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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The MANE process of generating continuous energy hot-operating temperature cross sections

Chapman, Christopher Weeks 12 January 2015 (has links)
MANE (MCNP ACE from NJOY & ENDF), a code for generating continuous energy cross sections at arbitrary temperatures, was created. Cross sections were evaluated using NJOY99 such that they would agree with the cross sections provided by MCNP5. The MANE cross sections were found to be in very good agreement with those provided by MCNP5 with some minor exceptions caused by round-off errors and some differences in the unresolved resonance region. Differences in the resonance region are caused by differences in the random number generator used to start the cross section calculations. The MANE cross sections were verified against the MCNP5 cross sections in five unique MCNP configurations: an 8.7% enriched MOX fuel pin cell, a UO₂ assembly (controlled and uncontrolled), a MOX assembly, and a whole core configuration containing the 3 assemblies. In each of these cases, eigenvalue and tally density results were found to be in very good agreement with one another.

Creation of a whole-core PWR benchmark for the analysis and validation of neutronics codes

Hon, Ryan Paul 03 April 2013 (has links)
This work presents a whole-core benchmark problem based on a 2-loop pressurized water reactor with both UO₂and MOX fuel assemblies. The specification includes heterogeneity at both the assembly and core level. The geometry and material compositions are fully described and multi-group cross section libraries are provided in 2, 4, and 8 group formats. Simplifications made to the benchmark specification include a Cartesian boundary, to facilitate the use of transport codes that may have trouble with cylindrical boundaries, and control rod homogenization, to reduce the geometric complexity of the problem. These modifications were carefully chosen to preserve the physics of the problem and a justification of these modifications is given. Detailed Monte Carlo reference solutions including core eigenvalue, assembly averaged fission densities and selected fuel pin fission densities are presented for benchmarking diffusion and transport methods. Three different core configurations are presented in the paper namely all-rods-out, all-rods-in, and some-rods-in.

A coarse mesh radiation transport method for reactor analysis in three dimensional hexagonal geometry

Connolly, Kevin John 06 November 2012 (has links)
A new whole-core transport method is described for 3-D hexagonal geometry. This is an extension of a stochastic-deterministic hybrid method which has previously been shown highly accurate and efficient for eigenvalue problems. Via Monte Carlo, it determines the solution to the transport equation in sub-regions of reactor cores, such as individual fuel elements or sections thereof, and uses those solutions to compose a library of response expansion coefficients. The information acquired allows the deterministic solution procedure to arrive at the whole core solution for the eigenvalue and the explicit fuel pin fission density distribution more quickly than other transport methods. Because it solves the transport equation stochastically, complicated geometry may be modeled exactly and therefore heterogeneity even at the most detailed level does not challenge the method. In this dissertation, the method is evaluated using comparisons with full core Monte Carlo reference solutions of benchmark problems based on gas-cooled, graphite-moderated reactor core designs. Solutions are given for core eigenvalue problems, the calculation of fuel pin fission densities throughout the core, and the determination of incremental control rod worth. Using a single processor, results are found in minutes for small cores, and in no more than a few hours for a realistically large core. Typical eigenvalues calculated by the method differ from reference solutions by less than 0.1%, and pin fission density calculations have average accuracy of well within 1%, even for unrealistically challenging core configuration problems. This new method enables the accurate determination of core eigenvalues and flux shapes in hexagonal cores with efficiency far exceeding that of other transport methods.

Benchmark description of an advanced burner test reactor and verification of COMET for whole core criticality analysis in fast reactors

Ulmer, Richard Marion 27 August 2014 (has links)
This work developed a stylized three dimensional benchmark problem based on Argonne National Laboratory's conceptual Advanced Burner Test Reactor design. This reactor is a sodium cooled fast reactor designed to burn recycled fuel to generate power while transmuting long term waste. The specification includes heterogeneity at both the assembly and core levels while the geometry and material compositions are both fully described. After developing the benchmark, 15 group cross sections were developed so that it could be used for transport code method verification. Using the aforementioned benchmark and 15 group cross sections, the Coarse-Mesh Transport Method (COMET) code was compared to Monte Carlo code MCNP5 (MCNP). Results were generated for three separate core cases: control rods out, near critical, and control rods in. The cross section groups developed do not compare favorably to the continuous energy model; however, the primary goal of these cross sections is to provide a common set of approachable cross sections that are widely usable for numerical methods development benchmarking. Eigenvalue comparison results for MCNP vs. COMET are strong, with two of the models within one standard deviation and the third model within one and a third standard deviation. The fission density results are highly accurate with a pin fission density average of less than 0.5% for each model.

