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Prozessdatenanalyse zur Inline-Verminderung von Störeinflüssen beim Ultraschallsiegeln / Process data analysis at ultrasonic sealing for inline prevention of failureThürling, Karsten 06 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Beim Siegeln von Verpackungen können nicht-qualitätsgerechte Siegelnähte dadurch entstehen, dass sich Teile des Packguts zwischen den zu fügenden Packmittelbahnen befinden. Im Gegensatz zum konventionellen Wärmekontaktsiegeln besteht beim Ultraschallsiegeln die Möglichkeit, für jeden einzelnen Siegelvorgang Prozessdaten zu erfassen. Aus dem Bereich des Ultraschallschweißens ist bekannt, dass sich anhand dieser Daten der Prozess überwachen und dessen Güte bewerten lässt.
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den Informationsgehalt dieser Prozessdaten hinsichtlich störungsbehafteter Siegelnähte und leistet damit einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Verpackungsqualität und damit im besten Fall auch zu weniger Lebensmittelverlusten. Es wird dazu zunächst eine Systematisierung von möglichen Störprinzipen beim Siegeln hinsichtlich ihrer physikalischen Wirkprinzipe vorgenommen. Darauf aufbauend konnte ein Versuchsstand und eine Methodik zur Untersuchung der Thematik entwickelt werden. Abschließend wurden ausgewählte Störprinzipe untersucht, wobei sich ein sehr starker Packstoff- und Einfluss der Prozessführung herausstellte. Es konnte ein prinzipieller Zusammenhang zwischen Auswirkung einer Störung auf die Nahtqualität und die Prozessdaten gezeigt werden, welcher sich jedoch auf Basis der erarbeiteten Ergebnisse nicht verallgemeinern lässt.
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Characterizing two carbonate formations for CO₂-EOR and carbon geosequestration: applicability of existing rock physics models and implications for feasibility of a time lapse monitoring program in the Wellington Oil Field, Sumner County, Kansas.Lueck, Anthony January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Geology / Abdelmoneam Raef / This study focuses on characterizing subsurface rock formations of the Wellington Field, in Sumner County, Kansas, for both geosequestration of carbon dioxide (CO₂) in the saline Arbuckle formation, and enhanced oil recovery of a depleting Mississippian oil reservoir. Multi-scale data including rock core plug samples, laboratory ultrasonic P-&S-waves, X-ray diffraction, and well log data including sonic and dipole sonic, is integrated in an effort to evaluate existing rock physics models, with the objective of establishing a model that best represents our reservoir and/or saline aquifer rock formations. We estimated compressional and shear wave velocities of rock core plugs for a Mississippian reservoir and Arbuckle saline aquifer, based on first arrival times using a laboratory setup consisting of an Ult 100 Ultrasonic System, a 12-ton hydraulic jack, and a force gauge; the laboratory setup is located in the geophysics lab in Thompson Hall at Kansas State University. The dynamic elastic constants Young’s Modulus, Bulk Modulus, Shear (Rigidity) Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio have been calculated based on the estimated P- and S-wave velocity data. Ultrasonic velocities have been compared to velocities estimated based on sonic and dipole sonic log data from the Wellington 1-32 well. We were unable to create a transformation of compressional wave sonic velocities to shear wave sonic for all wells where compressional wave sonic is available, due to a lack of understandable patterns observed from a relatively limited dataset. Furthermore, saturated elastic moduli and velocities based on sonic and dipole sonic well logs, in addition to dry rock moduli acquired from core plug samples allowed for the testing of various rock physics models. These models predict effects of changing effective (brine + CO₂ +hydrocarbon) fluid composition on seismic properties, and were compared to known values to ensure accuracy, thus revealing implications for feasibility of seismic monitoring in the KGS 1-32 well vicinity.
