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Evaluation of the impact of vertical movements of the Earth’s crust on levelling networks / Vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių įtakos niveliacijos tinklams vertinimasPuzienė, Rūta 03 March 2010 (has links)
The thesis presents the analysis of the impact of the recent vertical move-ments of the Earth‘s crust on the measurements of levelling as well as levelling networks submitting the results of theoretical research and practical observa-tions.
The aim of the work is to investigate the impact on the results of measure-ments in terms of levelling and levelling networks, to work out the methodology for their evaluation to be applied in compiling and maintaining of these net-works.
The objectivity of the experiments deals with the levelling networks of Lithuania and data received.
The following tasks were solved: 1) there was perfected the methodological approach for the evaluation of the forecasting models in terms of geoindexes of the territory with intention to improve the forecasting.; 2) there was theoretically grounded as well as worked out the methodology for the evaluation of the im-pact of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s crust on the measurements of levelling and on levelling networks; 3) there was derived the methodology of reduction of differences of measured altitudes, taking into account the selected moment of time; 4) there were made investigations on the possibilities of up-grading the models of forecasting by applying diverse groups of geoindexes; the recommendations were prepared how to use the models of forecasting; 5) while applying the proposed methods and recommendations there were carried out the experiments and evaluation of the impact of the... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjama dabartinių žemės plutos judesių įtaka niveliacijos matavimams ir niveliacijos tinklams. Pateikiami teorinių ir praktinių eksperi-mentų tyrimo rezultatai.
Darbo tikslas – ištirti dabartinių vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių įtaką ni-veliavimo matavimo rezultatams ir niveliacijos tinklams, parengti jų vertinimo metodiką sudarant ir eksploatuojant šiuos tinklus.
Tyrimų objektas – Lietuvos teritorijos niveliacijos tinklai ir jų matavimų duomenys.
Siekiant įgyvendinti tyrimų tikslą, išspręsti šie uždaviniai: 1) siekiant page-rinti dabartinių vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių prognozės modelius, patobulin-ta jų sąsajų su teritorijos georodikliais vertinimo metodika; 2) teoriškai pagrįsta ir parengta dabartinių vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių įtakos niveliacijos mata-vimams ir niveliacijos tinklams vertinimo metodika; 3) parengta išmatuotų aukščių skirtumų redukavimo, atsižvelgiant į pasirinktą laiko momentą, metodi-ka; 4) atlikti dabartinių vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių prognozės modelių to-bulinimo galimybių, taikant skirtingas georodiklių grupes, tyrimai; parengtos rekomendacijos prognozės modeliams taikyti; 5) taikant parengtas metodikas ir rekomendacijas, atlikti dabartinių vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių įtakos, suda-rant ir eksploatuojant Lietuvos niveliacijos tinklus, tyrimai ir vertinimas; 6) api-bendrinus teorinius ir eksperimentinius tyrimus, parengtos rekomendacijos ver-tikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių įtakai vertinti, sudarant ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Évolution des mouvements verticaux néogènes de la chaîne du Rif (Nord-Maroc) : apports d’une analyse structurale et thermochronologique / Neogene vertical movements evolution in the Rif chain (North-Morocco) : insights from structural and thermochronological analysisRomagny, Adrien 17 December 2014 (has links)
