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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do processo de preparação de superfície de envelope motor foguete para aderência de isolante térmico em aços de ultra-alta-resistência

José Carlos Fortes Palau 25 February 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o processo atual de preparação de superfície para aderência de isolantes térmicos em envelopes motores foguetes de 1.000 mm de diâmetro, visando sua utilização no aço Maraging 18Ni300, tendo como parâmetros de comparação a rugosidade superficial e a resistência mecânica adesiva, obtida atualmente na interface colada metal/isolante térmico do aço 300MESR. Para isso, foram realizados experimentos de campo, com uma abordagem quantitativa, por meio da medida de rugosidade (Ra) nas superfícies de amostras de aços, submetidas a tratamento superficial mecânico de jateamento abrasivo a seco com granalha de aço de perfil angular, sendo posteriormente selecionadas e utilizadas como substrato em juntas adesivadas que, por fim, foram submetidas a ensaio mecânico de cisalhamento, para verificação da resistência mecânica adesiva. A utilização de métodos de análise estatísticos (análise de variância, teste de tukey, intervalo de confiança) aplicados aos dados coletados, permitiram estabelecer, para o processo atual uma faixa de resistência mecânica adesiva para cada aço pesquisado. Os resultados obtidos confirmam, com boa margem de segurança, que o processo atual de preparação de superfície para aderência de isolantes térmicos pode ser aplicado ao aço Maraging 18Ni300, sem que ocorra perda significativa de resistência mecânica adesiva na interface colada metal/isolante térmico. / The aim of this work is to evaluate the current process of preparing the surface for adherence of thermal insulation in rocket motor of 1,000 mm diameter, seeking their use in Maraging18Ni300 steel, taking as parameters comparison the of surface roughness and mechanical adhesive strength obtained, currently, in the bonded interface metal /heat insulator 300M-ESR steel. A field experiment was conducted with a quantitative approach, by measuring surface roughness (Ra) on the surfaces of steel samples, subjected to mechanical surface treatment of dry abrasive blasting, with steel shot with angular profile and which were, subsequently, selected and used in bonded joints that were finally submitted to mechanical shear tests to verify the mechanical adhesive strength. The use of statistical methods of analysis (variance analysis, Tukey test, confidence interval), applied to selected data, allowed to establish for the current process, a range of mechanical adhesive strength for each steel investigated. The results confirm, with a good safety margin, that the current process of preparing the surface for adhesion of thermal insulation can be applied to the Maraging18Ni300 steel, without significant loss of mechanical adhesive strength in the metal /heat insulator bonded interface.

Effect of microstructure on the mechanical properties and bendability of direct-quenched ultrahigh-strength steels

Kaijalainen, A. (Antti) 08 November 2016 (has links)
Abstract The effect of austenite pancaking in the non-recrystallisation regime on microstructure and mechanical properties, especially bendability, was investigated in direct-quenched ultrahigh-strength strip steels with martensitic-bainitic microstructures. Lowering the finishing rolling temperature (FRT) increased total reduction in the non-recrystallisation region (R tot). Niobium microalloying increased Rtot while variations in C, Mn and Mo did not affect Rtot to the same extent as Nb. A decrease in the FRT increased the incidence of softer microstructures such as ferrite and granular bainite in the subsurface layers. The microstructures at the centreline were comprised of auto-tempered martensite with some bainite. An increase in Rtot strengthens the intensities of the ~{554}<225>α and ~{112}<110>α texture components at the centreline and the components ~{112}<111>α and ~{110}<112>α - {110}<111>α at the strip subsurface. Bendability is poorer with the bend axis perpendicular rather than parallel to the rolling direction (RD) and is further impaired with increasing hardness below the sheet surface. An intense ~{112}<111>α shear texture combined with upper bainite containing MA islands in the subsurface region is shown to be detrimental to bendability when the bend axis is perpendicular to the RD. This anisotropy of bendability can be explained by the appearance of geometric softening in grain clusters belonging to this texture component when the bend axis is perpendicular to the RD. Shear localisation is prevented, however, by the presence of a sufficiently thick subsurface microstructure having adequate work hardening capacity, i.e., ferrite + granular bainite rather than ferrite + upper bainite. The strain required to initiate strain localisation can be increased and good bendability thereby achieved—even in the presence of detrimental texture components—by ensuring the presence of a sufficiently soft subsurface layer extending to a depth of approximately 5% of the total sheet thickness. The above beneficial microstructures can be obtained and good bendability ensured in direct-quenched strip steel with a yield stress above 900 MPa together with good impact toughness, provided a suitable combination of chemical composition and processing parameters is selected and sufficient attention is paid to steelmaking operations to obtain a proper inclusion structure. / Tiivistelmä Austeniitin muokkauksen vaikutusta mikrorakenteeseen ja mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin, erityisesti särmättävyyteen, tutkittiin suorasammutetuilla martensiittis-bainiittisilla suurlujuusnauhateräksillä. Kuumavalssauksen lopetuslämpötilan lasku kasvatti austeniitin kokonaisreduktiota ei-rekristallisaatioalueella. Mikroseostus niobilla kasvatti myös kokonaisreduktiota, kun taasen muutokset C-, Mn- ja Mo -pitoisuuksissa eivät vaikuttaneet yhtä voimakkaasti. Valssauksen lopetuslämpötilan lasku kasvatti pehmeämpien mikrorakenteiden, kuten ferriitin ja granulaarisen bainiitin, määrää nauhan pintakerroksessa. Terästen keskilinjan mikrorakenteet koostuivat pääasiassa itsepäässeestä martensiitista sekä pienestä määrästä bainiittia. Kokonaisreduktion kasvu voimisti ~{554}<225>α - ja ~{112}<110>α -tekstuurikomponentteja keskilinjalla sekä ~{112}<111>α- ja ~{110}<112>α - {110}<111>α -komponentteja nauhan pintakerroksessa. Särmättävyys oli huonompi särmän ollessa poikittain valssaussuuntaan nähden kuin pitkittäin. Pintakerroksen kovuuden kasvu heikensi särmättävyyttä. Pintakerroksen voimakas ~{112}<111>α -leikkaustekstuuri, yläbainiitin ja MA-saarekkeiden läsnä ollessa, osoittautui haitalliseksi särmän ollessa poikittain valssaussuuntaan nähden. Särmättävyyden anisotrooppisuus voidaan selittää geometrisella pehmenemisellä rakeissa, joissa kyseinen tekstuurikomponentti on voimakas. Leikkausmyötymän paikallistuminen estyy, kun pinnassa on riittävän paksu hyvän muokkauslujittumiskyvyn omaava kerros, mikä sisältää esim. ferriittiä ja granulaarista bainiittia, mutta ei ferriittiä ja yläbainiittia. Särmättävyys osoittautui pysyvän hyvänä huolimatta haitallisesta tekstuurikomponentista, kun pehmeä pintakerros ulottui noin 5 % syvyydelle levyn paksuudesta. Edellä mainitut mikrorakenteet ja hyvä särmättävyys voidaan saavuttaa suorasammutetuilla yli 900 MPa myötölujuuden nauhateräksillä yhdessä hyvän iskusitkeyden kanssa, kunhan valitaan sopiva kemiallisen koostumuksen ja valmistusparametrien yhdistelmä sekä kiinnitetään huomiota teräksen sulkeumapuhtauteen.

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