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A quantitative comparison of the fill density of MTA produced by two different placement techniques.Yeung, Priscilla 01 January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to quantitatively compare the fill density of MTA produced by hand condensation and hand condensation with indirect ultrasonic activation. Thirty acrylic block with 30 degree curved canals (group C) and 30 with straight canals (group S) were instrumented to a final apical size of 45 of 0.06 taper crown-down technique. After irrigating with water and drying with paper points, each block was weighed to the nearest 0.0001g with a digital electronic balance. In half of the specimens, chosen at random, the canal first filled with MTA using the hand condensation method (H) then weighed. The MTA was removed. The canal was rinsed, dried, and refilled using hand condensation with indirect ultrasonic activation (US). In the other half of the specimens, the procedure was carried out identically but in reverse order. The blocks were weighed again after cleaning the MTA from the canal as well as after refilling the canal using indirect ultrasonic condensation. Data comparing the weight of MTA between the two placement methods and the two canal configurations were analyzed by a two-way ANOVA. There was a statistically significant increase in weight of MTA produced by ultrasonic activation than by hand condensation in groups C (p<.0001) and S (p<.0001). However, there was no statistically significant difference when comparing the straight canal versus the 30-degree curved canal (p = .08). In group C, ultrasonic condensation resulted in a 10.07% increase in the weight of MTA over hand condensation alone. Similarly in group S, there was a 9.1% increase in the weight of MTA over hand condensation. In conclusion, hand condensation with indirect ultrasonic activation resulted in an MTA fill that was denser than that accomplished by hand condensation alone.
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Free surface dynamics in shallow turbulent flowsNichols, Andrew January 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to understand the processes that govern free surface behaviour in depth-limited turbulent flows. Experimental data has shown that the turbulence properties at a point near the free surface relate directly to the properties of the free surface pattern. This would suggest a direct linkage between the free surface and the underlying turbulence field, but this cannot be true since the free surface pattern is strongly dynamic while the sub-surface turbulence field is relatively persistent. An oscillatory spatial correlation function was derived which explains the de-linkage, showing that the turbulence-generated surface pattern periodically inverts as it advects downstream. A model was developed, which shows that the observed free surfaces can be considered as an ensemble of overlapping but behaviourally independent oscillons. These are shown to influence a zone of fluid beneath the surface and invert at a frequency which is a function of the root-mean-square roughness height of the free surface. The spatial frequency of free surface oscillation relates strongly to the spatial frequency of turbulent structures, suggesting that the oscillon motion may form the trigger for near-bed bursting events. Given these relationships, it is proposed that measurement of the free surface behaviour may allow remote measurement of flow conditions. An acoustic wave probe was developed, which is able to remotely recover the key features of the water surface pattern. An array of such probes is proposed for the accurate measurement of temporal and spatial properties of turbulent free surfaces and hence the underlying bulk flow conditions.
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Integration of in situ and laboratory velocity measurements: analysis and calibration for rock formation characterizationIsham, Randi Jo Lee January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Geology / Abdelmoneam Raef / In this study, laboratory measurements of ultrasonic frequency P- and S-wave velocities were collected and analyzed from two sets of cores. The first set is from a near surface study in southeastern Kansas, and the second set was from the deep subsurface and obtained from a newly drilled well (Wellington KGS 1-32) in Sumner County, KS. Ultrasonic velocities acquired from the second set of cores were then compared with in situ sonic and dipole sonic frequencies of P- and S-waves from well logs. Well log data, core data, and ultrasonic velocity measurements were integrated for Gassmann fluid replacement modeling. The understanding of the velocity and elastic moduli variations at ultrasonic frequencies, along with the comparison of well log velocities can potentially provide improved understanding to establish a beneficial calibration relationship. It could also allow for estimation of shear wave velocities for wells lacking dipole sonic log data. The ability to utilize cost-effective ultrasonic measurements of velocities and elastic moduli in the laboratory, for fluid replacement modeling (Gassmann) in CO[subscript]2-sequestration, as well as, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) projects, would be a significant advance. Potential alternative use of ultrasonic velocities for determining the effects of fluid replacement using Gassmann modeling, when log data is lacking, is an ongoing effort. In this study, the fluid replacement modeling is executed based on sonic and dipole sonic P- and S-wave velocities and compared with results from theoretical modeling. The significance of this work lies in the potential of establishing a calibration relationship for the representative lithofacies of the carbon geosequestration target zone of the Wellington KGS 1-32 well in Sumner County, and enabling the use of ultrasonic measurements of body wave velocities and elastic moduli in Gassmann fluid replacement modeling. This work, when integrated with continuing effort in mapping lithofacies of the Arbuckle and Mississippian groups, would potentially be of great importance to fluid flow simulation efforts and time-lapse seismic monitoring. This study will utilize Gassmann modeling and a range of measurements and data, which include: well logs and ultrasonic laboratory P- and S-wave measurements and core analysis data.
