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Časově-frekvenční analýza elektrogramů / Time-frequency analysis of electrogramsDoležal, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with time-frequency analysis of electrograms measured on isolated guinea pig hearts perfused according to Langendorff. Time-frequency analysis is based on algorithms Matching Pursuit and Wigner-Ville Distribution. The theoretical part describes the basics of electrocardiography, measurement on isolated hearts, the theory of approximation method Matching Pursuit and its combination with the Wigner-Ville distribution spectrum showing the energy density of the signal. Also other common approaches of time-frequency analysis are presented including the theory of continuous wavelet transform. The presented algorithms were tested on a set of electrograms, on which were induced ischemia within measurement followed by reperfusion. The proposed method allows for the fast detection of ischemia without any a priori knowledge of the signal, and also serves as a tool for measurement of EG important points and intervals. In the conclusion efficacy of the method was presented and its possible uses has been discussed.
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Schwingungsanalyse an Maschinen mit ungleichförmig übersetzenden GetriebenZschieschang, Torsten 01 July 2000 (has links)
Die Arbeit befaßt sich mit Methoden der Identifikation von Schwingungsursachen anhand gemessener Schwingungssignale an Maschinen mit ungleichförmig übersetzenden Getrieben. Den technischen Hintergrund bilden die Verarbeitungsmaschinen, die als ein Haupteinsatzgebiet der auch als Mechanismen bezeichneten Getriebe gelten. Es werden eine ganze Reihe mechanismentypischer Schwingungsursachen untersucht, die im wesentlichen auf Elastizitäten, veränderliche Parameter, Spiel, Reibung und Unstetigkeiten in den Lagefunktionen zurückzuführen sind. Neben den traditionellen Methoden der Signalanalyse gilt das Hauptaugenmerk den neuen Methoden der Zeit-Frequenz-Analyse, die dem zumeist instationären Charakter der durch die Mechanismen verursachten Schwingungen gerecht werden. Dazu zählen vor allem lineare Transformationen wie die Kurzzeit-Fourier- oder die Wavelet-Transformation, quadratische Verteilungen aus Cohen's Klasse wie die Wigner-Ville und die Choi-Williams Verteilung oder auch höhere Transformationen wie die Adaptive Optimal Kernel oder die Reassignment Methode. Die Untersuchungen münden in einer tabellarischen Zusammenstellung der gefundenen Merkmale. Diese soll der Unterstützung der praktischen Signalanalyse bei Mechanismenschwingungen dienen. Die Anwendung der zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel und Methoden wird an zahlreichen Beispielen aus dem Bereich der Schwingungsdiagnose an Verarbeitungsmaschinen demonstriert. / This thesis deals with methods to identify causes of vibrations by investigation of messured signals at machines with mechanisms (with varying velocity ratio). The technical background is the field of manufacturing machines, the main application of such mechanisms. Inspected are the most typical causes of vibrations at mechanisms that comes with elasticity, variable parameters, clearance, friction or nonsmooth transferfunctions. There are used both, traditional methods of signal analysis and time-frequency-analysis methods that are especially advantageous for the often instationary vibrations at this kind of machines. Linear transformations like the Short-Time-Fourier- or the Wavelet-Transformation, quadratic distributions from Cohe's Class like the Wigner-Ville- or the Choi-Williams-Distribution and higher order transformations like the Adaptive Optimal Kernel or the Reassignment Method are used in this Paper. The investigation leads into a tabular form of characteristics wich should be used for identification of vibrational causes during vibrational analysis. The use of available methods is demonstrated by solving various examples on real manufactoring machines.