La chaîne du Rif (Nord du Maroc) constitue, avec les Cordillères des Bétiques (Sud de l’Espagne), la terminaison occidentale de la ceinture alpine. C’est un secteur clé pour la compréhension des mouvements verticaux associés aux processus orogéniques. Jusqu’à présent, aucune étude n’a permis de contraindre les mouvements verticaux postérieurs au Miocène inférieur, malgré la présence de dépôts marins pliocènes surélevés. L’objectif de ce travail est d’apporter des arguments permettant de discuter des mécanismes géochronologiques et cinématiques impliqués dans les mouvements verticaux de la marge du Rif depuis le Néogène. Une comparaison des déplacements identifiés dans les zones internes, a pu être effectuée, avec ceux estimés dans le domaine des flyschs (Sud de l’accident de Jebha), grâce aux données AHe. Les corrélations entre mouvements verticaux et évolution du champ de déformation mettent en évidence le lien existant entre les périodes de mouvements verticaux majeurs et les phases d’extension radiale. 1-Les derniers stades d’exhumation des unités métamorphiques, depuis près de 12-10 km de profondeur, résultent d’un stade d’extension radiale affectant ces formations. Le domaine de collapse s’étend depuis le faciès Schiste Vert jusqu’au domaine fragile durant l’Aquitano-Burdigalien. Les mouvements extensifs sont limités aux parties superficielles de l’orogène tandis que les parties plus profondes et situées en avant-chaîne sont en compression. 2-Une période de surrection lente associée à de l’extension radiale, affecte l’intégralité des zones internes, au moins depuis le Pliocène inférieur. La zone des flyschs se surélève à plus grande vitesse. / The Rif chain (Northern Morocco) belongs, with the Betic Cordillera (Southern Spain), to the westernmost part of the Alpine belt. This sector is one of the main targets for the comprehension of vertical movements linked to orogenic processes. Despite the numerous investigations lead on the Pliocene uplifted deposits in the Rif Chain, the timing and amplitude of the vertical motions subsequent to the period of cooling have never been constrained. This work aims to discuss the geodynamical processes involved in the vertical motion of the Rif margin since the Neogene. A comparison between the vertical movements determined in the internal zones and estimated in the flyschs domain (South of Jebha fault), has been realized on the basis of AHe data. Correlations reported between the vertical movements and the evolution of the stress field highlighted the linkage between the main stages of vertical motion and extension period with a radial pattern. 1-The latest exhumation stages of the deep-seated metamorphic rocks, from 12-10 km of depth, were triggered by the radial extension of these units. The collapse extended from the low grade metamorphism (Greenschists facies) to the brittle strata during the Aquitano-Burdigalian times. This extension is expressed in the superficial units, whereas deepest parts and sectors at the front of the Rif chain underwent a compression. 2-A second uplift stage proceeds at a very slow raising pace and is associated to radial extension in throughout the internal zones since the Lower Pliocene. Le flyschs sector was uplifted faster since the Late Miocene.
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Mapa geodynamických jevů v oblasti Slanských vrchů a okolí. / Map of geodynamic phenomena in the Slanské vrchy Mts., and surrounding.Lazoríková, Monika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis has been evaluation of available geodetic, geomorphological, geological and geophysical data and other possible map data, which are related to the motion and geodynamic properties in this part of Western Carpathians. The purpose has been also to evaluate possible kinematic relations and design appropriate areas for further GNSS monitoring. Especially Slanské vrchy area is located in the zone where there are no supporting GNSS points, despite the area is situated on the main tectonic breaks of eastern Slovakia. The results and all supporting materials have been processed in the GIS program and summarized in the basic geodynamic map of Slanské vrchy and the surroundings.
