Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gauged catchment""
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Assessing the influence of floodplain wetlands on wet and dry season river flows along the Nuwejaars River, Western Cape, South AfricaMehl, Daniel James Gustav January 2019 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Improved knowledge is required on the quantity and source of water resources, particularly evident during periods of drought currently being faced in South Africa. There is inadequate knowledge with regards to the flood attenuating properties of wetlands, particularly evident in the ungauged catchments of Southern Africa. This study aims to improve the knowledge on the contribution of flow from tributaries with headwaters in mountainous regions to low lying areas and the effects of wetlands on river flow patterns. Several river flow monitoring sites were established along the major upper tributaries of the Nuwejaars River at which daily water levels were recorded and bi-weekly discharge measurements were conducted. Weather data was collected using four automatic weather stations and three automatic rain gauges’ setup throughout the catchment. Rainfall data coupled with rating curves and daily discharges were used to assess the flow responses of these tributaries to rainfall events. Additionally, stable isotope analysis and basic water quality analysis was used to determine the major sources of flow within the major tributaries. The rainfall and river flow data collected, coupled with the characterization of the wetland was used to determine the flood attenuation capabilities of the wetland. Lastly, a conceptual model based on a basic water balance was developed to further explain the role of the wetland and its effects on river flows. The results showed a 27-hour lag time in peak flows from the upper tributaries at the inflows of the wetland to the outflow. Two of the upper tributaries had flow throughout the year and were fed by springs in the upper mountainous regions of the catchment and all tributaries were largely reliant on rainfall for peak flows. The temporary storage of flows within the wetland occurred as a result of the Nuwejaars River bursting its banks, filling of pools, or ponds and the Voëlvlei Lake. It was concluded that the wetland increased the travel time and decreased the magnitude of flows of the Nuwejaars River. However, due to the fact that wetlands are interlinked on a catchment scale and have a collective effect on flood attenuation this study may be improved by looking at the wetlands within the catchment holistically.
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Improving Runoff Estimation at Ungauged CatchmentsZelelew, Mulugeta January 2012 (has links)
Water infrastructures have been implemented to support the vital activities of human society. The infrastructure developments at the same time have interrupted the natural catchment response characteristics, challenging society to implement effective water resources planning and management strategies. The Telemark area in southern Norway has seen a large number of water infrastructure developments, particularly hydropower, over more than a century. Recent developments in decision support tools for flood control and reservoir operation has raised the need to compute inflows from local catchments, most of which are regulated or have no observed data. This has contributed for the motivation of this PhD thesis work, with an aim of improving runoff estimation at ungauged catchments, and the research results are presented in four manuscript scientific papers. The inverse distance weighting, inverse distance squared weighting, ordinary kriging, universal kriging and kriging with external drift were applied to analyse precipitation variability and estimate daily precipitation in the study area. The geostatistical based univariate and multivariate map-correlation concepts were applied to analyse and physically understand regional hydrological response patterns. The Sobol variance based sensitivity analysis (VBSA) method was used to investigate the HBV hydrological model parameterization significances on the model response variations and evaluate the model’s reliability as a prediction tool. The HBV hydrological model space transferability into ungauged catchments was also studied. The analyses results showed that the inverse distance weighting variants are the preferred spatial data interpolation methods in areas where relatively dense precipitation station network can be found. In mountainous areas and in areas where the precipitation station network is relatively sparse, the kriging variants are the preferred methods. The regional hydrological response correlation analyses suggested that geographic proximity alone cannot explain the entire hydrological response correlations in the study area. Besides, when the multivariate map-correlation analysis was applied, two distinct regional hydrological response patterns - the radial and elliptical-types were identified. The presence of these hydrological response patterns influenced the location of the best-correlated reference streamgauges to the ungauged catchments. As a result, the nearest streamgauge was found the best-correlated in areas where the radial-type hydrological response pattern is the dominant. In area where the elliptical-type hydrological response pattern is the dominant, the nearest reference streamgauge was not necessarily the best-correlated. The VBSA verified that varying up to a minimum of four to six influential HBV model parameters can sufficiently simulate the catchments' responses characteristics when emphasis is given to fit the high flows. Varying up to a minimum of six influential model parameters is necessary to sufficiently simulate the catchments’ responses and maintain the model performance when emphasis is given to fit the low flows. However, varying more than nine out of the fifteen HBV model parameters will not make any significant change on the model performance. The hydrological model space transfer study indicated that estimation of representative runoff at ungauged catchments cannot be guaranteed by transferring model parameter sets from a single donor catchment. On the other hand, applying the ensemble based model space transferring approach and utilizing model parameter sets from multiple donor catchments improved the model performance at the ungauged catchments. The result also suggested that high model performance can be achieved by integrating model parameter sets from two to six donor catchments. Objectively minimizing the HBV model parametric dimensionality and only sampling the sensitive model parameters, maintained the model performance and limited the model prediction uncertainty.
