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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Opportunities for increased nutrient recovery at centralised wastewater treatment plants through urine separation / Möjligheter till ökad näringsåtervinning vid centraliserade avloppsreningsverk genom urinsortering

Gustavsson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Municipal wastewater contains a significant amount of nutrients such as phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N). Therefore have the interest of recovering these nutrients at wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) increased. Nutrient recovery would generate revenue for the WWTP, as it is possible to sell the products as fertiliser. Today, there are several techniques on the market to recover P as magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP) and N as ammonium sulphate (AMS). Urine is the fraction contributing with the highest concentration of nutrients. Techniques to separate urine from the rest of the wastewater have been developed. These techniques enable the possibility to recover nutrients from the urine fraction separately; this is beneficial since the nutrient concentration would be higher. The purpose with this study was to examine the possibility for increased nutrient recovery at centralised WWTPs through urine separation.   Different techniques for nutrient recovery were compared by their recovery efficiency, chemical demand, and hydraulic retention time (HRT). A WWTP with enhanced biological P removal was modelled with Danish Hydraulic Institute’s (DHI) software WEST. Eight scenarios, with different percentage of the population equivalents using urine separation techniques, were simulated. The P recovery was calculated from phosphate (PO4) in the hydrolysed excess sludge and the separated urine. The N recovery was calculated from the ammonium (NH4) in the supernatant from the anaerobe digester. The theoretical biogas production was also calculated, from the modelled sludge.    The comparison of P recovery techniques showed no substantial differences in their recovery efficiency, chemical demand, and HRT. The comparison of N recovery techniques showed three techniques with a higher efficiency than the other methods. Ekobalans Fenix AB, CMI Europe Environment, and Organics developed these techniques. To determine which method to use, requests for proposal from different providers are recommended. As the urine separation increased, the influent P and N load decreased. When the urine separation increased and the operational parameters were kept constant, the effluent concentration of P and N decreased. The ratio of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total nitrogen (TN) however increased as the urine separation increased. The total MAP production calculated from the modelled hydrolysis showed that the production increased as the urine separation increased. On the other hand, the total MAP production from calculated hydrolysis showed a decrease in production as the urine separation increased. The difference in these results could be because of the performance of the modelled hydrolysis was better with a smaller nutrient load, resulting in a larger release of PO4 as the urine separation increased. The total AMS production increased as the urine separation increased. This, due to the increase of the TKN:TN ratio. The biogas production was not substantially affected by the increased urine separation.

Evaluation of microbial health risks associated with the reuse of source-separated humna urine

Höglund, Caroline January 2001 (has links)
Human excreta contain plant nutrients and have the potentialto be used as a fertiliser in agriculture. Urine contributesthe major proportion of the nutrients (N, P and K) in domesticwastewater whereas faeces contribute a smaller amount andinvolves greater health risks if reused due to the possiblepresence of enteric pathogens. Human urine does not generallycontain pathogens that can be transmitted through theenvironment. Source-separation of urine and faeces is possible by usingurine-separating (or urine-diverting) toilets, available assimple dry toilets or porcelain flush toilets with dividedbowls. The risk for transmission of disease when handling andreusing the urine is largely dependent on thecross-contamination by faeces. In this research, the presenceof human faeces in urine samples was successfully determined byanalysing for faecal sterols. Cross-contamination was evidentin 22% of the samples from urine collection tanks, and in thesequantified to an average (± SD) of 9.1 ± 5.6 mgfaeces per litre urine. Testing for indicator bacteria wasshown to be an unsuitable method for determining faecalcontamination in human urine sinceE. colihad a rapid inactivation in the urine and faecalstreptococci were found to grow within the system. The fate of any enteric pathogens present in urine iscrucial for the risk for transmission of infectious diseases.Gram-negative bacteria (e.g.SalmonellaandE. coli) were rapidly inactivated (time for 90%reduction, T90&lt;5 days) in source-separated urine at itsnatural pH-value of 9. Gram-positive faecal streptococci weremore persistent with a T90of approximately 30 days. Clostridia sporenumbers were not reduced at all during 80 days. Similarly,rhesusrotavirus andSalmonella typhimuriumphage 28B were not inactivated inurine at low temperature (5°C), whereas at 20°C theirT90-values were 35 and 71 days, respectively.Cryptosporidiumoocysts were less persistent with a T90of 29 days at 4°C. Factors that affect thepersistence of microorganisms in source-separated human urineinclude temperature, pH, dilution and presence of ammonia. By using Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA), therisks for bacterial and protozoan infections related tohandling and reuse of urine were calculated to be&lt;10-3for all exposure routes independent of the urinestorage time and temperature evaluated. The risk for viralinfection was higher, calculated at 0.56 for accidentalingestion of 1 ml of unstored urine. If the urine was stored at20°C for 6 months the risk for viral infection was reducedto 5.4 × 10-4. By following recommendations for storage and reuse, whichare dependent on the type of crop to be fertilised, it ispossible to significantly decrease the risk for infections. Sofar, the level of risk that is acceptable is unknown. Theacceptable risk will be one of the main factors determining thefuture utilisation of source-separated human urine inagriculture. <b>Keywords:</b>urine-separation, urine, wastewater systems,wastewater reuse, recycling, enteric pathogens, faecal sterols,indicator bacteria, hygiene risks, microbial persistence,microbial risk assessment, QMRA, fertiliser, crop.