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Apport du GPS pour la quantification des déformations extrêmement lentes et mouvements verticaux dans les chaînes de montagnes françaises / Contribution of GPS for the quantification of extremely slow deformations and vertical movements in the French mountains chainsNguyen, Hai Ninh 16 July 2015 (has links)
Les Alpes et les Pyrénées sont des chaînes de montagnes en domaine que l’on peut quasiment qualifier d’intraplaque compte tenu des taux de déformation horizontaux si faibles qu’on ne peut actuellement pas les quantifier avec la géodésie. Pourtant, la déformation tectonique et la sismicité actuelles en Europe occidentale sont essentiellement concentrées dans ces chaînes de montagnes. Nocquet (2012) a montré que le taux de déformation à travers l'Europe occidentale est faible et reste en dessous des incertitudes sur les mesures. Le mouvement horizontal à travers les Pyrénées et les Alpes occidentales est de l’ordre de ~0 ± 0.5 mm/an.Pour étudier la déformation tectonique dans les Alpes occidentales et les Pyrénées, nous avons calculé l’évolution des positions de 166 stations GPS permanentes des réseaux RENAG, RGP, EUREF et IGS. La longueur des séries temporelles varie de 1,8 à 16,0 ans. Les données ont été traitées en utilisant une approche de positionnement ponctuel précis (PPP). Nous avons examiné l'influence de différentes corrections sur des estimations de vitesses horizontale et verticale: (1) les paramètres d’irrégularité de rotation de la Terre (ERP), (2) la fonction de projection globale (GMF) et la fonction de projection de Vienne (VMF1) des retards troposphériques, (3) les modèles du centre de phase des antennes (APC).En général, les effets du modèle troposphérique, des corrections ERP et APC sont négligeables en termes de vitesses horizontales. Cependant, les corrections ERP et APC affectent les vitesses verticales avec des différences de l’ordre de ~ 0.5 mm/an. Nous avons également analysé les effets sur les séries temporelles des corrections de surcharge liées austockage de l'eau continental (GLDAS), la pression atmosphérique (ATML), et la surcharge océanique (NTOL). En moyenne, le résultat des corrections de surcharge combinant les trois modèles (GLDAS + ATML + NTOL) induit une augmentation des signaux saisonniers de position: les amplitudes annuelles (estimées en utilisant une fonction sinusoïdale de meilleurajustement) sont augmentés de 0.10, 1.55 et 0.50 mm pour les composantes Nord, Est, et Verticale. Ainsi, ce modèle combiné de surcharges ne semble pas être approprié pour corriger les séries temporelles. Les corrections de surcharge ont une influence significative sur les vitesses horizontales et verticales, les moyennes des différences pour les composantes horizontales et verticales sont de 0.24 et 0.55 mm/an par rapport à des vitesses non corrigées.Par conséquent, les modèles de surcharges doivent être améliorées avant de pouvoir être utilisés pour améliorer les estimations de vitesse GPS. Nous avons estimé la durée minimum de données GPS continues nécessaires pour atteindre 7 différents niveaux de précision de vitesse. L'incertitude des estimations de vitesses à partir des séries temporelles GPS dépend fortement de la longueur des séries temporelles. On examine la stabilité et l'incertitude des estimations de vitesses par une analyse de la convergence (c’est à dire, estimation du temps d’observation nécessaire pour obtenir une vitesse proche de celle calculée pour la série temporelle complète). Sur la base de cette analyse, nous estimons que laprécision de 0.5 mm/an est obtenue après une durée moyenne de 4,43 et de 4,78 ans de données continues GPS pour les composantes horizontales et verticales. / The Western Alps and the Pyrenees are mountain ranges that can almost be qualified asintraplate domain given the horizontal deformation rate so low that we cannot currentlyquantify it with geodesy. However, present-day tectonic deformation and seismicity inWestern Europe is essentially concentrated in these mountain ranges. Nocquet (2012) showedthat the deformation rates across Western Europe are so low that they remain belowmeasurement uncertainties, with horizontal motion across the Pyrenees and the Western Alpsof ~0 ± 0.5 mm/yr.To study tectonic deformation in the Western Alps and Pyrenees region, we have analyzed thetimes-series of 166 GPS permanent stations of RGP, RENAG, EUREF and IGS networkswith times-series length from 1,8 to 16,0 years. Data were processed using a Precise PointPositioning (PPP) approach. We have examined the influence of different corrections on thehorizontal and vertical velocities: (1) Earth Rotation Parameters (ERP), (2) Global MappingFunction (GMF) and the Vienna Mapping Function (VMF1) tropospheric delays, (3) absoluteantenna phase center (APC). In general, the influence of the troposphere model, the ERP andAPC corrections are negligible in terms of horizontal velocities. In contrast, ERP and APCcorrections affect vertical velocities with differences at ~0.5 mm/yr