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Development of a precipitation index-based conceptual model to overcome sparse data barriers in runoff prediction in cold climateAkanegbu, J. O. (Justice Orazulukwe) 07 December 2018 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of a new precipitation index-based conceptual water balance model with parameters easily regionalized through the functional relationship with catchment and climate attributes. It also presents a simple method for improving model dynamics for streamflow simulations in a non-stationary climate.
The model was developed for streamflow modelling and prediction in high-latitude catchments, where model parameter regionalization is difficult due to limited availability of hydrological data for the region. The model couples a snow accumulation and melt formulation with a current precipitation index (CPI) formulation to simulate daily precipitation in runoff hydrograph pattern from catchments with seasonal snow cover. Using new runoff conversion factors CT and Lf, and a threshold flow factor ThQ, the simulated CPI hydrograph is converted into daily runoff and routed using the transformation function Maxbas.
The model was developed in Microsoft Excel workbook and tested in 32 catchments in Finland, a region with considerable seasonal snow cover. The results showed that the model can adequately simulate and reproduce the dynamics of daily runoff from catchments where the underlying physical conditions are not known. In addition, incorporating temperature conditions influencing inter-annual variability in streamflow into the model structure improved its structural dynamics, thereby improving its performance in a non-stationary climate. Most model parameters showed strong relationships with observable catchment characteristics, climate characteristics, or both. The parameter functional relationships derived from the model parameter-catchment relationships produced equally good model results when applied to independent test catchments used as mock-ungauged catchments.
Inclusion of snow-water equivalent records and use of multiple objective functions for snow-water equivalent and runoff simulations during model optimization helped reduce the effect of parameter equifinality, making it easier to determine optimal parameter values. The current precipitation index (CPIsnow) model is a parsimonious tool for predicting streamflow in data-limited high-latitude regions. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee yksinkertaisen sadantaan perustuvan konseptuaalisen vesitasemallin kehitystä ja soveltamista boreaalisille valuma-alueille sekä malliin liittyvää alueellista parametrisointia valuma-alueominaisuuksien ja ilmastoaineiston perusteella. Hydrologinen malli on luotu laskemaan ja ennustamaan valuntaa pohjoisille valuma-alueille, joilta on vähän hydrologista tietoa. Malli yhdistää lumen kertymisen ja sulannan tunnettuun sadantaindeksiin perustuvaan malliin (CPI) ja edelleen simuloi päivittäisen hydrografin valuma-alueille, joilla on selkeä lumipeitteinen ajanjakso. Malli laskee MaxBas funktion avulla CPI:llä muodostetun hydrografin päivittäiseksi valunnaksi valuntaan liittyvien malliparametrien CT ja Lf sekä virtaaman kynnysarvon ThQ avulla.
Malli kehitettiin Excel-ympäristössä ja sitä testattiin 32 valuma-alueella Suomessa. Valuma-alueet edustivat maantieteellisesti kattavasti alueita, joilla esiintyy tyypillisesti kausittainen lumipeite. Saadut tulokset osoittivat, että kehitetty malli simuloi ja tuottaa päivittäisen valunnan riittävällä tarkkuudella valuma-alueille, vaikka hydrologista ja fysikaalista tietoa alueilta olisi niukasti. Useimmat malliparametrit olivat vahvasti riippuvaisia joko valuma-alue ominaisuuksista tai ilmastollisista parametreista tai molemmista. Parametrien funktionaalinen yhteys muodostettiin valuma-alueiden ominaisuuksien perusteella ja testattiin riippumattomalla valuma-aluejoukolla hyvin tuloksin.
Malliparametrien samatavoitteellisuutta eli ekvifinaliteettiä voitiin vähentää huomioimalla mallissa lumen vesiarvomittaukset sekä hyödyntämällä useita parametrisia funktioita. Tällöin myös optimaalisten parametrien löytyminen nopeutui ja helpottui. Tämän väitöstyön pohjalta syntynyt uusi sadannan indeksiin pohjautuva laskentamalli (CPIsnow) mahdollistaa valunnan arvioinnin pieniltä valuma-alueilta, joilta on niukasti aineistoa saatavilla ja joissa lumen sulanta ja kertyminen ovat keskeisiä hydrologisia prosesseja.
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