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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvantitativní a kvalitativní rozbor spojek ve vybrané dětské literatuře / Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the conjuctions in the selected children's literature

Rybáková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This thesis describe distribution of conjunction in the first seven books "Diary of a Wimpy kid". It compare and analyse those conjunctions with its usage in school lessons (through one part of a Czech national corpus - SCHOLA2010) and with text from students (through a corpus SKRIPT2012). I compare also the situation with conjunctions distribution in the textbook for 5th grade students named More vlast je v Evropě. It also research how and which one of multiword conjunction are in these texts used. It also shows, which conjunctions are used like a first member of the sentence. This thesis may analyse, which conjunctions hears, reads and uses a fictitious 5th grade student. It should be connected with a school. This thesis ignore a language situation in the family and medial communication. Analysed books may enrich students vocabulary, because it contents huge number of multiword conjunction. The most used conjunctions in books and students text are "a", "že" and "ale". The textbook contains huge number of "a" and "i".

Výskyt pertuse v Jihočeském kraji / The Incidence of Pertussis in South Bohemia

HOLINKOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problem of the occurrence of whooping cough in the South Bohemian Region in the period of 2003-2012. Despite the high level of vaccination the incidence of this illness after a significant fall in the 1980s has been growing constantly since 1993. This trend evidently also applies in other developed countries with a high rate of vaccination. The main aim is to draw up an overview of the occurrence of whooping cough in the South Bohemian Region in the monitored period of the last 10 years, compare this occurrence with other regions in the Czech Republic and map out the changes which have occurred in whooping cough vaccination. Quantitative and qualitative research was chosen to process the empirical part. Data for quantitative research was acquired from the database of infectious diseases (EPIDAT), and consisted of reported cases of whooping cough. Another essential group of data were demographic figures about the number and age structure of the population. The second qualitative part was drawn up on the basis of a literary search. I acquired additional information by communicating with individual territorial workplaces of the Regional Hygiene Station of the South Bohemian Region based in České Budějovice. Using the processed data I discovered that the incidence of whooping cough in the South Bohemian Region does not have an ascending trend in 2003-2012 unlike the trend in the whole of the Czech Republic. The highest occurrence of whooping cough in the Czech Republic in the monitored period was reported in the 10-14 age group. The research also showed that in the period of 2003-2012 individual regions differed greatly in the occurrence and can be divided into two groups ? regions with the highest reached incidence below 10 cases/100,000 people and regions with incidence with the highest reached incidence above 10 cases/100,000 people which includes the South Bohemian Region. There have been many changes in the vaccination of whooping cough and the most important was the transition from whole cell vaccine to acellular in 2007 and adding a 6th booster dose between the 10th and 11th year in 2009. The greatest attention should be paid above all to increase information or test the knowledge of the lay public, especially women preparing for pregnancy and people taking care of newborn babies and infants about the occurrence, potential risks and possibilities of vaccination against this infection even at an adult age. In my opinion a further necessity is the consolidation of diagnostics, definition of a case and procedures of surveillance throughout the Czech Republic, education of paediatricians and general practitioners about the illness and topicality of the problem, an appeal to report the occurrence of this infection to epidemiologists, observing the isolation of the patient, monitoring possible epidemiological connections between cases and making use of the offer of the NRL (National Reference Laboratory) services against whooping cough and diphtheria. This thesis can be used in practice as a summary of information material for the lay and professional public about the occurrence of whooping cough in the South Bohemian Region and throughout the Czech Republic and overview of vaccination against whooping cough. It can be an incentive for further anti-epidemic measures and the need for further research into this problem.

Floristický průzkum části povodí řeky Oslavy mezi obcemi Velké Meziříčí a Vaneč / Floristic research of part of catchment area of Oslava river between villages Velke Mezirici and Vanec

BORŮVKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2008 (has links)
The study deals with a description of vegetation of part of catchment area of Oslava river between villages Velke Mezirici and Vanec. The search had been realised during the vegetation seasons of the years 2006 and 2007. There are characterised geological-petrographical, soil, climatic, hydrographic ratios and basic phytogeographical characteristics of this area in the form of a search. Selected genera of the observed plants was characterised and their incidence is figured in the schematic maps of the area. There were found out 327 kinds of plants there. In the annex there are attached schematic maps with places of occurence of the plant genera and photographic documentation.

