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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organizational Strategies to Reduce Hospital Readmissions

Warchol, Steven 01 January 2018 (has links)
Reducing hospital readmissions is critical to the success and sustainability of both hospitals and the communities in which they reside. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore organizational strategies hospital leaders use to reduce hospital readmissions. The study was limited to hospitals in Southwest Missouri with readmission rates below the state average. Complex adaptive systems was the conceptual framework for the study because of the complex nature and numerous stakeholders of the healthcare system. Data were collected from a purposive sample of 15 hospital leaders via semistructured interviews and an analysis of organizational artifacts. Member checking was used to increase reliability and validity of the results. Data analysis was conducted using Yin's 5 step process including qualitative analysis software to identify major and core themes. The major themes identified in the study included population health, hospital operations and patient interactions, leadership and mission, and barriers to reducing readmissions. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve services hospital team members provide to patients, which may improve the overall health of the communities they serve. By promoting improved health outcomes for local communities, society benefits through reduction of costs to the federal government and an overall improvement in the health of communities.

Interactive Process Mining Techniques to Co-create Interactive Process Indicators to Evaluate and Characterize the Clinical Practice in Emergency Departments

Ibáñez Sánchez, Gema 23 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la esperanza de vida ha aumentado en seis años en las últimas dos décadas. Esto ha llevado a un aumento de las enfermedades crónicas entre la población. Como consecuencia, los sistemas de salud se han visto obligados a buscar medidas preventivas y de mejora de los procesos de atención para garantizar su sostenibilidad. Factores clave para esta mejora son la seguridad, la eficacia, la eficiencia, la atención centrada en el paciente, la puntualidad y la equidad, los cuales buscan minimizar riesgos y brindar una atención óptima. Asimismo, los Servicios de Urgencias se enfrentan a grandes desafíos debido a la alta demanda a la que están sometidos, lo que resulta en Servicios de Urgencias saturados y errores que pueden derivar en eventos adversos. Por lo tanto, mejorar la seguridad del paciente es crucial para obtener una mejor atención en el Servicio de Urgencias. Paradigmas como el Cuidado de la Salud Basado en el Valor abogan por medir la calidad de la atención, optimizar la asignación de recursos y lograr mejores resultados a través de una mejora continua. Siendo los indicadores de rendimiento tradicionales los que han desempeñado un papel crucial en este proceso, al alinear actividades y objetivos, brindar información sobre las experiencias del paciente y su estado de salud, así como contribuir en la evaluación del rendimiento, la eficacia clínica y la mejora de la calidad. Sin embargo, estos indicadores pueden presentar limitaciones debido a su naturaleza abstracta y la propia complejidad de los datos. Por lo tanto, es posible que el uso de indicadores clave no represente en su totalidad la complejidad de estos procesos. Además, la adaptación de estos indicadores a continuos cambios puede ser un desafío, lo que dificulta la comprensión de los sistemas. Técnicas como la Inteligencia Artificial pueden ofrecer una información valiosa al procesar grandes conjuntos de datos, que son de especialmente interés en el sector de la salud. De esta forma, la Minería de Procesos, un paradigma emergente y que está ganando popularidad en varios dominios incluido salud, ofrece la oportunidad de analizar y mejorar los procesos, contribuyendo a aliviar la crisis a la que se enfrentan los sistemas de salud hoy en día. Esta tesis doctoral introduce nuevos indicadores de proceso basados en técnicas de Minería de Procesos para el proceso de urgencias como solución a cuestiones no cubiertas por las técnicas de medición tradicionales o nuevas tecnologías como la Inteligencia Artificial. Además, esta tesis presenta un método novedoso para medir la Calidad de la Atención, así como comprender el proceso de atención del ictus en los Servicios de Urgencias. Este enfoque ofrece una forma más dinámica e interactiva de analizar los procesos de atención de la salud, lo que permite un mejor entendimiento, además de medir la cadena de valor, lo que ayuda a identificar especificidades en el proceso de atención en urgencias y así descubrir el comportamiento del proceso de la enfermedad de ictus. Por último, en esta tesis se presenta una aplicación basada en Minería de Procesos para soportar este método diseñada e implementada para tal fin. / [CA] Segons l'Organització Mundial de la Salut, l'esperança de vida ha augmentat en sis anys en les últimes dues dècades. Això ha portat a un augment de les malalties cròniques entre la població. Com a conseqüència, els sistemes de salut s'han vist obligats a buscar mesures preventives i de millora dels processos d'atenció per a garantir la seua sostenibilitat. Factors clau per a aquesta millora són la seguretat, l'eficàcia, l'eficiència, l'atenció centrada en el pacient, la puntualitat i l'equitat, els quals busquen minimitzar riscos i brindar una atenció òptima. Així mateix, els Serveis d'Urgències s'enfronten a grans desafiaments a causa de l'alta