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Aspectos clínicos e patológicos da infecção pelo vírus da língua azul em ovinos no estado do Rio Grande do SulAntoniassi, Nadia Aline Bobbi January 2010 (has links)
Língua Azul (LA) é uma doença causada pelo Vírus da Língua Azul (VLA) e transmitida por vetores do gênero Culicoides. Estudos sorológicos tem demonstrado a ampla presença do vírus no Brasil, entretanto, informações clínicas da LA na América do Sul são limitadas. Este trabalho descreve alterações clínico-patológicas em ovinos acometidos pela LA no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Em dois surtos, em propriedades distintas, 15 ovinos apresentaram como principais sinais clínicos hipertermia, apatia, aumento de volume da face e região submandibular, dificuldade de deglutição com regurgitação, secreção nasal mucopurulenta esverdeada, alterações respiratórias, além de acentuada perda de peso e erosões na mucosa oral. Seis ovinos que morreram, apresentaram à necropsia edema subcutâneo na face e região ventral do tórax, secreção nasal de coloração esverdeada, esôfago dilatado e preenchido por grande quantidade de conteúdo alimentar, pulmões não colabados, com áreas de consolidação anteroventrais, e luz da traquéia e brônquios com conteúdo espumoso misturado a conteúdo alimentar. No coração e base da artéria pulmonar observaram-se focos de hemorragia. Histologicamente as principais alterações observadas foram no tecido muscular cardíaco e esquelético, em especial no esôfago, com degeneração hialina e flocular, necrose bifásica e micro-mineralização de miofibras associadas a infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear. Pneumonia aspirativa associada à presença de material vegetal e bactérias na luz de brônquios também foi observada e foi considerada a responsável pela gravidade das manifestações clínicas e pelas mortes. O diagnóstico de LA foi confirmado pelo duplex RT-PCR com a identificação do VLA, sorotipo 12. / Bluetongue (BT) is a disease caused by bluetongue virus (BTV) and transmitted by vectors of the genus Culicoides. Serological studies have demonstrated the widespread distribution of the virus in Brazil, however, clinical information of BT in South America are limited. This paper describes clinical and pathological changes in sheep affected by BTV in southern Brazil. In two outbreaks on different farms, 15 sheep showed clinical signs as severe hyperthermia, apathy, swelling of the face and submandibular area, difficulty in swallowing with regurgitation, greenish mucopurulent nasal secretion, severe weight loss and erosions in the oral mucosa. Six sheep that eventually died, shall necropsy showed subcutaneous edema in the face and ventral region of the chest, runny nose of green color, and dilated esophagus filled with adundant food content, lungs collapsed, with areas of antero ventral consolidation and trachea and bronchi containing foamy contents mixed with food. Heart and base of the pulmonary artery showing foci of hemorrhage. Histologically, the main changes were in cardiac and skeletal muscles and consisted of biphasic lesions characterized by hyaline and floccular degeneration/necrosis of myofibers associated with micro-mineralization and mononuclear cell infiltration. Pneumonia associated with the presence of organic matter and bacteria in the lumen of the bronchi was also observed. The diagnosis of BT was confirmed by duplex RT-PCR to the identification of the BTV, serotype 12.
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Problematika infekčních chorob v povědomí žáků základních a středních škol. / Awareness of contagious disease in mind of pupils at basic and secondary schools.Peštová, Ilona January 2010 (has links)
Infectious diseases are a very hot topic nowadays in society. In recent years, there were several epidemics, infectious diseases (hepatitis A, Avian influenza, pandemic influenza A) and nobody knows when will the next "new" infection. At the outbreak of epidemics, there is great interest in the company to obtain information about the disease, but often also to unnecessary panic, because the media often publish incorrect information. It would be preferable, in order to improve public awareness and prevent the unnecessary spread of disease. Great emphasis should be given to prevent the disease - primarily on immunization, hygiene rules and principles of safe sex. Quality information should be mainly from teachers in teaching their pupils, as is clear from research books, infectious diseases are only mentioned in textbooks and the number of substantive information in them is missing. The fact that pupils of primary schools and grammar schools with basic information on infectious diseases do not meet in the classroom, evidenced by the results of a survey carried out in the 6th classes and first year at selected elementary schools and grammar schools in Prague. To raise awareness of the pupils in school was to create a methodical manual for teachers, which summarizes information about bacterial and...
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