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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Volcanostratigraphy using geophysical methods on La Fossa di Vulcano (S-Italy)

Gehring, Iris. January 2001 (has links)
Würzburg, Univ., Diss., 2002. / Computerdatei im Fernzugriff.

Volcanostratigraphy using geophysical methods on La Fossa di Vulcano (S-Italy)

Gehring, Iris. January 2001 (has links)
Würzburg, Univ., Diss., 2002. / Computerdatei im Fernzugriff.

Volcanostratigraphy using geophysical methods on La Fossa di Vulcano (S-Italy)

Gehring, Iris. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Würzburg, University, Diss., 2002.

Volcanostratigraphy using geophysical methods on La Fossa di Vulcano (S-Italy) / Vulkanostratigraphie mit geophysikalischen Methoden an La Fossa di Vulcano (S-Italien)

Gehring, Iris January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
For many active volcanoes all over the world a civil protection program, normally combined with hazard maps, exists. Optimising of hazard maps and the associated hazard assessment implies a detailed knowledge of the volcanostratigraphy, because the deposits provoke information on the potential behaviour during a new activity cycle. Pyroclastic deposits, however, may vary widely in thickness and distribution over very short lateral distances. High resolution characterisation of single strata often cannot be archived, if solely sedimentological and geochemical methods are used. Gamma-ray measurements taken in the field combined with grain-size depended magnetic susceptibility measurements made in the laboratory are used in this work to optimise the resolution of volcanostratigraphic investigations. The island of Vulcano is part of the Aeolian Archipelago sited of the northern coast of Sicily. La Fossa cone is the active centre of Vulcano, where fumarolic and seismic activity can be observed. The cone was built up during the last 6,000 years, whereby the last eruption period is dated to historic times (1888-1890). For the tuff cone La Fossa the most likely volcanic hazards are the emplacement of pyroclastic deposits as well as gas hazards (especially SOx and CO2), due to this the detailed knowledge of the stratigraphy is mandatory. Most of the population resides in Vulcano Porto and the nearby sited peninsula of Vulcanello, which are highly endangered locations for a future eruption scenario. Measurements, made in standard outcrops, allow a characterisation of the successions Punte Nere, Tufi Varicolori, Palizzi, Commenda, and Cratere Attuale. A discrimination of all successions by solely one of the methods is rarely possible. In some cases, however, the combination of the methods leads to clear results. It can also be noticed that the exposition as well as the sedimentation type (wet-surge or dry-surge deposits) affect the measurements. In general it can be assumed that the higher the magma is evolved the higher the g -ray values and the lower the susceptibility values. Measurements from the Wingertsberg (Laacher See deposits, Eifel, W-Germany) show clearly that a higher degree of magma evolution correlates with lower susceptibility and higher gamma-ray values. Variations of the values can be observed not only by the change of the degree of magmatic evolution but also by the inhomogeneous deposition conditions. Particularly the gamma-ray measurements show lower values for the wet-surge deposits than for the dry-surge deposits, even though the erupted material has the same geochemical composition. This can be explained especially by reactions inside of the moist eruption cloud and short-time after deposition, when easily soluble elements like K, U, and Th can be leached by these aggressive fluids. Even extended exposition and high water content can provoke depletion of various elements within the complete or parts of the outcrop, too. If the deposits are affected by a fumarolic activity especially the susceptibility values show significant variations, whereas in general extreme low values are observed. Contamination of deposits also can occur, if they are overlain by weathered deposits of higher concentration of K, U, and Th. Weathering and mobilisation within the upper deposits can generate an element enrichment within the lower deposits. In general the element ratios of the barried underlying deposits are less affected than the exposed ones. After gauging the values of the well defined succession for standard outcrops undefined outcrops were measured. These outcrops are not clearly classified by sedimentological and geochemical methods, thus a correlation with the combined geophysical methods is useful. In general the combination of the methods allows a correlation, although in some cases more than one interpretation is possible. But in connection with time marker horizons as well as sedimentological features an interpretation is feasible. These situations show that a classification solely based on geophysical methods is possible for many cases but, if the volcanic system is more complex, a combination with sedimentological and geochemical methods may be needed. The investigations on Vulcano, documented in this work, recommend a re-interpretation of the dispersial of some successions of La Fossa cone, especially the presumption that Tufi Varicolori only exist inside of the Caldera of La Fossa. As a consequence the eruption and energy model especially for Tufi Varicolori have to be