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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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O que os olhos n?o veem: o n?o vis?vel como forma de aprecia??o teatral

Cruz, Everson Oliveira da 28 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-03-12T20:00:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EversonOliveiraDaCruz_DISSERT.pdf: 2301932 bytes, checksum: 6dbae7fe67ce3a6c1683f7536a8ae4cb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-16T17:47:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 EversonOliveiraDaCruz_DISSERT.pdf: 2301932 bytes, checksum: 6dbae7fe67ce3a6c1683f7536a8ae4cb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-16T17:47:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EversonOliveiraDaCruz_DISSERT.pdf: 2301932 bytes, checksum: 6dbae7fe67ce3a6c1683f7536a8ae4cb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-28 / O presente trabalho aborda o espet?culo teatral ?O que os olhos n?o veem?, que amparado pelo universo da cegueira, tem como prerrogativa de aprecia??o a cena n?o vis?vel e prop?e uma discuss?o no campo da recep??o teatral, sobre o olhar do espectador no contexto de uma proposta amparada pela n?o vid?ncia. A pesquisa objetiva investigar como a caracter?stica n?o vis?vel da referida proposta c?nica possibilita a percep??o do espectador emergida da rela??o corpo-espa?o; e compreender como a possibilidade da n?o visibilidade da cena potencializa a capacidade de aprecia??o do espectador. Para tanto s?o colocadas as seguintes quest?es: ? poss?vel a aprecia??o de um espet?culo teatral sem o agenciamento da vis?o? De que forma o corpo assiste um espet?culo teatral que dispensa o recurso da vis?o? Como se d? o olhar a partir de uma experi?ncia em que a n?o vid?ncia ? prerrogativa da aprecia??o? O l?cus da pesquisa ? o projeto de extens?o ?O que os olhos n?o veem o cora??o (n?o) sente?, vinculado ao Centro de Educa??o e Departamento de Pr?ticas Educacionais e Curr?culos da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. A pesquisa centra-se no campo da recep??o teatral e tem a fenomenologia como aporte metodol?gico para compreender a experi?ncia de aprecia??o do espectador interditado da vis?o ocular. Os relatos dos espectadores s?o gravados, transcritos e organizados em tr?s temas de discuss?o: o espa?o da cena e o espa?o do corpo; a reversibilidade dos sentidos na cena; e a emancipa??o do olhar. O texto ? conduzido pelo pensamento de Maurice Merleau-Ponty (2004; 2011; 2014; 2015), e seus interlocutores, tra?ando redes de comunica??o com os estudos de Fl?vio Desgranges (2011; 2012; 2015), no campo brasileiro da recep??o teatral, e Jacques Ranci?re (2010; 2012), no que tange a emancipa??o do olhar do espectador. A experi?ncia teatral no contexto da discuss?o compreende o espectador como coautor da cena. A interdi??o da vis?o ocular faz esfuma?ar os corpos no espa?o c?nico e configura um labirinto de caminhos a serem desbravados pelo espectador, que diante da n?o vid?ncia percebe outros modos de apreciar a cena, reorganizando sua experi?ncia para ver de corpo inteiro, tal qual Argos Panoptes. Esta situa??o permite desvelar uma emancipa??o do olhar no ?mbito da cena teatral. / The present work deals with the theatrical spectacle "O que os olhos n?o veem", that supported by the universe of blindness, has the non-visible scene as prerogative of appreciation and proposes a discussion in the field of theatrical reception, on the view of the spectator in the context of a proposal supported by non-vision. The research aims to investigate how the nonvisible characteristic of said scenic proposal allows the viewer's perception emerged from the body-space relationship; and to understand how the possibility of non-visibility of the scene enhances the capacity of appreciation of the spectator. Thereunto the following questions are posed: is it possible to appreciate a theatrical spectacle without the agency of vision? How does the body watch a theatrical spectacle that dispenses the resort of sight? How does one look from an experience in which the non-vision is a prerogative of appreciation? The locus of the research is the extension project "O que os olhos n?o veem o cora??o (n?o) sente", linked to the Education Center and Department of Educational Practices and Curricula of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The research focuses on the field of theatrical reception and has the phenomenology as a methodological contribution to understand the experience of appreciation of the viewer interdicted of the ocular vision. The accounts of the spectators are recorded, transcribed and organized into three topics of discussion: the space of the scene and the space of the body; the reversibility of the senses in the scene; and the emancipation of the look. The text is driven by the thoughts of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (2004; 2011; 2014; 2015), and its interlocutors, drawing networks of communication with the studies of Fl?vio Desgranges (2011; 2012; 2015), in the brazilian field of theatrical reception, and Jacques Ranci?re (2011; 2012; 2015), regarding the emancipation of the spectator?s look. The theatrical experience in the context of the discussion understands the spectator as coauthor of the scene. The interdiction of the ocular vision makes the bodies smoke in the scenic space and forms a labyrinth of paths to be explored by the spectator, who in light of the non-vision perceives other ways of appreciating the scene, reorganizing their experience to see with the entire body, such as Argos Panoptes. This situation permits to unveil an emancipation of the look within the theatrical scene.

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