demanda a la qual estan sotmesos, la qual cosa resulta en Serveis d'Urgències saturats i errors que poden derivar en esdeveniments adversos. Per tant, millorar la seguretat del pacient és crucial per a obtindre una millor atenció en el Servei d'Urgències. Paradigmes com la Cura de la Salut Basat en el Valor advoquen per mesurar la qualitat de l'atenció, optimitzar l'assignació de recursos i aconseguir millors resultats a través d'una millora contínua. Sent els indicadors de rendiment tradicionals els que han exercit un paper crucial en aquest procés, en alinear activitats i objectius, brindar informació sobre les experiències del pacient i el seu estat de salut, així com contribuir en l'avaluació del rendiment, l'eficàcia clínica i la millora de la qualitat. No obstant això, aquests indicadors poden presentar limitacions a causa de la seua naturalesa abstracta i a la pròpia complexitat de les dades. Per tant, és possible que els indicadors clau no representen íntegrament la complexitat d'aquests processos. A més, l'adaptació d'aquests indicadors a canvis continus pot ser un desafiament, la qual cosa dificulta la comprensió dels sistemes. Tècniques com la Intel·ligència Artificial poden oferir una informació valuosa en processar grans conjunts de dades, que són d'especialment interés en el sector de la salut. D'aquesta manera, la Mineria de Processos, un paradigma emergent i que està guanyant popularitat en diversos dominis inclòs salut, ofereix l'oportunitat d'analitzar i millorar els processos, contribuint a alleujar la crisi a la qual s'enfronten els sistemes de salut hui dia. Aquesta tesi doctoral introdueix nous indicadors de procés basats en tècniques de Mineria de Processos per al procés d'urgències com a solució a qüestions no cobertes per les tècniques de mesurament tradicionals o noves tecnologies com la Intel·ligència Artificial. A més, aquesta tesi presenta un mètode nou per a mesurar la Qualitat de l'Atenció, així com comprendre el procés d'atenció del ictus en els Serveis d'Urgències. Aquest enfocament ofereix una forma més dinàmica i interactiva d'analitzar els processos d'atenció de la salut, la qual cosa permet un millor enteniment, a més de mesurar la cadena de valor, la qual cosa ajuda a identificar especificitats en el procés d'atenció en urgències i així descobrir el comportament del procés de la malaltia de ictus. Finalment, en aquesta tesi es presenta una aplicació basada en Mineria de Processos per a suportar aquest mètode dissenyada i implementada per a tal fi. / [EN] According to the World Health Organization, life expectancy has increased by six years in the last two decades. This has led to an increase in chronic diseases among the population. Consequently, health systems have been forced to look for preventive measures and improvement of care processes to guarantee sustainability. Key factors for this improvement are safety, efficacy, efficiency, patient-centred care, timeliness, and equity, all of which pursue to minimize risks and provide optimal care. Likewise, Emergency Services face significant challenges due to the high demand to which they are subjected, which results in saturated Emergency Departments and errors that can lead to adverse events. Therefore, improving patient safety is crucial to obtain better care in the Emergency Department. Paradigms such as Value-Based Healthcare advocate measuring the Quality of Care, optimizing the allocation of resources, and achieving better results through continuous improvement being the traditional performance indicators, those that have played a crucial role in this process by aligning activities and objectives, providing information on the patient's experiences and their state of health, as well as contributing to the evaluation of performance, clinical efficacy and quality improvement. However, these indicators may present limitations due to their abstract nature and the complexity of the data. Therefore, the key indicators may not fully represent the complexity of these processes. Furthermore, adapting these indicators to continuous changes can be challenging, making it difficult to understand the systems. Techniques such as Artificial Intelligence can offer valuable information when processing large data sets, which are particularly interesting in the health sector. In this way, Process Mining, an emerging paradigm gaining popularity in several domains, including health, offers the opportunity to analyze and improve processes, contributing to alleviating the crisis that health systems face today. This doctoral thesis presents a new way to measure the value of the emergency process with interactive process indicators based on Process Mining techniques as a solution to issues not covered by traditional measurement techniques or new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. In addition, this thesis proposes a novel method to measure the Quality of Care in addition to understanding the stroke care process in Emergency Services. This approach offers a more dynamic and interactive way of analyzing healthcare processes, which allows for a better understanding and measuring of the value chain, which helps identify specificities in the emergency care process and thus discover the behaviour of the stroke disease process. Finally, this thesis presents an application based on Process Mining to support this method, designed and implemented for this purpose. / Ibáñez Sánchez, G. (2023). Interactive Process Mining Techniques to Co-create Interactive Process Indicators to Evaluate and Characterize the Clinical Practice in Emergency Departments [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202611

