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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trinexapac-ethyl and open-field burning in creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) seed production in the Willamette Valley

Zapiola, Maria Luz 22 October 2004 (has links)
Open-field burning has been an effective, economical, and widespread method of post-harvest residue management in creeping red fescue seed production in the Willamette Valley since the late 1940s. However, the use of field burning has been legislatively restricted due to air quality and safety issues. The foliar-applied plant growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl (TE), commercialized in the USA as Palisade, has been accepted by producers as a yield enhancing agent and is considered here as an alternative to open-field burning over a four-year period. The effects of open-field burning versus mechanical removal (flailing) of post-harvest residue, and spring versus fall applications of TE on seed yield, dry matter partitioning, and seed yield components were evaluated in a split-plot design. The response to the different treatment combinations differed across years. The young stand responded with a seed yield increase to spring TE applications, regardless of residue management treatment. However, as the stand aged, field burning became critical for maintaining high yields and, in 2003 and 2004, only spring TE applications resulted in seed yield increases in burned plots. The higher potential seed yield achieved in burned plots over flailed plots, as a result of a higher number of panicles per unit area and spikelets per panicle, was critical for maintaining high seed yields as the stand aged. Spring applications of TE, further increased seed yield over the untreated check by increasing the number of florets per spikelet, reducing fertile tiller height and lodging and consequently, favoring pollination and fertilization of the florets. Late spring TE applications also increased 1000-seed weight in 2003 and 2004. Although spring applications of TE were a promising alternative to open-field burning early during the life of the stand, as the stand aged they did not increase seed yield on flailed plots. Fall TE applications did not have a consistent effect on seed yield, dry matter partitioning or seed yield components, and were found not to be a viable management practice. / Graduation date: 2005

Effects of fire on seedling establishment in upland prairies in the Willamette Valley, Oregon

Maret, Mary P. 17 December 1996 (has links)
Prior to European settlement, native prairie dominated the landscape of the Willamette Valley. Today, due to urbanization, agriculture, and the cessation of burning, only isolated remnants of these grasslands still exist. In response to conservation concerns, there has been a move to restore the remaining prairies in the Willamette Valley, and prescribed burning and sowing native seed are often top candidates for grassland restoration. However, the effects of burning on native seedling establishment and the spread of weedy exotics are largely unknown. In this study, I investigated how prescribed burning affects native and exotic species seedling establishment on three upland prairie vegetation types in the Willamette Valley. The general approach was to sow a known number of seeds from several native and exotic grassland species into experimentally manipulated plots, designed to separate the effects of litter removal from the other effects of burning, and to monitor seedling densities. Germinability and dormancy characteristics of the sowed seeds were also addressed. An additional study focused on the fire temperatures at soil surface in three grassland vegetation types and two burn sizes. Burning increased the establishment of most or all of the sown native species in the two low quality, exotic grass sites. Exotic seedling establishment also tended to increase, but did not differ significantly from unburned plots for most species tested. On the higher quality, native bunchgrass site, burning did not significantly improve native species establishment, but did significantly increase the establishment of short-lived exotic species over those in unburned plots. The germination and dormancy characteristics of the native and exotic species tested indicate that grasses, both native and exotic, are more likely than forbs to be non-dormant in the autumn following dispersal. Forbs, especially native forbs tend to require cold-stratification for maximum germinability. During grassland fire, temperatures at soil surface were relatively cool. Fire temperature intensity was highest in the higher quality native bunchgrass vegetation. These burns reached higher temperatures significantly closer to the soil surface than the plot burns in lower quality sites dominated by annual or perennial exotic grasses. Average temperatures in a two hectare broadcast burn and in replicated 2m x 2.5m plot bums in an annual exotic grassland were very similar. Prescribed burning can be an excellent tool for the restoration of low-quality upland prairies when combined with sowing native seeds in the fall. However, on high-quality prairie, prescribed burning may be a poor restoration choice for promoting native seedlings, as burning promoted weedy species without enhancing native seedling establishment. / Graduation date: 1997

