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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Derived distribution of water volume above a given threshold discharge.

Chan, Siu-On. January 1978 (has links)
Thesis: M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, 1978 / Bibliography : leaves 138-139. / M.S. / M.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering

Complex, deterministic hydrological modelling towards decision support for urban catchment management

Males, Ryan James 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.ScEng.)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Historically, urban waterresources have too often been managed without recognition that the flow in a river integrates many landscape and biological features. This has often resulted in the elimination of natural processes and their replacement by man-made streamlined structures with the effects of increased urbanisation being primarily addressed from an engineering and economics point of view to the detriment of environmental and social issues. Catchment Management, as legislated in the Water Act, No. 36 of 1998, is a management approach to address the negative consequences of an urban stormwater design philosophy restricted to flood restriction. It is a systems approach that integrates engineering and scientific skills, socio-economic concerns, and environmental constraints within a new multidisciplinary decision-making process that recognises the different components of the hydrological and aquatic cycles are linked, and each component is affected by changes in every other component. In order to make effective management decisions, catchment managers require tools to provide reliable information about the performance of alternative arrangements of stormwater management facilities and to quantify the effects of possible management decisions on the water environment. A deterministic hydrological model is such a tool, which provides the link between the conceptual understanding of the physical catchment characteristics and the empirical quantification of the hydrological, water quality and ecological response. In order to provide effective computer based decision support, the hydrological model must be part of an integrated software application in which a collection of data manipulation, analysis, modelling and interpretation tools, including GIS, can be efficiently used together to manage a large potion of the overall decision process. This decision support system must have a simple and intuitive user interface able to produce easily interpreted output. It must have powerful graphical presentation capabilities promoting effective communication and be designed to solve ill-structured problems by flexibly combining statistical analysis, models and data. The Great Lotus River canal, situated on the Cape Flats, Cape Town, has been designed and controlled through extensive canalisation and the construction of detention pond facilities to avoid the flooding of urban areas of the catchment. This approach has resulted in these channels becoming stormwater drains, transporting waste and nutrients in dissolved and particulate forms, and reducing their assimilatory capacity for water quality improvement. In order to investigate the use of hydrological modelling in decision support for Catchment Management, the semi-distributed, physically based model, SWMM, was applied to the Great Lotus River canal. SWMM consists of a number of independent modules allowing the hydrological and hydraulic simulations of urban catchments and their conveyance networks on an event or continuous basis. In order to ease the application of the Fortran based SWMM model, the GUl, PCSWMM98, was developed by Computational Hydraulics Inc (CH!). This provides decision support for SWMM through large array of tools for file management, data file creation, output visualisation and interpretation, model calibration and error analysis and storm dynamic analysis thus easing any simulations with SWMM. In addition, PCSWMM was developed with a GIS functionality for graphically creating, editing and/or querying SWMM model entities and attributes, displaying these SWMM layers with background layers and dynamic model results, and exporting data to SWMM input files thus providing an interface between a GIS and SWMM. In terms of Catchment Management, the above DSS can be used effectively to assist decisionmaking. This is to address tensions between the fundamental catchment management considerations of physical development, social considerations and maintaining ecological sustainability. It is at the stages of Assessment and Planning that the model can play the most significant role in providing decision support to the Catchment Management process. Assessment in the Catchment Management process refers to the collection, storage, modelling and interpretation of catchment information. It is in this quantification, interpretation and assessment of catchment information that a hydrological model contributes to an increase in knowledge in the Catchment Management process. In identifying and quantifying, at a sufficient temporal and spatial scale, the dominant cause and effect relationships in the urban physical environment, a hydrological model is able to highlight the main contributing factors to an issue. This is used in the Planning stage of the Catchment Management process and when combining these contributing factors with assessments of the socio-economic and