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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Initial minimum viable product development in software startups:a startup ecosystem perspective

Tripathi, N. (Nirnaya) 19 November 2019 (has links)
Abstract Context: Software startups are new companies that aim at developing innovative software-intensive products that stand out from those of other companies in the target market. A successful startup tries to scale its business rapidly, which in turn leads to job creation and an increase number in local products. Product development is an essential aspect of a software startup’s business, and therefore it is important to have a suitable startup ecosystem around a startup to support a new product idea from conception to development to a minimum viable product (MVP) and finally to a full-fledged product. Objective: The objective of this doctoral research is to understand the effect of the startup ecosystem elements on an initial MVP development in software startups and thereby assist startup companies in developing successful products. Method: To achieve the objective, two multivocal literature reviews and multiple empirical studies were conducted to examine: a) the elements in a startup ecosystem, b) initial MVP development in software startups, and c) the effects of startup ecosystem elements on the initial MVP development phase. Results: This doctoral research identified eight main elements in the startup ecosystem that affect the startup and its product development. Additionally, it was found that a product idea is based on a problem experienced by customers or on an unserved customer need. The requirements for developing an initial MVP from the product idea usually come from internal sources, and the elicited requirements are stored in text documents and prioritized based on their value to customers and stakeholders. These requirements are converted into product features, of which some can be used to develop a prototype that can act as an initial MVP. Furthermore, it was observed that the startup ecosystem elements can influence the initial MVP development phase. For instance, supporting organizations such as incubators and accelerators affect initial MVPs by assisting inexperienced founders with training and mentoring during MVP development. Conclusion: A prototype can be used as an initial MVP. Also, experienced founders prefer to develop an initial MVP by themselves, while, inexperienced founders need support from supporting organizations in a startup ecosystem during initial MVP development. / Tiivistelmä Konteksti: Ohjelmistoalan startup-yritykset ovat uusia yrityksiä, jotka pyrkivät kehittämään innovatiivisia tuotteita monille eri kohdemarkkinoille. Uuden yrityksen menestyksekkään käynnistämisen tavoitteena on nopea kasvu, mikä puolestaan luo työpaikkoja ja nostaa kotimaista tuotetarjontaa markkinoilla. Koska tuotekehitys on tärkeä osa ohjelmiston käyttöönottoa, on tärkeää, että uuden yrityksen ympärillä on olemassa sopiva ekosysteemi, joka tukee uutta tuoteideaa konseptista pienimmän toimivan tuotteen kehittämiseen ja edelleen täyteen tuotteeseen. Tavoite: Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ymmärtää startup-ekosysteemin roolia ensimmäisen pienimmän toimivan tuotteen kehittämisessä ohjelmistoalan startup-yrityksissä ja sen kautta auttaa startup-yrityksiä menestyvien tuotteiden kehittämisessä. Menetelmät: Tutkimustavoitteen saavuttamiseksi tehtiin kaksi kirjallisuuskatsausta sekä useita tapaustutkimuksia, joissa tarkasteltiin a) startup-ekosysteemin elementtejä, b) ensimmäisen pienimmän toimivan tuotteen kehittämistä ja c) startup-ekosysteemin elementtien vaikutusta ensimmäisen pienimmän toimivan tuotteen kehittämisvaiheessa. Tulokset: Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin kahdeksan tärkeää elementtiä startup -ekosysteemissä, jotka voivat vaikuttaa suoraan tai välillisesti yrityksen käynnistämiseen ja sen tuotekehitykseen. Lisäksi selvitettiin, että tuoteidea perustuu asiakkaiden kokemiin ongelmiin tai täyttymättömiin tarpeisiin. Pienimmän toimivan tuotteen vaatimukset ovat yleensä peräisin yrityksen sisäisistä lähteistä. Vaatimukset on tallennettu tekstidokumentteihin, ja ne priorisoidaan asiakkaille ja sidosryhmille syntyvän arvon mukaan. Vaatimukset muutetaan tuoteominaisuuksiksi, joista osaa voidaan käyttää, kun kehitetään prototyyppiä ensimmäiseksi pienimmäksi toimivaksi tuotteeksi. Edelleen havaittiin, että startup-ekosysteemin elementit voivat vaikuttaa pienimmän toimivan tuotteen kehittämisvaiheeseen. Esimerkiksi tukiorganisaatiot, kuten yrityshautomot ja -kiihdyttämöt, vaikuttavat pienimpiin toimiviin tuotteisiin kouluttamalla ja mentoroimalla kokemattomia perustajia. Päätelmät: Yksinkertaista prototyyppiä voidaan käyttää pienimpänä toimivana tuotteena. Lisäksi, kokeneet perustajat haluavat kehittää ensimmäisen pienimmän toimivan tuotteen itse, kun taas kokemattomat perustajat tarvitsevat tukea ulkopuolisilta organisaatioilta pienimmän toimivan tuotteen kehittämisessä.

