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Evropské ekonomické vládnutí: možnost nebo nutnost? / European Economic Governance: An Option or The Necessity?Vlach, Michael January 2011 (has links)
Bibliografický záznam VLACH, Michael. Evropské ekonomické vládnutí - možnost nebo nutnost? Praha, 2011. 95 s. Diplomová práce (Mgr.) Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut mezinárodních studií. Katedra západoevropských studií. Vedoucí diplomové práce Prof. Ing. Luděk Urban, CSC., Jean Monnet Professor Abstract Diploma Thesis "European Economic Governance - an option or the necessity?" deals with the current debate on the reform of European economic governance (EEG). It focuses on the genesis of the pre-crisis European economic governance, primarily on the Economic and Monetary Union, and on the performance of the EMU and the features of EEG before and during the crisis. It investigates the issues and challenges that arisen largely from the aftermath of the crisis such as imbalances on the Internal Market due to serious competitiveness issues between the Member States, lack of crisis management, financial supervision etc. The common cause of these problems, the insufficient economic governance is identified having source largely in the original design of EMU which was adopted largely for economic reasons but contemporary political limits restrained the Economic union and macroeconomic coordination provisions thus enabling the current situation. In the final part the proposed and implemented...
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Vliv EU na vnitropolitickou situaci sousedních států v rámci Evropské politiky sousedství / The influence of EU on the internal political situation of neighboring countries within European Neighbourhood PolicyKomárková, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is the analysis of European Neighbourhood Policy, which was established in 2004 in connection with the eastern enlargement of European Union. The main goal of European Neighbourhood Policy is to create an area of stability, prosperity and welfare with its neighbourhood countries. Partnership is based on the commitments to create an area of rule of law, good governance, respect for human rights, promotion of principles of market economy and promotion of sustainable development. Political cooperation is complemented by EU financial aid to neighbourhood countries. Thanks to financial support the neighbourhood countries should implement the necessary reforms, which later help to establish shared values. This thesis seeks to examine what is the impact of EU to internal political situation of neighbourhood countries. The hypothesis assumes that the higher EU financial aid to neighbourhood countries increases its influence on the internal political situation at neighbourhood countries.
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L’opera analizza l’evoluzione del contratto di lavoro a tempo parziale nell’ordinamento europeo e italiano. In Italia successivamente a una fase pionieristica la prima regolamentazione legislativa, l. n. 864 1983, lascia aperti numerosi problemi interpretativi. L’ordinamento europeo tenta di superare la mancanza di una specifica regolamentazione a protezione del lavoro part-time, basandosi sul principio della parità di retribuzione tra uomini e donne, come affermato dalla Corte di giustizia.
Infine il part time è regolato dalla Direttiva 97/81, che da un lato rappresenta l’apice del Dialogo sociale europeo, dall’altro è tra gli istituti su cui la Strategia europea per l’occupazione fa affidamento, soprattutto per aumentare il tasso di presenza femminile al lavoro.
Successivamente, la legge n. 61/2000 traspone la direttiva nell’ordinamento italiano. A partire da allora in un’ ottica di favorire l’incremento del part time, alcune clausole subiscono numerose modifiche, che oscillano tra delega alla contrattazione collettiva e all’autonomia individuale. L’incremento del part time nel corso degli ultimi anni, anche a seguito della crisi, è rappresentato da part timers involontari, che accettano questo contratto soltanto in mancanza di un impiego a tempo pieno. Infine si compie un’analisi circa i futuri sviluppi della normativa sul tempo parziale. Più nello specifico, la perenne tensione tra contrattazione collettiva e autonomia individuale, entrambe indispensabili, dovrebbe tendere ad un nuovo equilibrio regolativo. Inoltre le auspicate modifiche legislative in ordine a un pieno diritto al part time, non potranno ignorare, in un’ ottica funzionale, una armonizzazione con le regole in tema di aspettative e permessi. / The study focuses on part-time work evolution in the European and Italian systems. After a pioneering phase, the first legislative regulation in Italy, law n. 864/1983, raises a number of interpretation problems. The European System attempts to overcome the lack of a specific regulation to protect part-time work by relying on the principle of equal pay for men and women as stated by the European Court of Justice. In the end, part-time is regulated by Directive 97 /81 which, on the one hand, represents the success of the European social dialogue and, on the other hand, is one of the most important means to increase the number of women in the work market according to the European Employment Strategy.