level. We have alsoanalyzed the effects of surface mass loading due to changes in continental water storage(GLDAS), atmospheric pressure (ATML), and non-tidal ocean loading (NTOL). On average,the combination of loading corrections (GLDAS + ATML + NTOL) result in an increase inthe seasonal signals: annual amplitudes (estimated using a best-fit sine function) are increasedby 0.10, 1.55 and 0.50 mm for the north, east, and vertical components, respectively. Hence,this combination of loading models does not seem to be appropriate to correct the time-series.Loading corrections have a significant influence on horizontal and vertical velocities(horizontal and vertical average differences of 0.24 and 0.55 mm/yr compared to uncorrectedvelocities). Therefore, the surface loading models must be improved before they can be usedto improve the GPS velocity estimates.We estimated the minimum time spans of GPS continuous data required to achieve 7 differentlevels of velocity precisions. The uncertainty of velocity estimates from GPS time-seriesstrongly depend on the length of time-series data. We examine the stability and uncertainty ofvelocity estimates by a convergence analysis (i.e., estimation of necessary observation time toobtain a velocity close to that calculated for the complete time series). To obtain an unbiasedand realistic comparative analysis, we have compared a synthetic solution of forward andbackward time for velocity and uncertainty estimates. On the basis of this analysis, weestimate that the precision of 0.5 mm/yr in velocity solution is achieved after an average timespan of 4,43 and 4,78 years of continuous GPS data for the horizontal and verticalcomponents, respectively.In this study, the Euler rotation pole for the stable Western European plate in the ITRF2008reference frame was defined from a 62-sites subset with an RMS of residual horizontalvelocities of 0.29 mm/yr level. The Euler pole is located at 53.730°N, and -101.856°E and hasa rotation rate of 0.256°/Myr. We also present the present-day velocity field with precisionsbetter than 0.5 mm/yr in the Western Alps and the Pyrenees region. The results show nosignificant vertical movements in the Pyrenees, in contrast with the vertical velocities of theWestern Alps that can reach up to 2.49 mm/yr.
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Research and modeling of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Сrust on the basis of geodetic measurements (samples on Lithuanian territory) / Dabartinių vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių tyrimas ir modeliavimas taikant geodezinius matavimus (Lietuvos teritorijos pavyzdžiu)Anikėnienė, Asta 09 March 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the studies on the velocities of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust by applying correlation, regression and multi-criteria analysis of geo-parameters of the territory. The objective of the research involves the regularities of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust, the relationship with the geo-parameters of the territory, models of forecasting for movements and methodology of compiling maps on the vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust. The experimental subject matter is the territory of Lithuania.
The major task of the thesis is to work out the method for estimation and modelling of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust measured by applying geodetic methods and to implement the suggested method for compilation of the map of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust within the territory of Lithuania.
In order to achieve the determined target, the following tasks were solved: 1) there were determined the values of the measured recent vertical movements of the Earth’s crust from the data of the repeated levelling; 2) there were examined the regularities of the change of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust; 3) there was investigated and determined the relationship of the measured recent vertical movements of the Earth’s Crust and geo-parameters of the territory; 4) there were analysed the possibilities of application regressive models for forecasting regarding recent verticals movements of... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjami dabartiniai vertikalieji Žemės plutos judesių greičiai taikant teritorijos georodiklių koreliacinę, regresinę ir daugiakriterinę analizę. Pagrindinis tyrimo objektas – dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių dėsningumai, sąsajos su teritorijos georodikliais, judesių prognozavimo modeliai ir vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių žemėlapio sudarymo metodika. Eksperimentinis objektas – Lietuvos teritorija.
Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – parengti geodeziniais metodais išmatuotų dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių modeliavimo bei vertinimo metodiką ir ją taikant sudaryti Lietuvos teritorijos dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių žemėlapį.
