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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Vuforia SDK and Unity3D Game Engine : Evaluating Performance on Android Devices

Grahn, Ivar January 2017 (has links)
This paper evaluates major features of PTC’s augmented reality SDK Vuforia, available for Android, iOS and the Unity3D game engine. The performance of these features are evaluated in terms of frame rate and power consumption and the testing prototypes are developed using Unity3D. Augmented reality is a rapidly growing medium and the Vuforia SDK is very popular with over 325 000 registered developers and thousands of published applications. Despite being used to such extents, there are surprisingly few works evaluating different aspects of its performance. This paper provides an introduction to augmented reality and describes the technology used by the Vuforia SDK to deliver said features. This paper shows that Vuforia is capable of maintaining sufficient performance with interactive frame rates over 20 Hz in most cases. The power consumption of these features reduces the battery lifetime to acceptable levels, suitable for hand-held devices. In some cases, however, the performance in terms of frame rate reaches levels lower than recommended. These cases should be considered by developers looking to use Vuforia.

Evaluation of augmented reality technology for the demonstration of KIA EV6

Madhavan, Alphonsa Mary Alexander, Yaddula, Bhavya January 2022 (has links)
Ever thought of going through the features of the car by sitting in your own space. To make the users’ lives easier, the implementation of one such application which shows the feature of the car by sitting in your workspace. With the help of this application, the user can save a lot of time, and money. To have access to this application the user needs two things, one is the image of the car which in general will be provided in the pamphlet of the car company. The other will be the application through which the image is scanned and the features of the car are viewed through the application. The application used here is made by using the most sophisticated technology known as “Augmented reality”.

Användbarhetsstudie om förstärkt verklighet inom elektronisk komponenttillverkning

Roghe, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
Augmented Reality är ett brett fält med många olika användningsområden. Det hargjorts flera studier om hur AR kan hjälpa oss att lösa olika arbetsuppgifter på ett effektivare sätt samt att det ingjuter självsäkerhet hos användaren som utför en uppgiftmed hjälp av AR. AR har även letat sig in i tillverkningsindustrin som gör det möjligtför ingenjörer att följa en arbetsprocess med hjälp av AR.Kretskort som är en del av ett system som gör det möjligt för oss att exempelvis ha tillgång till datorer och mobiltelefoner och behöver ibland felsökas. Elektronikingenjörerbehöver ibland identifiera testpunkter och komponenter i den krets på kretskortet somska felsökas. Detta kan underlättas med AR. I denna studie kommer ett experimentatt genomförs för att se om kretskort kan lämpa sig väl som ett Marker-based target.Marker-based target är en bild som möjliggör objektspårning för exempelvis en Head-mounted display, i detta fall en HoloLens. Här efter kommer Marker-based target attbenämnas som mönsterbaserad bild.Experimentet kommer att genomföras med en testgrupp om 10 personer där samtliga kommer att få testa att använda en HoloLens i syftet att lokalisera komponentereller testpunkter på ett kretskort. Detta kommer sedan att jämföras med en traditionell metod genom att identifiera samma komponenter eller testpunkter med en PDF.Testpersonerna kommer även att få svara på en enkät som tittar på om denna metodlämpar sig för att identifiera komponenter med hjälp av AR. En applikation kommeratt skapas som möjliggör att implementera metoden och att testpersonerna kommerkunna använda ett gränssnitt i lokaliseringsprocessen. Resultatet visar att med HoloLensen i jämförelse med traditionella metoden är nästan likvärdig tidsmässigt för attlokalisera komponenter men att vanan av användandet av HoloLensen hade inflytandepå resultatet. / Augmented Reality is an broad field with many different areas of applications. Therehave been several studies on how AR can help us solve various tasks in a more efficientway and that it instills self-confidence in the user who performs a task with the help of AR. AR has also found its way into the manufacturing industry, which enables engineers to follow a work process with the help of AR. For example circuit boards that arepart of a system that makes it possible for us to have access to computers and mobilephones, does sometimes need to undergo troubleshooting process by engineers duringmanufacture.Electronics engineers sometimes need to identify test points and components on thecircuit board that needs troubleshooting. AR can help in this process. In this study, anexperiment will be conducted to see if circuit boards can be well suited as a marker-based target. Marker-based target is an image that enables object tracking for examplewith a Head-mounted display, in this case a HoloLens.The experiment will be conducted with a test group of 10 people where all will beallowed to test a HoloLens in order to locate components or test points on a circuitboard. This method will then be compared to a traditional method by identifying thesame components or test points with a PDF. The test persons will also have to answer aquestionnaire that looks at whether this method is suitable for identifying componentsusing AR. An application will be created that implements the method and that the testpersons will be able to use in the localization process. The results show that the traditional method in comparison with the HoloLens is equivalent for locating components,but the habit of using HoloLens had an influence on the result.

