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Wikipedia som källa? : Är det accepterat vid studier i ämnet medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Uppsala universitet?Salomon, Susanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: Wikipedia as a source? Is it accepted in the studies of Media and Communications at Uppsala University? (Wikipedia som källa? Är det accepterat vid studier i ämnet medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Uppsala universitet?)</p><p>Number of pages: 38 (39 including enclosures)</p><p>Author: Susanna Salomon</p><p>Tutor: Else Nygren</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies C</p><p>Period: Autumn 2007</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University</p><p>Purpose/ Aim: The purpose is to study whether or not the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia is an accepted source when a student writes a paper in Media and Communications at Uppsala University</p><p>Material/ Method: Qualitative research method based on interviews with teachers and on litterature.</p><p>Main results: The study shows that there is no common view within the faculty whether or not Wikipedia could be used as a source when writing a paper in Media and Communications. Some accept it, others do not. The results show that the teachers of this subject at Uppsala University have not yet decided upon how to adjust to the new large information bank wich is Wikipedia.</p><p>Keywords: Wikipedia, Uppsala University, sources, reliability, objectivity, collective intelligence, the Internet</p>
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Tycker ni om oss? : attitydundersökning av de tekniska och naturvetenskapliga utbildningarna vid Uppsala universitetLarsson, Elin, Johansson, Marlene January 2008 (has links)
<p>The need for educated people has during the last couple of years increased, the needs for engineers mostly. The amount of positions for technology and science educations in Sweden increased heavily during the 1990’s but the number of qualified applicants decreased. Uppsala University is one of the five largest educational centres within the areas technology and science in Sweden is Uppsala University, but its trademark is not as visible and known as the other science areas.</p><p>The primary target group for the technology and science faculty at Uppsala University is first of all youths from the immediate surroundings, North Uppland and Stockholm. We found it interesting to look at students in the municipality of Stockholm, partly because 16 % of the faculty’s students come from here and partly because of assumed competition of KTH.</p><p>The purpose of the survey is to find out what attitudes that students in the municipality of Stockholm, who studies social science, natural science and technical programs in the third year in high school, has towards technological and natural science educations at Uppsala university.</p><p>The survey method is a market research where a questionnaire was passed out to high school students in year three at social science, natural science and technological programs at four schools in the municipality of Stockholm. We used theory concerning positioning and attitudes.</p><p>We could conclude that UU’s brand is underpositioned when it comes to the difference between the student’s knowledge that there are both technological and natural science educations at UU and the general knowledge that these educations exist With the attitude-theory we could conclude that the students had a limited “cognition” and “affect” towards the educations but that the “cognition” that existed was mostly positive. Concerning the component “conation” there was a large amount of students that didn’t know if they were prepared to read these educations, but among those who answered most was positive.</p> / <p>De senaste åren har behovet av akademiskt utbildade ökat stadigt, framförallt behovet av ingenjörer. Antalet utbildningsplatser inom teknik och naturvetenskap i Sverige utökades kraftigt under 1990-talet men antalet ansökningar halverades vilket har gjort att konkurrensen om studenterna hårdnat. Uppsala universitet är ett av de fem största lärosätena i Sverige inom områdena teknik och naturvetenskap, men universitets varumärke då det gäller dessa utbildningar är enligt undersökningar inte är lika synligt och känt som de andra vetenskapsområdenas.</p><p>Prioriterade målgrupper för den tekniska och naturvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Uppsala universitet är framför allt ungdomar som kommer från närområdet, kranskommunerna, Norduppland och Stor-Stockholm. Vi fann det intressant att titta på Stockholms kommun, dels då 16 % av fakultetens studenter kommer härifrån och dels p.g.a. den förmodade konkurrensen med KTH.</p><p>Syftet med undersökningen var att ta reda på vilken attityd gymnasieelever i Stockholms kommun, som läser samhällsvetenskapligt, naturvetenskapligt och tekniskt program i årskurs tre, har gentemot tekniska och naturvetenskapliga utbildningar vid Uppsala universitet.</p><p>Undersökningsmetoden bestod av en marknadsundersökning där enkäter delades ut till gymnasieelever i årskurs tre på samhällsvetenskaplig, naturvetenskaplig och teknisk utbildning på fyra skolor i Stockholms kommun. Vi använde oss av positioneringsteori samt attitydteori.</p><p>Vi fann att 62 % av totala antalet elever kände till att tekniska och naturvetenskapliga utbildningar finns på UU och att 52 % av eleverna var beredda att läsa på UU. Eleverna förknippade UU först och främst med naturvetenskapliga utbildningar och inte med tekniska. Attribut som eleverna valde för att karaktärisera utbildningarna var bl.a. ”bra utbildningar”, ”hög kvalitet” och ”forskning”.</p><p>Slutligen kunde vi dra slutsatsen att UU:s varumärke är underpositionerat när det gäller skillnaden mellan kunskapen om att det finns både tekniska och naturvetenskapliga utbildningar samt om den generella kunskapen att dessa båda utbildningar existerar. Med hjälp av attitydteorin kunde vi fastställa att eleverna hade en begränsad ”kunskap” och ”känsla” om utbildningarna men att denna var överlag positiv. När det gällde ”avsikt eller handling” var det en stor andel som inte visste om de kunde tänka sig att läsa dessa utbildningar men de som kunde svara var överlag positiva.</p>
