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Artist Diploma Recital (Viola)Acheson, Sophia J. 22 January 2013 (has links)
Quartet in E flat major, opus 47 / Robert Schumann -- Piano quartet in G minor, opus 25 / Johannes Brahms. / text
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Artist Diplioma RecitalAcheson, Sophia J. 22 January 2013 (has links)
Sonata, op. 25, no. 4 for viola and piano / Paul Hindemith -- Sonata in A minor for arpeggione and piano D.821 / Franz Schubert -- Suite for viola and piano / Ernst Bloch. / text
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Master's Thesis Recital (viola)Grasso, Angela 30 January 2013 (has links)
Not available / text
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Master's Thesis Recital (viola)Kurys, Justin 04 February 2013 (has links)
Sonatensatz for viola and piano / Johannes Brahms -- Duo in G major for violin and viola, K.423 / W. A. Mozart -- Sonata in a minor "Arpeggione" for viola and piano / Franz Schubert -- La campanella for viola and piano / Niccolo Paganini. / text
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Doctoral thesis recital (viola)Vyver, Renata van der 25 March 2014 (has links)
Notturno in D major for viola and piano, op. 42 / Ludwig van Beethoven ; arranged and edited by Donald McInnes -- Der Schwanendreher : concerto for viola and orchestra from old folk songs / Paul Hindemith. / text
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Doctoral thesis recital (viola) lectureLuther, Christopher 09 April 2014 (has links)
Lecture: "Lyric and virtuosic viola transcriptions: the genius of William Primrose." -- Caprice no.5, op.1 / Paganini -- Violin concerto no.2, 3rd movement / Paganini -- Litany D343, opus posth. / Schubert -- Aria, "Schlummert Ein" from Cantata no.82 / J. S. Bach -- Sonata for violin and piano 3rd movement / Ravel -- Aria, "Ombra mai fu" from Xerxes / G. F. Handel. / text
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Master's thesis recital (viola)Chen, Yen-Fang 05 May 2014 (has links)
Sonata for viola da gamba in D major, BWV 1028 / Johann Sebastian Bach -- Lachrymae: reflection on a song of Dowland, op.48 / Benjamin Britten -- Suite for viola and piano / Ernest Bloch. / text
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Doctoral thesis recital (viola)Vyver, Renata van der 30 May 2014 (has links)
Sonata no.8, op.5 / Arcangelo Corelli -- Sonata no.1, op.5 / Arcangelo Corelli. / text
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Master's thesis recital (viola)Duque, Alejandro 22 May 2015 (has links)
Sinfonia concertante in E-flat, K.364 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -- Sonata in A major for violin and piano / Cesar Franck. / text
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Doctoral thesis recital (viola)Moore, Scott 27 May 2015 (has links)
Sonata for viola da gamba and harpsichord, BMV 1028 / J. S. Bach -- 1ere sonate pour alto et piano / Darius Milhaud -- Suonata fur Bratsche solo / Michael Radulescu -- Sonata in F minor, op.120, no.1 / Johannes Brahms. / text
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