Aplikace rozšířené reality v údržbě výrobních strojů / Application of augmented reality in maintenance of production machines

Blaha, Jan January 2020 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with the design of an augmented reality application for production machine maintenance. The thesis consists of two parts: the theoretical and the design part. The first part of the thesis summarizes the subject matter of augmented reality from a general point of view. It also includes an overview of leading manufacturers. The practical part of the thesis deals with application design. It contains the thought process from the database creation to the final prototype. Several possible solutions are listed, and the most suitable one is selected. The conclusion of the thesis contains a discussion of the results obtained, and practical recommendations for future uses.

Dynamic Mixed Reality AssemblyGuidance Using Optical Recognition Methods

Guðjónsdóttir, Harpa Hlíf, Ólafsson, Gestur Andrei January 2022 (has links)
Mixed Reality (MR) is an emerging paradigm in industry. While MR equipment and software have taken great technological strides in past years, standardized methods and workflows for developing MR systems for industry have not been widely adopted for many tasks. This thesis proposes a dynamic MR system for an assembly process. Optical recognition methods are explored to drive the application logic. The systemis developed using the Unity platform for the HoloLens 2. The software tools Vuforia Engine and Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) are utilized. The project work concludes with an application capable of guiding users using graphics and audio. Successful methods are realized for calibrating the application logic for dynamic object positions,as well as for validating user actions. Experiments are conducted to validate the system. Subjects complete a different assembly process using paper instructions as guidance before using the MR application. Qualitative results regarding the MR experience are obtained through a questionnaire subjects answer, where the experience using paper instructions serves as a benchmark. Data obtained from an experienced user completing the assembly process is used as a quantitative benchmark for system performance measures. All subjects were able to complete the assembly tasks correctly using the MR application. Results show significantly better system performance for the experienced user compared to subjects unfamiliar with the MR system. Vuforia Engine recognition tools successfully tracked individual components that meet a specific criterion. Methods for validating user actions using Vuforia Engine software tools and the HoloLens’s internal hand tracking capabilities resulted in a high validation success rate. The thesis concludes effective training methods for the specific assembly scenario, although not robust for general implementation. / Mixed Reality (MR) är ett framväxande paradigm inom industrin. Medan tillbehör och programvara för MR har gjort enorma framsteg under det senaste decenniet, har standardiserade metoder och arbetsflöden för utveckling av MR applikationer i industriella kontexter inte använts i lika stor utsträckning. Det här examensarbetet utvecklar och proponerar en dynamisk MR applikation för en monteringsprocess. Optiska valideringsmetoder utforskas för att använda applikationen. Applikationen är utvecklad med hjälp av Unity game engine för HoloLens 2. Programvaran Vuforia Engine och MRTK är utnyttjad. Projektarbetet resulterade i en applikation som kan vägleda användare med hjälp av ljud och grafik. Framgångsrika metoder implementerades för att kalibrera applikationslogiken av dynamisk objektspositionering, samt för att validera användarens rörelser. Ett experiment utfördes för att validera MR applikationen där deltagare genomförde en monteringsprocess med hjälp av pappersinstruktioner, vilket används som ett kvalitativt riktmärke. Mätningar av en erfaren applikationsanvändare har använts som ett kvantitativt riktmärke för mätning av systemmässigt utförande. Alla deltagare kunde utföra monteringsuppgifterna korrekt med hjälp av MR applikationen. Resultaten visar betydligt bättre utförande för den erfarna användaren jämfört med personer som inte är bekanta med MR systemet. Spårning av enskilda objekt med hjälp av Vuforia Engine igenkänningsverktyg var framgångsrikt för komponenter som uppfyller ett specifikt kriterium. Metoder för att validera användarens rörelser med programvaran Vuforia Engine samt HoloLens interna handspårningsfunktion gav mycket framgångsrika resultat vid validering. Sammanfattningsvis kom studien fram till effektiva upplärningsmetoder för det här monteringsscenariot, även om de inte var robusta nog för generell implementering.

Augmented Reality for Product Packaging : An Android Augmented Reality App

Nikobonyadrad, Sam January 2012 (has links)
Augmented Reality for smartphones, while still in its initial stages, has a great potential in relation to the future path of mobile marketing and has already shown significant market presence thus far. However, Augmented Reality is an almost new concept, but its basis and techniques have been used for years. By generating enthusiasm in the retail market, Augmented Reality presents many opportunities. Simulating virtual interaction in real-time for an unknown product, encourages customers to experience an advertisement. The sense enhancement that Augmented Reality provides over a real-world environment, might be either the result of the device's location or the environmental images surrounding the device. The latter is called vision Augmented Reality. This study aims to develop a vision-based Augmented Reality application for Android platforms. The idea is based on a proposal offered by a ProductPackaging company, which would like to develop a smartphone application in order to provide shoppers an idea regarding what is inside the package. However, this is only one of the numerous advantages that AR brings and the benefits of this technology appears to be almost limitless in relation toincreasing productivity for customers. Once the goal has been achieved, the application can be used to provide relevant information about the product suchas physical specification, ingredients, animated instruction manual, repair wizard and so on. The main focus of the entire implementation is on integrating an existing ARSDK and a Java rendering library so that they can cooperate together. In addition, the fundamentals associated with the Image Registration process, which is the basis of Augmented Reality, are addressed. Both the advantages and drawbacks of the implementation model are discussed in this paper as arethe problematic issues surrounding the execution steps.