administrative environments, enables the prioritisation of the principal issues requiring attention in a Catchment Management Strategy. It is possible to link the multiple decision-making requirements of Catchment Management with the abilities of a hydrological model to provide information on these requirements in a conceptual framework. This framework consists of the fundamental catchment considerations of Physical Development, Environmental Management and Social Development and resolves these considerations into the various management issues associated with each consideration ~s well as its management solution. The management solutions are linked to the model through formulating the solution in terms of the model parameters and perturbing the affected parameters in ways to simulate the management solution. This results in model output and graphical interpretation of the effects of the suggested management solution. A comparison between the simulated effects of each management solution allows the Catchment Management body to identify optimal management solutions for the various management Issues. The present model of the Great Lotus River catchment is sufficient to simulate the overland and subsurface flows from individual parts of the catchment and to route these flows and associated pollutant loadings to the catchment outlet. At its present level of complexity, the finely discretised model subcatchment and conveyance network provides decision support for Catchment Management through the simulation, at a pre-feasibility stage, of various Catchment Management issues and their proposed solutions. Given more detailed canal and drainage network dimensions and water quality data, it is possible for the model to incorporate hydraulic calculation routines to assess the implications of alternative river rehabilitation techniques and waste management strategies. This would allow greater capability in assessing the role of the various BMPs in ameliorating stormwater impacts and pollutant loading. In addition, a detailed level survey of the stormwater pipe and canal network could result in hydrological modelling being utilised to identify critical areas where stormwater upgrading would be necessary. In order to facilitate future complex, finely discretised catchment hydrological models, it is imperative that complete and detailed drainage patterns and stormwater network characteristics are available. In addition, to minimise model generation costs and time of model setup, this spatially representative data must be captured in a GIS for rapid inclusion into the model. Furthermore, complete spatially representative precipitation datasets are necessary to ensure that model error is reduced. These two issues of available spatial data and comprehensive precipitation records are crucial for the generated models to function as effective decision support systems for Catchment Management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Histories is stedelike waterbronne te dikwels bestuur sonder inagneming dat die vloei van die rivier baie landskap- en biologiese kenmerke insluit. Dit het dikwels daartoe gelei dat natuurlike prosesse uitgeskakel is en vervang is deur mensgemaakte, stroombelynde strukture waarvan die effek van toenemende verstedeliking hoofsaaklik aangespreek word vanuit 'n ingenieurs- en ekonomiese oogpunt tot nadeel van omgewings- en sosiale kwessies. Opvangsgebiedsbestuur, soos bepaal deur die Waterwet, Wet 36 van 1998, is 'n bestuursbenadering om die negatiewe gevolge van 'n stedelike stormwaterontwerpfilosofie wat beperk is tot vloedbeperking aan te spreek. Dit is 'n stelselbenadering wat ingenieurs- en wetenskaplike vaardighede, sosio-ekonomiese probleme en omgewingsbeperkings integreer in 'n nuwe multidissiplinêre besluitnemingsproses wat erkenning daaraan gee dat die verskillende komponente van die hidrologiese en watersiklusse verbind is, en elke komponent beïnvloed word deur veranderings in elke ander komponent. Om doeltreffende bestuursbesluite te neem, benodig opvangsgebiedsbestuur die hulpmiddels om betroubare inligting oor die prestasie van alternatiewe moontlikhede VIr stormwaterbestuurfasiliteite en om die effek van moontlike bestuursbesluite op die wateromgewing te kwantifiseer. 'n Deterministiese hidrologiese model is so 'n hulpmiddel wat die skakel daarstel tussen die konseptueie begrip van die fisiese opvangsgebiedskenmerke en die empiriese kwantifisering van die water-, waterkwaliteit- en ekologiese reaksie. Om doeltreffende rekenaarbesluitnemingsteun te verskaf, moet die hidrologiese model deel wees van 'n geïntegreerde sagteware-aanwending waarin 'n versameling datamanipulasie-, analise-, modellerings- en interpreteringshulpmiddels, insluitend GIS, doeltreffend saam gebruik kan word om 'n groot deel van die algehele besluitnemingsproses te bestuur. Hierdie besluitnemingsteunstelsel moet 'n eenvoudige en intuïtiewe gebruikersvlak hê wat in staat is om maklik interpreteerbare uitsette te lewer. Dit moet goeie grafiese voorleggingsvermoëns hê wat doeltreffende kommunikasie vergemaklik en ontwerp wees om swak gestruktureerde probleme deur die buigsame samevoeging van statistiese analise, modelle en data op te los. Die Groot Lotusrivierkanaal op die Kaapse Vlakte, Kaapstad is ontwerp en word beheer deur uitgebreide kanalisasie en die konstruksie van detensiedamfasiliteite om die oorstroming van stedelike opvangsgebiede te vermy. Hierdie benadering het daartoe gelei dat hierdie kanale stormwaterafvoerpype geword