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Marketing management at Uppsala University Hospital : a case study in Swedish health care marketing; MBA-thesis in marketingOlausson, Per-Håkan, Olausson, Carina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Aim:The overall aim of this study was to obtain more knowledge on the implementation of health care marketing in Sweden, using Uppsala University Hospital (UUH) as a case study. Additionally, based on the results of this case study, the aim was also to give concrete suggestions on how to enable increased focus on the formulation and implementation of health care marketing management strategies. This gives the study a slightly normative approach and aim, since the line is not drawn at description and analysis but also advocate guidelines for the enabling of market orientation.</p><p>Method: The chosen methodology of the study was qualitative, as the study sought to explore, interpret and gain a deeper knowledge of the research area. Three different strategies of primary data collection were used; (1) interviews with key hospital managers, (2) a survey sent to all heads of clinical departments (68 departments) and (3) the study of selected UUH internal documents and UUH internal material related to the subject. The massive data was consolidated, reported and analyzed as separate parts and as well as an overview analysis from a health care marketing management theoretical framework.</p><p>Results & Conclusions:The study showed that UUH, despite the fact that they produce an annual revenue from health care services sales of approx 1,5 billion SEK, lacks almost every aspect of the tools and abilities necessary to function on a competitive marketplace. This included a non-marketing based planning process, the absence of a marketing organizational unit, no marketing research abilities etc. There were also facts pointing at severe flaws in the accounting systems, uncertainties of the legality of the current marketing activities and no marketing-stimulating incentive-systems in place. Besides these hard facts, the conservative, non-market oriented, organizational culture was deemed to make an attempted marketing adaption very hard to implement. The interviews provided valuable data for the structure and analysis. The survey had a very low response-rate, which didn´t provide any valuable data per se, but was interpreted to support the analysis of the organizational flaws in regard to marketing orientation. The internal document study also resulted in support of this analysis and increased the validity. Based on the analysis, a suggestion for a “road map” to successfully market-adapt Swedish health care was presented.</p><p>Suggestions for future research:Health care marketing most likely constitute its own area of research which also is specific for Sweden, which gives infinite opportunities for further studies. The implementation of marketing strategies in health care is an area that really needs to be further studied, therefore a suggestion for future research is to try and find out just how to enable implementation of a marketing-orientation in an organization which never had one. Another suggestion for further research could be the study of how economic incentive systems and other means of co-worker stimulation influence the production of health care services.</p><p>Contribution of the thesis:We believe that this study will strengthen the marketing understanding for UUH personnel at both managerial as well as all other organizational levels that are interested in the subject. We also believe that politicians, both locally and nationally, will benefit from practical knowledge regarding health care marketing mechanisms currently in place. Though conducted as a case study at one hospital, we deem that the analysis and suggestions are applicable for many other health care providers acting on the Swedish health care services marketplace, possibly contributing to the development of Swedish health care.</p>
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Studentens lyckliga dar : Om representationen av upsaliensiskt studentliv på 1860- och 1870-talen i memoarerFahlén Godö, Oskar January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the representation of student life in Uppsala in the 1860s and 1870s in memoirs. This purpose is achieved by contextualising the memoirs in two different analyses. In the first, the representation of student life in the memoirs is compared to that in another literary genre, the university novel, and it is found that the two representational forms paint completely contradictory pictures, where in the novels the higher education is depicted as rotten and in dire need of reformation, whereas in the memoirs the system, albeit somewhat flawed, works. The memoirs and the novels thus seem to be competing systems of representation, created in different discourses, wherein the purpose and nature of higher education widely differed. In the second analysis, the examination of the memoirs is based on research concerning the nation building process in Sweden during the 19th century. The representation of student life in the memoirs fits well into this process, the stories of carnivals, of the drill of the special student militia and, especially, of the abundant student male choir singing, creates a picture of students as a defined societal group with a special political agenda. This place in society is idealized, the male choir singers are, for example, depicted as an avant-garde of national consciousness, and depicted as mainly harmonious</p>
