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An Assessment of Watershed Condition and Possible Effects of Fire on Watersheds of Southeastern ArizonaLefevre, Robert E. 18 April 1998 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1998 Meetings of the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 18, 1998, Glendale Community College, Glendale, Arizona
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A Process for Planning and Evaluating Success of Riparian-Wetland Restoration Projects on the Fort Apache Indian ReservationLong, Jonathan W., Lupe, Candy S. 18 April 1998 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1998 Meetings of the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 18, 1998, Glendale Community College, Glendale, Arizona
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Fish Community Structure in the Verde River, Arizona, 1974-1997Rinne, John N., Stefferud, Jerome A., Clark, Andy, Sponholtz, Pamela 18 April 1998 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1998 Meetings of the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 18, 1998, Glendale Community College, Glendale, Arizona
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Management of Semi-Arid Watersheds: Technology TransferYoung, Deborah J., Baker, Malchus B., Jr. 18 April 1998 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1998 Meetings of the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 18, 1998, Glendale Community College, Glendale, Arizona
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Hydrologic Information in the Madrean Biogeographic Province: A Bibliography for Planners, Managers, and Research WorkersFfolliott, Peter F., DeBano, Leonard F., Gottfried, Gerald J., Baker, Malchus B., Jr., Edminster, Carlton B. 18 April 1998 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1998 Meetings of the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 18, 1998, Glendale Community College, Glendale, Arizona
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Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and the Southwest, Volume 28 (1998)18 April 1998 (has links)
Complete issue of the Proceedings of the 1998 Meetings of the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 18, 1998, Glendale Community College, Glendale, Arizona
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Water-Repellent Soils: What They Are and Why They Are ImportantDeBano, Leonard F. 17 April 1999 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1999 Meetings of the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 17, 1999, Nothern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
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Influences of Map Scale on Drainage Network RepresentationMiller, Scott N., Guertin, D. Phillip, Levick, Lainie R. 17 April 1999 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1999 Meetings of the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 17, 1999, Nothern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
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Prescribed Fire and Simulated Erosion Effects on a Southern Arizona Grassland: First-Year ResultsO'Dea, Mary, Guertin, D. Phillip 17 April 1999 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1999 Meetings of the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 17, 1999, Nothern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
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Rucker Lake: A History of Recent Conditions Affecting a Southeastern Arizona WatershedLefevre, Robert E., Neary, Daniel G. 17 April 1999 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1999 Meetings of the Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science - April 17, 1999, Nothern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
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