At a later stage, the law n . 61/2000 transposes the Directive into the Italian system. Since then, in a perspective of increasing part-time, some clauses in Italy undergo numerous changes which specifically range from delegation to collective bargaining and to the individual autonomy.
The increased number of part-timers in recent years, partly as a result of the economic crisis, is represented by the involuntary part-timer workers, which accept contracts only in the absence of full time employment.
In the end, the study anticipates future developments in part-time work regulation. More specifically, the constant tension between individual autonomy and collective bargaining, which are both crucial, should tend to a new regulative equilibrium. In addition, future advocated legislative changes related to a full right to part-time should not ignore, in a functional perspective, the harmonization with the rules regarding leaves of absences and other permitted absences.
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A contemporary concept of monetary sovereigntyZimmermann, Claus D. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyses whether the concept of monetary sovereignty evolves under the impact of globalization and financial integration, and provides a framework for assessing what this implies. Thereby, this thesis contributes to a better understanding of both the contemporary exercise of sovereign powers in monetary and financial matters and of the driving forces behind the evolution of international law in this field. As elaborated in chapter 1, the contemporary concept of monetary sovereignty proposed by this thesis is not static but dynamic in nature. Due to the dual nature of sovereignty as a concept having not only positive but also important normative components, monetary sovereignty cannot become eroded under the impact of legal and economic constraints. Chapter 2 examines the ongoing hybridization of international monetary law arising from changes in the sources of this complex body of law, from the unsuitability of the categories of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ law for characterizing all normative evolutions in this field, and from the rise of private and transnational monetary law. Chapter 3 scrutinizes the phenomenon of exchange rate misalignment under monetary and trade law. Intrinsically related, it assesses which aspects of the IMF’s legal framework should be reformed in order to tackle contemporary challenges to the stability of the international monetary system, such as global current account imbalances. Chapter 4 analyses the increasing regionalization of monetary sovereignty. It argues that, to the extent that transferring sovereign powers to a monetary union is what provides a state’s population with maximum monetary and financial stability, the underlying transfers are not a surrender of monetary sovereignty, but its effective exercise under the form of cooperative sovereignty. Finally, chapter 5 assesses the implications of the contemporary concept of monetary sovereignty proposed herein for the reorganization of the international financial architecture in the wake of the Great Recession.
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Svoboda umělecké tvorby a svoboda projevu v kontextu evropské ochrany lidských práv / Freedom of artistic work and freedom of expression within the context of the European protection of human rightsSýkorová, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the concept of the freedom of artistic creation and expression in the European Union law, in particular its recognition in primary law, above all in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Charter), and in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). Considering that interpretation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the EU law is greatly based on constitutional traditions of EU member states and on the approach to these rights established within the Council of Europe, this thesis also deals with the conception of the freedom of artistic expression in constitutions of EU member states and in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), as interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). While relevant case law of the CJEU is only fragmentary, it refers systematically to the extensive case law of the ECtHR, which provides comprehensive theory of the freedom of artistic expression in Europe and provides for studying the evolution of the conception in time. The core method of research used in this thesis is the analysis of different sources of primary and secondary EU law, national law and case law; the thesis refers namely to the case law of the CJEU and...
