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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cartographie des événements hydrologiques extrêmes et estimation SCHADEX en sites non jaugés / Cartography of the extreme rain falls and use of the SCHADEX method for ungauged sites

Penot, David 17 October 2014 (has links)
Depuis 2006, à EDF, les études de crues extrêmes sont réalisées avec la méthode SCHADEX (Simulation Climato-Hydrologique pour l'Appréciation des Débits EXtrêmes). Elle s'appuie sur un modèle probabiliste MEWP (distribution saisonnière utilisant une classification par type de temps) pour décrire l'aléa pluie et sur une simulation stochastique croisant l'aléa pluie et l'aléa de saturation du bassin. Les approches par simulation, type SCHADEX, ont montré de bonnes performances pour estimer les distributions de crues extrêmes (projet ANR ExtraFlo , 2013). Cependant, l'utilisation de SCHADEX en l'absence de données (pluie, température, débit) sur le bassin à étudier reste problématique. Cette thèse propose une adaptation de la méthode en site non jaugé en essayant de conserver ses points forts, à savoir: - une structuration spatiale et probabiliste des précipitations conditionnée par les types de temps. - un croisement des aléas pluie et saturation du bassin par simulation stochastique. Ce travail s'est limité au pas de temps journalier afin d'aborder la problématique de régionalisation avec un maximum de données. La démarche s'est alors articulée autour de quatre grands axes: - proposer une méthode de régionalisation des précipitations journalières extrêmes ponctuelles et construire des cartes de pluies aux temps de retour remarquables. Évaluer l'intérêt d'une classification par type de temps pour la régionalisation des distributions de pluies extrêmes et qualifier l'interpolateur de pluie SPAZM pour l'estimation des pluies extrêmes. - s'intéresser à la construction de pluies de bassin (ou pluies spatiales) et en particulier à l'impact des choix de construction de cette pluie sur l'estimation des précipitations extrêmes concernant le bassin. - développer une méthode de simulation stochastique régionale permettant de proposer une distribution de débits journaliers issue d'un croisement des aléas pluies et saturation du bassin. - étudier le passage de la distribution des débits journaliers à la distribution des débits de pointe. Les principaux apports de cette thèse sont les suivants: - la prise en compte des types de temps permet d'améliorer la description des structures spatiales des précipitations extrêmes. - l'information apportée par les pluies SPAZM se révèle être précieuse pour l'estimation des pluies extrêmes en site non jaugé. - une étude de sensibilité du calcul de la pluie spatiale en fonction du nombre de postes utilisés (comparaison des pluies SPAZM et Thiessen) donne une indication sur le biais d'estimation. - le générateur de champs de pluie par bandes tournantes SAMPO permet d'étudier l'abattement sur les précipitations extrêmes et de mettre en place un modèle de correction pour les quantiles élevés des pluies spatiales SPAZM. - une nouvelle méthode de simulation stochastique peu paramétrée mais analogue à la méthode SCHADEX (croisement d'un aléa pluie et d'un aléa de saturation du bassin pour produire une distribution des débits journaliers) est proposée pour l'estimation en site non jaugé. - enfin, un travail préliminaire donne des premiers éléments sur le passage à la distribution des débits de pointe par un générateur d'hydrogrammes s'adaptant à la séquence des débits journaliers simulés. Tous ces développements et conclusions sont détaillés et justifiés dans le mémoire de thèse. / Since 2006, at EDF, extreme flood estimations are computed with the SCHADEX method (Climatic-hydrological simulation of extreme floods). This method relies on a MEWP probabilistic model (seasonal rainfall distribution using a weather pattern concept) and on a stochastic simulation to cross rainy events hazard and catchment saturation states. Simulation approaches, as SCHADEX, have shown good performances to estimate extreme flood distributions. However, the use of SCHADEX method without data for a considered catchment (rain, temperature, runoff) remains a main issue. This thesis suggests an adaptation of the method in ungauged context, trying to keep the key points of the SCHADEX method: - spatial and probabilistic structure of rainfall conditioned by weather patterns. - a cross of rainfall and catchment saturation hazards by stochastic simulation. This work is limited to a daily step to address the issue of regionalization with a maximum of data. The approach is then structured around four main points: - regionalize punctual daily extreme precipitations and construct maps of return period rainfalls. Evaluate the contribution of a weather type classification for the regionalization of extreme rainfall distributions and qualify the SPAZM interpolator for the estimation of extreme rainfall. - wonder about the construction of an areal rainfall and in particular about the impact of its construction choices on the estimation of extreme precipitations. - develop a regional stochastic simulation method to estimate a distribution of daily runoffs which crosses rainy events and catchment saturation hazards. - study the transposition from a daily runoff distribution to a peak flow distribution. The main contributions of this thesis are: - taking into account the weather types improves the description of spatial patterns of extreme precipitations. - information provided by the SPAZM rainfall interpolator proves to be valuable for the estimation of extreme rainfall in ungauged site. - a sensitivity analysis of the calculation of the areal rainfall based on the number of stations used (comparison SPAZM and Thiessen areal rainfalls) gives an indication of the estimation bias. - the SAMPO rainfall generator used to study the areal reduction factor of extreme precipitation and implement a correction model for high quantiles of SPAZM areal rainfall. - a simplified method of stochastic simulation similar to SCHADEX method (cross between a rainfall hazard and a catchment saturation hazard) is developed to produce a distribution of daily flows in ungauged site. - finally, preliminary work provides a way for the transition to the peak flow distribution using a hydrograph generator adapted to the sequence of daily simulated runoffs. All these developments and conclusions are detailed and justified in the thesis.STAR