Minimum Ecologically Viable Populations : Risk assessment from a multispecies perspective

Säterberg, Torbjörn January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>The extinction risk of threatened species has traditionally been assessed by the use of tools of Population Viability Analysis (PVA). Species interactions, however, have seldom been accounted for in PVA:s. The omission of species interactions in risk assessments may further lead to serious mistakes when setting target sizes of populations. Even a slight abundance decrease of a target species may result in changes of the community structure; in the worst case leading to a highly impoverished community. Of critical importance to conservation is therefore the question of how many individuals of a certain population that is needed in order to avoid this kind of consequences. In the current study, a stochastic multispecies model is used to estimate minimum ecological viable populations (MEVP); earlier defined as “the minimum size of a population that can survive before itself or some other species in the community becomes extinct”. The MEVP:s are compared to population sizes given by a single species model where interactions with other species are treated as a constant source incorporated in the species specific growth rate. MEVP:s are found to be larger than the population sizes given by the single species model. The results are trophic level dependent and multispecies approaches are suggested to be of major importance when setting target levels for species at the basal level. Species at higher trophic levels, however, are altogether more prone to extinction than species at the basal level, irrespective of food web size and food web complexity.</p><p> </p>

Bringing power and knowledge together : information systems design for autonomy and control in command work

Persson, Per-Arne January 2000 (has links)
THIS THESIS PRESENTS an empirical ethnographic study that has been conducted as fieldwork within army command organizations, leading to a qualitative analysis of data. The title of the thesis captures the contents of both command work and research, both domains being affected by new technologies during a period of drastic changes in the military institution. The overriding research question was why efforts to implement modern information technology are so slow, costly, and why the contribution from the output as regards higher control efficiency is so uncertain. Two cases will be described and analysed. One is a meeting and the other is the development of a computer artefact. Based on these two cases, the study suggests that social value and not only rational control efficiency defines what is applied, both in the development process and in practice. Knowledge and power, expertise and authority, represented by experts and formal leaders have to be brought together if the work is to be efficient. Both knowledge from research and information technology will be rejected, if considered irrelevant. I have called this applying a rationality of practice. From the case analysis it can be said that command work is not ordinary managerial work. Rather, it is a kind of design work, dynamic and hard to define and control. Command work is knowledge-intensive; it designs and produces symbols. Therefore it is very flexible and involves interpretation and negotiation of both its content and products. The most important symbol is the Army, which must be visible and credible, built from real components. Command work is pragmatic and opportunistic, conducted by experts in the modern military command structure who transform the operational environment, and control it through controlling actions. In that respect autonomy, a prerequisite to meet evolving events—frictions—and power become core issues, interchangeable goals and means for flexible social control, in cybernetic terms variety. Key concepts are social value, function and visibility. Actors must be visible in the command work, and make work visible. Consequently, when designing control tools, such as information systems, the design challenge is to reconcile dynamic and pragmatic demands for power, autonomy and control with demands for stability. Such an organization becomes a viable system, one that can survive, because there is no conflict between its mind and physical resources. In operational terms, this means having freedom of action. The prerequisite to achieve this is one perspective on knowledge and information and that information systems match the needs growing from within the work because work builds the organization.

Faultless dismissal: assessing the substantive fairness in dismissal for operational requirements

Masumbe, Paul Sakwe January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Minimum Ecologically Viable Populations : Risk assessment from a multispecies perspective

Säterberg, Torbjörn January 2009 (has links)
The extinction risk of threatened species has traditionally been assessed by the use of tools of Population Viability Analysis (PVA). Species interactions, however, have seldom been accounted for in PVA:s. The omission of species interactions in risk assessments may further lead to serious mistakes when setting target sizes of populations. Even a slight abundance decrease of a target species may result in changes of the community structure; in the worst case leading to a highly impoverished community. Of critical importance to conservation is therefore the question of how many individuals of a certain population that is needed in order to avoid this kind of consequences. In the current study, a stochastic multispecies model is used to estimate minimum ecological viable populations (MEVP); earlier defined as “the minimum size of a population that can survive before itself or some other species in the community becomes extinct”. The MEVP:s are compared to population sizes given by a single species model where interactions with other species are treated as a constant source incorporated in the species specific growth rate. MEVP:s are found to be larger than the population sizes given by the single species model. The results are trophic level dependent and multispecies approaches are suggested to be of major importance when setting target levels for species at the basal level. Species at higher trophic levels, however, are altogether more prone to extinction than species at the basal level, irrespective of food web size and food web complexity.