reviewed. / An den zahlreichen aktiven Vulkanen auf der Erde existiert häufig ein Programm zum Zivilschutz in Kombination mit hazard maps. Die Optimierung von hazard maps und dem damit verbundenen hazard assessement setzt eine detaillierte Kenntnis der Vulkanostratigraphie voraus, da die Ablagerungen Aufschlüsse über ein potentielles Verhalten bei erneuter Aktivität zulassen. Eine detaillierte Stratigraphie pyroklastischen Ablagerungen ist nicht immer eindeutig, da die Verbreitung der Ablagerungen sehr inhomogen sein kann und häufig ein lateraler Fazieswechsel zu beobachten ist. Die Charakterisierung einzelner Horizonte und Einheiten aufgrund von geochemischen und sedimentologischen Untersuchungen ist nicht immer eindeutig. Mit Hilfe von Gamma-ray-Messungen vor Ort und Untersuchungen der korngrößenabhängigen Suszeptibilität wird in dieser Arbeit versucht die Auflösung der Vulkanostratigraphie zu verbessern. Vulcano gehört zur Inselgruppe der Äolischen Inseln vor der Nordküste von Sizilien. Das derzeit aktive Zentrum, La Fossa cone, zeigt heute vorwiegend fumarolische und seismische Aktivität. Hierbei ist zu beachten, daß die letzte große Eruptionsphase in historischer Zeit stattfand (1888-1890). Aufgrund der Geschichte von La Fossa cone, welche vor rund 6000 Jahren begann, kann man vermuten, daß die aktive Phase noch nicht abgeschlossen ist und weitere Eruptionen folgen können. La Fossa cone ist ein Tuffkegel, dessen größte Gefahr, neben der fumarolischen Aktivität (erhöhte Gehalte an SOx und CO2), besonders in der Bildung und Ablagerung von pyroklastischen Strömen liegt, daher ist eine genaue Kenntnis der Stratigraphie unabdingbar. Der Hauptort der Insel, Vulcano Porto, liegt am Fuß von La Fossa cone und ist somit bei einem Ausbruch extrem gefährdet. Hier und auf der angrenzenden Halbinsel Vulcanello hält sich während der Hauptsaison der Großteil der bis zu 9000 Personen (inklusive Tagestouristen) auf der Insel auf. Die Kombination der geophysikalischen Methoden hat sich innerhalb der Standardaufschlüsse von Vulcano als geeignete Methode erwiesen, um die bisher definierten Einheiten: Punte Nere, Tufi Varicolori, Palizzi, Commenda und Cratere Attuale voneinander zu unterscheiden. Dabei ist es allerdings wichtig die beiden Methoden zu kombinieren, da nicht alle Einheiten nur anhand von einer Methode zu unterscheiden sind. Auch hat sich gezeigt, daß die jeweilige Exposition wie auch der Ablagerungstyp - wet-surge oder dry-surge Ablagerung - die Werte der Messungen beeinflussen können. Allgemein gilt, je stärker das Magma differenziert ist umso geringer sind die zu erwartenden Suszeptibilitätswerte und umso höher die zu erwartenden Gamma-ray-Werte. Dies konnte in Vergleichsmessungen am Wingertsberg (Laacher See Ablagerungen, Eifel, W-Deutschland) recht gut beobachtet werden. Solche Ergebnisse sind deutlich bei gleichen Ablagerungsbedingungen zu erkennen, treten jedoch sowohl wet- wie auch dry-surge Ablagerungen auf, so beobachtet man häufig, daß wet-surge Ablagerungen geringere Werte zeigen - besonders für die Gamma-ray-Messungen - als diejenigen von dry-surge Ablagerungen des gleichen Ausgangsmaterial. Dies ist vor allem auf Reaktionen des Materials innerhalb der "feuchten" Eruptionswolke und des pyroklastischen Stromes (wet-surge Ablagerungen) zurückzuführen, bei denen es zu einer Abreicherung unter anderem von K, U, und Th kommen kann. Auch kurz nach der Ablagerung können bevorzugt Alterationsprozesse auftreten. Eine starke Exposition oder auch eine erhöhte Feuchtigkeit führen häufig zur Abreicherung verschiedener Elemente innerhalb des Aufschlusses. Hiervon sind besonders die Werte von Gamma-ray-Messungen betroffen. An Orten fumarolischer Aktivität ist eine signifikante Änderung der Suszeptibilitätswerte zu beobachten, stark betroffene Bereiche zeigen häufig extrem geringe Suszeptibilitätswerte. Überlagerung von Einheiten mit hohen Konzentrationen an K, U, und Th kann bei der Verwitterung dieser Lagen eine Kontamination der darunterliegenden Bereiche zur Folge haben. Diese zeigen dann deutlich erhöhte Elementkonzentrationen - im Gegensatz zu den Durchschnittswerten - wobei aber das Verhältnis der Elemente oft nicht signifikant verändert wird. Nach einer Eichung anhand der Standardprofile wurden Aufschlüsse mit einer nicht immer eindeutigen Zuordnung - durch die "klassischen" sedimentologischen und geochemischen Methoden - bearbeitet. Hierbei zeigte sich, daß die Kombination der beiden geophysikalischen Methoden durchaus eine Charakterisierung erlaubt. Dabei wurde allerdings auch deutlich, daß eine Korrelation durch die kombinierten geophysikalischen Methoden zwar sinnvoll ist, jedoch stellenweise verschiedene Interpretationen möglich sind, daher ist es sicherlich von Vorteil, wenn zur Charakterisierung auch die "klassischen" Methoden hinzugezogen werden. Von besonderem Vorteil erwiesen sich bei den Untersuchungen Zeitmarkerhorizonte, durch welche häufig mehrdeutige Interpretationen geklärt werden konnten. Anhand der Untersuchungen konnten, in dieser Arbeit, nun erstmals die, bisher nur innerhalb der Caldera von La Fossa bekannten, Tufi Varicolori auch außerhalb der Caldera identifiziert werden. Dieser Umstand gibt Anlaß die bisherigen Modelle für den Eruptionsmechanismus und das Energieschema der Tufi Varicolori Eruptionen zu überarbeiten, da für die Überwindung der Calderawand eine deutlich höhere Energie nötig ist als bisher für Tufi Varicolori angenommen wurde.

