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Etude de faisabilité et d’opportunité d’une mutualisation optimisée des flux et des entreposages dans le cadre de la logistique urbaine / Feasibility and opportunity study of an optimized flows and storages pooling in city logisticsDolatineghabadi, Parisa 20 December 2018 (has links)
La logistique urbaine, considérée comme la dernière étape de la supply chain, recouvre toute prestation concourant à une gestion optimisée des flux de marchandises en milieu urbain. Le transport de marchandises a des effets négatifs importants dans les zones urbaines en termes de congestion, d'émissions nocives et de consommation d'espace. Pour atténuer ces effets, une collaboration entre les différents acteurs de la logistique urbaine a souvent été initiée dans de nombreuses villes. La collaboration dans les projets de logistique urbaine est difficile, elle nécessite de réunir de nombreuse parties prenantes dont les intérêts sont souvent divergents. Ces dernières années, la mutualisation logistique est apparue comme une stratégie qui mène à une collaboration systématique entre acteurs. Cependant, elle a peu été étudiée dans le contexte urbain L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une réflexion sur la conception d’une logistique urbaine innovante grâce à la mutualisation. Pour cela, nous avons effectué un état de l’art systématique afin d’identifier les différents champs de la logistique urbaine. Selon les résultats de cette revue de la littérature, nous avons constaté une absence d'analyse sur les aspects opérationnels de la mutualisation. Afin de remédier à ce manque, nous avons proposé un cadre général qui aide à identifier toutes les mesures nécessaires en vue d'une mutualisation efficace. Nous avons développé un nouveau concept, appelé « typologie des flux » permettant d’analyser différentes possibilités de mutualisation en logistique urbaine et ensuite d’identifier les contraintes potentielles liées à la mutualisation. Nous avons quantifié les effets de ces contraintes sur l'efficacité de la mutualisation utilisant un cas réel issu de la littérature. Enfin, nous avons mobilisé notre typologie des flux et les résultats de notre analyses expérimentales afin de classifier les facteurs clés permettant d’aborder la viabilité de la mutualisation à long terme. / City logistics, considered as the last step of supply chain management, aims to optimally plan, manage and control the freight movements within a logistical network in urban areas. Freight transportation causes significant negative impacts on the quality of living in urban areas in terms of congestion, emissions and space consumption. Collaboration has been introduced to alleviate these negative impacts; however, collaboration in city logistics projects is challenging, since additional efforts of planning and control of collaboration are significant. In recent years, pooling has emerged as a collaborative strategy that leads towards systematic collaboration between stakeholders involved while they are well-informed about the processes and have direct influence on decision making.The aim of this thesis is to study possible forms of pooling in the context of city logistics in order to analyse conditions for an efficient pooling implementation. To this end, we have conducted a comprehensive literature review on city logistics in order to analyse and classify its different aspects. Surveying the literature also conducted to identify a lack of systematic analysis on pooling in city logistics. In order to overcome this research gap, we have proposed a general stepwise framework that aids to identify all necessary steps toward an efficient pooling implementation. Furthermore, we have introduced a novel concept, called ‘typology of flow’, to analyse different possibilities of logistics pooling at a first step and to identify potential constraints before pooling implementation at a second step. We have quantified the impacts of these constraints on the efficiency of pooling using a real case raised from the literature. At the end, we have used our proposed framework, novel concept of typology of flow and results obtained from our experimental analysis in order to classify important factors for city logistics pooling viability in long term.
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Diffuse emissions from goods - influences on some societal end productsAmneklev, Jennie January 2015 (has links)
End products of society (e.g. sewage sludge and incineration ashes) can be used as indicators of the use of chemicals in consumer goods. Through upstream work the sources of substances released from goods may be identified before the emissions reach the end products. This thesis is a result of five studies, of which four were conducted using substance flow analyses (SFA) for silver (Ag), bismuth (Bi) and copper (Cu) reaching sewage sludge. The fifth is an SFA that explores the implications of the presence of As (from CCA-treated wood) in ashes. These studies helped fulfil the specific and overall aims of the thesis; to contribute to the general knowledge on diffuse emissions reflected in end products, by examining emissions of some heavy metals from various societal goods and the implications for end products, in this case sewage sludge and, to some extent, ashes. The results from the studies, of which four had Stockholm as a study object, show the urban flows and accumulated amounts (stocks) of the heavy metals. The largest sources of the metals Ag, Bi and Cu in sewage sludge were identified to be textiles (Ag), cosmetics (Bi) and brake linings (Cu). For As (in CCA-treated wood) and Cu updated SFAs were performed and compared with earlier studies in order to follow the development and changes in flows over time. The current use of the heavy metals studied can also be seen as a loss of resources, and as the metals should ideally be recovered as a part of a circular economy, urban and landfill mining as well as recycling are alternatives that need further exploring. The legislation of chemicals in consumer goods was identified as an important step in handling corresponding diffuse emissions.