het wat afval en nutriënte in opgelosde en partikelvorm vervoer en hulle assimilasievermoë vir die verbetering van waterkwaliteit verminder. Om die gebruik van hidrologiese modelle in besluitnemingsteun vir Opvangsgebiedsbestuur te ondersoek, is die semi-verspreide, fisiesgebaseerde model, SWMM, op die Groot Lotusrivierkanaal toegepas. SWMM bestaan uit 'n aantalonafhanklike modules wat die hidrologiese en hidroulika simulasies van stedelike opvangsgebiede en hulle vervoemetwerke per geleentheid of deurlopend monitor. Om die aanwending van die Fortran gebaseerde SWMM model te vergemaklik is die GUl, PCSWMM98 deur Computational Hydraulics Inc (CHD ontwikkel. Dit verskaf besluitnemingsteun vir SWMM deur 'n groot aantal hulpmiddels vir lêerbestuur, die skep van datalêers, uitsetvisualisering en interpretasie, modelkalibrasie, foutanalise en stormdinamikaanalise om enige simulasies met SWMM te vergemaklik. Daarby is PCSWMM ontwikkel met 'n GIS funksionaliteit vir die grafiese daarstelling, redigering en/of navraagfunksie van SWMM model entiteite en kenmerke, wat hierdie SWMM vlakke met agtergrondvlakke en dinamiese modelresultate vertoon en data in SWMM inset1êers plaas en op daardie manier 'n koppelvlak tussen 'n GIS en SWMM verskaf. Volgens Opvangsgebiedsbestuur kan bogenoemde DSS doeltreffend gebruik word in besluitneming. Dit IS om die spanning tussen fundamentele opvangsgebiedsbestuursoorwegings van fisiese ontwikkeling, sosiale oorwegings en ekologiese volhoubaarheid aan te spreek. Dis in die stadiums van Waardebepaling en Beplanning wat die model die belangrikste rol kan vervul in die verskaffing van besluitnemingsteun vir die Opvangsgebiedsbestuursproses. Waardebepaling in die Opvangsgebiedbestuursproses verwys na die versameling, berging, modellering en interpretasie van opvangsgebiedsinligting. Deur hierdie kwantifisering, interpretasie en waardebepaling van opvangsgebiedsinligting dra 'n hidrologiese model by tot 'n verhoging in kennis in die Opvangsgebiedsbestuur. Deur die identifisering en kwantifisering, op 'n ruim genoeg tydelike en ruimtelike skaal, van die dominante oorsaak en gevolg verhoudings in die stedelike fisiese omgewing, kan die hidrologiese model die hoof bydraende faktore uitlig. Dit word gebruik in die Beplanningsfase van die Opvangsgebiedproses en wanneer hierdie bydraende faktore by die waardebepaling van die sosio-ekonomiese en administratiewe omgewings saamgevoeg word, maak dit moontlik om die belangrike kwessies wat aandag behoort te kry in 'n Opvangsgebiedsbestuurstrategie in volgorde van voorrang te plaas. Dit is moontlik om die verskeidenheid besluitnemingsvereistes van Opvangsgebiedsbestuur met die vermoëns van 'n hidrologiese model te koppel om inligting oor hierdie vereistes in 'n konseptuele raamwerk te verskaf. Die raamwerk bestaan uit die fundamentele opvangsgebiedsoorwegings van Fisiese Ontwikkeling, Omgewingsbestuur en Sosiale Ontwikkeling en los hierdie oorwegings op in die verskillende bestuursaangeleenthede wat met elke oorweging en die bestuuroplossing geassosieer word. Die bestuursoplossings word aan die model gekoppel deur die formulering van die oplossing volgens die modelparameters en versteuring van die relevante parameters op sekere manier om die bestuursoplossing te simuleer. Dit lei tot modeluitset en grafiese interpretasie van die effek van die voorgestelde bestuursoplossing. 'n Vergelyking tussen die gesimuleerde effek van elke bestuursoplossing laat die Opvangsgebiedsbestuursliggaam toe om die optimale bestuursoplossings vir die verskeie bestuursaangeleenthede te identifiseer. Die huidige model van die Groot Lotusrivieropvang is genoegsaam om die bo- en ondergrondse vloei vanaf individuele dele van die opvangsgebied te simuleer en om die watervloei en geassosieerde besoedelstofladings na die opvangsgebiedsuitlaatplek te lei. Op sy huidige vlak van kompleksiteit verskaf die fyn gediskretiseerde model subopvangsgebied en vervoernetwerk besluitnemingsteun aan Opvangsgebiedsbestuur deur die simulasie, teen 'n voor-lewensvatbaarheidstudie, van verskeie opvangsgebiedsbestuurkwessies en die voorgestelde oplossings. Indien meer gedetailleerde kanaal- en dreineringsnetwerkdimensies- en waterkwaliteitdata ingevoer word, is dit moontlik vir die model om hidroulikaberekeningsroetines te inkorporeer om die implikasies van alternatiewe rivierrehabilitasietegnieke en afvalbestuurstrategieë te beoordeel. Dit sou die vermoë verbeter om die waarde van die verskeie BMPs te bepaal om die impak van stormwater en besoedelstoflading te versag. Daarby kan 'n gedetailleerde vlakopname van die stormwaterpyp en -kanaalnetwerk daartoe lei dat hidrologiese modelle gebruik kan word om kritieke areas te identifiseer waar stormwateropgradering nodig is. Om toekomstige komplekse, gediskretiseerde opvangsgebiedshidrologiese modelle te verbeter, is dit noodsaaklik dat volledige en gedetailleerde dreineringspatrone en stormwaternetwerkkenmerke beskikbaar is. Om die model-ontwikkelingskoste en tyd bestee aan die opstel van 'n model te minimiseer, moet hierdie ruimtelik verteenwoordigende data ingelees word in 'n GIS vir vinnige insluiting in die model. Daarbenewens is volledige, ruimtelik verteenwoordigende presipitasie datastelle nodig om te verseker dat modelfoute verminder word. Hierdie twee kwessies van beskikbare ruimtelike data en omvattende presipitasierekords is van die uiterste belang sodat die gegenereerde modelle as doeltreffende besluitnemingsteun vir Opvangsgebiedsbestuur kan funksioneer.