Novel Thermophilic Bacteria Isolated from Marine Hydrothermal Vents

Sislak, Christine Demko 13 December 2013 (has links)
As part of a large study aimed at searching for patterns of diversity in the genus Persephonella along the north to south geochemical gradient of the ELSC, ten novel strains of Alphaproteobacteria were isolated unexpectedly. Using defined media under microaerophilic conditions to enrich for Persephonella from chimney samples collected at the seven vent fields on the ELSC and the dilution to extinction by serial dilution method to purify cultures, a total of ten strains belonging to the Alphaproteobacteria were isolated. Two of these isolates, designate MN-5 and TC-2 were chosen for further characterization and are proposed as two new species of a novel genus to be namedThermopetrobacter. Both strains are aerobic, capable of chemoautotrophic growth on hydrogen and grow best at 55°C, pH 6 and 3.0% NaCl. Strain MN-5 is capable of heterotrophic growth on pyruvate and malate and TC-2 is only able to grow heterotrophically with pyruvate. The GC content of MN-5 is 69.1 and TC-2 is 67 mol%. GenBank BLAST results from the 16S rRNA gene reveal the most closely related sequence to MN-5 is 90% similar and the most closely related sequence to strain TC-2 is 89% similar. Sampling at a shallow marine vent on the coast of Vulcano Island, Italy in 2007 led to the isolation of a novel species of Hydrogenothermus, a genus within the Hydrogenothermaceae family. This isolate, designated NV1, represents the secondHydrogenothermusisolated from a shallow marine vent. NV1 cells are rod-shaped, approximately 1.5μm long and 0.7μm wide, motile by means of a polar flagellum and grow singularly or in short chains. Cells grow chemoautotrophically using hydrogen or thiosulfate as electron donors and oxygen as the sole electron acceptor. Growth was observed between 45 and 75°C with an optimum of 65°C (doubling time 140 min), pH 4.0-6.5 and requires NaCl (0.5-6.0% w/v). The G+C content of total DNA is 32 mol%.