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Il welfare state incontra l’Unione europea: dalla costituzione economica europea ad un modello sociale europeo / IL WELFARE STATE INCONTRA L’UNIONE EUROPEA. DALLA COSTITUZIONE ECONOMICA EUROPEA AD UN MODELLO SOCIALE EUROPEOPORFILIO, AMELIO 18 May 2010 (has links)
La tesi si snoda lungo tre piani di analisi per esaminare i rapporti fra Unione europea e welfare state. Innanzitutto, essa guarda alla CEE come organizzazione sorta principalmente per perseguire l’integrazione economica degli Stati membri senza interferire sulla loro funzione di welfare. Nel ripercorrere l’evoluzione delle competenze sociali dell’Unione europea, la tesi suggerisce come i sussistenti limiti procedurali e sostanziali evidenzino quella logica.
In secondo luogo, la tesi ricorre alla categoria di costituzione economica europea al fine di spiegare la limitazione di sovranità cui gli Stati membri sono andati incontro per favorire l’attuazione del principio di libertà economica. Su questa base, vengono enucleati taluni effetti prodotti dalla costituzione economica europea sul welfare state. Un’attenzione particolare è dedicata ai riflessi della costituzione economica in materia pensionistica.
Infine, la tesi guarda alle innovazioni apportate dalla Strategia di Lisbona e dal Trattato di Lisbona, con particolare riguardo al rafforzamento del metodo aperto di coordinamento ed all’entrata in vigore della Carta dei diritti fondamentali. In questa luce, si coglie la tendenza all’edificazione di un modello sociale europeo. Avendone discusso genesi e sviluppo, vengono illustrati i suoi tratti distintivi ed i suoi riflessi sulle politiche nazionali di sicurezza sociale e del lavoro. / The thesis examines the relationship between European Union and Welfare State under three different perspectives. Firstly, it looks at the EEC as an organization pursuing economic integration of Member States while not interfering with their welfare function. In tracing the evolution of the social competences of the European Union, it is highlighted how the original logic still underlies the existence of procedural and substantive limits to those competences.
Second, the thesis draws on the category of European economic constitution to explain how Member States bounded their sovereignty in order to give full effect to economic freedom. On that basis, the thesis describes some of the inroads made by the European economic constitution into national welfare states, with special attention to its effects on pension systems.
Finally, the thesis looks at some of the innovations introduced by the Lisbon Strategy and the Lisbon Treaty, focusing on the strengthening of the Open Method of Co-ordination and the entry into force of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. In this perspective, the thesis captures the emergence of a European social model. Having discussed origins and development of the European social model, its main distinctive features and reflexes on domestic social policies are spelled out.
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Zdravotní pojištění a vstup České republiky do Evropské unie / Health insurance and the entry of the Czech Republic to the European UnionFRČKOVÁ, Lucie January 2007 (has links)
Health insurance and the entry of the Czech Republic to the European Union The first of May 2004 the Czech Republic became a member state of European Union. The membership in European Union bears a change in reservation necessities on health care in the movement of persons within the countries of European Union, European Economic Area (i. e., Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) and Switzerland. Diploma thesis, which is divided into two parts (theoretical and practical ones), summarizes accessible information about health insurance problems after the entry of the Czech Republic to the European Union. The objective of theoretical part is to summarize the problems of administration of health care within the countries of the European Union and find out consequences of the entry of the Czech Republic to the European Union for the Czech health insurance system. I present briefly the European Union, coordination of social security national systems, and the Czech health insurance system. Above all, the thesis is specialized in legal form of health insurance, in basic principles in administration of health care and in the extent of health care provided within the countries of the European Union. The special account is taken of problems of cross-border workers and Czech tourists. At the end of thesis information on the European Health Insurance Card and the Centre for Interstate Refund which fulfill the function of contact authority for the sphere of health insurance in the Czech Republic are mentioned. The objective of practical part of the thesis is to find out the legal consciousness of knowledge of the Czech Republic citizens of European law for the sphere of administration of health care in the European Union. Two hypotheses were set to accomplish the research target. The quantitative research methodology {--} technique of questionnaire was used in this survey. The research was realized in the South Bohemian Region, in the towns of České Budějovice and Strakonice. The respondents of the questionnaires were selected on purpose according to their age (from 30 years to 45 years). The research set icluded 120 respondents of both the sexes (citizens of the towns of České Budějovice and Strakonice). On the basis of obtained and proportionally evaluated research data, the both hypotheses were confirmed. The results of the research show the poor knowledge about the European law for administration health care sphere in the European Union in the citizens of České Budějovice and Strakonice. The diploma thesis can serve as a full-value information source for students, staff of health insurance companies and the general public. The questions of administration health care in the European Union is not entirely known among the general public and so the subject of this thesis can certainly clarify it.
