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Profil konkurenceschopnosti čínské ekonomiky a její posun ke kvalitativně vyšším komparativním výhodám / The competitiveness profile of the Chinese economy and its shift to qualitatively higher comparative advantagesKamenská, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is to map the development of China's competitiveness in the period from 1970's to the present and to outline the development of the economy in the next 2 decades. The simplified view of the Chinese competitiveness is used in the thesis, which means that we can identify 2 strategies aimed at the development of the Chinese competitiveness. The first chapter contains a definition of term competitiveness and introduces the way of its measurement. The first strategy was applied in China in the period 1978-2005 and is described in the 2nd, 3rd and the 4th chapter. The main goal of these 3 chapters is to describe the reforms adopted by the government and to evaluate the impacts of these reform measures on pillars of the Chinese competitiveness. The latest strategy is described in the last chapter and a special attention is paid to the reform measures aimed at boosting China's innovation performance.
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Pohledávky státu: jeden z největších problémů fiskální politiky v České republice v letech 2000-2014 / The receivables overdue of state: One of the biggest issues of fiscal policy in the Czech Republic from 2000 to 2014Šebestová, Katarína January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the analysis of the volume of state receivables overdue arising mainly from the underpayment of taxes, duties, social insurance during the time period from 2000 to 2014. The aim is also an analysis of the recovery of overdue receivables in the Czech Republic that should lead to identification of causes of bad developments in the period. The topic is important and actual because of the fact that the overdue claims are one of the biggest challenges of fiscal policy in the Czech Republic over the past 15 years. Benefit from examining this issue should be to identify the causes of negative developments in the period. The theoretical part describes the theory of economic policy with special reference to one of their major segments, fiscal policy, which is the essence of tackle. Then it analyzes the theory of government failure, the theory of moral hazard, etc. The main content of the practical part is to analyze the volumes of different types of overdue receivables in the period, an analysis of the recovery of overdue receivables in the Czech Republic, the identification and characterization of the causes of negative developments and, last but not least, the draft national economic measures aimed at eliminating these causes.
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Czech Swap Curve, Economic Fundamentals and Financial Markets / Česká swapová křivka, ekonomické fundamenty a finanční trhyPohl, Martin January 2010 (has links)
We focus on Czech swap market in a broader context of economic and financial development and we provide extensive empirical evidence that swaps have many features of a "risk-free" asset. They are traded with sufficient liquidity and low transaction costs that make them attractive for investors. Swap curve dynamics may be decomposed into level, slope and curvature parameters known from bond markets.Level and slope parameter may be interpreted by Taylor rule like functions in terms of output gap and inflation. Level reflects mainly inflation expectations and its sensitivity to output gap is small. Slope parameter is highly sensitive to business cycle fluctuations and inflation deviation from CNB's target. Domestic monetary policy remains an important determinant of swap curve parameters with gradual market reaction. Czech swap rates are closely connected to Euro swap rates. We found level factors to be cointegrated and also slope and curvature exhibit strong sensitivity to Euro rates. Financial variables don't seem to have large impact on swap rates with the exemption of global equity markets, where we found positive correlation between level and SP500 returns. In contrast, Czech government bonds have many features historically connected to corporate bonds such as positive correlation with risky assets and business cycle fluctuations. Government bonds also showed large volatility and rising risk premia in the 2008/2009 financial crisis. Finally, we estimated forward premium and we found large and rising premium and limited support for expectation theory.
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International standards for statistics on the government sector / Mezinárodní statistické standardy pro sektor vládních institucíValentová Půlpánová, Lenka January 2006 (has links)
The analysis of the government sector gained prominence after the World War II as the Keynesian theory attributed the government sector key importance in battling economic cycle and the post-war reconstruction and development involved state interventions on a large scale. In 1990s a strength-ened interest in the government sector was triggered by the need to coordinate fiscal policies and closely monitor fiscal health in the countries forming the Economic and Monetary Union. Finally, in the context of the recent global economic crisis, the government sector returned to the centre of the economic policy debate as fiscal policy was used as a main tool to fight the economic recession and subsequently sustainability of government finances became a pressing issue for many countries around the Globe. Increasing importance of the fiscal analysis and fiscal policymaking always generated and continues to generate demand for appropriate statistical data. The international statistical standards played a key role in meeting these requirements. This dissertation offers a comprehensive historical overview, a comparative analysis and evaluation of main internationally recognised statistical standards dealing with the government sector produced by the United Nations, the OECD, the European Communities (Eurostat), the IMF and the European Central Bank. It covers a period since the first international guidelines in late 1940s up to present. It analyses evolution of the statistical treatment of the government sector including its historical roots and gradual revisions and extensions to reflect changing needs and shifts in economic environment. The study compares individual standards with each other and across time and points out differences in basic definitions, concepts and classifications, the institutional coverage of the government sector, structure of government accounts and balancing items, integration of flow accounts with balance sheets and consolidation of transactions or stocks. The dissertation shows that the international statistical standards were successful in offering common statistical guidance, recommendations and best practices. The international organizations have proven to be well suited to deliver widely acknowledged standards. Their cooperation with national statistical agencies and engagement of the most competent experts in the field contributed to building credibility of these statistical systems, if properly applied. The comparative analysis also demonstrates a clear long-term effort of the international statistical community to enhance international harmonization. The application of the international statistical standards also improved quality and availability of government statistics as individual countries are in principle bound -- through their memberships in the international organizations -- to compile agreed data on the basis of a common methodology. This was in particular the case for EU countries for which provision of statistical data according to a given standard is legally binding, as the data are relevant for budgetary and surveillance procedures. As a special case, the history since early 1990s and current situation of statistics on the government sector in the Czech Republic is presented.