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Studentens lyckliga dar : Om representationen av upsaliensiskt studentliv på 1860- och 1870-talen i memoarerFahlén Godö, Oskar January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the representation of student life in Uppsala in the 1860s and 1870s in memoirs. This purpose is achieved by contextualising the memoirs in two different analyses. In the first, the representation of student life in the memoirs is compared to that in another literary genre, the university novel, and it is found that the two representational forms paint completely contradictory pictures, where in the novels the higher education is depicted as rotten and in dire need of reformation, whereas in the memoirs the system, albeit somewhat flawed, works. The memoirs and the novels thus seem to be competing systems of representation, created in different discourses, wherein the purpose and nature of higher education widely differed. In the second analysis, the examination of the memoirs is based on research concerning the nation building process in Sweden during the 19th century. The representation of student life in the memoirs fits well into this process, the stories of carnivals, of the drill of the special student militia and, especially, of the abundant student male choir singing, creates a picture of students as a defined societal group with a special political agenda. This place in society is idealized, the male choir singers are, for example, depicted as an avant-garde of national consciousness, and depicted as mainly harmonious
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Marketing management at Uppsala University Hospital : a case study in Swedish health care marketing; MBA-thesis in marketingOlausson, Per-Håkan, Olausson, Carina January 2009 (has links)
Aim:The overall aim of this study was to obtain more knowledge on the implementation of health care marketing in Sweden, using Uppsala University Hospital (UUH) as a case study. Additionally, based on the results of this case study, the aim was also to give concrete suggestions on how to enable increased focus on the formulation and implementation of health care marketing management strategies. This gives the study a slightly normative approach and aim, since the line is not drawn at description and analysis but also advocate guidelines for the enabling of market orientation. Method: The chosen methodology of the study was qualitative, as the study sought to explore, interpret and gain a deeper knowledge of the research area. Three different strategies of primary data collection were used; (1) interviews with key hospital managers, (2) a survey sent to all heads of clinical departments (68 departments) and (3) the study of selected UUH internal documents and UUH internal material related to the subject. The massive data was consolidated, reported and analyzed as separate parts and as well as an overview analysis from a health care marketing management theoretical framework. Results & Conclusions:The study showed that UUH, despite the fact that they produce an annual revenue from health care services sales of approx 1,5 billion SEK, lacks almost every aspect of the tools and abilities necessary to function on a competitive marketplace. This included a non-marketing based planning process, the absence of a marketing organizational unit, no marketing research abilities etc. There were also facts pointing at severe flaws in the accounting systems, uncertainties of the legality of the current marketing activities and no marketing-stimulating incentive-systems in place. Besides these hard facts, the conservative, non-market oriented, organizational culture was deemed to make an attempted marketing adaption very hard to implement. The interviews provided valuable data for the structure and analysis. The survey had a very low response-rate, which didn´t provide any valuable data per se, but was interpreted to support the analysis of the organizational flaws in regard to marketing orientation. The internal document study also resulted in support of this analysis and increased the validity. Based on the analysis, a suggestion for a “road map” to successfully market-adapt Swedish health care was presented. Suggestions for future research:Health care marketing most likely constitute its own area of research which also is specific for Sweden, which gives infinite opportunities for further studies. The implementation of marketing strategies in health care is an area that really needs to be further studied, therefore a suggestion for future research is to try and find out just how to enable implementation of a marketing-orientation in an organization which never had one. Another suggestion for further research could be the study of how economic incentive systems and other means of co-worker stimulation influence the production of health care services. Contribution of the thesis:We believe that this study will strengthen the marketing understanding for UUH personnel at both managerial as well as all other organizational levels that are interested in the subject. We also believe that politicians, both locally and nationally, will benefit from practical knowledge regarding health care marketing mechanisms currently in place. Though conducted as a case study at one hospital, we deem that the analysis and suggestions are applicable for many other health care providers acting on the Swedish health care services marketplace, possibly contributing to the development of Swedish health care.