Vliv nezaměstnanosti na výskyt tuberkulózy v České republice v letech 2000-2007 / Influence of Unemployment on Tuberculosis Distribution in the Czech Republic in 2000-2007

SOPROVÁ, Martina January 2009 (has links)
This degree work dealt with the relation between the occurrence of TBC and the unemployment rate in the Czech Republic between 2000-2007. The work researched whether an increase or decrease in the unemployment rate in the Czech Republic influenced changes in the occurrence of TBC. The work was based on an analysis of data from the Authority of Medical Informatics and Statistics regarding the occurrence of TBC and analysis of the number of unemployed people as stated by the Czech Statistics Bureau. The hypothesis {--} with an increasing number of unemployed people the number of people suffering from TBC is increasing in the Czech Republic {--} was confirmed. Results of the research showed that it is necessary to deal with this issue regularly and intensely and that none of us may remain indifferent towards unemployed people (regardless of the fact whether they suffer from TBC or not) because each of use can suddenly become unemployed. Work has ranked among natural human activities for about ten thousand years. It is the most reliable and longest social support in people{\crq}s lives and its loss usually results in a serious disruption of mental and physical health.

Zmapování toku řeky Želivky v rámci studia ekologických invazí a invazních netýkavek (\kur{Impatiens glandulifera} a \kur{I. parviflora}) / Mapping the banks of the Želivka river within the framework of studying ecological invasions and invasive species \kur{I. glandulifera} and \kur{I. parviflora}

URBAN, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the study was to study the invasion ecology and the to study the invasion of two species of the genus Impatiens, namely I. glandulifera and I. parviflora. I then chose the right bank of the Želivka river in the Czech-Bohemian highlands to study and survey the plant association and population of two mentioned species. Consequently I focused my study on the river biotope and the role of invasive species in it. Further I have worked up a research summary on the ecology of the invasion and the role of the above mentioned species in the riparian biotopes.

Informační systém pro drobného zemědělce / Information System for a Small Farmer

Černoch, Štěpán January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the analysis, design, implementation and testing of an information system for a small farmer. The aim of this system is to administer customers, an income and outcome, orders, to manage notes, and possibility to track the occurrence pests of crops. The thesis describes options for the development of information systems, detailed specifications requirements and the design of system. Further is described the implementation, especially then the way to get information about pests and then testing the application. The information system is realized in the language C# as a desktop application using the framework .NET and the design pattern MVVM.

Sezónní vývoj koncentrací antibiotik v odpadní vodě ČOV České Budějovice / Seasonal evolution of antibiotic concentrations in the wastewater of STP České Budějovice

JANOŠÍK, David January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to monitor seasonal concentration changes of 7 antibiotics norfloxacin, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, erythromycin, trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in wastewater influent and (cleaned) water effluent in the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) České Budějovice. Time-proportional 24 hours pooled samples of wastewater were collected every month from March 2011 to February 2012 in the influent and effluent pof the STP. The concentrations of target compounds were determined by using in line SPE/LC-MS/MS analysis. The highest average concentration in the influent was detected in case of norfloxacin (0.563 microgram/l) and ciprofloxacin (0.406 microgram/l). The highest average concentration in the effluent was detected in the case of trimethoprim (0.255 microgram/l) and erythromycin (0.117 microgram/l). Higher concentration of antibiotics was measured in the colder periods of the year. It was connected with increased use of antibiotics and with less cleaning efficiency of the STP in this season. The highest removal efficiency was determined for norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin, the lowest for erythromycin. The influence of the season on the removal efficiency of antibiotics was found esp. for azithromycin,trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole.