Verification of the inlet capacities of modified stormwater kerb inlets and the development of new design curves

Grobler, Pieter 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 1994. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Various aspects affecting the inlet capacities of modified stormwater kerb inlets were investigated. Investigations centred on the influence of effective inlet length, ratios of upstream transition section length to inlet section length and road crossfall. The suitability of existing design curves for use in the design of modified kerb inlets was verified and new more "user-friendly" design curves were developed. Attempts were made to develop a sound theoretical model to predict inlet capacities for stormwater kerb inlets as the lack of such a model had previously been identified as a major shortcoming in the design of stormwater kerb inlets. A detailed study of relevant literature and of various full scale model test results confirmed the fact that the effective inlet length is the most important variable affecting the inlet capacity at stormwater kerb inlets. Model studies on various combinations of transition section lengths and inlet section lengths have indicated that in the case of supercritical flow the inlet capacity of stormwater kerb inlets is not sensitive to changes in the ratio between the inlet section length and the upstream transition section length. Furthermore no marked effect on the inlet capacity of a modified stormwater kerb inlet was detected when the road crossfall was increased from 2% to 3%. The inlet capacities predicted by the existing design curves were found to be consistent, although on the conservative side, when compared to the inlet capacities obtained from the full scale model tests. New design curves derived from the existing design curves were developed to provide a less cumbersome procedure in the design of stormwater kerb inlets. The development of an improved comprehensive theoretical model based on pure hydraulic principles was not possible due to the extremely complex nature of flow conditions at stormwater kerb inlets. The most important findings emanating from this research project are: - The confirmation of the "effective inlet length” concept, whereby a part of the expensive inlet section is replaced by an equivalent length of inexpensive transition section upstream of the kerb inlet. which does not affect the inlet capacity of the kerb inlet negatively and thereby results in a substantial saving in the cost of stormwater kerb inlets. - Model tests revealed that for supercritical flows the upstream transition section can be made up to 6 times longer than the inlet section with a maximum length of 6m. without any negative effect on the inlet capacity of the kerb inlet. Similarly an analysis of previous research results has indicated that even in cases of subcritical flow the upstream transition section can be made twice the length of the inlet section. - The full scale model tests also indicated that an upward adjustment of 30% in the inlet capacities as predicted by the existing design curves was justified. The modified design curves proved to be suitable for the design of conventional stormwater kerb inlets as well as for modified stormwater kerb inlets where part of the inlet section is replaced by a transition section. A new set of "easy to use" design curves was developed specifically for urban applications. - Guidelines for determining upstream transition section lengths were drawn up for use in conjunction with the existing and new design curves for the design of stormwater kerb inlets. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskeie aspekte wat die inlaatkapasiteit van verbeterde randsteeninlate belnvloed is ondersook. Die belangrikste aspekte wat ondersoek is, was die invlood van effektiewe inlaatlengte en die moontlike verhouding van die stroomop oorgangslengte tot die werklike inlaatlengte sowel as dwarshelling. Die ontwerpgrafieke wat tans gebruik word om randsteeninlaatlengtes te bepaal is ook ondersoek aan die hand van modeltoetse op volskaalse modelle om die grafieke se akkuraatheid te toots. Meer gebruikersvriendelike ontwerpgrafieke is ook ontwikkel. 'n Belangrike tekortkoming tot op datum, naamlik 'n geskikte teoretiese model om die inlaatkapasiteit van randsteeninlate te beskryf, is aangespreek. 'n Voorvereiste vir so 'n model was dat die model gebaseer moes word op suiwer hidrouliese beginsels. Die bestudering van vorige navorsing asook die uitvoering van verskeie modelstudies op volskaalse randsteeninlate het die effektiewe inlaatlengte as die belangrikste veranderlike wat die inlaatkapasiteit van randsteeninlate bepaal geYdentifiseer. Tydens tootse uitgevoer op volskaalse modelle onder superkritiese vlooitoostande met verskillende kombinasies van oorgangslengtes en inlaatlengtes, vir die dieselfde totale lengte het dit geblyk dat die inlaatkapasiteit grootliks onatbanklik is van die verhouding van die oorgangslengte tot die inlaatlengte. Vit die modeltootse het dit oak geblyk dat paddwarsval 'n baie beperkte invlood op die inlaatkapasiteit van ransteeninlate gehad het toe die paddwarsval verander is van 2%na 3%. Die resultate wat verkry is uit die modeltoetse het ook aangetoon dat die bestaande ontwerpgrafieke konserwatief is in hul voorspelling van inlaatkapasieit van randsteeninlate. Die bestaande ontwerpgrafieke is voorts gebruik om nuwe meer gebruikersvriendelike ontwerpgrafieke te ontwikkel. Die ontwikkeling van 'n teoretiese model am inlaatkapasiteite volledig te voorspel was egter nie moontlik nie vanwee die uiters komplekse aard van die vloei by randsteeninlate. Die belangrikste bevindinge van hierdie studie kan soos volg opgesom word: - Afdoende bewyse is gevind dat die "effektiewe inlaatlengte" konsep, waarvolgens 'n gedeelte van die duur inlaatgedeelte met 'n goedkoper oorgangsstuk van dieselfde Iengte vervang kan word sonder om inlaatkapasiteit in te boet, weI suksesvol aangewend kan word om kostes in die ontwerp van stOlIDwater randsteeninlate te bespaar. - Afdoende bewyse is gevind dat die "effektiewe inlaatlengte" konsep, waarvolgens 'n gedeelte van die duur inlaatgedeelte met 'n goedkoper oorgangsstuk van dieselfde Iengte vervang kan word sonder om inlaatkapasiteit in te boet, weI suksesvol aangewend kan word om kostes in die ontwerp van stOlIDwater randsteeninlate te bespaar. - Afdoende bewyse is gevind dat die "effektiewe inlaatlengte" konsep, waarvolgens 'n gedeelte van die duur inlaatgedeelte met 'n goedkoper oorgangsstuk van dieselfde Iengte vervang kan word sonder om inlaatkapasiteit in te boet, weI suksesvol aangewend kan word om kostes in die ontwerp van stOlIDwater randsteeninlate te bespaar. - Riglyne is ook ontwikkel vir die bepaling van stroomop oorgangslengtes. Die riglyne kan saam met die bestaande en die nuwe ontwerpgrafieke gebruik word by die ontwerp van stormwater nmdsteeninlate.