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Problém rovnosti a efektivnosti při realizaci vládních programů / The Problem of Equality and Efficiency in the Implementation of Government ProgrammesBenda, Vladislav January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this work is to show particular conditions and problems according to Equality and Effecciency of Government Progammes and offer possibilities how to solve them, improve them or alternatives to those problems on particular examples. Theoretical part of this work is at first about the role of Public Sector in the National Economy, reasons why is this sector involved in some parts of economy, especially in Healthcare Services. This part is followed by concepts of Efficiency evaluation of particular Government Programmes and theoretical concepts about Equality. Practical part is then aimed on Regulative charges introduced in the Healthcare Services in the Czech Republic.
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The impacts of fiscal developments on the yield curve / Vliv fiskální politiky na výnosovou křivkuVránová, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
The thesis analyzed the impacts of fiscal developments on the yield curve using quarterly data on the Czech economy over the period 2000:1 -- 2012:4. This thesis thoroughly reviewed the previous theoretical and empirical literature in order to sort out the rather inconclusive results of previous studies according to their main findings and implemented methodology. The empirical part consists of the estimation of the effects of budget deficits and government debt on the spread between the three-month and five-year interest rates, which closely reflects the effects of fiscal policy on the yield curve. The reduced-form equation was estimated by OLS. Since the estimated coefficients were not statistically significantly different from zero, this thesis did not confirm the conventional macroeconomic view of positive impacts on yields.
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Dopady finanční krize na vybrané segmenty ekonomiky ČR a na státní rozpočet / Impact of the financial crisis on selected segments of the Czech economy and the state budgetKučerová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problems of the global financial crisis and its impact on the Czech Republic since 2007 with a more specific focus on the period 2011 - 2013. The first part focuses on the definition of the financial crisis, to analyze its cause and also to the effects of crisis on the global economy and world financial markets. In the second part of the study evaluated the effects of crisis on the real economy of the Czech Republic in terms of selected indicators. The third part is devoted to expressions of crisis in the income and expenditure of the state budget, the budget deficit and government debt and the effect of crisis for the fulfillment of the Maastricht convergence criteria. The conclusion is devoted econometric modeling, which aims to prove the hypothesis that the work analyzes the selected indicators have influenced the development of indicators of ratio of government debt to the GDP and the proportion of public deficit to GDP in the period.
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THE COMPOSITION OF GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH / Struktura vládních výdajů a ekonomický růstVšetičková, Simona January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the effect of the government expenditure structure on the economic growth. The objective is to determine which components of public expenditures are growth enhancing and which growth retarding. The theoretical model is set into the endogenous growth framework and describes the growth mechanism of productive and unproductive government expenditures. The growth impact of public spending composition is analysed for 18 European countries from 1996 to 2012. The empirical part is based on the panel data analysis. The empirical findings suggest that reallocating public resources towards education and health can promote growth. Whereas, higher expenditures on spending and defence are likely to be growth-retarding.
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Politický marketing a politická komunikace jako nástroje vládní politiky / Political marketing and political communication as a tool of public policyKratochvíl, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The thesis Political marketing and political communication as a tool of government policy focuses on the topic of using political communication and political marketing by national government's and politicians. First part of thesis interduces theoretical framework for the political communication, political marketing, political public relations, permanent campaigns and branding. Second part focus on topic of govermental commnunication, third part of thesis interduces some case studies, primarily focused on the Czech Republic with an emphasis of the campaigns of the Government of the Czech Republic.
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Ekonomický dopad pandemie COVID-19 v čínských městech: Jak se lze poučit z pandemie SARS? / The Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chinese Cities: What Can We Learn from the SARS Pandemic?Zhang, Yueyue January 2022 (has links)
Using the quarterly and monthly data of ten representative cities in China from December 2000 to June 2021, this thesis describes the impact of COVID-19 on the urban economy, import and export, and quantifies the impact degree by panel data regression analysis. To explore the relationship between the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and urban categories, we distinguished different types of cities. The results show that COVID-19 has the most profound impact on coastal towns, followed by megacities. It is mainly due to the excessive dependence of coastal towns on import and export trade. We also understand the lagging effect of the pandemic on the economy by adding dummy variables representing the SARS pandemic. Facts have proved that while formulating related policies, the government has to consider the lagging effects of the impact of the pandemic on the economy. JEL Classification C51, I18, O47 Keywords COVID-19, pandemic, China, economy, import, export, government policies Title The Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chinese Cities What Can We Learn from the SARS Pandemic
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