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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SROVNÁNÍ VYBRANÝCH MOBILNÍCH PŘIPOJENÍ K INTERNETU / Comparison of selected mobile Internet connection

Fialová, Ivana January 2008 (has links)
The topic of presented thesis is the subject of mobile Internet connectivity in the Czech Republic. The text is divided into two main parts. The first theoretical part is focused on an individual description of the technologies (GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS and HSDPA) which are being offered in the Czech Republic by the operators. The greatest emphasis is put on a description of UMTS and HSDPA. The second part is practical; it describes the offers of each respective Czech operator focusing on the third-generation network or particularly the network operator with the highest connection speed. The thesis compares current offers against those in the year 2006. The next practical part is aimed at creating a methodology for testing mobile connections and its applications for UMTS and CDMA operator's tariffs at T-Mobile and Telefónica O2. The contribution of this work is to provide a comprehensive picture of a mobile Internet connection in the means of technological background and practical applications.

Contribution à la réalisation d’amplificateurs de puissance en technologie CMOS 65 nm pour une application au standard UMTS

Luque, Yohann 30 November 2009 (has links)
Résumé / Abstract

Optimalizace rádiových přístupových sítí UMTS v prostředí Opnet Modeler / UMTS radio access network optimization in Opnet Modeler environment

Toman, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The differences between networks of mobile operators can be in their achitecture or the optimization of each network. The architecture is standardized which means there will only be differences in the willingness of mobile operators to invest in newer network elements. Network optimization is more important. The way of optimization isn't strictly given and depends on how the operator deals with it. The most important attribute in optimization is balance. The operators try to achieve balance among three important parameters. Those are capacity, coverage and maintaining QoS. Optimization depends on RRM algorithms. The algorithms include various functions such as admission control, congestion control, handover control, power control, etc. These elements don’t only affect the optimization but also affect each other, because they cooperate with each other. For example, an incorrect admission control of the network leads either to frequent network congestion because of a large number of participants in the network (participants are dissatisfied with the services offered by the operator) or to low utilization of the network because of too few participants in the network (the operator is dissatisfied because he is losing the possible earnings). Neither of these posibilities is good for the mobile operator, therefore it is important that the admission control is well balanced.

Multicastové směrování v UMTS sítích / Multicast routing in UMTS technology

Kokeš, Roman January 2008 (has links)
This Master thesis is about multicast in mobile network 3rd generation UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunacitions System). UMTS network primary designs for data transfers and supports new services as real-time transfers of multimedia streams. This is reason why mobile network was equiped also with multicast service. When a lot of users want to receive same data (e.g. tv program) the network excessives load of transmission same data and the server have to keep connection to each user. Group 3GGP developed multicast service for UMTS, which name is MBMS (Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service). Thesis analyses function of this service in mobile network. First part describes basic principles of UMTS network and its structure. Next part focuses on change of main node (SGSN and GGSN) and of new node BM-SC(Broadcast-Multicast Service Center). This new node is main node for control of multicast transmission. BM-SC connects to server which provides multicast data for users and provisions individual phase of MBMS session. It was created new procedure which supports multicast session (e.g. Activate MBMS service). Next part focuses on GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP). This protocol is used for transfers control and user’s data in tunnels inside core network. This part describes structure of data and control messages. Last part analyzes multimedia transfers in UMTS with program Opnet Modeller.

Analýza parametrů a komunikačních protokolů na rádiovém rozhraní sítí UMTS / Analysis of parameters and communication protocols on radio interface of UMTS networks

Plhák, Jan January 2010 (has links)
These times the third generation cellular networks are getting in use increasingly and they dramatically exceed the parameters of second generation networks. Third generation networks are in contrast to older generations data-oriented, providing better maintenance in data and multimedia services. The most widespread third generation network is the UMTS, designed as succesor of GSM network. Master’s thesis is focused on parameters and communication protocols of radio interface of UMTS network. Parameters of radio interface affect the behaviour of mobile terminal through utilization of network services. This thesis describes individual protocols of radio interface and individual procedures, which the mobile terminal have to perform through its staying in the cell. Theoretical part of this thesis considers description of the UMTS network and individual procedures and parameters. Practical part is focused on measuring the radio interface and individual procedures in real UMTS networks. Some procedures are simulated in network simulation software. This thesis includes a lab task focused on this thema.