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Avaliação microtomográfica dos desgastes não controlados de dentina e da remoção de debris dentinários em canais com diferentes curvaturas após irrigação ultrassônica ativada / Microtomography evaluation of the uncontrolled removal of dentin and removal of hard tissue debris during activated ultrasonic irrigation in root canals with diferent curvaturesPaiva, Hermano Camelo 14 February 2019 (has links)
A ativação ultrassônica é um dos métodos mais utilizados para aumentar a eficiência mecânica e química dos irrigantes. No entanto, além de possivelmente causar desgastes indesejáveis na parede do canal, questiona-se a eficiência mecânica da irrigação ultrassônica ativada em canais com curvatura acentuada. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar, por meio da microtomografia computadorizada (micro-CT) a influência do grau de curvatura dos canais radiculares nos desgastes dentinários não controlados produzidos pelo uso da Irrigação Ultrassônica Ativada (UAI), no percentual de debris dentinários remanescentes após UAI e o transporte do canal. Foram selecionados canais mesiais de 24 molares inferiores permanentes humanos, sendo 12 dentes com curvatura média de 25,5º (Curvatura Moderada) e 12 dentes com curvatura média de 50,9º (Curvatura Acentuada). Após escaneamento pré-operatório com um Microtomógrafo de raios-X, os canais foram preparados com os instrumentos Mtwo. Os dentes foram divididos em 2 grupos: Grupo CM (n=12) e Grupo CA (n=12). Ambos os grupos receberam irrigação ultrassônica ativada e em seguida foram escaneados novamente. Foram quantificados o volume e a profundidade máxima dos desgastes não controlados das paredes dos canais radiculares, o percentual de debris dentinários remanescentes e o transporte do canal. Foi realizada análise estatística, utilizando o software GraphPad Prism 7, com nível de singnificância de p <0,05. Os resultados mostraram que os grupos, apresentaram resultados semelhantes quanto ao volume de desgaste não controlado, porém o grupo CA apresentou desgastes mais acentuados no terço apical e um maior percentual de debri remanescente nos terços médio, apical e no total do canal radicular, além de promover desvio do canal no terço apical. Este estudo concluiu que curvaturas acentuadas interferem na profundidade do desgaste, na manutenção dos debris e no transporte do canal. / Ultrasonic activation is one of the most widely used supplementary irrigation methods. However, besides Ultrassonic Activated Irrigation (UAI) possibly causes uncontrolled removal of dentin in the root canal walls, it is unknown the efficiency of the ultrasonic irrigation in root canals with severe curvatures. The aim of the present study was evaluate using microcomputed tomography, the influence of the degrees of curvature in the percentage of remaining hard tissue debris, uncontrolled removal of dentin during UAI and root canal transportation. Twenty-four mesial roots of mandibular molars, 12 teeth with a mean curvature of 25.5º (Moderate Curvature) and 12 teeth with a mean curvature of 50.9º (Accentuated Curvature) were selected. After the pre-operative scanning with an X-ray microcomputed tomography, the specimens were prepared to size 35.04. The teeth were divided into two groups: Group CM (n = 12) and Group CA (n = 12). Both groups received ultrasonic irrigation and were scanned again. The maximum deep of the defects, volume of the uncontrolled removal of dentin, the percentage of remaining hard tissue debris and the root canal transportation were quantified. A statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism 7 software, use Mann-Whitney test with a significance level of p <0.05. The results showed that the groups CM and CA had similar results in volume of uncontrolled removal of dentin, but the CA group show maximum deep defects more severe in the apical third, more percentage of hard tissue debri remaining in the middle, apical and total thirds of the canal root canal and a higher transport of the canal in the apical third. This study concluded that severe curves interfered in the maximum depth defects, in the maintenance of the debris and the transport of the canal.