Effect of urban street pattern on drainage.

Kao, Samuel Erh-chiang,1944- January 1973 (has links)
In cities, storm runoff is usually collected in the streets and conveyed to underground storm drains through inlets located at street level. Construction and maintenance of storm drain systems is always expensive. In semiarid regions with a very low frequency of storm occurrence, most cities use streets as the drainage route even though their primary function is for the movement of traffic. As a result, the shape of a runoff hydrograph at the outlet of an urban watershed will vary with the pattern of street arrangement within the watershed. The objective of this study is to investigate tradeoffs between alternative street patterns with respect to urban drainage. The study area is confined to residential subdivisions where the subdivision boundary is assumed to be the watershed boundary. Three street patterns, namely, rectangular, curvilinear and dendritic, are considered in this study. The cost-effectiveness technique is employed to give an objective evaluation for these three alternative patterns. The effectiveness is measured by three kinds of evaluators. The first evaluator is the flow depth at certain points on the streets; the second evaluator is the total time during which the streets are occupied by a certain depth of water; the third evaluator is the total cost associated with the construction of a street pattern. A framework of a distributed system model has been constructed for simulating the runoff hydrographs and flow depths at certain points on the streets. A parcel of land near Willcox, Arizona, is selected to illustrate how the model could be used. Possible subdivisions of the land for each of the three different types of street patterns are shown, and the runoff hydrographs and flow depths from each of the patterns are examined. It is found that the peak flow rate resulting from the rectangular pattern is 13 percent higher than that from the curvilinear pattern and 29 percent higher than that from the dendritic pattern. The dendritic pattern has the smallest percentage of street intersections occupied by water during a storm. Time of occupation of high water stages at street intersections is much shorter in the dendritic pattern than that in the rectangular and curvilinear patterns. The development cost for the dendritic pattern is the lowest among these three patterns. Therefore, the dendritic pattern appears to be the best type of street arrangement in terms of urban drainage.