Multiple Antibiotic Resistance Of Surface Mucus Dwelling Bacterial Populations In Freshwater Fish

Ozaktas, Tugba 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Surface mucus of a freshwater fish, Alburnus alburnus (bleak), caught from Lake Mogan, situated in south of Ankara, was collected in different seasons. The total cultivable bacteria were enumerated by spread plate method on nine different media. Bacteria were isolated based on colony morphologies and pigmentation. A total of sixty bacterial isolates obtained. The mucus-dwelling bacteria were first tested for resistance against ampicillin and kanamycin / then streptomycin and chloramphenicol were added to the experimental set up. The resistance levels of isolates were determined in terms of four antibiotics by tube dilution method. About 90% of the isolates were resistant to chloramphenicol, about 84% to kanamycin, about 88% to streptomycin and about 98% to ampicillin. These high levels of antibiotic resistance are rather interesting from a standpoint that the lake has no record of antibiotics exposure of any sort. The plasmid isolations were carried out to determine if the multiple antibiotic resistance could be attributed to plasmids for starting assumption. But we found no direct relationship between the presence of plasmids and multiple antibiotic resistance. Our study indicated that multiple antibiotic resistance at high levels is among the current phenotypes of the fish mucus-dwelling bacterial populations in Lake Mogan.

A Study On Cobalt Adaptation And Memory Retention Of Freshwater Bacteria Isolates

Citir, Gozde 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The mucus-dwelling bacteria previously isolated from the surface of a freshwater fish species (Alburnus alburnus from Lake Mogan, Ankara), were studied to discover their cobalt resistance. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined for a total of thirty six bacterial isolates. The results of the resistance studies led us to design experiments on adaptation to cobalt and subsequent memory retention. Three selected isolates were exposed to an inhibitory cobalt concentration as a mixed culture and individually. The delayed formation of colonies along with competitive exclusion of one of the isolates in the mixed culture were recorded. The delay for colony formation was followed up for liquid culture conditions. After some of our isolates acclimated to cobalt and started to exhibit constant time of growth period, it is assumed that they were adapted. We regarded adaptation as a result of memory formation. Next, we did a further study to find out how long this memory could be retained via serial multiple passages in cobalt free medium. We expressed our observations quantitatively by measuring the growth by using spectrophotometer and by performing viable counts. Interestingly, where there was a high CFU, the photometric values were very low. We interpreted the finding such that the presence of cobalt above tolerance limits were causing size reduction in the cells. So that their presence was underestimated by optic devices in visible range. Our study hinted that freshwater bacteria was adapting cobalt in a memory based mechanism and able to retain this memory for some time.

Etude du microbiote susceptible de persister sur les surfaces d'un atelier de la filière viande bovine