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The aim of this research is to assess the material properties of concrete like modulus of elasticity, compressive strength, and Poisson’s ratio using various nondestructive Testing (NDT) methods like Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) and Rebound Hammer (RH). Assessment of material properties of concrete is very important as they are used for structural design process. Various NDT methods are applied to ensure the quality of concrete specimens but they can also be used to find material properties. UPV is a NDT method which is used to test the internal condition of the concrete specimen. RH is a surface hardness testing method and can be used to test the homogeneity of the specimen. For this study, several batches of concrete samples with three different design strengths of 6000 psi, 8000 psi, and 12000 psi were casted. Modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio were calculated from UPV P-wave and S-wave velocities. A Nomogram was developed by combining the longitudinal ultrasonic pulse velocities, rebound numbers, and compressive strengths measured from UPV, RH, and compressive strength tests respectively. This combined NDT correlation curve (Nomogram) can be used to estimate compressive strength of concrete if UPV and rebound values are known. The accuracy of these NDT methods were determined by comparing estimated strength to the actual strength. Furthermore, the effect of moisture content on UPV and rebound values was reviewed and also studied dynamic modulus of elasticity and its relation with static modulus of elasticity of the concrete was investigated for better understanding.
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[pt] O parque industrial nos países em desenvolvimento necessita, cada vez mais,
se adaptar a uma nova filosofia de serviço em que equipamentos considerados
como seguros são aqueles que podem ser inspecionadas de forma confiável. Neste
contexto, ensaios não destrutivos (END) são valiosas ferramentas usadas no
controle de qualidade, manutenção de componentes e, principalmente, na avaliação
da integridade estrutural de tais equipamentos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo
avaliar a eficiência de diferentes técnicas de END (radiação penetrante, partículas
magnéticas e ultrassom) na detecção de descontinuidades simuladas em amostras
de material metálico e de compósito. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que
os ensaios com raios X, dentre todas as técnicas adotadas na inspeção da amostra
metálica, apresentou a maior eficiência na detecção das diferentes geometrias de
descontinuidades. Entretanto, nenhuma das técnicas de END possibilitou a
detecção de descontinuidades na amostra do material compósito. / [en] The industrial park in developing countries need, increasingly, to adapt to a
new service philosophy in which equipments considered as safe are those that can
be inspected in a reliable way. In this context, non-destructive testing (NDT) are
valuable tools used in quality control, maintenance of components and especially in
assessing the structural integrity of such equipment. This study aimed to evaluate
the efficiency of different NDT techniques (penetrating radiation, ultrasound and
magnetic particles) in the detection of simulated discontinuities in samples of
metallic and composite materials. The experimental results showed that the X-ray,
considering all techniques adopted in the inspection of the metallic sample,
showed the highest efficiency in the detection of different geometries of
discontinuities. However, anynone of NDT techniques allowed the detection of
discontinuities in the sample of the composite material.
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Avaliação dos efeitos da irrigação ultrassônica passiva, por meio de microtomografia computadorizada, microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura / Evaluation of the effect of passive ultrasonic irrigation using computed microtomography, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopyBem, Samuel Henrique Camara de 09 May 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar, por meio de microtomografia computadorizada (μCT), o aumento de volume interno, após realização da irrigação ultrassônica passiva (P.U.I.), em diferentes substratos (dentes humanos e bovinos); a remoção da camada de “smear” e “debris” do canal radicular, após a realização da P.U.I., com diferentes soluções