Evaluation of microbial health risks associated with the reuse of source-separated humna urine

Höglund, Caroline January 2001 (has links)
<p>Human excreta contain plant nutrients and have the potentialto be used as a fertiliser in agriculture. Urine contributesthe major proportion of the nutrients (N, P and K) in domesticwastewater whereas faeces contribute a smaller amount andinvolves greater health risks if reused due to the possiblepresence of enteric pathogens. Human urine does not generallycontain pathogens that can be transmitted through theenvironment.</p><p>Source-separation of urine and faeces is possible by usingurine-separating (or urine-diverting) toilets, available assimple dry toilets or porcelain flush toilets with dividedbowls. The risk for transmission of disease when handling andreusing the urine is largely dependent on thecross-contamination by faeces. In this research, the presenceof human faeces in urine samples was successfully determined byanalysing for faecal sterols. Cross-contamination was evidentin 22% of the samples from urine collection tanks, and in thesequantified to an average (± SD) of 9.1 ± 5.6 mgfaeces per litre urine. Testing for indicator bacteria wasshown to be an unsuitable method for determining faecalcontamination in human urine since<i>E. coli</i>had a rapid inactivation in the urine and faecalstreptococci were found to grow within the system.</p><p>The fate of any enteric pathogens present in urine iscrucial for the risk for transmission of infectious diseases.Gram-negative bacteria (e.g.<i>Salmonella</i>and<i>E. coli</i>) were rapidly inactivated (time for 90%reduction, T<sub>90</sub><5 days) in source-separated urine at itsnatural pH-value of 9. Gram-positive faecal streptococci weremore persistent with a T<sub>90</sub>of approximately 30 days. Clostridia sporenumbers were not reduced at all during 80 days. Similarly,<i>rhesus</i>rotavirus and<i>Salmonella typhimurium</i>phage 28B were not inactivated inurine at low temperature (5°C), whereas at 20°C theirT<sub>90</sub>-values were 35 and 71 days, respectively.<i>Cryptosporidium</i>oocysts were less persistent with a T<sub>90</sub>of 29 days at 4°C. Factors that affect thepersistence of microorganisms in source-separated human urineinclude temperature, pH, dilution and presence of ammonia.</p><p>By using Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA), therisks for bacterial and protozoan infections related tohandling and reuse of urine were calculated to be<10<sup>-3</sup>for all exposure routes independent of the urinestorage time and temperature evaluated. The risk for viralinfection was higher, calculated at 0.56 for accidentalingestion of 1 ml of unstored urine. If the urine was stored at20°C for 6 months the risk for viral infection was reducedto 5.4 × 10<sup>-4</sup>.</p><p>By following recommendations for storage and reuse, whichare dependent on the type of crop to be fertilised, it ispossible to significantly decrease the risk for infections. Sofar, the level of risk that is acceptable is unknown. Theacceptable risk will be one of the main factors determining thefuture utilisation of source-separated human urine inagriculture.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>urine-separation, urine, wastewater systems,wastewater reuse, recycling, enteric pathogens, faecal sterols,indicator bacteria, hygiene risks, microbial persistence,microbial risk assessment, QMRA, fertiliser, crop.</p>

Designing Sustainable Wastewater Management : A case study at a research farm in Bolivia / Hållbar avloppsvattenhantering på demonstrationslantbruket Ceasip i Bolivia

