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Precision Measurement of High Direct Voltagede Tourreil, Claude 10 1900 (has links)
<p> This thesis describes a new method to measure high direct voltage of the range of 100 KV to 200 KV with very high accuracy. The principle, based on the capacitive divider method, is presented in the first part. </p> <p>This thesis is, however, principally concerned with the design of the low voltage capacitor of the divider and its accuracy. The investigations made lead to an instrument having the accuracy required, which is 0.1 parts per million. </p> / Thesis / Master of Engineering (MEngr)
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Developing Verification Models for Corona Discharge Suppression in High Voltage Capacitor BanksJavadi, Mohammadjavad January 2020 (has links)
Due to the universal considerable population and economic growth rate, demands for energy have risen significantly over the past decade. This means that the integration of renewable energies in the power grid has escalated as well as requests for reactive power compensation, voltage stability, and mitigation of harmonic filters. Capacitor banks are widely used in the modern electrical transmission system in order to improve power quality and efficiency. In other words, this device aims to be involved in harmonic disturbance elimination, improve the power factor (PF), provide voltage control and stability which leads into more sustainable energy systems. Utilizing high voltage components, such as shunt capacitors in the power grid can introduce new challenges. One of these challenges is known as corona discharge. The aim of the presented master thesis is to study and develop corona discharge suppression models on high voltage capacitor banks which is implemented in collaboration with ABB power grids, Sweden. The main concerns are, effective factors on corona emergence, corona inception voltage levels, and corona suppression methods. Also, this study evaluates the verification of existing suppression. Two various approaches were applied and compared. The aim of the first approach is to evaluate corona discharge by electric field calculations on three various capacitor banks with different voltage levels. The simulation was implemented based on Maxwell’s equations and finite element method (FEM) by utilizing COMSOL Multiphysics software. The second approach is based on streamer inception and propagation. The calculation on this method is fulfilled with the help of MATLAB software. The results of both approaches were found reasonably compatible. It is discovered that corona discharge can appear in different voltage levels on capacitor banks based on various factors, such as the geometry of the bank. Consequently, the suppression method may vary case by case and different proposals were suggested in order to optimize the corona suppression rings. / På grund av den allmänna betydande befolknings- och ekonomiska tillväxttakten har kraven på energi ökat markant under det senaste decenniet. Detta innebär att integrationen av förnybara energier i elnätet har eskalerat samt begäran om reaktiv effektkompensering, spänningsstabilitet och mildring av harmoniska filter. kondensatorbatterier används ofta i det moderna elektriska transmissionssystemet för att förbättra strömkvaliteten och effektiviteten. Med andra ord syftar denna enhet till att vara involverad i eliminering av harmonisk störning, förbättra effektfaktorn (PF), tillhandahålla spänningskontroll och stabilitet som leder till mer hållbara energisystem. Att använda högspänningskomponenter, som shuntkondensatorer i elnätet, kan skapa nya utmaningar. En av dessa utmaningar kallas korona-urladdning. Syftet med den presenterade masteruppsatsen är att studera och utveckla korona-urladdningsmodeller på högspännings-kondensatorbatterier som implementeras i samarbete med ABB Power Grids, Sverige. De viktigaste problemen är effektiva faktorer för korona uppkomst, spänningsnivåer korona och metoder för att underlätta korona. Dessutom utvärderar denna studie verifieringen av befintliga undertryckningsmetoder. Två olika tillvägagångssätt tillämpades och jämfördes. Syftet med det första tillvägagångssättet är att utvärdera korona-urladdning genom elektriska fältberäkningar på tre olika kondensatorbatterier med olika spänningsnivåer. Simuleringen implementerades baserat på Maxwells ekvationer och finita elementmetoden (FEM) genom att använda COMSOL Multiphysics programvara. Det andra tillvägagångssättet är baserat på strömningslinjernas början och utbredning. Beräkningen av denna metod genomförs med hjälp av MATLAB-programvaran. Resultaten från båda metoderna tycktes vara rimligt kompatibla. Det upptäcks att korona-urladdning kan förekomma i olika spänningsnivåer på kondensatorbatterier baserat på olika faktorer, till exempel batteriets geometri. Följaktligen kan undertryckningsmetoden variera från fall till fall och olika förslag föreslogs för att optimera koronaundertryckningsringarna.
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Diagnostika vysokonapěťových kondenzátorů pro kaskádní napěťový násobič / Diagnosis of high voltage capacitors for cascade voltage multiplierBaev, Dmitriy January 2017 (has links)
The main subject of the final thesis is to find a suitable method for measuring the partial discharge (PD) in the dielectric of high-voltage capacitor. In the theoretical part of my thesis contains from the mechanisms of origin and the harmful effects of partial discharge at high voltage insulation of capacitor. It describes the global galvanic method of partial discharge measurement, the principle of cascade voltage multiplier, its main components are high-voltage capacitor and diode, facilities quality measurement of capacitors for voltage multipliers, advantages and disadvantages and principles of HIPOTRONICS DDX-8003 with the pulse discrimination system. In the experimental part of the diploma thesis is familiar with the diagnostics of high – voltage capacitors by means of laboratory measurements on the electronic bridge and with the help of partial discharge measurement system. Design of suitable electrode arrangement is described which eliminates the influence of corona which makes it impossible to measure partial discharges and the dissipation factor (tg ). Analysis data from measurement and determination of quality level, eventual degradation of measured capacitors. The result of this project should be designed the methodology for finding of poor – quality capacitors in order to increase the reliability of the voltage multiplier.
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Diagnostika vysokonapěťových kondenzátorů pro kaskádní napěťový násobič / Diagnosis of high voltage capacitors for cascade voltage multiplierBaev, Dmitriy January 2017 (has links)
The main subject of the final thesis is to find a suitable method for measuring the partial discharge (PD) in the dielectric of high-voltage capacitor. In the theoretical part of thesis contains from the mechanisms of origin and the harmful effects of partial discharge at high voltage insulation of capacitor. It describes the global galvanic method of partial discharge measurement, the principle of cascade voltage multiplier, its main components (high-voltage capacitor and diode). Nowadays are presented the possibilities of measuring the quality of capacitors for voltage multipliers. In the experimental part of the diploma thesis is familiar with the diagnostics of high – voltage capacitors by means of laboratory measurements on the electronic bridge and with the help of partial discharge measurement system. It describes the design of a suitable electrode arrangement that eliminates the influence of the corona, which makes it impossible to measure partial discharges and the dissipation factor tg . The thesis analyzes the obtained data from measurements and determines the quality level or the degradation of the measured capacitors. The result of the project should be designed the methodology for finding poor quality capacitors in order to increase the reliability of the voltage multiplier.
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