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Tycker ni om oss? : attitydundersökning av de tekniska och naturvetenskapliga utbildningarna vid Uppsala universitetLarsson, Elin, Johansson, Marlene January 2008 (has links)
The need for educated people has during the last couple of years increased, the needs for engineers mostly. The amount of positions for technology and science educations in Sweden increased heavily during the 1990’s but the number of qualified applicants decreased. Uppsala University is one of the five largest educational centres within the areas technology and science in Sweden is Uppsala University, but its trademark is not as visible and known as the other science areas. The primary target group for the technology and science faculty at Uppsala University is first of all youths from the immediate surroundings, North Uppland and Stockholm. We found it interesting to look at students in the municipality of Stockholm, partly because 16 % of the faculty’s students come from here and partly because of assumed competition of KTH. The purpose of the survey is to find out what attitudes that students in the municipality of Stockholm, who studies social science, natural science and technical programs in the third year in high school, has towards technological and natural science educations at Uppsala university. The survey method is a market research where a questionnaire was passed out to high school students in year three at social science, natural science and technological programs at four schools in the municipality of Stockholm. We used theory concerning positioning and attitudes. We could conclude that UU’s brand is underpositioned when it comes to the difference between the student’s knowledge that there are both technological and natural science educations at UU and the general knowledge that these educations exist With the attitude-theory we could conclude that the students had a limited “cognition” and “affect” towards the educations but that the “cognition” that existed was mostly positive. Concerning the component “conation” there was a large amount of students that didn’t know if they were prepared to read these educations, but among those who answered most was positive. / De senaste åren har behovet av akademiskt utbildade ökat stadigt, framförallt behovet av ingenjörer. Antalet utbildningsplatser inom teknik och naturvetenskap i Sverige utökades kraftigt under 1990-talet men antalet ansökningar halverades vilket har gjort att konkurrensen om studenterna hårdnat. Uppsala universitet är ett av de fem största lärosätena i Sverige inom områdena teknik och naturvetenskap, men universitets varumärke då det gäller dessa utbildningar är enligt undersökningar inte är lika synligt och känt som de andra vetenskapsområdenas. Prioriterade målgrupper för den tekniska och naturvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Uppsala universitet är framför allt ungdomar som kommer från närområdet, kranskommunerna, Norduppland och Stor-Stockholm. Vi fann det intressant att titta på Stockholms kommun, dels då 16 % av fakultetens studenter kommer härifrån och dels p.g.a. den förmodade konkurrensen med KTH. Syftet med undersökningen var att ta reda på vilken attityd gymnasieelever i Stockholms kommun, som läser samhällsvetenskapligt, naturvetenskapligt och tekniskt program i årskurs tre, har gentemot tekniska och naturvetenskapliga utbildningar vid Uppsala universitet. Undersökningsmetoden bestod av en marknadsundersökning där enkäter delades ut till gymnasieelever i årskurs tre på samhällsvetenskaplig, naturvetenskaplig och teknisk utbildning på fyra skolor i Stockholms kommun. Vi använde oss av positioneringsteori samt attitydteori. Vi fann att 62 % av totala antalet elever kände till att tekniska och naturvetenskapliga utbildningar finns på UU och att 52 % av eleverna var beredda att läsa på UU. Eleverna förknippade UU först och främst med naturvetenskapliga utbildningar och inte med tekniska. Attribut som eleverna valde för att karaktärisera utbildningarna var bl.a. ”bra utbildningar”, ”hög kvalitet” och ”forskning”. Slutligen kunde vi dra slutsatsen att UU:s varumärke är underpositionerat när det gäller skillnaden mellan kunskapen om att det finns både tekniska och naturvetenskapliga utbildningar samt om den generella kunskapen att dessa båda utbildningar existerar. Med hjälp av attitydteorin kunde vi fastställa att eleverna hade en begränsad ”kunskap” och ”känsla” om utbildningarna men att denna var överlag positiv. När det gällde ”avsikt eller handling” var det en stor andel som inte visste om de kunde tänka sig att läsa dessa utbildningar men de som kunde svara var överlag positiva.