Structure of the Tropical Easterly Jet in NCAR CAM-3.1 GCM

Rao, Samrat January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines the structure of the Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) in a General Circulation Model (GCM). The TEJ is observed only during the Indian summer monsoon period and is strongest during July and August. The jet structure simulated by an atmospheric GCM (CAM-3.1) in July has been compared with reanalysis data. The simulated TEJ was displaced westward by ~ 25◦ when compared to observations. The removal of orography had no impact on the jet structure. This demonstrated that the Tibetan Plateau did not play an important role in the location and structure of the jet. The changes in cumulus scheme in the GCM had a large influence on the location of the jet maxima. To examine the factors which control the location and structure of the jet, a series of experiments were conducted using an aqua-planet version of the model. The impact of different sea surface temperature (SST) profiles was studied. The rainfall in the GCM was primarily in the regions where the SST attained a maximum. By altering the location of SST maximum (and hence the rainfall maximum), the impact of location of rainfall maximum on the location and structure of the jet was studied. When the rainfall maximum was located close to the equator, it did not generate a strong jet but had an influence on the vertical structure of the jet. A large number of simulations were conducted with multiple rainfall maxima and the need for these was demonstrated since only then was the observed jet structure well simulated. Based on the simulations, it was concluded that the simulation of the TEJ by CAM-3.1 was unrealistic because of large unrealistic rainfall over Saudi Arabia in this GCM. Equatorial heating has been shown to be important to simulate proper jet structure. The zonal structure of the jet was also influenced by rainfall in the Pacific Ocean. Although the aqua-planet configuration of the CAM-3.1 GCM provided several useful insights, the simulation was not perfect on account of errors in the simulation of the temperature profile in the lower troposphere. An ideal-physics configuration of the GCM was used. This removed the cumulus physics and instead imposed the observed heating pro-files. Both upper tropospheric friction and radiative-convective atmospheric temperatures were required to simulate the TEJ. The problems with the simulation of structure in the jet exit region was corrected by using radiative-convective atmospheric temperatures that were qualitatively similar to those observed in northern hemisphere summer time. The ideal-physics configuration reconfirmed that the Saudi Arabian rainfall was responsible for the westward shift of the TEJ in the simulations. The ideal-physics simulations showed that the simple analytical model proposed by Gillin1980 was not suitable for the simulation of TEJ. The above the simulations indicate that a shift in the location of the jet is related to a shift in the rainfall pattern. Based on this insight one would expect that the jet location will be different in good and bad monsoon periods. This is indeed the case. In July 2002 the Indian monsoon failed after beginning well in June. In June the TEJ is consequently located west ward compared to July. The same situation prevails even in good and poor monsoon years. In a good monsoon year (July 1988) the jet maximum is located westward when compared to a bad monsoon year (July 2002). In this thesis we have clearly demonstrated the role of anomalous rainfall on the location of the TEJ. This thesis has shown that an accurate simulation of the TEJ depends upon the accurate simulation of various rainfall centers that act as multiple heat sources in the atmosphere. The rainfall in the equatorial region does not influence the strength of the TEJ but alters the vertical structure of the jet. The strength the jet is dependent on the intensity of rainfall and the latitudinal distance from the equator. The complex vertical structure of the jet is not simulated by simple analytical models of the jet.

Developing a 2D Forest Fire Spread Simulation for Enhanced Decision-Making During Catastrophes in Sweden

Gauffin Dahlin, David January 2024 (has links)
This thesis presents the development and evaluation of a 2D simulation model designed to predict the spread and behavior of forest fires, with a specific focus on Swedish forest ecosystems. Despite the model's simplicity and inherent limitations due to assumptions such as homogeneity in fuel distribution and the exclusion of topographical influences, the simulations yield remarkably accurate predictions of fire spread and intensity. The model integrates basic meteorological data (wind speed and direction, temperature) and uses a discretized spatial approach to simulate the dynamics of forest fires. Initial results suggest that even with minimal input variables and broad assumptions, the model offers significant predictive capabilities, highlighting potential areas for future refinement. Key aspects such as the interaction between conduction and advection terms, the role of water vaporization in fire dynamics, and the influence of wind on fire propagation are discussed. The findings encourage further development of the model, aiming at incorporating more complex variables such as topography and more forest fuels, potentially enhancing its utility in real-time fire management and decision-making processes.

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