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Evropské zbrojní projekty a vojenské kapacity EU / European collaborative defense projects and the military capacity of the EUKalisky, Boris January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis "European collaborative defense projects and the military capacity of the EU" is dealing with the realization of cooperative projects and with their influence on the development of military capacities of the European Union member states. The author examines the economic and military advantages of international defense collaboration. The optimal way of collaboration leads to lower development and production costs, higher quality of the product and better competitiveness on the market. The author uses selected European programs to test how the results are achieved in reality. Further author identifies the goals of the European Defense and Security Policy as they were set up by the European Union. Mainly the so called Petersberg Tasks. The author examines which military capabilities the European Union needs to build in order to realize the full scope of the Petersberg Tasks and whether the realized collaborative projects enhance the capabilities of the Union for these tasks.
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Osobitý přínos Římsko-katolické církve k evropské integrace podle článku 17(3) SFEU: vnímání dialogu s COMECE Evropskou unií / Specific Contribution of the Roman Catholic Church to the European Integration according to the Article 17.3. of the TFEU: EU perception of the dialogue with COMECEKubiš, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse how the EU perceives the specific contribution of Churches to the European integration as stated in the Article 17.3 of the TFEU. The specific contribution is analysed on the case of Roman Catholic Church (RCC) which predominates in the dialogue under the Article 17.3. There are two time periods addressed in the thesis. Firstly, the specific contribution is addressed in the context of the debate on the EU constitution. It is examined, based on the analysis of politicians' speeches and MEPs amendments, whether the specificity is rooted in the area of values. Second period is marked by the year 2009 when the TFEU entered into force, and 2014 when the dialogue with Churches was somewhat degraded. In fact, the new body responsible for the interaction became DG JUST, thereby replacing BEPA, i.e. organization directly reporting to the President of the Commission. Based on the analysis of the speeches and other relevant documents regard all the official meetings, I examine what the EU politicians expected from the Church and what was Her specificity according to them. Against this background is also analysed the fact that the dialogue with Churches was separated from the civil society organizations. It results from the research that the EU perceived the specific...
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Občanství Evropské unie: práva občanů Evropské unie a jejich dopad na právní řád České republiky / Citizenship of the European Union: rights of EU citizens and its impact on the legal order of the Czech RepublicRůžek, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis explores content, purpose and impact of citizenship of the European Union. The European Union is an international organization that affects day-to-day lives of citizens of its Member States. From the beginning of its existence, the European Union (formerly the European Community) has always taken into consideration the interests of its Member States. As it has accrued more power while widening and broadening its competencies, it has made it possible for the European Union to tackle new problems. Eventually, in order to reduce democratic deficit participation of individual citizens became inevitable for the purpose of creation of a genuine link between individuals and the European Union, which helps to ensure its proper governance. Although some rights linked with citizenship had been already incorporated into the law of the European Union, citizenship of the European Union was embedded into the primary law of the European Union by the Maastricht Treaty. Entering into force on 1 November 1993, this represented a milestone for the quality of the relationship between the European Union and citizens of its Member States. Citizenship of the European Union, which is a citizenship sui generis, is characterised by its accessority and additionality to the citizenship of a Member State....
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