100 kDa e polieterssulfona (PES) 50 kDa em diferentes condições de pressão e velocidade. Foi realizado a comparação dos experimentos com polpa tratada enzimaticamente e in natura e pode-se concluir que os resultados foram semelhantes. O permeado obtido apresentou-se levemente amarelado, límpido e sem a presença de carotenóides, enquanto o retentado mostrou-se opaco e de cor vermelha mais intensa que o produto inicial. A retenção do licopeno foi de quase 100%. Foram observados melhores fluxos de permeado em relação ao tempo de processo na membrana de PES 50 kDa e sob pressão de 1,5 bar e velocidade de escoamento de 6m/s e com esta membrana foram realizados dois experimentos utilizando o processo de diafiltração: diafiltração com posterior concentração e concentração com posterior diafiltração, o que resultou em retentado com 68 µg/g de licopeno. A maior parte dos dados experimentais obtidos nas curvas de fluxo de permeado se ajustaram bem aos modelos de Cheryan (1998) nos quais obteve-se valores de R2 de 0,90 a 0,98 / Abstract: Lycopene, one of the most important carotenoids, has been increasingly studied due to positive results in research related to reduced risk of some cancers and heart disease. The membrane separation processes stand out as an alternative to traditional heat treatment, acting as a selectively permeable barrier to separate one or more solutes from a fluid including microorganisms. Among these, the ultrafiltration can be attractive for the concentration of some functional components. The lycopene concentration on membranes is a viable process, since this carotenoid is retained even in the portion having low molecular weight, since it binds to other molecules such as proteins, lipids and pectin. Aiming at the concentration of lycopene, was evaluated the performance of two membrane ultrafiltration (UF), polysulfone (PS) 100 kDa and polieterssulfona (PES) 50 kDa in different conditions of pressure and speed. Was conducted to compare the experiments with enzymatically treated pulp and pulp in nature and can conclude that the experiment with the enzyme treatment showed similar results to the pulp in natura. The permeate obtained was slightly yellow, clear and without the presence of carotenoids, while the retentate was shown to be opaque and red color more intense than the original. The retention of lycopene was almost 100%. Was observed better flow in relation to the process time in 50 kDa PES membrane and pressure of 1,5 bar and flow rate of 6 m/s, and with this membrane, it was two experiments using the process of diafiltration: diafiltration with subsequent concentration and concentration with subsequent diafiltration, resulting in a retentate of 68 µg / g of lycopene. Most of the experimental data obtained in the permeate flow curves adjusted well to models Cheryan (1998) in which was obtained R2 values from 0,90 to 0,98 / Mestrado / Engenharia de Alimentos / Mestre em Engenharia de Alimentos

Análise do comportamento hidrodinâmico de um módulo de membranas de ultrafiltração aplicado ao tratamento de efluentes em meio anaeróbio

Molin, Letícia 31 October 2017 (has links)
Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Leopoldo Américo Miguêz de Mello, CENPES.

Image-Based Micro-Scale Modeling of Flow in Porous Media

Riasi, Mohammad Sadegh January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Problematika produktů osobní péče ve složkách životního prostředí / Personal care products as environmental contaminants

Babuš, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
Synthetic musk compounds were first prepared artificially in the late 19th century. They have been used to perfume cosmetics, detergents and personal care products. The attention of many researchers has been focused on it recently, due to its high penetration into the nature which is a logical consequence of its great use. The main goal of this thesis is to determine the effect of the ultrafiltration on the concentration reduction of substances mentioned above in the industrial waste waters produced by the cosmetic company. Analytes from the sample were extracted using solid phase microextraction (SPME) and on gas chromatography analysis with mass spectroscopy (GC / MS) has been performed. The whole method was optimized and evaluated. Determination of the average efficiency of the ultrafiltration was made based on data obtained before and after ultrafiltration. Such efficiency determines the suitability of use of this method for removal of synthetic musk compounds from waste waters.