Patient-centric care in the U.S. - A comparative study of patient satisfaction and quality care among for-profit physician-owned, corporate-owned, and not-for-profit hospitals

Sharma, Arun 12 October 2018 (has links)
This dissertation examines the effects of physician ownership of hospitals on the quality of patient-centric care in the U.S. The health care sector in the U.S. is becoming more aligned with markets and in turn, with consumers’ preferences. In consumer driven service industries, consumer satisfaction is considered a key criterion to judge quality. In the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) patient satisfaction surveys, physician-owned hospitals (POHs) get more top 5-Star ratings than other hospitals. However, it is not known whether higher perceived patient satisfaction is because of better inpatient experience or due to better health related outcomes. Ratings also do not clarify variations between specialty and general service POHs. The study compares the quality of care in POHs with that in other major forms of hospitals (corporate-owned, and not-for-profit). The Affordable Care Act (ACA) regulated physician ownership of hospitals due to concerns that physicians’ profit motive might negatively affect the quality of care. This non-experimental study used bivariate and multivariate analyses to examine variation in the quality of care among types of hospitals in 2017 and 2018 using patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes as indicators of quality. This study used two samples, a full and a restricted sample. Full sample compared all POHs (specialty and general service) with other hospitals. Restricted sample included only general service hospitals. Patients in POHs were found to have higher perceived satisfaction, and viewed providers’ practices more favorably in the full sample. In the restricted sample, however, not-for-profit (NFP) hospitals provided relatively better care. Corporate-owned hospitals had lowest patient satisfaction and poorest outcomes. Results indicate POHs are competitive with not-for-profit hospitals on patient satisfaction dimension of quality care. Multivariate analyses suggest that the effects of physician ownership go away when mediation by providers’ practices is considered. NFP hospitals, however, continue to provide better overall value of care. The results do not support reconsideration of the ACA restrictions on POHs. Patient satisfaction may be contingent upon patient-centric practices than type of hospital, but hospital ownership may affect preference for some practices over others. Outcomes may not matter when patients’ perceptions measure quality. / Ph. D. / The health care sector is becoming more closely linked to markets, and consumer experience and satisfaction, like any other consumer services industry due to growing influence of for-profit hospitals and hospital forms. Physician-owned hospitals are a relatively new form of hospitals in the U.S. Along with more traditional not-for-profit and corporate-owned hospitals; physician-owned hospitals compete for patients and patient dollars. Many physician-owned hospitals are specialty and surgical hospitals, in addition to general service hospitals. According to federal government surveys, patients usually perceive medical care provided by physician-owned hospitals to be of superior quality to that of other kinds of hospital. However, physician-owned hospitals are a type of for-profit hospital, and it is not clearly known if general service physician owned hospitals provide similar care as specialty hospitals. This research compared possible quality differences between specialty and general service physician-owned hospitals as well as with corporate-owned and not-for-profit hospitals. The results indicate that patients’ perceptions of quality of care are not consistent for physician-owned specialty and general service hospitals; the higher patient perception ratings for physician-owned hospitals reflect the better performance of specialty hospitals. In comparison with other hospitals, not-for-profit hospitals seem to provide better quality of care (tapped by both patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes) than for-profit hospitals. Corporate-owned hospitals were found to have lowest quality of care. Patients should consider tradeoffs between having better inpatient experiences and better outcomes of care.

Core Value Driven Care: Understanding the impact of core values on employee perception of Patient Safety, Employee Safety, and Quality of Care

Milliken, Danielle L. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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