Feições de interação vulcano-sedimentares – exemplos na Bacia Do Paraná (RS)

Rios, Fernando Rodrigues January 2017 (has links)
Com o intuito de caracterizar e reconhecer os processos formadores das feições de interação vulcano-sedimentares, optou-se pelo detalhamento de cinco áreas da borda atual da Bacia do Paraná, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Nessas regiões selecionadas afloram arenitos eólicos e os derrames vulcânicos, respectivamente pertencentes às Formações Botucatu e Serra Geral, Sequência Juro-Cretácea da Bacia do Paraná. Na interface entre essas duas unidades há a ocorrência de feições vulcano-sedimentares devido a interação ocasionada pelo intenso magmatismo de caráter básico e ácido, este último em menor volume, que recobriu um extenso campo de dunas eólicas em atividade. Uma variedade de estruturas vulcano-sedimentares se originaram pela interação de sedimentos consolidados ou inconsolidados, saturados ou não em água, com derrames de composição basáltica ou dacítica. As feições vulcano-sedimentares encontradas abrangem: estrias de fluxo sobre intertraps arenosos, brechas vulcânicas, brechas vulcano-sedimentares, autobrechas, diques de arenito e geodos, estas foram detalhadas por meio de técnicas de petrografia e DRX. Os processos responsáveis pela formação dessas feições são influenciados por fatores de natureza ígnea e sedimentar. Localizam-se na base e topo dos derrames e ocorrem de diferentes maneiras devido a diferenças na temperatura da lava e do tipo de sedimento em questão. Classificam-se de duas maneiras: interação do sedimento ainda úmido com a lava de temperatura elevada e parcialmente cristalizada; e a segunda refere-se a interação com o derrame já consolidado por meio de erosão e intemperismo. / In order to characterize and recognize the formation processes of the vulcano-sedimentary interaction features, five areas of the current border of the Paraná Basin in the state of Rio Grande do Sul werechosen. It was noted eolic sandstones and volcanic flows, respectively belonging to the Botucatu and Serra Geral Formations, they appear on Jurassic-Cretaceous Sequence of the Paraná Basin. At the interface between these two units there is occurrence of vulcano-sedimentary features due to the interaction caused by the intense magmatism of a basic and acidic character, the latter one has smaller volume, which covered an extensive field of dunes. A variety of vulcano-sedimentary structures originated by the interaction of consolidated or unconsolidated sediments, saturated or not in water, with flows of basaltic or dacitic composition. The vulcano-sedimentary features found include: flow streaks over sand intertraps, volcanic breccias, vulcano-sedimentary breccias, autobreccias, sandstone dikes and geodes, these were defined by petrography and XRD analysis. Processes responsible for the formation of these features are influenced by igneous and sedimentary action. They are located on the base and top of the flows occuring in different ways due to differences on lava temperature and type of sediment. They are classified in two ways: interaction of the wet sediment with the high temperature lava, partially crystallized; The second one refers to the interaction with the consolidated flow due to the erosion and weathering.

A formação Serra geral (cretáceo, bacia do Paraná) - como análogo para os reservatórios ígneo-básicos da margem continental brasileira

