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Proposed Methodology for Soil Loss Prediction from Southwestern ForestTecle, A., Dykstra, D. P., Covington, W. W., Garrett, L. D. 21 April 1990 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1990 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Association and the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 21, 1990, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
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Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and the Southwest, Volume 20 (1990)21 April 1990 (has links)
Complete issue of the Proceedings of the 1990 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Association and the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 21, 1990, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
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The NPDES Storm Water Rules - A Municipal ImpactWilson, Robert 20 April 1991 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1991 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Association and the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 20, 1991, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
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The Benefits of Groundwater Overdraft Reduction in the Phoenix Active Management AreaPeacock, Bruce E. 20 April 1991 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1991 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Association and the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 20, 1991, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
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Assessing the Significance of Evapo-Sublimation in Northern ArizonaAvery, Charles C., Dexter, Leland R. 20 April 1991 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1991 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Association and the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 20, 1991, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona / Climatic data for twenty-one winters was used to construct an index in order to assess the significance of evapo-sublimation at Flagstaff, Arizona. Large intra- and inter-annual variability was noted in the record using both uncorrected monthly index values and values corrected for the relative importance of snow. 1967-68 un- corrected sublimation opportunity index (SOI) values and similar values for both 1982-1983 and 1984-1986 appear to indicate that those winters either had unusually high snowpack evapo-sublimation losses, or were years of low "basin efficiencies". Evapo-sublimation opportunity might be tracked as a climate element for high elevational snowzones which contribute significantly to a regional water supply.
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Average Annual Runoff from Precipitation and Basin Factors in East Central ArizonaHawkins, Richard H. 20 April 1991 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1991 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Association and the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 20, 1991, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
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Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and the Southwest, Volume 21 (1991)20 April 1991 (has links)
Complete issue of the Proceedings of the 1991 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Association and the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 20, 1991, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
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Hydraulic-Conductivity Measurements of Reattachment Bars on the Colorado RiverPetroutson, William D., Bennett, Jeffery B., Parnell, Roderic A., Springer, Abraham E. 22 April 1995 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1995 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Association and the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 22, 1995, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
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Sustainability of Fishes in Desert River: Preliminary Observations on the Roles of Streamflow and Introduced FishesStefferud, Jerome A., Rinne, John N. 22 April 1995 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1995 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Association and the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 22, 1995, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
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Interaction of Predation and Hydrology on Native Southwestern Fishes: Little Colorado Spinedace in Nutrioso Creek, ArizonaRinne, John N. 22 April 1995 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1995 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Association and the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 22, 1995, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
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