Interactive Mobile Augmented Reality For Fitness Activities

Koech, Irene January 2020 (has links)
Augmented reality (AR) has revolutionized the way people view the real world, AR has been used across a range of sectors. Recently, researchers examined the possibilities for improving user experience with augmented reality. However, there are few studies on adoption of AR users' interactions with online data resources. The aim of this study is proposing a mobile augmented reality interface for users to interact and engage with online data. The prototype is based on the framework of a PEAR (Public Engagement Augmented Reality) initiative for further AR development. PEAR framework provides an AR extension and enables users to engage with online information through AR representation [1]. This prototype was developed and implemented using Unity game engines C# and Vuforia SDK on the front-end, both NodeJS servers with MongoDB were used on the back-end. The prototype was tested and then used in a 2-week user study to analyse and validate the framework.

Implementation of Augmented Reality applications to recognize Automotive Vehicle using Microsoft HoloLens : Performance comparison of Vuforia 3-D recognition and QR-code recognition Microsoft HoloLens applications

Putta, Advaith January 2019 (has links)
Context. Volvo Construction Equipment is planning to use Microsoft Hololens as a tool for the on-site manager to keep a track on the automotive machines and obtain their corresponding work information. For that, a miniature site has been build at PDRL BTH consisting of three different automotive vehicles. We are developing Augmented Reality applications for Microsoft Hololens to recognize these automotive vehicles. There is a need to identify the most feasible recognition method that can be implemented using Microsoft Hololens. Objectives. In this study, we investigate which among the Vuforia 3-D recognition method and the feasible method is best suited for the Microsoft Hololens and we also find out the maximum distance at which an automotive vehicle can be recognized by the Microsoft Hololens. Methods. In this study, we conducted a literature review and the number of articles has been reviewed for IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, Google Scholar and Scopus sources. Seventeen articles were selected for review after reading their titles and abstracts of articles obtained from the search. Two experiments were performed to find out the best recognition method of the Microsoft Hololens and the maximum distance at which an automotive vehicle can be recognized by the Microsoft Hololens. Results. QR-code recognition method is the best recognition method to be used by Microsoft Hololens for recognizing automotive vehicles in the range of one to two feet and Vuforia 3-D recognition method is recommended for more than two feet distance. Conclusions. We conclude that the QR-code recognition method is suitable for recognizing vehicles in the close range (1-2 feet) and Vuforia 3-D object recognition is suitable for recognition for distance over two feet. These two methods are different from each other. One used the 3-D scan of the vehicle to recognize the vehicle and the other uses image recognition (using unique QR-codes). We covered effect of distance on the recognition capability of the application and a lot of work has to be done in terms of how does the QR-code size effects the maximum distance at which an automotive vehicle can be recognized. We conclude that there is a need for further experimentation in order to find out the impact of QR-code size on the maximum recognition distance.

Programování robotických akcí v rozšířené realitě / Robot Programming in Augmented Reality

Sabela, David January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis was to develop an application, which would allow its users to program robotic actions with the help the augmented reality. The application is of demonstrative character and is made with the goal of intuitive handling and good integration of the augmented reality. This experimental application enables users to design a program for a robot using visual instructions, conditions and links and to test it by visualizing the passage through the program. The application is implemented with the use of Unity3D and the AR Foundation technology. The result was tested by a group of volunteers, whose feedback can be considered generally positive.

Augmented Reality in CAVE / Augmented Reality in CAVE

Kolčárek, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na technologii Cave Automatic Virtual Environment a konkrétně pak na využití principů rozšířené reality v tomto prostředí. Dává si za cíl odpovědět na otázku, zdali je možné použít v prostředí CAVE existující frameworky pro rozšířenou realitu, konkrétně ty, pracující na platformě iOS. Hlavní důraz je kladen na rozpoznávání markerů v tomto prostředí a na zvýšení přesnosti jejich rozpoznání. Práce odpovídá na množství otázek z této oblasti, jako jaké markery je vhodné použít, jaké jsou omezení a největší obtíže. Výstupem je demonstrační aplikace, pracující na platformě iOS, která v je prostředí CAVE otestovaná a plně použitelná. Tato aplikace by měla vylepšit uživatelský vjem z prostředí CAVE tím, že mu poskytne dodatečné informace a také základní možnosti interakce se zobrazenými objekty.

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