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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Názory dospívajících na problematiku seniorů / Opinions of teens on the issues of seniors

Kosová, Magdaléna January 2015 (has links)
English abstract The thesis deals with the theoretical and the practical level, the views of adolescents on the issues of the elderly. Represents the characteristics of adolescence and its stages. Describes the basic physical, psychological, emotional and social changes of adolescence and their impact on this age period. Subsequently defines old age, aging, elderly, and the phase of old age. With regard to the stage of old age outlines the basic physical, psychological, and social changes in the period of old age. The third chapter focuses on the issue of the views and attitudes of the society on the elderly and the factors, which affects them. The fourth chapter describes the opinions and attitudes of adolescents to the elderly and the factors which influence. The third and the fourth chapter is enhanced by research with this issue. The final chapter consists of the research of the investigation describing the views of adolescents to the elderly. Research survey consists of ten lines with the selected issues of the elderly, dealing with the characteristics of the elderly, the expectations and concerns of the elderly, the advantages and disadvantages of the elderly, the work of the elderly, care for the elderly, living with seniors, the situation of today's older people benefit from contact with the senior...

Klima školní třídy / Climate in the classroom

Vacková, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Master's thesis "the climate of the school class" is divided into two parts - theoretical and empirical. Theoretical part deals with subject matter definition of school climate and subsequent analysis and characteristics of related areas. This is mainly an analysis of social class and school climate, mapping factors that contribute to the climate change. Conduction of the mechanisms involved in the formation of school climate closer to analysing in particular iterms of the actors, teachers and pupils. Furthermore, in this part of the work I explore the definition and description of approaches for investigating social climate with a brief analysis of the specific diagnostic methods. Part of the work is also a framework defining the results of current research activities of domestic and foreign research in the above mentioned area. Empirical part focuses on diagnosis of classrooms'climate at selected high schools in the region. Research is focused on mapping the climate changes with an emphasis on quantitative study through selected diagnostical methods. The aim of this part is to find out how the climate of the class differs at secondary technical schools and secondary vocational schools. Conclusion of the theoretical part is dedicated to the importance of the class climate, together with the...

Předpojatost, střed kultur, role ženy, národ a národnost v románech Ying Chen / Prejudice, Cultural Clash, Female Role, Nation and Nationaly in the Novels of Ying Chen

Navrátilová, Leona January 2012 (has links)
Ying Chen is a Canadian writer of Chinese origin who writes in French. In her novels, she investigates immigration which is closely connected with displacement and the loss of one's original identity. Her literary work is primarily aimed at the North American readership so she includes a lot of details of historical events and social facts about China. Ying Chen belongs to the group of authors who are labelled as immigrant writers. The majority of her literary work centres around the recurring themes of nationalism, feminism, imagination and immigration, which can lead to a loss of original identity. Ying Chen investigates whether a person can exchange his identity, that which was given to him by his parents, with a new one. In her second published novel, L'Ingratitude, Ying Chen speaks through the character of the dominant mother and says: "A person without parents is miserable, like a people without history." With these words she indicates the impossibility of exchanging one's nationhood, national history, and identity. We need to accept who we are, and she emphasises this fact in her novel, Immobile, saying, "I am myself."

Orientální tanec v kontextu západní a arabské islámské společnosti / Belly Dance in the Context of the Western and Arab Islamic Societies

Středová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Belly Dance in the Context of the Western and Arab Islamic Societies The present work deals with the development and social status of the belly dance and professional belly dancers in the Arab Islamic society and examines to which extent that status was influenced by the West and how the belly dance made its way to the Western culture. The work concentrates on the 19 th and 20 th centuries with a special focus on Egypt as a centre of the belly dancing. This work is supplemented with a questionnaire, the results of which depict the development of the social status of the belly dance and dancers in the Arab society at the beginning of the 21 st century.

Ozvěny Ovidiových Proměn / Echoes of Ovid's Metamorphoses

Stašová, Ema January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study is to compare selected episodes of Ovid's Metamorphoses with three works of modern literature containing the theme of metamorphosis, and to follow their intertextual relations, dependency and innovation of Ovidian themes. On the basis of a comparison of the ancient and the modern text it is examined which motives remain constant during centuries and which, on the contrary, are evolving and shifting their meanings. Through the perspective of the Metamorphoses an attempt is made to interpret the works from a less usual angle. The most significant Ovidian characters that are examined in this study are Teiresias, Daphne, Hyacinth, Orpheus, Ceres, Icarus, Callisto and Io.