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Schwingungsanalyse an Maschinen mit ungleichförmig übersetzenden GetriebenZschieschang, Torsten 09 November 2000 (has links)
Die Arbeit befaßt sich mit Methoden der Identifikation von Schwingungsursachen anhand gemessener Schwingungssignale an Maschinen mit ungleichförmig übersetzenden Getrieben. Den technischen Hintergrund bilden die Verarbeitungsmaschinen, die als ein Haupteinsatzgebiet der auch als Mechanismen bezeichneten Getriebe gelten. Es werden eine ganze Reihe mechanismentypischer Schwingungsursachen untersucht, die im wesentlichen auf Elastizitäten, veränderliche Parameter, Spiel, Reibung und Unstetigkeiten in den Lagefunktionen zurückzuführen sind. Neben den traditionellen Methoden der Signalanalyse gilt das Hauptaugenmerk den neuen Methoden der Zeit-Frequenz-Analyse, die dem zumeist instationären Charakter der durch die Mechanismen verursachten Schwingungen gerecht werden. Dazu zählen vor allem lineare Transformationen wie die Kurzzeit-Fourier- oder die Wavelet-Transformation, quadratische Verteilungen aus Cohen's Klasse wie die Wigner-Ville und die Choi-Williams Verteilung oder auch höhere Transformationen wie die Adaptive Optimal Kernel oder die Reassignment Methode. Die Untersuchungen münden in einer tabellarischen Zusammenstellung der gefundenen Merkmale. Diese soll der Unterstützung der praktischen Signalanalyse bei Mechanismenschwingungen dienen. Die Anwendung der zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel und Methoden wird an zahlreichen Beispielen aus dem Bereich der Schwingungsdiagnose an Verarbeitungsmaschinen demonstriert.
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Diese Version ersetzt eine ältere Version, Grund: Formatkonvertierung postscript zu pdf.
Der Inhalt unterscheidet sich in der Qualität der Abb. 4.23a und 4.23b auf Seite 97 sowie aller Abbildungen auf Seite 111.
Der Zugriff auf die Original-Abb. ist über die ältere Version oder die gedruckte Ausgabe möglich.
Die gedruckte Ausgabe der Dissertation ist in der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz entleihbar. / This thesis deals with methods to identify causes of vibrations by investigation of messured signals at machines with mechanisms (with varying velocity ratio). The technical background is the field of manufacturing machines, the main application of such mechanisms. Inspected are the most typical causes of vibrations at mechanisms that comes with elasticity, variable parameters, clearance, friction or nonsmooth transferfunctions. There are used both, traditional methods of signal analysis and time-frequency-analysis methods that are especially advantageous for the often instationary vibrations at this kind of machines. Linear transformations like the Short-Time-Fourier- or the Wavelet-Transformation, quadratic distributions from Cohe's Class like the Wigner-Ville- or the Choi-Williams-Distribution and higher order transformations like the Adaptive Optimal Kernel or the Reassignment Method are used in this Paper. The investigation leads into a tabular form of characteristics wich should be used for identification of vibrational causes during vibrational analysis. The use of available methods is demonstrated by solving various examples on real manufactoring machines.
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Content is different in quality of pictures 4.23a and 4.23b on page 97 and all pictures on page 111.
Please see the original pictures in the older version or the printed version.
The printed version is borrowable at the Library of Chemnitz University of Technology.
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Parameters Selection for Optimising Time-Frequency Distributions and Measurements of Time-Frequency Characteristics of Nonstationary SignalsSucic, Victor January 2004 (has links)
The quadratic class of time-frequency distributions (TFDs) forms a set of tools which allow to effectively extract important information from a nonstationary signal. To determine which TFD best represents the given signal, it is a common practice to visually compare different TFDs' time-frequency plots, and select as best the TFD with the most appealing plot. This visual comparison is not only subjective, but also difficult and unreliable especially when signal components are closely-spaced in the time-frequency plane. To objectively compare TFDs, a quantitative performance measure should be used. Several measures of concentration/complexity have been proposed in the literature. However, those measures by being derived with certain theoretical assumptions about TFDs are generally not suitable for the TFD selection problem encountered in practical applications. The non-existence of practically-valuable measures for TFDs' resolution comparison, and hence the non-existence of methodologies for the signal optimal TFD selection, has significantly limited the use of time-frequency tools in practice. In this thesis, by extending and complementing the concept of spectral resolution to the case of nonstationary signals, and by redefining the set of TFDs' properties desirable for practical applications, we define an objective measure to quantify the quality of TFDs. This local measure of TFDs' resolution performance combines all important signal time-varying parameters, along with TFDs' characteristics that influence their resolution. Methodologies for automatically selecting a TFD which best suits a given signal, including real-life signals, are also developed. The optimisation of the resolution performances of TFDs, by modifying their kernel filter parameters to enhance the TFDs' resolution capabilities, is an important prerequisite in satisfying any additional application-specific requirements by the TFDs. The resolution performance measure and the accompanying TFDs' comparison criteria allow to improve procedures for designing high-resolution quadratic TFDs for practical time-frequency analysis. The separable kernel TFDs, designed in this way, are shown to best resolve closely-spaced components for various classes of synthetic and real-life signals that we have analysed.
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