Effects of ryegrass residue management on Dayton soil organic carbon content, distribution and related properties

Chapin, Michele F. 13 March 1992 (has links)
Total organic carbon, total nitrogen, microbial respiration and enzyme activity (β-glucosidase) were measured on several horizons of a Dayton silt loam (fine, montmorillonitic, mesic, Typic Albaqualf) soil cropped to annual ryegrass under two straw residue management systems. The study evaluated the effects of annual burning of straw residues or annual incorporation of straw residues on the content, distribution and bioavailability of soil organic carbon. Four fields were selected to represent the burn management system which have been annually burned for a minimum of 40 years. Four fields were selected to represent the straw incorportated system (mold board plow) which had been annually burned for approximately 30 years, followed by incorporation of straw residues into soil for a minimum of 10 years. One native site was selected to represent non-cultivation conditions. Straw management system strongly influenced both the total organic C and N and microbial activity the surface soil horizon. Soil organic C and N content were significantly greater (p < 0.05) in the Ap horizons of soils under the plowed management system than soils under the burned management system. The collective evidence suggests, however, that the significant differences observed between the two residue management systems are not due to greater losses of soil organic C and N as a result of burning but rather that organic C levels have increased as a result of a change in management. Soil C:N ratios are slightly higher in the Ap horizons of soils as a result of straw residue incorporation in comparison to burning of straw residues. When expressed on a mass soil basis, both C0₂ evolution from microbial respiration, during a 32 day incubation period, and enzyme activity were significantly greater (p < 0.10) for the Ap horizon of soils where straw residue had been incorporated than in soils where residues had been annually burned. When expressed on a per gram C basis, neither C0₂ evolution from microbial respiration or enzyme activity were significantly different between the two management systems. These results indicate that long-term annual burning of straw residues has not decreased the bioavailability of soil organic C. / Graduation date: 1992

The effect of nitrogen, irrigation, and cultivation on Pinot noir juice and wine composition from the Willamette Valley, Oregon

Wall, Katherine Elizabeth 05 November 2003 (has links)
Graduation date: 2004

Drivers of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community composition in roots : hosts, neighbors, and environment

Phillips, Wendy S. 06 September 2012 (has links)
The vast majority of terrestrial plant species live in symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). AMF and plants live in complex networks, with roots of individual plants hosting multiple AMF, and single AMF colonizing multiple plants concurrently. Through the exchange of resources, the two partners of this symbiosis can have great effects on each other, effects which can ripple through both communities. What determines the patterns of associations between the partners is still largely unknown. In this dissertation, I examine a variety of factors, and in particular host identity, that could drive the community composition of AMF in roots. I began by surveying the diversity of AMF in roots of 12 plant species at a remnant bunchgrass prairie in Oregon, U.S.A. (Chapter 2). To do that, I first designed new primers for use in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to specifically amplify DNA from all Glomeromycota species. Using those primers, I found 36 distinct AMF phylogenetic groups, or operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the roots from the prairie. The proportion of OTUs in the basal order Archaeosporales was greater than in many other environmental surveys. I also conducted an in silico analysis to predict how effectively previously published primers would detect the whole diversity of OTUs I detected. I then assayed AMF community composition in the roots of 50 plants from nine plant species (Chapter 3). To do that, I designed primers specific to 18 of the OTUs detected in the initial field survey and used them to test for the presence of each OTU in the roots individual plants. I used that data to test if AMF community composition in individual roots correlated with host identity, spatial distribution, or soil characteristics. I found host identity was associated with both the richness and the structure of root AMF communities, while spatial distribution and soil characteristics were not. Finally, I performed an experimental test of the effect of host identity and community context on AMF community assembly (Chapter 4). I grew plants from four native perennial plant species, including two common and two federally endangered plants, either individually or in a community of four plants (with one plant of each species). I analyzed the AMF community composition in the roots of all plants after 12 weeks of growth with exposure to a uniform mix of field soil as inoculum. I found that host species identity affected root AMF richness and community composition, and community context affected AMF richness. Only one of the endangered species was highly colonized by AMF, and I did not detect unique AMF communities associated with it. This dissertation provides information on the diversity of AMF at a remnant bunchgrass prairie, an ecosystem which has been the subject of very few studies of AMF. Although a complex mix of factors interact to determine AMF community composition in roots, this work provides strong evidence that host identity plays a major role in that process. / Graduation date: 2013