Reis, Gleice dos Santos January 2013 (has links)
As rochas magmáticas vêm ganhando destaque na geologia do petróleo, isto por que um crescente número de descobertas mundiais de hidrocarbonetos tem sido observados onde estas rochas se constituem em reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos, tendo em vista as perspectivas de terem atuado como efetivos selantes e, em conseqüência, possibilitando a acumulação de hidrocarbonetos gerados nos sedimentos subjacentes. Normalmente, as rochas ígneo-básicas constituem um reservatório em que predomina um intenso sistema de fraturas interligadas, abrindo espaços vazios (porosidade) o que permite também boa permeabilidade ao reservatório. Secundariamente, outras fontes de porosidade podem ser identificadas, como as vesiculares e a porosidade da matriz alterada. Um dos maiores problemas para o conhecimento e explotação dos reservatórios em rochas ígneo básicas é a ausência de modelos. Assim, há necessidade de entendimento das rochas vulcânicas sob o ponto de vista de reservatório e o desenvolvimento de modelos que permitam uma melhor explotação destas reservas. Neste sentido, a Formação Serra Geral (Cretáceo, com aproximadamente 133 Ma) aflorante na Bacia do Paraná, torna-se um excelente análogo para os reservatórios sob ponto de vista tectono-estratigráfico, pois é contemporânea a este vulcanismo Neocomiano das bacias marginais brasileiras e suas feições texturais e estruturais estão expostas em excelentes afloramentos o que não ocorre com o magmatismo das bacias marginais. Com isto, as microestruturas como poros (vesículas), fraturas e descontinuidades, típicas de eventos vulcânicos, consideradas como responsáveis pela permo-porosidade deste tipo de rocha podem ser analisadas em detalhe. As rochas vulcânicas da Bacia do Paraná estão expostas tanto verticalmente quanto lateralmente em áreas de extensão considerável e, por isto, apresentam potencial para uma amostragem seqüencial objetivando diversos tipos de estudos e análises (química, microscopia ótica, difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, entre outras). / Magmatic rocks are having evidence in petroleum geology because a growing number of hydrocarbon discoveries in which these rocks constitute reservoirs are being recognized. Magmatic rocks in hydrocarbon producing basins can be effective seals or give thermal increase to the oil generation. Nowadays, emphasis is given to the magmatic rocks as non conventional reservoirs. Typically basic igneous-rocks form fractured reservoirs dominated by interconneted fractures (fracture porosity). Secondarily, other sources of porosity can be identified, such as vesicular and microporosity. A major problem for knowledge and exploitation of these reservoirs is the lack of models. For that reason, there is a necessity of understanding volcanic rocks from the point of view of the reservoir and the development of models that will allow a better exploitation of these reserves. In this sense, the Serra Geral Formation (Cretaceous, around 133 Ma) which crops out in the Paraná Basin, becomes an excellent analogous for igneous reservoirs. Serra Geral Formation is a contemporary volcanism to the Neocomian igneous reservoirs, economic basement of the brazilian marginal basins. Their structural, stratigraphy and textural features are exposed in excellent outcrops which doesn’t occur with the magmatism of marginal basins. With this, the microstructures such as pores vesicles, fractures and discontinuities, typical of volcanic events, considered responsible for the permo-porosity system of this rock type can be analyzed in detail. Volcanics rocks of the Paraná Basin are exposed both vertically and laterally in areas of considerable extent and, therefore, have potential for a sequential sampling aiming various types of studies and analyzes (chemical, optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy scanning, among others).

A formação Serra geral (cretáceo, bacia do Paraná) - como análogo para os reservatórios ígneo-básicos da margem continental brasileira

