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Techniques for the Visualization of Positional Geospatial UncertaintyBarré, Brent A. 20 December 2013 (has links)
Geospatial data almost always contains some amount of uncertainty due to inaccuracies in its acquisition and transformation. While the data is commonly visualized (e.g. on digital maps), there are unanswered needs for visualizing uncertainty along with it. Most research on effectively doing this addresses uncertainty in data values at geospatial positions, e.g. water depth, human population, or land-cover classification. Uncertainty in the data’s geospatial positions themselves (positional uncertainty) has not been previously focused on in this regard. In this thesis, techniques were created for visualizing positional uncertainty using World Vector Shoreline as an example dataset. The techniques consist of a shoreline buffer zone to which visual effects such as gradients, transparency, and randomized dots were applied. They are viewed interactively via Web Map Service (WMS). In clutter testing with human subjects, a transparency-gradient technique performed the best, followed by a solid-fill technique, with a dots-density-gradient technique performing worst.
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Porovnání využitelnosti volně dostupných mapserverů a webových mapových služeb (WMS)na internetové síti pro geodetické činnosti / Comparsion of usability of freely available mapservers and web map services (WMS) for geodetic work on the Web.NOVÁKOVÁ, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this work is to look for freely available map servers and web map services on the Web that are useful for surveying activities, including developement of land adjustments. This thesis deals with theoretical problems of the functioning of map servers, web map services and standards for creating maps. The most famous map servers are described in detail and then compared with the less popular mapservers in the next section. The conclusion then relates to the use maps and assess the suitability of map servers for geodetic purposes and desin of land adjustments. This work aims to determine which map servers are most useful for geodetic purposes.
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Marketingový výzkum ve vybrané firmě / Marketing Research in Chosen CompanyKULÍČKOVÁ, Štěpánka January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to establish the contemporary level of geographic information systems use by municipal authorities in the Czech Republic. Far more the task was to design measures based on the results of this research for the GEFOS a.s. company, which is a provider of GIS and WMS and for whom the research has been realized. I chose the following methods: analysis of secondary data and questionnaire investigation via e-mail. The questionnaire consisted of 17 questions about GIS, WMS and companies, which provide GIS and WMS. 714 authority offices in the Czech Republic have been involved (mainly in cities). 34 % had in fact responded, which is 243 offices. It has been determined that 15 % of the offices do not use GIS. The greatest obstruction of the initiation of GIS is financial reason. Some offices do not own it also because of lack of information or because the purchase has already been in progress. As a result of this the communication with potential clients, who do not have GIS, explaining the advantages and working principles, adding the WMS offer and helping with the first GIS project initiation has been suggested. The research cleared factual imperfections of the single GIS and companies offering those. Imperfections of firms: mostly the low adjustment, high prices and long duration for solutions of problems or demands. Software is concerned those imperfections: the data actualization, function in common, graphics and data import. For those improvements have been suggested {--} to react and handle those imperfection and additional demands of the customers. This means to confront the known imperfections and demands with the factual services of the GEFOS company, remove or fulfill those and include some opposites of imperfections in the GIS offer of the GEFOS company. In the Web Map Services (WMS) area it has been discovered that those services have been used by only on third of 243 offices. That is why I have suggested measures to support WMS, which should ensure a higher informedness about WMS and what is more important it should waken the desire for WMS purchase. Far more with my research I found out about the most used GIS software (it is MISYS); the most important companies in this area (the first is GEPRO spol. s r.o.); the sufficiency of the offices with the single software and companies; the most common map servers (it is MISYS-WEB), data for creation of GIS, number of GIS administrators and the methods of data publication (e.g. municipal plans).
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Adaptive rendering of celestial bodies in WebGLZeitler, Jonas January 2015 (has links)
This report covers theory and comparison of techniques for rendering massive scale 3D geospa- tial planet data in a web browser. It also presents implementation details of a few of these tech- niques in WebGL and Javascript, using the Three.js [1] 3D library. The thesis project is part of the implementation of Unitea, a web based education platform for interactive astronomy visualizations. Unitea is a derivative of Uniview, which is a fulldome interactive simulation of the universe. A major part of this thesis is dedicated to the implementa- tion of Hierarchical Level of Detail (HLOD) modules for Three.js based on the theory presented by T. Ulrich [2] and later generalized by Cozzi and Ring [3]. HLOD techniques are dynamic level of detail algorithms that represent the surface of objects as accurately as possible from a certain viewing angle. By using space partitioning tree-structures, view based error metrics and culling techniques detailed representations of the objects (in this case planets) can be efficiently rendered in real-time. The modules developed provide a general-purpose library for rendering planets (or other spher- ical objects) with dynamic level of detail in Three.js. The library also features connections to online web map services (WMS) and tile services.
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Vizualizace georeferencovaných informací na webovém mapovém rozhraní / Georeferenced Data Visualization on Web-Based Map InterfaceRůžička, Štěpán January 2011 (has links)
The master's thesis is concerned with design and implementation of library extending OpenLayers. For the solution was used JavaScript programming language. Part of this thesis is devoted to description of standards for maintaining and transfering geographic information and to JavaScript map presenting libraries and REST services.
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