Khamisse, Elissa 06 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse concerne l'étude de l'écologie microbienne d'un atelier de découpe de viande bovine, dans le but de mieux comprendre la persistance bactérienne, c'est-à-dire, la présence répétée d'un même clone bactérien pendant une longue période malgré l'application bien conduite et régulière du nettoyage et de la désinfection (N-D). Des prélèvements par " chiffonnages " multiples de surfaces d'équipements ont été réalisés lors de trois campagnes de prélèvement espacées les unes des autres d'au moins six mois. Les prélèvements ont été réalisés sur un tapis convoyeur en polychlorure de vinyle (PVC) et sur des machines éplucheuses en acier inoxydable avant et après N-D. Nous avons quantifié les cellules totales (les cellules vivantes et les cellules mortes) par PCR quantitative en temps réel (qPCR), les cellules viables par EMA-qPCR, et les UFC (provenant de cellules cultivables) par dénombrement après incubation à 25°C sur gélose tryptone soja. Les résultats montrent qu'avant N-D, les cellules totales (en moyenne 5,6 - exprimé en log10 cellules/cm2 - sur PVC et 4,7 sur acier inoxydable) sont plus nombreuses que les cellules viables (4,5 sur PVC et 4,4 sur acier inoxydable) lesquelles sont plus nombreuses que les UFC (3,8 sur PVC et 2,9 sur acier inoxydable). Le N-D entraîne moins d'une réduction décimale (RD) des populations à l'exception des UFC sur acier inoxydable qui subissent 1,5 RD en moyenne. Ce dernier chiffre s'explique par des forces d'adhésion faibles. L'étude de la diversité des bactéries cultivables montre que sur un total de 51 genres identifiés, 13 seulement sont retrouvés lors des trois campagnes de prélèvements. Les isolats de ces 13 genres représentent 75, 72 et 62% des isolats des campagnes1, 2 et 3 respectivement. Parmi ces isolats, les plus fréquents sont (par ordre décroissant du nombre d'isolats) : Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Microbacterium, Acinetobacter, Chryseobacterium, Psychrobacter et Kocuria. Le génotypage d'isolats de 3 genres majoritaires (Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas et Acinetobacter) montre qu'une seule souche, Staphylococcus equorum, est sans aucun doute persistante. L'ensemble de ces observations montrent que l'écosystème varie d'une campagne à une autre. Ces modifications de la diversité bactérienne reflèteraient les modifications de flores des viandes traitées dans l'atelier, qui ont des origines multiples. En outre, il apparaît que, contrairement à ce qui est généralement admis, les bactéries à coloration de Gram négative cultivables sont plus facilement inactivées par le N-D que les bactéries à coloration de Gram positive. L'étude de l'écosystème par PCR-DGGE a permis d'identifier sept genres bactériens et montre que les espèces dominantes sont toutes sous forme vivante, autrement dit, aucune des espèces dominantes n'a été détectée uniquement sous forme de cellules mortes. Sur les sept genres identifiés six sont des Gram - dont majoritairement les genres Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas et Psychrobacter. Cette dominance montre que le N-D permet une forte perte de cultivabilité des bactéries Gram - mais qu'une grande partie n'est pas détachée. La dominance des bactéries Gram - observée par PCR-DGGE masque les staphylocoques qui ne sont pas détectés alors qu'ils sont majoritaires parmi la flore cultivable. Seul un genre bactérien, Propionibacterium, est identifié par PCR-DGGE uniquement mais il n'est trouvé qu'à une seule campagne et uniquement sur l'acier inoxydable avant N-D. En conclusion, l'avancée majeure de ce travail est la mise en évidence qu'une proportion importante de bactéries survit après les opérations très poussées de N-D mais pour une période transitoire.

Faultless dismissal: assessing the substantive fairness in dismissal for operational requirements

Masumbe, Paul Sakwe January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Congo-Nigeria hydroelectric superhighway grid : an economic viable option / Anieheobi Callistus C.

Anieheobi, Callistus Chukwuemeka January 2008 (has links)
Electricity availability and stability have a great contributory share of industrialization growth rate, poverty statistics, unemployment, foreign investors' participation, medium and small scale encouragement, crime and mortality rates recorded in any country. Nigeria as a country has been challenged with unstable and unreliable power supply. There are many problems associated with electricity production in Nigeria. Such problems are recorded in the generation, transmission and distribution facets of electricity production. With a multi-faceted problem, this document has been developed to deal with the economic aspect of power generation in Nigeria. Out of numerous technologies that are used in power generation, Nigerian predominantly sources its electricity supply from gas power plants and hydropower systems located within the country. Unfortunately, the Nigeria hydropower has been challenged with hydrological shortfalls. The gas power plant which is now conventional is being challenged with the developing gas technology around the globe. This development has adversely affected the cost of gas and subsequently the cost of power production using gas power plants. As a result of hydrological limitations on Nigerian hydropower dams, effect of gas price on cost of energy produced and diversifying gas technology, harnessing electric energy from Inga falls of River Congo was considered as an economic choice of power production in Nigeria. The choice of power production adopted in this document was made from an economic viability studies carried out between Nigerian gas power plants and hydropower production from the River Congo. The choice of technology employed for harnessing electric energy is largely dependent on the economic factors that go with the development. While some of these technologies go with large initial capital investment some are challenged with geometric increase of running cost. As applied in this work, the Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Levelized Cost of Energy and Cash Flow Trend Analysis are suitable tools to determine choice of power plant. These tools were integrated and developed as an NILC model. In the analysis presented in this dissertation, the economic viability of the two power plants selected was determined with the use of the Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Levelized Cost of Energy and Cash Flow Trend Analysis (NILC) model. The model was used to measure the economic viability quantities of the two power plants selected for economic comparison. After the completion of economic comparative analysis, hydropower production from the River Congo was concluded to be a better choice of power production compared to the conventional gas power plant option in Nigeria. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

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