Trace Element Inputs from Natural and Anthropogenic Sources in an Agricultural Watershed, Middle Provo River, Utah

Goodsell, Timothy Holman 01 March 2016 (has links)
Water chemistry in rivers is impacted by a variety of natural and anthropogenic processes including agricultural runoff, urban runoff, storm runoff, groundwater inputs, and the built environment. In this study we used trace element concentrations (including As, B, Ce, Co, Cu, Li, Mn, Rb, Sb, Sr, Tl, V, and Zn) and continuous measurements of flow rates and specific conductance to investigate dynamic processes affecting water quality in a rapidly urbanizing agricultural area typical of the western U.S. The middle Provo River, located in northern Utah, USA, was selected as the study area because it is well instrumented with water quality stations and streamflow gauges. We sampled 6 sites on the middle Provo River and 15 sites on tributaries in the watershed a minimum of 5 times between April 2014 and March 2015 to evaluate potential contributions from surface water and groundwater inputs to the Provo River. Additional water samples were collected at 13 cold, thermal, and mixed cold/thermal springs in Heber Valley during summer 2014 to evaluate regional groundwater chemistry. Samples were also collected during two storm events including high frequency sampling in a tributary and road-puddle samples to characterize potential storm runoff chemistry. Specific conductance data loggers were deployed in tributaries to monitor effects of precipitation and other runoff on the middle Provo River at 15-min intervals. See Table 1 for a summary of sampling events. Middle Provo River water chemistry is impacted by natural groundwater inputs as well as surface water tributaries. Li, B, Sr, As concentrations increased dramatically (3-10 fold) downstream of the confluence with a major tributary, Snake Creek. Snake Creek had average As concentrations of ~15 µg/L above the confluence with Provo River and accounted for roughly 20% of the flow to the middle Provo River, but increased the As concentration in Provo River ~4 fold. Thermal springs had ~20 and ~80 times higher concentrations of As and Li, respectively, relative to cold springs and was found to be a major contributor of trace elements to Snake Creek and the middle Provo River. Cl mixing calculations indicated that groundwater contributions increased downstream with up to 15% of the flow to the middle Provo River being contributed within the most downstream reach. Tributaries were found to impact the Provo River based on specific conductance fluxes in tributaries corresponding to fluxes in the river. Notably, Spring Creek, a dominantly agricultural tributary, accounts for >40% of the annual V load and >18% of the annual U, Mn, Pb, Ba, La, and Ce loads to the middle Provo River. The trace elements B, Li, As, and Sr which are found in high concentrations in groundwater, were strongly correlated with Provo River specific conductance and may indicate a potential method of predicting select trace element concentrations in the middle Provo River based on specific conductance data. Filtered puddle samples collected during a storm event had higher concentrations of Co, Cu, V, and Zn, but lower concentrations of major and select trace elements including As, Li, and Sr, relative to the middle Provo River. This study has implications for understanding water quality in complex coupled human-natural systems.

Nutidsbeskrivning av PFAS i dagvatten för området Frösö Park : Med fokus mot reningsmetoder och hur PFAS-situationen ser ut för framtiden