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Wikipedia som källa? : Är det accepterat vid studier i ämnet medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Uppsala universitet?Salomon, Susanna January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Title: Wikipedia as a source? Is it accepted in the studies of Media and Communications at Uppsala University? (Wikipedia som källa? Är det accepterat vid studier i ämnet medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Uppsala universitet?) Number of pages: 38 (39 including enclosures) Author: Susanna Salomon Tutor: Else Nygren Course: Media and Communication Studies C Period: Autumn 2007 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/ Aim: The purpose is to study whether or not the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia is an accepted source when a student writes a paper in Media and Communications at Uppsala University Material/ Method: Qualitative research method based on interviews with teachers and on litterature. Main results: The study shows that there is no common view within the faculty whether or not Wikipedia could be used as a source when writing a paper in Media and Communications. Some accept it, others do not. The results show that the teachers of this subject at Uppsala University have not yet decided upon how to adjust to the new large information bank wich is Wikipedia. Keywords: Wikipedia, Uppsala University, sources, reliability, objectivity, collective intelligence, the Internet
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An applied model for implementation of innovative IT-solutions for telehealth into the healthcare systemLundström, Hannah, Berglund, Tomas, Lycke, Sara January 2014 (has links)
Today, new technologies are introduced to the market every day, and constantly changing our way of living. Especially in the healthcare sector, the change process is approaching a point where doctors can benefit from the use of, for example, connected portable reading devices instead of paper-based medical record systems. The information and communication technology is promoting the evolution of a new pathway of care delivery, a paradigm shift that alters the fundamental relationship between a doctor and its patient. The concept is defined as telehealth and formulates the provision of care at a distance and provides the possibility to treat patients in their home environment instead of at the hospital. This master’s thesis has been performed on the request of Cenvigo AB, a company active in the implementation of new IT-solutions into the healthcare and eldercare. Cenvigo AB are the owners of the Parkinson’s Digital Assessment (PANDA) application. The application has been developed through research at Dalarna University and Uppsala University Hospital. This project will initiate the launch of PANDA and also create a model for implementation of innovative IT-solutions into the healthcare systems. The model is founded in a theoretical framework and shaped with interviews related to the implementation of technology with a focus on telehealth applications. Interviews has been performed with healthcare professionals, technology developers and users to acquire a complete picture and opinions regarding the introduction of innovation in healthcare today. From the acquired information, a model is formulated as a stepwise and chronological linear process were identified key activities are included to promote a successful implementation process. The model is connected to the practice through the implementation of PANDA. In the process of implementing PANDA into the Swedish healthcare system, a collaboration with the innovation centre at Uppsala University Hospital as a healthcare organization stakeholder, has been initiated. The model consists of five phases; Assessment, Dissemination, Adoption, Implementation and Continuation. The phases are seen as transitional steps in the innovation process, critical barriers to overcome towards a successfully implementation in a mainstream routine setting. Each phase includes a number of activities and to achieve progression in each phase, these activities must be performed in order to advance to the next phase. In the case of PANDA, the process of progression has passed assessment and are currently involved in activities related to the dissemination phase. The purpose of the model is to be used both for existing and future applications in the segment of medicine technology sector. The structure of the model is designed to promote a co-design or a common value principle of development and practice regarding an innovation. By connecting actors from both technology and healthcare in close relationships the actual needs of healthcare professionals could more effectively be identified and developed into a solution, a result from the amplification of a two-way engagement. The outmost aim is to serve as a catalysing factor, complementing the implementation models of healthcare in Sweden today. Through this study, a need for facilitating the implementation process of new technology into the healthcare systems has been identified. This model offers the necessary input that many technology companies lack. The recommendation to Cenvigo AB is to continue to develop the model during the last step in the process of launching PANDA, and parallel use this model as a business model mainly for technology start-ups and larger foreign companies that has not yet established pathways into the Swedish healthcare system. / <p>TVE 14 036</p>
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The impact and power of Business Intelligence (BI) on the Decision making process in Uppsala University: A case studyAziz, Mustafa Nizamul, Sarsam, Ziyad January 2013 (has links)
Information Systems (IS) is the use of Information Technology (IT). Business Intelligence (BI) is a specific type of IS. A BI system is an information system that uses tools to produce and deliver information. BI has become very important in the recent era as the organizational environments are getting more complex and changing faster than ever before. Research on BI uses in academia has been somewhat limited so far. Most decisions in a university are made based on large amounts of data from internal and external sources. So, a BI tool is necessary there in operational and strategic decision making, and also to compete well in the global environment which is very important for an international university like Uppsala. We made a case study on the large BI tool at Uppsala University. The tool has been used for more than ten years with around five hundred regular users currently. The system is called GLIS (in Swedish: Generellt Lednings Informations System) for Generalized Management Information System. It would be very interesting to investigate how the adoption of this BI system may influence the decision making process in Uppsala University, and thus it becomes the main purpose of this thesis. An inductive approach using a qualitative method was used in this thesis. The data collection was carried out by interviewing seven experts at Uppsala University and from some documents provided by them. Techniques from the grounded theory approach were applied for analyzing data. Our analysis shows positive effects of GLIS in Uppsala University with big improvements in decision making. The thesis draws a conclusion that the BI tool does affect the decision making process in UU as decision making activities take less time, provide better quality decisions, and are much easier using the tool. The thesis also suggests some possible improvements of GLIS for a better functionality and more user involvement. For IS practitioners, the thesis shows the power of IS tool in decision making and university management. For the IS research community, the thesis contributes with the extension of existing theory on BI uses in academia.
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