irrigadoras finais, por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e microscopia óptica (MO). Para a verificação do aumento de volume interno vinte dentes (dez humanos e dez bovinos) foram selecionados e padronizados em 17 mm ± 1 mm de comprimento. Os dentes humanos foram preparados até o diâmetro final # 50/05, os dentes bovinos por possuírem canais amplos não receberam preparo biomecânico. Cada dente foi fixado na base da mesa giratória do aparelho de μCT e realizou-se o primeiro exame μCT. Os espécimes foram então submetidos a P.U.I. (aparelho EMS em frequência de 32 KHz) e em seguida foi realizado o segundo exame de μCT respeitando os mesmos padrões do primeiro exame. As imagens capturadas foram comparadas antes e depois da P.U.I. Para a verificação, da remoção da camada de “smear” e “debris”, foram selecionados 46 caninos inferiores. Os dentes foram preparados até o diâmetro final # 50/05 e submetidos a P.U.I. com diferentes soluções irrigadoras finais: G3 (Soro fisiológico); G4 (NaOCl 1 %); G5 (EDTA-C 17 %); G6 (NaOCl 1 % / EDTA-C 17 %). Após a P.U.I. vinte e quatro dentes foram preparados e analisados em MEV e vinte e dois dentes foram submetidos ao processamento histológico e analisados em MO. A presença da camada de “smear” foi determinada a partir da atribuição de escores que variaram de 1 - 4. A presença de “debris” foi determinada a partir da grade de integração do software Image J. Os dados obtidos foram analisados com auxílio do software BioEstat 5.0. Os resultados mostraram que a P.U.I. aumentou significativamente o volume interno do canal radicular nos dentes humanos (p=0,008) e bovinos (p=0,002). A P.U.I. não removeu a camada de “smear”; e não removeu “debris” (p=0,1923) de forma estatisticamente significativa. Concluiu-se que a P.U.I. não é passiva, ela promove alteração de volume no canal radicular, aumentando seu volume interno independentemente do substrato testado; não removeu a camada de “smear”, mas reduziu significativamente o tempo necessário para que a solução quelante final agisse; não promoveu a remoção de “debris” estatisticamente significativa, mas independentemente da solução irrigadora final, realizar a P.U.I. aumenta qualitativamente a remoção de “debris” do canal radicular. / The aim of this study was to determine by μCT the internal volume increasing, after using of P.U.I., in different dental substrates (human and bovine); the removal of the smear layer and debris from the root canal, after using P.U.I. with different irrigation solutions, using SEM e OM. In order to verify the internal volume increasing, 20 teeth (ten humans and ten bovine) were selected and standardized with 17 mm ± 1 mm of length. Human teeth were prepared to a final diameter of #50/05. As the bovine teeth presents large root canal, they did not receive biomechanical preparation. Each tooth was fixed on a movable platform on the μCT device and the first test was carried out. The specimens were subjected to P.U.I. (EMS device with 32 KHz of frequency) in order to performed the second μCT test respecting the same standards. Images were captured and compared before and after P.U.I. Fourth six mandibular canine teeth were selected to verify the smear layer and debris removal. The teeth were prepared to the final diameter of #50/05 and subjected to P.U.I. with different irrigation solutions: G3 (Saline); G4 (NaOCl 1 %); G5 (EDTA-C 17 %); G6 (NaOCl 1% / EDTA-C 17 %). After P.U.I. 24 teeth were prepared and analyzed using SEM and 22 teeth were subjected to histological processing and thus analyzed with OM. The present smear layer was determined by score s\' attribution ranging from 1 - 4. Presence of debris was determined by attribution of the screen integration from the Image J software. Data were analyzed with the support of BioEstat 5.0 software. The results showed that P.U.I. significantly increased the internal volume of root canal of human (p=0,008) and bovine teeth (p=0,002). The P.U.I. did not remove the smear layer nor debris (p=0,1923) statistically significant. It was concluded that P.U.I. is not passive, it increases the internal volume of root canal independently of the tested dental substrates; it did not remove the smear layer, but significantly decreased the onset of action of the final solution; it did not promote statistically significant differences regarding the debris removal however independently of the final irrigation solution to carry out P.U.I. increases the root canal debris removal.