Smartphone traffic patterns

Crespo Ramírez, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
The growing popularity of new generation mobile terminals, known as „smartphones‟,has increased the variety and number of such devices. These devices make use of the resources offered by Universal Mobile Telecommunication Services (UMTS) networks toaccess on-line services such as web browsing, e-mail, audio and video streaming, etc. UMTS networks have to deal with an increasing amount of data traffic generated by smartphones. Because of the fact that the smartphone is battery powered and is trying to satisfy the needs ofboth applications and human users there is a need to be smarter about how to manage both network and terminal resources. This thesis explores the possibility of making a better use of the network and terminal resources by exploiting correlations in the events of the smartphone-generated traffic. We propose a mechanism, through which the network can predict if a terminal is going to produce data transmission or reception in a near future, based on past events in its traffic. According to this prediction, the network will be able to decide if it keeps or releases the resources allocated to the terminal. We analyze the benefits from the network and the terminal point ofview. We also describe a method to estimate an upper bound of the time until the next transmission or reception of data in a near future. We show that it is possible a reduction of the time that each terminal wastes in its maximum power consumption state, but this reduction implies a penalty in the transmission/reception throughput of the terminal. The reduction is not uniform for all terminals: terminals whose traffic presents a predictable behavior gain the most. Estimates of upper bounds of time until the next transmission or reception are more accurate if they are made taking as input information about interarrival times of previous packets. / Den växande populariteten för nya generationens mobila terminaler, så kallade"smartphones", har ökat både antal och sådana produkter. Dessa enheter utnyttjar de resursersom Universal Mobile Telecommunication Services (UMTS) att få tillgång till on-line tjänster såsom web webbläsning, e-post, ljud och video streaming, osv. UMTS-nät har hantera med en ökande mängd data som genereras trafik bysmartphones. På grund av det faktum attsmartphone är batteridriven och försöker för att tillgodose behoven hos både applikationer och mänskliga användare det finns ett behov att vara smartare om hur man kan hantera både nätverk och terminaler resurser. Den avhandling undersöker möjligheten att göra en bättre användning av nätverk och terminaler resurser genom att utnyttja samband i händelserna smartphone-genererade trafik. Vi föreslår en mekanism genom vilken nätet kan förutsäga om terminalen kommer att ta fram dataöverföring orreception i en nära framtid, baserat på tidigare händelser i trafiken. Enligt denna förutsägelse, kommer nätet att kunna avgöra om den håller eller frigör resurser till terminalen. Vi analyserar nytta nätet och terminalen synvinkel. Vi beskriver också en metod för att uppskatta övre gränsen för tiden till nästa sändning eller mottagning av data inom ens nar framtidd. Vi visar att det är möjligt att minska den tid som varje terminal avfall i sin maximal strömförbrukning staten, men denna minskning innebär en straffavgift överföring /mottagning genomströmning av terminalen. Minskningen är notuniform för alla terminaler där trafiken utgör en förutsägbart beteende vinna mest. Uppskattningar av övre gränserna för tid untilthe nästa sändning eller mottagning är mer exakta om de görs tar som indata information om interarrival gånger tidigare paket.

A Network System Level Simulator for Investigating the Interworking of Wireless LAN and 3G Mobile Systems

Mann, Tracy L. 01 May 2003 (has links)
Recent research supports the eventual convergence of wireless LAN (WLAN) and cellular systems in order to achieve the IMT-2000 (3G) requirement for 2 Mbps indoor capacities. The WLAN access point can be enhanced to either incorporate or supplant the transmission and packet data capabilities in the cellular network. This research used OPNET™ to design, implement, and test a network system level simulation environment to allow investigators to study the issues and trade-offs for interworking the infrastructure-based WLAN technologies into 3G mobile subscriber cellular systems. The specific contribution of this research was to augment the current OPNET™ model library by creating an enhanced user equipment node (UW) and an enhanced WLAN access point node (UWLAN_AP). The UW was augmented with the capability to selectively gain network access through either a UMTS Node-B or through a 3G-aware WLAN access point. The UWLAN_AP was made 3G-aware by augmenting it with the capability to process UMTS control messages in order to build an access control table to support UMTS authentication and access control. Together, the UW and UWLAN_AP create a simulation framework for interworking the WLAN technology into UMTS as an alternate radio access network for supporting "hot spots." This research is the foundation to allow investigators to identify signaling and data transfer mechanisms that leverage the capabilities of WLAN while supporting cellular service provisioning and accountability requirements for current and future systems. / Master of Science

Analys och förbättringsförslag för riktkopplardesign / Design of a directional coupler