Reis, Gleice dos Santos January 2013 (has links)
As rochas magmáticas vêm ganhando destaque na geologia do petróleo, isto por que um crescente número de descobertas mundiais de hidrocarbonetos tem sido observados onde estas rochas se constituem em reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos, tendo em vista as perspectivas de terem atuado como efetivos selantes e, em conseqüência, possibilitando a acumulação de hidrocarbonetos gerados nos sedimentos subjacentes. Normalmente, as rochas ígneo-básicas constituem um reservatório em que predomina um intenso sistema de fraturas interligadas, abrindo espaços vazios (porosidade) o que permite também boa permeabilidade ao reservatório. Secundariamente, outras fontes de porosidade podem ser identificadas, como as vesiculares e a porosidade da matriz alterada. Um dos maiores problemas para o conhecimento e explotação dos reservatórios em rochas ígneo básicas é a ausência de modelos. Assim, há necessidade de entendimento das rochas vulcânicas sob o ponto de vista de reservatório e o desenvolvimento de modelos que permitam uma melhor explotação destas reservas. Neste sentido, a Formação Serra Geral (Cretáceo, com aproximadamente 133 Ma) aflorante na Bacia do Paraná, torna-se um excelente análogo para os reservatórios sob ponto de vista tectono-estratigráfico, pois é contemporânea a este vulcanismo Neocomiano das bacias marginais brasileiras e suas feições texturais e estruturais estão expostas em excelentes afloramentos o que não ocorre com o magmatismo das bacias marginais. Com isto, as microestruturas como poros (vesículas), fraturas e descontinuidades, típicas de eventos vulcânicos, consideradas como responsáveis pela permo-porosidade deste tipo de rocha podem ser analisadas em detalhe. As rochas vulcânicas da Bacia do Paraná estão expostas tanto verticalmente quanto lateralmente em áreas de extensão considerável e, por isto, apresentam potencial para uma amostragem seqüencial objetivando diversos tipos de estudos e análises (química, microscopia ótica, difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, entre outras). / Magmatic rocks are having evidence in petroleum geology because a growing number of hydrocarbon discoveries in which these rocks constitute reservoirs are being recognized. Magmatic rocks in hydrocarbon producing basins can be effective seals or give thermal increase to the oil generation. Nowadays, emphasis is given to the magmatic rocks as non conventional reservoirs. Typically basic igneous-rocks form fractured reservoirs dominated by interconneted fractures (fracture porosity). Secondarily, other sources of porosity can be identified, such as vesicular and microporosity. A major problem for knowledge and exploitation of these reservoirs is the lack of models. For that reason, there is a necessity of understanding volcanic rocks from the point of view of the reservoir and the development of models that will allow a better exploitation of these reserves. In this sense, the Serra Geral Formation (Cretaceous, around 133 Ma) which crops out in the Paraná Basin, becomes an excellent analogous for igneous reservoirs. Serra Geral Formation is a contemporary volcanism to the Neocomian igneous reservoirs, economic basement of the brazilian marginal basins. Their structural, stratigraphy and textural features are exposed in excellent outcrops which doesn’t occur with the magmatism of marginal basins. With this, the microstructures such as pores vesicles, fractures and discontinuities, typical of volcanic events, considered responsible for the permo-porosity system of this rock type can be analyzed in detail. Volcanics rocks of the Paraná Basin are exposed both vertically and laterally in areas of considerable extent and, therefore, have potential for a sequential sampling aiming various types of studies and analyzes (chemical, optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy scanning, among others).

Feições de interação vulcano-sedimentares – exemplos na Bacia Do Paraná (RS)

Rios, Fernando Rodrigues January 2017 (has links)
Com o intuito de caracterizar e reconhecer os processos formadores das feições de interação vulcano-sedimentares, optou-se pelo detalhamento de cinco áreas da borda atual da Bacia do Paraná, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Nessas regiões selecionadas afloram arenitos eólicos e os derrames vulcânicos, respectivamente pertencentes às Formações Botucatu e Serra Geral, Sequência Juro-Cretácea da Bacia do Paraná. Na interface entre essas duas unidades há a ocorrência de feições vulcano-sedimentares devido a interação ocasionada pelo intenso magmatismo de caráter básico e ácido, este último em menor volume, que recobriu um extenso campo de dunas eólicas em atividade. Uma variedade de estruturas vulcano-sedimentares se originaram pela interação de sedimentos consolidados ou inconsolidados, saturados ou não em água, com derrames de composição basáltica ou dacítica. As feições vulcano-sedimentares encontradas abrangem: estrias de fluxo sobre intertraps arenosos, brechas vulcânicas, brechas vulcano-sedimentares, autobrechas, diques de arenito e geodos, estas foram detalhadas por meio de técnicas de petrografia e DRX. Os processos responsáveis pela formação dessas feições são influenciados por fatores de natureza ígnea e sedimentar. Localizam-se na base e topo dos derrames e ocorrem de diferentes maneiras devido a diferenças na temperatura da lava e do tipo de sedimento em questão. Classificam-se de duas maneiras: interação do sedimento ainda úmido com a lava de temperatura elevada e parcialmente cristalizada; e a segunda refere-se a interação com o derrame já consolidado por meio de erosão e intemperismo. / In order to characterize and recognize the formation processes of the vulcano-sedimentary interaction features, five areas of the current border of the Paraná Basin in the state of Rio Grande do Sul werechosen. It was noted eolic sandstones and volcanic flows, respectively belonging to the Botucatu and Serra Geral Formations, they appear on Jurassic-Cretaceous Sequence of the Paraná Basin. At the interface between these two units there is occurrence of vulcano-sedimentary features due to the interaction caused by the intense magmatism of a basic and acidic character, the latter one has smaller volume, which covered an extensive field of dunes. A variety of vulcano-sedimentary structures originated by the interaction of consolidated or unconsolidated sediments, saturated or not in water, with flows of basaltic or dacitic composition. The vulcano-sedimentary features found include: flow streaks over sand intertraps, volcanic breccias, vulcano-sedimentary breccias, autobreccias, sandstone dikes and geodes, these were defined by petrography and XRD analysis. Processes responsible for the formation of these features are influenced by igneous and sedimentary action. They are located on the base and top of the flows occuring in different ways due to differences on lava temperature and type of sediment. They are classified in two ways: interaction of the wet sediment with the high temperature lava, partially crystallized; The second one refers to the interaction with the consolidated flow due to the erosion and weathering.