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Avaliação da efetividade de diferentes protocolos de irrigação na limpeza do canal radicular / Evaluation of the effectiveness of different irrigation protocols in the root canal cleaningFernandes, Samuel Lucas 15 June 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a capacidade de dissolução e remoção de biofilme formado in situ, na remoção de smear layer e debris empregando dez protocolos de irrigação final (solução fisiológica com ou sem agitação ultrassônica; ou hipoclorito de sódio como irrigante primário, seguido de solução salina, ou EDTA 17%, ou ácido peracético (PAA) 2%, ou Qmix, com ou sem agitação ultrassônica de ambas as soluções). Duzentos e trinta raízes bovinas foram seccionadas e cortadas com 15mm de comprimento e instrumentadas com o instrumento Reciproc R50. Para a análise da remoção de debris e smear layer foram separadas 100 raízes, que foram clivadas e, no terço apical de uma das metades radiculares, foi confeccionado um sulco longitudinal, simulando extensões de canais ovais, posteriormente preenchidos com detritos artificiais. Após esse procedimento na outra metade foi realizada a formação de smear layer com uma vigora instrumentação da parede com movimentos de limagem. Essas amostras foram levadas ao MEV para análise prévia. Essas metades, depois de justapostas, voltaram a mufla e foram realizados os protocolos de tratamento. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de scores. Para a análise da dissolução e viabilidade do biofilme in situ 130 raízes foram separadas preparadas com instrumento R25 e um disco de dentina foi retirado do terço médio com uma trefina. Esses discos foram inseridos em uma placa de hawley, que foi utilizada pelo pesquisador durante três dias. Os discos foram removidos e deixados por 48 horas em BHI, em estufa a 37oC. Após a contaminação os discos voltaram para a raiz de onde foram removidos e fixados com cera utilidade voltando a mufla, sendo tratados e avaliados. Setenta discos foram utilizados para análise da dissolução e viabilidade em confocal e as imagens obtidas foram avaliadas pelo software Bioimage. Sessenta discos foram utilizados para a análise da dissolução do biofilme em MEV, sendo avaliados pré e pós-tratamento. Na comparação entre os grupos para a remoção de smear layer foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes (P < 0.05) entre os protocolos que utilizavam EDTA e Qmix, com os protocolos utilizando somente solução salina e hipoclorito seguido de solução salina independente da agitação ultrassônica. Enquanto que para a ranhura houve uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos que utilizaram PUI e os demais grupos. Tanto a agitação ultrassônica, quanto o uso do hipoclorito de sódio como irrigante primário influenciaram significativamente para a redução do biovolume e da viabilidade bacteriana. O grupo que utilizou o NaOCl, seguido do Qmix associados ao PUI apresentou os menores valores de viabilidade e a maior dissolução do biofilme. O QMix PUI e o PAA/PUI mostraram os melhores resultados de dissolução na análise em MEV.se diferenciando estatisticamente (P<0.05) dos demais grupos. Levando-se em conta todos os critérios analisados, o protocolo que se mostrou mais eficiente foi o NaOCl seguido do QMix e associados a PUI. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the dissolution capacity and removal of biofilm formed in situ, in smear layer and debris removal and debris use ten final irrigation protocols (saline with or without ultrasonic agitation, or sodium hypochlorite as primary irrigating, and then used saline or 17% EDTA, or 2% peracetic acid (PAA), or Qmix, with or without ultrasonic agitation of both solutions). Two hundred and thirty bovine roots were sectioned and cut with 15mm in length and instrumented with Reciproc R50. For the analysis of removal of debris and smear layer were separated 100 roots, which were cleaved, and the apical third of the half of root, has a longitudinal groove made simulating extensions of oval canals, artificial subsequently filled with debris. After this procedure was performed on half the formation of smear layer with a force wall with instrumentation filing motions. These samples were taken to SEM prior to analysis. These halves, after juxtaposed, and again the flask were held treatment protocols. Data analysis was performed by means of scores. For the analysis of the dissolution and viability of the biofilm in situ roots 130 were prepared with R25 separate instrument and dentin disc was taken from the middle third with a trephine. These disks were inserted into a hawley plate, which was used by the researcher for three days. The discs were removed and left for 48 hours in BHI at 37oC. After contamination disks back to the root from which they were removed and fixed with wax utility returning to muffle being treated and evaluated. Seventy disks were used for analysis of dissolution and viability and confocal images were evaluated by Bioimage software. Sixty discs were used for the analysis of the dissolution of the biofilm SEM and are assessed before and after treatment. Comparing the groups for the removal of smear layer statistically significant differences were found (P <0.05) between the protocols used EDTA and Qmix with the protocols using only saline solution and hypochlorite followed by saline independent of ultrasonic agitation. While for the slot there was a statistically significant difference between the groups using PUI and the other groups. Both ultrasonic agitation, and the use of sodium hypochlorite as primary irrigant influenced significantly to the reduction of bacterial viability and biovolume. The group using the NaOCl, and then used Qmix associated with PUI had the lowest viability values and the highest dissolution of the biofilm. The QMix PUI and the PAA / PUI showed the best dissolution results in the analysis MEV.se differentiating statistically (P <0.05) from the other groups. Taking into account all the criteria analyzed, the protocol that was more efficient was the NaOCl and then used QMix and associated with PUI.
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