The design of reactor cores for civil nuclear marine propulsion

Alam, Syed Bahauddin January 2018 (has links)
Perhaps surprisingly, the largest experience in operating nuclear power plants has been in nuclear naval propulsion, particularly submarines. This accumulated experience may become the basis of a proposed new generation of compact nuclear power plant designs. In an effort to de-carbonise commercial freight shipping, there is growing interest in the possibility of using nuclear propulsion systems. Reactor cores for such an application would need to be fundamentally different from land-based power generation systems, which require regular refueling, and from reactors used in military submarines, as the fuel used could not conceivably be as highly enriched. Nuclear-powered propulsion would allow ships to operate with low fuel costs, long refueling intervals, and minimal emissions; however, currently such systems remain largely confined to military vessels. This research project undertakes computational modeling of possible soluble-boron-free (SBF) reactor core designs for this application, with a view to informing design decisions in terms of choices of fuel composition, materials, core geometry and layout. Computational modeling using appropriate reactor physics (e.g. WIMS, MONK, Serpent and PANTHER), thermal-hydraulics etc. codes (e.g. COBRA-EN) is used for this project. With an emphasis on reactor physics, this study investigates possible fuel assembly and core designs for civil marine propulsion applications. In particular, it explores the feasibility of using uranium/thorium-rich fuel in a compact, long-life reactor and seek optimal choices and designs of the fuel composition, reactivity control, assembly geometry, and core loading in order to meet the operational needs of a marine propulsion reactor. In this reactor physics and 3D coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics study, we attempt to design a civil marine reactor core that fulfills the objective of providing at least 15 effective full-power-years (EFPY) life at 333 MWth. In order to unleash the benefit of thorium in a long life core, the micro-heterogeneous ThO2-UO2 duplex fuel is well-positioned to be utilized in our proposed civil marine core. Unfortunately, A limited number of studies of duplex fuel are available in the public domain, but its use has never been examined in the context of a SBF environment for long-life small modular rector (SMR) core. Therefore, we assumed micro-heterogeneous ThO2-UO2 duplex fuel for our proposed marine core in order to explore its capability. For the proposed civil marine propulsion core design, this study uses 18% U-235 enriched micro-heterogeneous ThO2-UO2 duplex fuel. To provide a basis for comparison we also evaluate the performance of homogeneously mixed 15% U-235 enriched all-UO2 fuel. This research also attempts to design a high power density core with 14 EFPY while satisfying the neutronic and thermal-hydraulics safety constraints. A core with an average power density of 100 MW/m3 has been successfully designed while obtaining a core life of 14 years. The average core power density for this core is increased by ∼50% compared to the reference core design (63 MW/m3 and is equivalent to Sizewell B PWR (101.6 MW/m3 which means capital costs could be significantly reduced and the economic attractiveness of the marine core commensurately improved. In addition, similar to the standard SMR core, a reference core with a power density of 63 MW/m3 has been successfully designed while obtaining a core life of ∼16 years. One of the most important points that can be drawn from these studies is that a duplex fuel lattice needs less burnable absorber than uranium-only fuel to achieve the same poison performance. The higher initial reactivity suppression and relatively smaller reactivity swing of the duplex can make the task of reactivity control through BP design in a thorium-rich core easier. It is also apparent that control rods have greater worth in a duplex core, reducing the control material requirements and thus potentially the cost of the rods. This research also analyzed the feasibility of using thorium-based duplex fuel in different cases and environments to observe whether this fuel consistently exhibit superior performance compared to the UO2 core in both the assembly and whole-core levels. The duplex fuel/core consistently exhibits superior performance in consideration of all the neutronic and TH constraints specified. It can therefore be concluded from this study that the superior performance of the thorium-based micro-heterogeneous ThO2-UO2 duplex fuel provides enhanced confidence that this fuel can be reliably used in high power density and long-life SBF marine propulsion core systems, offering neutronic advantages compared to the all-UO2 fuel. Last, but not least, considering all these factors, duplex fuel can potentially open the avenue for low-enriched uranium (LEU) SBF cores with different configurations. Motivated by growing environmental concerns and anticipated economic pressures, the overall goal of this study is to examine the technological feasibility of expanding the use of nuclear propulsion to civilian maritime shipping and to identify and propose promising candidate core designs.

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