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Elaboração de cenários para avaliação dos efeitos do crescimento urbano disperso sobre as emissões de GEEs: o caso de São Carlos (SP) / Developing scenarios for assessing the effects of dispersed urban growth on GHG emissions: the case of São Carlos (SP)Carrara, Amanda Camargo Heinrich 18 June 2014 (has links)
Diversos países têm direcionado esforços para redução de emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEEs), acompanhados de medidas de adaptação aos cenários de mudanças climáticas e mitigação de seus efeitos. Ao mesmo tempo, o padrão de crescimento urbano atual tem sido apontado como fator de aumento da ineficiência dos fluxos de matéria e energia nas cidades. Mais especificamente, são encontradas relações entre padrões de uso do solo urbano, o comportamento de viagens da população e a necessidade de utilização de energia para seu deslocamento diário. Deste modo, o presente trabalho volta-se para a avaliação dos efeitos do crescimento urbano disperso na eficiência energética das cidades, especificamente no que tange à eficiência dos deslocamentos intra-urbanos para a realização das principais atividades diárias da população. Deste modo, a presente pesquisa propôs a elaboração de cenários de emissões de GEEs para a cidade de São Carlos (SP) como indicadores de eficiência dos deslocamentos. Foi elaborado um cenário inicial para o ano de 2010 e nove cenários prospectivos (um tendencial e oito alternativos) para 2050, permitindo a comparação entre alternativas de desenvolvimento urbano. As alternativas variaram em relação aos fatores de dispersão e compactação da área urbana; concentração e homogeneização da distribuição espacial das atividades (atratores de deslocamento) e dos locais de moradia da população (geradores de deslocamento); e alterações nas escolhas entre os modos de transporte pela população. O cenário representativo das tendências de dispersão observadas atualmente apresentou um aumento de 135,6% das emissões em relação a 2010. Como mais eficiente, o cenário com distribuição mais compacta das moradia, distribuição mais homogênea dos locais de realização das atividades, a população opta por residir em locais mais próximos aos locais de trabalho e estudo e o transporte coletivo é mais utilizado que o individual, apresentou uma quantidade de emissões 74,89% menores que o cenário tendencial e 40,9% menores que o cenário para 2010. Os níveis de emissões calculados para a cidade de São Carlos, ainda que relativamente baixos quando considerados de modo isolado, demonstram a relevância de se levar em conta a eficiência energética no planejamento da rede urbana de transportes e, mais ainda, no planejamento das formas e arranjos espaciais da cidade. / Many countries have spent efforts to reduce Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) emissions, together with strategies of adaptation to new scenarios of climate changes and mitigation of its effects. At the same time, the pattern of growth of the cities, known as urban sprawl, has been reported as associated to the increase of inefficiency of flows of matter and energy in the cities. More specifically, relationships between patterns of urban land use, travel behavior of the population and the need to use energy for your daily commute are found, specifically with respect to the efficiency of intra-urban displacement to perform the daily activities of the population. Therefore, this research proposed the elaboration of scenarios of GHG emissions for the city of São Carlos (SP) as indicators of efficiency of displacement. An initial scenario for the year 2010 and nine prospective scenarios (one trend and eight alternative) to the horizon of 2050 were prepared, allowing the comparison of alternative urban development. Alternatives varied according to the scatter and compacting factors of the urban area; concentration and homogenization of the spatial distribution of activities (displacement attractors) and dwelling places of the population (displacement generators); and changes in choices between modes of transport by population. The scenario representative of the dispersion trends currently observed increased by 135.6% emissions compared to 2010 As the most efficient, the scenario with more compact distribution of housing, more homogeneous distribution of the local of activities, the population chooses to reside in closer to places of work and study and the local public transportation is more used than the individual, presented an amount of 74.89% lower emissions than the trends scenario and 40.9% lower than the scenario for 2010. Although the emissions levels calculated to the city of São Carlos are considered low when compared with other cities, the study shows the relevance of considering the energy efficiency in the urban transport system planning and, moreover, in the planning of urban arrangements.