Siekiant įgyvendinti užsibrėžtą tikslą, išspręsti šie uždaviniai: 1) remiantis kartotinių niveliacijų duomenimis, nustatytos išmatuotų dabartinių Žemės plutos judesių reikšmės; 2) ištirti dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių kaitos dėsningumai; 3) ištirtos ir nustatytos išmatuotų dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių ir teritorijos georodiklių sąsajos; 4) išnagrinėtos regresinių modelių taikymo dabartiniams vertikaliesiems Žemės plutos judesiams prognozuoti galimybės ir parengtos rekomendacijos juos taikyti sudarant vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių žemėlapius; 5) įvertinti dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių regresiniai prognozavimo modeliai taikant daugiakriterinės analizės metodiką; 6) taikant pasiūlytą metodiką, sudarytas Lietuvos teritorijos dabartinių vertikaliųjų Žemės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Migratory Patterns and Habitat Use of the Sand Tiger Shark (Carcharias taurus) in the Western North Atlantic OceanTeter, Shara Marie 19 September 2013 (has links)
Large population declines for sand tiger sharks (Carcharias taurus) in parts of its global range are well documented, resulting in a strong need for biologically informed conservation and management measures. Although sand tigers in the western North Atlantic have been listed as a Species of Concern by the US government since 1997, details of their seasonal migratory movements and especially vertical habitat use patterns along the US East Coast are limited. Understanding these movement patterns is vital to reducing fishery-related mortality of these sharks and informing other management efforts aimed at recovery of their stocks in the US Atlantic. Although survey and fishery-dependent data have revealed a general picture of the seasonal distribution patterns of sand tiger sharks, details of the areas specifically used by these sharks and their movements between such areas remain unclear. Additionally, information on vertical habitat use such as preferred depth and temperature, as well as variability observed among sexes, size classes and geographic locations would provide insight into the fine-scale distribution of sand tigers to aid better management practices. Here, I report on the horizontal and vertical movements of sand tiger sharks along the US East Coast determined through use of pop-up archival transmitter (PAT) tags and supplemental acoustic telemetry. PAT tags were deployed on 14 sand tiger sharks in Delaware Bay in late summer 2008. Sufficient archived depth and temperature data were obtained from 11 sharks (eight male, three female), and sufficient light data allowed construction of long-term horizontal tracks for 10 sharks (seven male, three female) using a Kalman filter state-space model. Duration of tag deployment per animal ranged from 64-154 days ( =121.6). All seven male sharks left Delaware Bay in late summer/early autumn and migrated south along the US East Coast reaching waters off North Carolina, where they remained until transmitter detachment during the winter months. In contrast, all three females moved out of Delaware Bay into deeper, offshore waters east of the bay near the continental slope. During southern migration of males, average depth utilized was positively correlated to shark size. The smallest males spent on average over 90% of their time in waters <40 >m, whereas intermediate and large sized males spent only 54 and 38% of their time at depths <40 >m, respectively. Female sharks spent an average of 46% of their time in waters range, spending at least 95% of their time in waters 17-23oC, with little difference between size classes or sexes. Horizontal movements of male migrating sand tigers also revealed several areas of concentrated activity along their southern migratory routes. Migratory patterns of sand tiger sharks along the US East Coast appear most similar to patterns displayed by this species along the coast of South America. Further delineation of western North Atlantic continental shelf and slope core areas of sand tiger shark activity, especially for females, will inform efforts to reduce interactions with commercial fisheries and measures to avoid habitat degradation - management aspects that will aid in reducing mortality and enhance rebuilding of sand tiger stocks along the US East Coast.
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Opakovaná nivelace na vodním zdroji Tetčice / Precise repeated leveling measurements at Tetčice water reservoirČáp, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the vertical movements of foundation soil in village Tetčice. In the first part describes geological structures and problems in locality. A next chapter deals with surveying vertical movements, measurements and evaluation. As addition is measurement actually groundwater level depending on the line levelling.
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