Feições de interação vulcano-sedimentares – exemplos na Bacia Do Paraná (RS)

Rios, Fernando Rodrigues January 2017 (has links)
Com o intuito de caracterizar e reconhecer os processos formadores das feições de interação vulcano-sedimentares, optou-se pelo detalhamento de cinco áreas da borda atual da Bacia do Paraná, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Nessas regiões selecionadas afloram arenitos eólicos e os derrames vulcânicos, respectivamente pertencentes às Formações Botucatu e Serra Geral, Sequência Juro-Cretácea da Bacia do Paraná. Na interface entre essas duas unidades há a ocorrência de feições vulcano-sedimentares devido a interação ocasionada pelo intenso magmatismo de caráter básico e ácido, este último em menor volume, que recobriu um extenso campo de dunas eólicas em atividade. Uma variedade de estruturas vulcano-sedimentares se originaram pela interação de sedimentos consolidados ou inconsolidados, saturados ou não em água, com derrames de composição basáltica ou dacítica. As feições vulcano-sedimentares encontradas abrangem: estrias de fluxo sobre intertraps arenosos, brechas vulcânicas, brechas vulcano-sedimentares, autobrechas, diques de arenito e geodos, estas foram detalhadas por meio de técnicas de petrografia e DRX. Os processos responsáveis pela formação dessas feições são influenciados por fatores de natureza ígnea e sedimentar. Localizam-se na base e topo dos derrames e ocorrem de diferentes maneiras devido a diferenças na temperatura da lava e do tipo de sedimento em questão. Classificam-se de duas maneiras: interação do sedimento ainda úmido com a lava de temperatura elevada e parcialmente cristalizada; e a segunda refere-se a interação com o derrame já consolidado por meio de erosão e intemperismo. / In order to characterize and recognize the formation processes of the vulcano-sedimentary interaction features, five areas of the current border of the Paraná Basin in the state of Rio Grande do Sul werechosen. It was noted eolic sandstones and volcanic flows, respectively belonging to the Botucatu and Serra Geral Formations, they appear on Jurassic-Cretaceous Sequence of the Paraná Basin. At the interface between these two units there is occurrence of vulcano-sedimentary features due to the interaction caused by the intense magmatism of a basic and acidic character, the latter one has smaller volume, which covered an extensive field of dunes. A variety of vulcano-sedimentary structures originated by the interaction of consolidated or unconsolidated sediments, saturated or not in water, with flows of basaltic or dacitic composition. The vulcano-sedimentary features found include: flow streaks over sand intertraps, volcanic breccias, vulcano-sedimentary breccias, autobreccias, sandstone dikes and geodes, these were defined by petrography and XRD analysis. Processes responsible for the formation of these features are influenced by igneous and sedimentary action. They are located on the base and top of the flows occuring in different ways due to differences on lava temperature and type of sediment. They are classified in two ways: interaction of the wet sediment with the high temperature lava, partially crystallized; The second one refers to the interaction with the consolidated flow due to the erosion and weathering.

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