Johansson, Tore January 2019 (has links)
PFAS is a relatively new group of contaminants with unique characteristics, which in the early 21st century was understood being dangerous for both humans and the environment. In 2008, EFSA published a report on guidelines for human intake of PFAS. Target and limit values for ground and surface water around the world has been based on the information in the EFSA report. In the end of 2018, EFSA published a new preliminary report with new target values for PFAS, well below the target values published in 2008. Frösö Park in Östersund, Sweden, is polluted by PFAS from the time that the Swedish Armed Forces were active in the area. While the Swedish Armed Forces exercised their activities at Frösö Park, large amounts of aqueous fire-fighting foams were used, mainly for training purposes. AFFF at that time contained a mixture of many highly fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS, a collective name of more than 4,700 chemicals consisting of carbon-fluorine bonds. PFAS are, more or less, persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic. This study focuses on PFAS11, which Sweden has target and limit values for in respect of ground water and surface water (lake and sea). PFOS is the most common PFAS chemical and the most commonly occurring PFAS chemical at the Frösö Park area. Today, there is a combined urban runoff and waste water network at the Frösö Park area. The internal water conduit system is currently being examined in order to, eventually, disconnect the urban runoff from the waste water network in order to instead release the urban runoff to Storsjön in the immediate area. As the urban runoff has high levels of PFAS, it must be purified before it is discharged to the recipient. High levels of PFAS has been found in the sewage treatment plant. The sewage treatment plant is not able to purify the water from PFAS, which means that the pollution is discharged into Östersund’s drinking water source, Storsjön. The Municipality of Östersund wanted this thesis as the study will include newsworthy information and provide the municipality more knowledge about the PFAS issues in the Frösö Park area. The aim of this thesis is to examine how the urban runoff from the Frösö Park area can be handled to prevent PFAS leaking out in Östersund’s drinking water source, Storsjön. The thesis describes in a comprehensive way how different purification methods work and the function of the different methods based on the conditions that exist in the Frösö Park area. The purification methods for urban runoff are sedimentation methods, biofilters, and how additives with chemicals can affect the purification of urban runoff. After the urban runoff purification, the purification steps focused on PFAS are sorption methods, chemical redox methods, membrane methods and excavation methods. Based on previous reports for the Frösö Park area, existing data has been compiled into maps, figures and diagrams in order to clearly describe the current PFAS situation. The scientific literature presented herein has been selected by specific keywords in databases. The literature has been supplemented with materials provided by the municipality, tips from researchers and personal contact with other industry-related actors. In the purification steps focused on purifying particles, organic materials and metals in urban runoff, a barrier that restricts the flow of water is proposed, tentatively a dam, wetland or lamellar sedimentation, followed by sand filtration. A large advantage with a barrier restricting the flow of water is the possibility to control the water flow to the next purification step. In the purification steps focused on purifying the water from PFAS, purification with activated carbon, nanofiltration, ion exchange method or sonochemical oxidation are proposed. The purification methods are proposed because of the existing knowledge of the methods and the pollution situation for the Frösö Park area. The research for PFAS with new purification methods, target and limit values for humans and the nature as well as future costs for decontamination and health-related costs means that PFAS currently is a priority contaminant taken seriously. Advantages and disadvantages of the purification methods are presented herein, however, the issues with PFAS are very complex and the purification methods work differently depending on the conditions they are exposed to. In this thesis, the most interesting new information regarding PFAS has been compiled to show the current knowledge situation in order to facilitate for relevant actors to continue their work with the PFAS issues in the future.

Spatial and temporal effects on urban rainfall/runoff modelling.

Goyen, Allan January 2000 (has links)
University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Engineering. / Although extensive worldwide literature on urban stormwater runoff exists, very few publications describe runoff development in terms of its basic building blocks or processes and their individual and accumulative significance in response to varying inputs and boundary conditions. Process algorithms should respond accurately to varying input magnitudes and characteristics as well as to changes in antecedent conditions. The present state of estimation errors involved in many current numerical simulation techniques has been reviewed in this thesis. A significant amount of errors that are presently encountered for have been explained in terms of undefined process response not explicitly included within many modelling methodologies. Extensive field monitoring of intra-catchment rainfall and runoff within an urban catchment at Giralang in Canberra, which is typical of Australian urban catchments, was carried out over a 3-year period to define and measure individual runoff processes. This monitoring work led to a greater understanding of the processes driving the aggregation of local runoff from many sub-areas into the runoff observed at full catchment scale. The results from the monitoring process prompted a number of approaches to potentially reduce standard errors of estimate from model-attributable errors based on improvements to definable catchment response mechanisms. The research isolated a number of basic building blocks associated with typical residential allotments, that can be grouped into roof drainage, yard drainage and adjacent road drainage. A proposed modelling approach was developed that allowed these building blocks at an allotment scale to be simply computed using storage routing techniques. This then aggregated via the total catchment’s public drainage system isochronal characteristics utilising a “process tree” approach to provide full catchment scale runoff response. The potential reduction in estimation errors utilising the developed procedure was assessed using a large number of recorded events from the Giralang catchment monitoring data. The proposed numerical modelling approach was found to provide significant improvements over current methods and offered a scale-independent and stormindependent methodology to model catchments of any size without the need for changes to any of the runoff routing parameters. Additionally the approach permits the flexible sequencing and inclusion of a wide range of different urban drainage structures within a catchment that are representative of the local characteristics. The developed procedure also includes a spatially varied water balance approach to infiltration estimation that is more suited to future continuous simulation models. The developed “flexible process tree” approach provides an important step forward in the numerical modelling of complex urban drainage systems. This can reduce errors of estimate by improving intra-catchment process representation.