Roxendal, Tara January 2012 (has links)
Sustainable sanitation and wastewater management are of increasing importance around the world while certain resources are becoming scarcer and therefore more valuable. The lack of proper wastewater management causes problems and the degradation of some resources. Increasing urbanization in peri-urban areas puts extra stress on the need for finding and implementing sustainable solutions to prevent ground- and surface water contamination. The study aimed to design a more sustainable wastewater management at the farm Ceasip located in the peri-urban area of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Due to the lack of proper wastewater management on the farm, Ceasip was a likely contributor to the contamination of the groundwater. Of the farm’s different wastewater sources, this study focused on the domestic wastewater and its possible reuse in agriculture. The prioritized sustainability criteria were to prevent groundwater contamination, reduce water usage and recycle nutrients. First various wastewater management options were identified. Next these were evaluated according to the different sustainability criteria previously mentioned. In order to determine a management option, data and information were collected and processed regarding water flows, water quality, physical conditions as well as sustainability criteria within environment, technology, socio-culture, health and economy. Results of the present conditions for Ceasip showed various characteristics, like small water flows, high nitrogen and fecal coliform concentration and clayey soils, from which suitability of different treatments was determined. Urine separation was deemed appropriate for Ceasip to increase the recycling of nutrients as well as reduce the nitrogen levels in wastewater. Treatment ponds and leach fields were designed as two wastewater treatment alternatives. For Ceasip to implement and manage water and wastewater sustainably through one of the mentioned alternatives could have a positive impact for the farm and environment, as well as serve as an example to employees, visitors and other establishments. / El saneamiento y gestión sostenible de las aguas residuales es de creciente importancia en los tiempos modernos. Los recursos naturales son cada vez más escasos y valiosos. Mas aún, la falta del manejo adecuado de aguas residuales es causa importante de la degradación de los recursos restantes. La creciente urbanización en las zonas periurbanas acentúa la necesidad de encontrar e implementar soluciones sostenibles en el manejo de aguas residuales. En estas zonas dicho manejo (colección y tratamiento de aguas residuales) es deficiente. Como consecuencia se percibe una contaminación continua de las aguas subterráneas en estas condiciones. El objetivo del estudio realizado fue diseñar un sistema de gestión de aguas residuales más sostenible para la granja Ceasip ubicada en la zona periurbana de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. El estudio se enfoca principalmente en el manejo de las aguas residuales domésticas y su posible reutilización en la agricultura. Sin embargo, cabe mencionar que las aguas residuales en la granja Ceasip provienen también de otras actividades. Para el concepto de sostenibilidad de este proyecto, son prioritarios los criterios de prevención de la contaminación del agua subterránea, la reducción del consumo de agua y el reciclaje de nutrientes. La metodología de estudio consistió en varias etapas. Después de una extensa revisión de la literatura existente diferentes opciones de gestión fueron evaluadas de acuerdo con los criterios de sostenibilidad antes mencionados. Para hacer una elección de un tratamiento adecuado, se realizaron compilaciones y procesamiento de datos con respecto a los flujos y la calidad de aguas, las condiciones geomorfológicas, climáticas así como la evaluación de algunos parámetros ambientales, sociales, técnicos, económicos, y de salubridad. En las condiciones actuales, los resultados de las evaluaciones de la granja, resaltaron aspectos críticos sobre los que se propusieron algunos tratamientos alternativos; por ejemplo el aumento en el reciclaje de nutrientes así como la reducción de los niveles de nitrógeno en las aguas residuales. La separación de la orina se consideró de gran importancia para la gestión apropiada de las aguas residuales de Ceasip. Al final se sugirieron dos posibles alternativas para el diseño del tratamiento de aguas, la utilización de lagunas o de lechos filtrantes con arena, cuya contribuiría positivamente tanto como para el entorno local y el personal de la granja así como para la comunidad en general, sirviendo como ejemplo para otros establecimientos. / Hållbar sanitet och avloppsvattenhantering är av ökande vikt runt om i världen. Resurser blir allt knappare och mer värdefulla medan bristen på hållbar hantering även skapar problem och degradering av återstående resurser. På grund av den ökande urbaniseringen är grundvattnet i städernas periferier speciellt utsatt eftersom avloppsvattenhantering saknas där. Syftet med denna studie är att designa en mer hållbar avloppsvattenhantering för gården Ceasip i peri-urbana Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. I nuläget saknas en lämplig lösning på gården. Av de olika typerna av avloppsvatten på gården, fokuserar denna studie främst på avloppsvattnet från hushåll och möjligheterna att återanvända det inom jordbruket. För hållbarhetskonceptet i uppsatsen, prioriteras följande kriterier: skydd av grundvattnet, minskning av grundvattenkonsumtion och näringsåtervinning. En litteraturstudie gjordes över olika avloppsvattenhanteringsalternativ som sedan utvärderades enligt hållbarhetskriterierna. För att bestämma det mest lämpliga hanteringsalternativet, samlades data och information om vattenflöden, vattenkvalitéer, klimat, geomorfologi och även för miljö, teknik, hälsa, ekonomi och kultur. Resultaten från sammanställningen visade på olika egenskaper från vilka lämplig hantering bestämdes. För att öka återvinningen av näringsämnen och minska kvävekoncentrationerna i avloppsvattnet, visade det sig vara lämpligt att använda urinsortering. Två behandlingsalternativ designades, och det föreslogs antingen behandlingsdammar eller förstärkta infiltrationsanläggningar. Då någon av dessa alternativ tillämpas på Ceasip skulle man även kunna påverka lokalt och regionalt genom att sätta ett bra exempel.

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