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Elaboração de cenários para avaliação dos efeitos do crescimento urbano disperso sobre as emissões de GEEs: o caso de São Carlos (SP) / Developing scenarios for assessing the effects of dispersed urban growth on GHG emissions: the case of São Carlos (SP)Amanda Camargo Heinrich Carrara 18 June 2014 (has links)
Diversos países têm direcionado esforços para redução de emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEEs), acompanhados de medidas de adaptação aos cenários de mudanças climáticas e mitigação de seus efeitos. Ao mesmo tempo, o padrão de crescimento urbano atual tem sido apontado como fator de aumento da ineficiência dos fluxos de matéria e energia nas cidades. Mais especificamente, são encontradas relações entre padrões de uso do solo urbano, o comportamento de viagens da população e a necessidade de utilização de energia para seu deslocamento diário. Deste modo, o presente trabalho volta-se para a avaliação dos efeitos do crescimento urbano disperso na eficiência energética das cidades, especificamente no que tange à eficiência dos deslocamentos intra-urbanos para a realização das principais atividades diárias da população. Deste modo, a presente pesquisa propôs a elaboração de cenários de emissões de GEEs para a cidade de São Carlos (SP) como indicadores de eficiência dos deslocamentos. Foi elaborado um cenário inicial para o ano de 2010 e nove cenários prospectivos (um tendencial e oito alternativos) para 2050, permitindo a comparação entre alternativas de desenvolvimento urbano. As alternativas variaram em relação aos fatores de dispersão e compactação da área urbana; concentração e homogeneização da distribuição espacial das atividades (atratores de deslocamento) e dos locais de moradia da população (geradores de deslocamento); e alterações nas escolhas entre os modos de transporte pela população. O cenário representativo das tendências de dispersão observadas atualmente apresentou um aumento de 135,6% das emissões em relação a 2010. Como mais eficiente, o cenário com distribuição mais compacta das moradia, distribuição mais homogênea dos locais de realização das atividades, a população opta por residir em locais mais próximos aos locais de trabalho e estudo e o transporte coletivo é mais utilizado que o individual, apresentou uma quantidade de emissões 74,89% menores que o cenário tendencial e 40,9% menores que o cenário para 2010. Os níveis de emissões calculados para a cidade de São Carlos, ainda que relativamente baixos quando considerados de modo isolado, demonstram a relevância de se levar em conta a eficiência energética no planejamento da rede urbana de transportes e, mais ainda, no planejamento das formas e arranjos espaciais da cidade. / Many countries have spent efforts to reduce Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) emissions, together with strategies of adaptation to new scenarios of climate changes and mitigation of its effects. At the same time, the pattern of growth of the cities, known as urban sprawl, has been reported as associated to the increase of inefficiency of flows of matter and energy in the cities. More specifically, relationships between patterns of urban land use, travel behavior of the population and the need to use energy for your daily commute are found, specifically with respect to the efficiency of intra-urban displacement to perform the daily activities of the population. Therefore, this research proposed the elaboration of scenarios of GHG emissions for the city of São Carlos (SP) as indicators of efficiency of displacement. An initial scenario for the year 2010 and nine prospective scenarios (one trend and eight alternative) to the horizon of 2050 were prepared, allowing the comparison of alternative urban development. Alternatives varied according to the scatter and compacting factors of the urban area; concentration and homogenization of the spatial distribution of activities (displacement attractors) and dwelling places of the population (displacement generators); and changes in choices between modes of transport by population. The scenario representative of the dispersion trends currently observed increased by 135.6% emissions compared to 2010 As the most efficient, the scenario with more compact distribution of housing, more homogeneous distribution of the local of activities, the population chooses to reside in closer to places of work and study and the local public transportation is more used than the individual, presented an amount of 74.89% lower emissions than the trends scenario and 40.9% lower than the scenario for 2010. Although the emissions levels calculated to the city of São Carlos are considered low when compared with other cities, the study shows the relevance of considering the energy efficiency in the urban transport system planning and, moreover, in the planning of urban arrangements.
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