Regamey, Alexander January 2005 (has links)
<p>Ericsson develops a new stripline directional coupler. Its design is described in appendix B and differs from the directional couplers Ericsson uses in current products. The new directional coupler will be used for transmission power measurement in future UMTS 3G base stations.</p><p>The most important parts of directional coupler theory are presented. It is necessary to study this theory to understand how the coupler works and how it should be designed to get good performance.</p><p>Optimal directional coupler termination component values to get high directivity and broad directivity bandwidth have been investigated.</p><p>The trim screws trim ranges have been studied.</p><p>A simple analysis of serial production performance when termination component tolerances are taken into consideration has been done.</p><p>The resistance components reactive (inductive/capacitive) characteristics at 2.14 GHz have been analyzed.</p><p>The directivity performance limitations of the directional coupler, when Ericsson’s band pass filter is connected, are investigated.</p><p>Design changes leading to better performance are proposed. Some important relations between design choices and performance are explained.</p> / <p>Ericsson utvecklar en ny typ av striplineriktkopplare. Dess utformning beskrivs i appendix B och skiljer sig från de riktkopplare Ericsson använder i nuvarande produkter. Den nya riktkopplaren ska användas för uteffektmätning i framtida UMTS 3G basstationer.</p><p>De viktigaste delarna av riktkopplarteori gås igenom. Det är nödvändigt att studera teorin för att förstå riktkopplarens funktion och för att förstå hur den ska designas för att få bra prestanda.</p><p>Optimala värden på riktkopplartermineringskomponenter har laborerats fram för att få så hög direktivitet och stor direktivitets-bandbredd som möjligt.</p><p>Trimskruvarnas trimområde har kartlagts.</p><p>En enkel analys av serieproduktionsprestanda har gjorts med hänsyn till termineringskomponenternas toleranser.</p><p>Resistanskomponenternas reaktiva (induktiva/kapacitiva) karakteristik vid 2.14 GHz har undersökts.</p><p>Riktkopplarens direktivitetsprestandabegränsningar när Ericssons bandpassfilter är inkopplat utreds.</p><p>Förslag till möjliga förbättringar ges. Vissa viktiga samband mellan designval och prestanda klarläggs.</p>

Analys och förbättringsförslag för riktkopplardesign / Design of a directional coupler

Regamey, Alexander January 2005 (has links)
Ericsson develops a new stripline directional coupler. Its design is described in appendix B and differs from the directional couplers Ericsson uses in current products. The new directional coupler will be used for transmission power measurement in future UMTS 3G base stations. The most important parts of directional coupler theory are presented. It is necessary to study this theory to understand how the coupler works and how it should be designed to get good performance. Optimal directional coupler termination component values to get high directivity and broad directivity bandwidth have been investigated. The trim screws trim ranges have been studied. A simple analysis of serial production performance when termination component tolerances are taken into consideration has been done. The resistance components reactive (inductive/capacitive) characteristics at 2.14 GHz have been analyzed. The directivity performance limitations of the directional coupler, when Ericsson’s band pass filter is connected, are investigated. Design changes leading to better performance are proposed. Some important relations between design choices and performance are explained. / Ericsson utvecklar en ny typ av striplineriktkopplare. Dess utformning beskrivs i appendix B och skiljer sig från de riktkopplare Ericsson använder i nuvarande produkter. Den nya riktkopplaren ska användas för uteffektmätning i framtida UMTS 3G basstationer. De viktigaste delarna av riktkopplarteori gås igenom. Det är nödvändigt att studera teorin för att förstå riktkopplarens funktion och för att förstå hur den ska designas för att få bra prestanda. Optimala värden på riktkopplartermineringskomponenter har laborerats fram för att få så hög direktivitet och stor direktivitets-bandbredd som möjligt. Trimskruvarnas trimområde har kartlagts. En enkel analys av serieproduktionsprestanda har gjorts med hänsyn till termineringskomponenternas toleranser. Resistanskomponenternas reaktiva (induktiva/kapacitiva) karakteristik vid 2.14 GHz har undersökts. Riktkopplarens direktivitetsprestandabegränsningar när Ericssons bandpassfilter är inkopplat utreds. Förslag till möjliga förbättringar ges. Vissa viktiga samband mellan designval och prestanda klarläggs.

Μελέτη μελλοντικού 4G UMTS δικτύου με IP διασύνδεση στο Core Network

Κακαβέτσος, Βλάσιος 26 June 2008 (has links)
Στην εργασία αυτή μελετήθηκε το μελλοντικό δίκυο 4G UMTS με ΙΡ διασύνδεση στο δίκτυο πυρήνα. Επίσης μελετώ τα νέα πρωτόκολλα για mobile internet IPV4, IPV6 καθώς επίσης και την πολυμεσική δομή ΙΜS. / In this Maste thesis, study the 4G UMTS network with IP conection in the core network. So i analyze the new protocolls for mobile internet IPV4, IPV6 and the multimedia structure IMS

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