Modelování přírodních katastrof v pojišťovnictví / Modelling natural catastrophes in insurance

Varvařovský, Václav January 2009 (has links)
Quantification of risks is one of the pillars of the contemporary insurance industry. Natural catastrophes and their modelling represents one of the most important areas of non-life insurance in the Czech Republic. One of the key inputs of catastrophe models is a spatial dependence structure in the portfolio of an insurance company. Copulas represents a more general view on dependence structures and broaden the classical approach, which is implicitly using the dependence structure of a multivariate normal distribution. The goal of this work, with respect to absence of comprehensive monographs in the Czech Republic, is to provide a theoretical basis for use of copulas. It focuses on general properties of copulas and specifics of two most commonly used families of copulas -- Archimedean and elliptical. The other goal is to quantify difference between the given copula and the classical approach, which uses dependency structure of a multivariate normal distribution, in modelled flood losses in the Czech Republic. Results are largely dependent on scale of losses in individual areas. If the areas have approximately a "tower" structure (i.e., one area significantly outweighs others), the effect of a change in the dependency structure compared to the classical approach is between 5-10% (up and down depending on a copula) at 99.5 percentile of original losses (a return period of once in 200 years). In case that all areas are approximately similarly distributed the difference, owing to the dependency structure, can be up to 30%, which means rather an important difference when buying the most common form of reinsurance -- an excess of loss treaty. The classical approach has an indisputable advantage in its simplicity with which data can be generated. In spite of having a simple form, it is not so simple to generate Archimedean copulas for a growing number of dimensions. For a higher number of dimensions the complexity of data generation greatly increases. For above mentioned reasons it is worth considering whether conditions of 2 similarly distributed variables and not too high dimensionality are fulfilled, before general forms of dependence are applied.

Zájmy a využívání volného času dívkami ve výchovném ústavu v porovnání s jejich vrstevnicemi vyrůstajícími v rodinném prostředí (navštěvujícími učiliště nebo střední odbornou školu) / Hobbies and leisure time of girls in educational institution in comparison with their peers attending school or high school

DREVIANKOVÁ, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is divided into two main parts. The first theoretical part consists of 8 chapters and informs of main topics, on which is based the research in the second part. The chapters are as follows: 1) Characteristics of adolescence age; 2) Definition of leisure; 3) Education outside the classroom; 4) Family; 5) The school as an institution acting on adolescent leisure; 6) Behavioral disorders; 7) The legal basis for the issue of spare time and 8) Juveniles in an educational institute. The main chapters are further divided into subsections, which are in some cases divided into more chapters. In the second practical part are set research objectives and hypotheses based on previous theoretical part. The use of research methods is justified and it also describes the research sample. The validity of the hypotheses was tested by research techniques of the questionnaire, the complementary technique was the interview. The research was focused on mapping the interest of girls living in the Reformatory and girls growing up in a family environment, attending secondary vocational school or vocational school and finding out what are their strongest patterns. It was found that the interests of the compared groups of girls compared to expectations do not differ significantly.

Puberta v rodině / Teenager in the family.

LUKÁČOVÁ, Romana January 2017 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the period of individual adolescence. It presents definitions of adolescence as well as describes physical, psychical, and social changes relevant to the period. It also includes developmental and psychological theories concerning this period. The case study is focused on a family which experienced the puberty of their children. It examines the period within the context of family relationships. It then asks what puberty symptoms are characteristic and how puberty affected relationships among family members and relationships with the social environment.

Křesťanská tematika v díle Jaroslava Durycha / Christian topics in novels of Jaroslav Durych

KOFROŇOVÁ, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The work deals with Christian themes in the works Durych. Processing was done by theoretical research. Firstly, it deals with the life of the author, then historical and cultural context of that time. There are also included other representatives of Catholic literature after the first World War. Another part is devoted to analysis Durych´s works specifically Bloudění, Rekviem, Služebníci neužiteční, Masopust, Boží duha and Sedmikráska. It is also taken in to account to the artist's correspondence with Jakub Deml and theoretical works of Jaroslav Med and Martin C. Putna.

Žák na 1. stupni ZŠ a svět pohádek / Primary school pupil and the world of fairy tales

NOVOTNÁ, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis has been focused on the relationship of pupils in the 1. -3. grade of elementary school to the contemporary fairy tales. The theoretical part of my work is focused on the fairy tale as a genre (classic folk and modern fairy tale), on the media influence of the fairy tale, on its current status, development trends, the influence of recipient etc. My work has an investigative character too. It has been focused on the reading behavior of pupils, their behavior, the influence of family and school, on the development of reading, respectively focusing on this genre, on the influence of media etc. Based on questionnaires and interviews with pupils and their parents I will try to capture the current status. The research results are compared with the theoretical part and are supported with the attachment. The results are interpreted in the conclusion.

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