Aufbereitung der Extraktphase mittels Ultrafiltration bei der Schwermetallextraktion

Reinhart, Ralf 20 July 2006 (has links)
Ziel der Arbeit ist die Beschreibung des Membranverhaltens bzw. der Membraneigenschaften bei der Regeneration von Extraktionsmitteln der Metallextraktion durch Trennung von beladenen und unbeladenen Extraktionsmitteln mittels Ultrafiltration. Dazu wurden die Trennleistungen als Funktion von Druck, Temperatur und Solventzusammensetzung für verschiedene Membranmaterialien und -typen untersucht. Anhand von Sorptionsversuchen konnte die Löslichkeit der Komponenten der organischen Phase in den verschiedenen Polymermatrizen von Membranen aus regenerierter Cellulose bzw. Polyethersulfon und die adsorptive Gelschichtbildung als Funktion der Solventzusammensetzung, der Temperatur und des Membranmaterials aufgezeigt werden. Der Einfluss der Sorption, des Quellens und Kompaktierens auf das Materialverhalten konnte mittels einer Hochdruckmikrowaage und eines Laserscanner-Messstandes ermittelt werden. Die durch Veresterung und Wasserstoffbrückenbindung entstehende Gelschicht auf der Membranoberfläche, die letztendlich für die Rückgewinnung von unbeladenem Extraktionsmittel ausschlaggebend ist, kann mit Hilfe der Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie, Rasterelektronen- und Rasterkraftmikroskopie nachgewiesen werden.

Recuperação e uso de proteínas das águas de lavagem do surimi utilizando filtração por membrana /

Oliveira, Dayse Lícia January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Elisa Helena Giglio Ponsano / Resumo: No processo de produção do surimi, grande quantidade de água é utilizada para as operações de lavagens, resultando na geração de grande volume de águas residuárias ricas em matéria orgânica que causam problemas ambientais quando descartadas inadequadamente. As proteínas presentes nestas águas podem ser recuperadas, reduzindo o impacto ambiental e gerando um ingrediente com aplicação na indústria de alimentos. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi recuperar proteínas das águas de lavagem de preparo do surimi utilizando a tecnologia de filtração por membranas e utiliza-las na elaboração de fishburguer. As águas de lavagem resultantes da produção do surimi de tilápia foram reunidas e filtradas em membrana de ultrafiltração (UF) de 30 kDa. As determinações de pH, sólidos totais (ST) e fixos (SF), proteínas totais, óleos e graxas e a análise eletroforética foram realizadas nas águas obtidas nas lavagens do surimi (original) e após a UF (concentrado e permeado) e a demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) foi determinada nas águas originais e no permeado da UF. O concentrado desidratado em spray dryer foi analisado quanto ao perfil de aminoácidos e teor de carotenóides. As proteínas recuperadas no concentrado desidratado foram adicionadas nas proporções de 0, 5 e 10% aos fishburgers de surimi e os produtos finais foram avaliados quanto à composição proximal, rendimento na cocção, análise sensorial e índice de aceitabilidade (IA). Os dados físicos e químicos das águas originais, do concentrado... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In the production process of surimi, a large amount of water is used for washing operations, generation waste water rich in organic matter that causes environmental problems when they are improperly disposed. Proteins present in these waters can be recovered, reducing their environmental impact and generating an ingredient with application in the food industry. The general objective of this study was to recover proteins from surimi elaboration wash waters, using membrane filtration technology, and use them in fishburger elaboration. Wash waters resulting from tilapia surimi production were pooled and filtered on ultrafiltration membrane (UF, 30 kDa). Determination of pH, total (ST) and fixed solids (SF), total proteins, lipids and electrophoretic analysis were performed in the waters obtained from wash process of surimi (original) and after UF (concentrated and permeated). Oxygen chemistry (COD) was determined in the original waters an in the UF permeate. Spray-dried dehydrated concentrate was analyzed for amino acid profile and carotenoid content. Proteins recovered in the dehydrated concentrate were added in the proportion of 0, 5 and 10% to surimi fishburgers, and final products were evaluated for proximal composition, cooking yield, sensory analysis and acceptability index (IA). Physical and chemical data of the original concentrate and permeate waters and the proximal composition of fishburgers were subjected to an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were compared by ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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