Proočkovanost proti klíšťové encefalitidě a informovanost o rizicích tohoto onemocnění u vybrané skupiny populace v Jihočeském kraji / Tick-borne encephalitis vaccination and awareness of the disease risk factors in selected age group in South Bohemian Region

RŮŽIČKOVÁ, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the issue of vaccination problematics and awareness of tick-borne encephalitis in a selected population group in South Bohemia. For the needs of research, the selected group was composed of students of secondary schools and grammar schools in the South Bohemian Region in the age group from 13 to 19 years old. The objectives of this work was to analyze the incidence of tick-borne encephalitis in the Czech Republic and the South Bohemian Region between 2000 and 2015, to compare the vaccination in the Czech Republic with the other European countries, to find the vaccination of a selected age group in the South Bohemian Region and to analyze the level of awareness of the risks of tick-borne encephalitis by the polling method and the attitude of the age group to vaccination against this disease. To achieve the objectives was used a secondary analysis of the data from the EpiDat system, where the incidence of the disease was detected in the period in the South Bohemian Region and the Czech Republic. The questionnaire survey was used to obtain awareness on observed disease and attitude of the study group towards vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis. The conclusions of the questionnaire survey were obtained on the basis of statistical processing in the MS Excel spreadsheet. For my significant findings from my research, I consider 80% of the vaccination in the monitored group. Information on tick-borne encephalitis in most cases did not get the respondents from a doctor, but from family members, from the internet or from television. However, information on vaccination is given to respondents to a greater extent. Contributions by insurance companies do not motivate more than half of respondents to inoculation. Research has also shown, that respondents have insufficient information about the amount of the contribution and whether their insurance company provide the contribution at all. In view of these circumstances, I consider the increased promotion of this vaccination by insurance companies to be very desirable.

Historie a současnost výskytu roztroušené sklerózy se zaměřením na kvalitu života jedinců / The History and Present of Incidence of Multiple Sclerosis with the focus on the quality of life of MS sufferers.

RUSŇÁKOVÁ, Magdalena January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of history and current situation of Multiple Sclerosis with the focus on the quality of people with this disease. The following objectives were set for the thesis: firstly to find out how multiple sclerosis influences the quality of life of individuals, secondly to analyse how much information about the organisation of care available to MS patients in the Czech Republic which has influence on quality of their life, and lastly to compare and contrast differences in diagnosing and treatment between the years of 1970 and 2016. To reach the set objectives the method of qualitative research was employed. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with individuals with multiple sclerosis. The data was then further coded and categorized. As the key discovery of my work I consider the low knowledge of MS patients about the organisation of care for MS patients i.e. MS centres, SMS club, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, spa treatments and other possibilities of improving the quality of their life. Being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis has a negative impact on the quality of life of patients, especially when the symptoms start manifesting, therefore prevention, positive attitude and an effort to maintain or improve their health play the key role. Following the discovered lack of knowledge of MS patients I would recommend to increase the activity in educating people with this disease. An information leaflet which resulted from my findings can be used as a visual aid to improve the situation. The leaflet can be found in appendix number 8.

Výskyt prvku HW ve velšské angličtině / The occurrence of the HW element in Welsh English

Kolísková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to investigate the accent realizations of the initial consonant in wh- words in Welsh English. The theoretical background of this study deals with the development of Welsh language and its interactions with the British standard variety. Together with the previously mentioned the phonological inventories of Welsh, RP, and Welsh English are described in the first part. We further analyzed the development of the <hw> element in the British Isles in general. The research part of this study is concerned with the analysis of the data from 20 speakers of Welsh English. Three speech styles were used for the final analysis: spontaneous speech (informal style), isolated words (formal style) and reading of Cinderella (formal style). Signal-to-noise ratio and voicing of the <hw> segments were measured in order to discover the occurrence and the nature of the <hw> element. The lowest levels of harmonicity were measured in segments that were obtained from the formal reading style. The highest levels were measures in the spontaneous speech tokens. Younger speakers showed higher levels of harmonicity than older speakers. The results of the male and the female participants were different in each type. In the spontaneous speech style the male speakers tended to have lower levels of...

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