Toxicity assessment of a pilot-scale stormwater wet detention basin in the Lincoln Creek Watershed, Milwaukee, Wisconsin /

Kron, Darrin. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Wisconsin--Stevens Point, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 62-65).

A hydrodynamic diffusion wave model for stormwater runoff on highway surfaces at superelevation transitions

Jeong, Jaehak, 1974- 29 August 2008 (has links)
Superelevation transition is often used to help balance the centrifugal forces on vehicles through curved roadway sections. Such transitions have regions with near-zero cross-slope as the pavement cross-section rotates from a negative to positive grade. For drainage of roadway surfaces, regions with near-zero slope constitute 'irregular topography'. This condition promotes extended stormwater runoff drainage path lengths and may result in excessive splash from vehicles and hydroplaning. A critical concern is the effect of longitudinal slope on stormwater drainage through superelevation transition. The overall goal of this study is to provide design guidance on longitudinal slope at superelevation transitions through application of a numerical simulation model of highway drainage. Sheet flow on urban pavement surfaces is very shallow, typically measuring a depth less than one centimeter. For modeling of such flow conditions, any small discontinuity or over-simplification of the surface geometry may result in failure in the flow computation. The kinematic wave approximation to the full Saint-Venant equations is often used in many surface and subsurface water models due to its simplicity in application. However, this model fails when backwater effects, ponding, or flow on reverse slope occurs in the local scale. Furthermore, due to the complexity in the surface geometry and the existence of drainage systems, the kinematic wave model is not sufficient for modeling urban stormwater runoff. On the other hand, the full dynamic wave (DW) model usually requires more computational effort. The long computation time of DW model often compromises the accuracy of the model, making the model practically inefficient. In this study, an algorithm was developed to properly represent the irregularly shaped roadway surfaces near superelevation transition areas with unevenly spaced curvilinear grids based on the geometry profile provided by a roadway design software package such as MicroStation CAD. With this accurately defined geometric representation, a nonlinear hydrodynamic diffusion wave model for hydraulic analysis developed in this research estimates the flow depth and runoff volume on the pavement surfaces. The model computes the flow responses for rising hydrographs using a preconditioned general Conjugate Gradient method. Kinematic boundary conditions developed for the open boundaries at the upstream and downstream boundaries compute the boundary values explicitly at each time step. The result of a numerical experiment shows that the spread and concentration of sheet flow is closely related to the transition in cross slope, longitudinal slope, rainfall intensity, and the width of the road. The characteristics of the sheet flow on superelevation transition areas are analyzed to find the optimal longitudinal slope. It is found that the longitudinal slope in the range of 0.3%-0.4% is the optimal slope at superelevation transition areas which minimizes the depth of stormwater runoff. An example application of the model on a rural highway in Texas is also presented. It is found that a significant amount of stormwater may exist on traffic lanes at the superelevation transitions tested. The predicted ponding depth exceeds the minimum value for potential hydroplaning, and the pattern of the flow concentration may cause differential drag forces on traffic vehicles. / text

Potential Rainfall and Runoff Utilization in the Tucson Urban Area

DeCook, K. James (Kenneth James),1925- 09 1900 (has links)
An Office of Arid Lands Studies Report to the City of Tucson, Real Estate Division, Contract No. 0255-83 / "This report represents one of two parts of the project "Evaluation, Monitoring and Operation of Existing City Water Harvesting System and Expansion Plan for Future Development of Rainfall Utilization," funded by the City of Tucson during the period November 1982 to June 1983." / Introduction: This report deals with the potential harvesting of rainfall and runoff in the Tucson urban area, as distinguished from the rural (farmland) setting that is discussed separately. The principal differences are that 1) rainfall catchment surfaces like rooftops and pavement already exist in the urban area, and 2) harvested rainwater in the urbanized area can be put to a variety of beneficial uses.

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