The role of body size in the foraging strategies and management of avian herbivores : a comparison of dusky Canada geese (Branta canadensis occidentalis) and cackling geese (B. hutchinsii minima) wintering in the Willamette Valley of Oregon

Mini, Anne E. 11 October 2012 (has links)
Body size explains much of the interspecific variation in the physiology, behavior, and morphology of birds, such as metabolic rate, diet selection, intake rate, gut size, and bill size. Based on mass-specific metabolic requirements and relative energetic costs of activities, being a certain body size has both advantages and disadvantages. In particular, avian herbivores such as geese possess a relatively simple digestive system, consume foods with low digestibility and poor nutrient content, and have increased energetic demands compared to other bird taxa; therefore, any effects of body size on foraging strategies should be readily apparent in this foraging guild. The influence of body size on the behavior and management of Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) and Cackling Geese (B. hutchinsii) as avian herbivores has not been well studied. My dissertation explores the role of body size in comparative foraging behavior, habitat selection, and winter conservation planning for two congeneric geese, the Dusky Canada Goose (B. c. occidentalis; hereafter Duskys) and the Cackling Goose (B. h. minima; hereafter Cacklers). These two taxa share the same over-winter foraging environment (grass seed fields) in the same restricted geographic area (the Willamette Valley) during winter. Duskys and Cacklers differ by more than a factor of two in body size and have different relative bill sizes and social organization. Because of smaller body size, Cacklers have greater relative energy demands and less fasting endurance compared to Duskys; however, Cacklers have comparatively low energetic costs for flight and transport. Duskys, however, have higher total energy requirements than Cacklers. Additionally, Cacklers form large, high-density flocks and have a total over-wintering population size in the study area of about 200,000. Duskys occur in relatively small family groups and have a total over-wintering population size of about 13,000. My study demonstrated that interspecific differences in body size between Cacklers and Duskys was associated with differences in foraging behavior, movements, and habitat selection. Cacklers foraged a greater percentage of time (30%) in all habitats and across the entire winter compared to Duskys. Cacklers had higher peck rates (up to 100 pecks min⁻¹ greater) than Duskys in all foraging habitats expect pasture. The pecking rate of Cacklers was greatest in fields of young grass (200 pecks min⁻¹), which may indicate that Cacklers had relatively high intake rates in this foraging habitat. Based on differences in foraging behavior among habitats, Cacklers may have the foraging strategy of energy intake maximizers, whereas the foraging strategy of Duskys is more towards time-energy expenditure minimizers, at least for part of the winter. Cacklers moved across the landscape very differently from Duskys, exhibiting less site fidelity and greater commuting distances to foraging areas. Cacklers showed a preference for young grass during all periods of the winter, reaffirming that Cacklers are specialized grazers on short green forage, whereas Duskys preferred young grass and pasture. Fields of young grass were the preferred foraging habitat of Cacklers, had less standing crop biomass, and may have enabled higher foraging efficiencies, which may have led to higher intake rates. The ability of the landscape to support wintering geese changed across the winter because total available plant biomass fluctuated with the rate of grass regrowth. The estimated carrying capacity of the landscape for geese decline by almost one-half during mid-winter (mid-December to mid-February) compared to early winter or late winter periods. Although Cacklers have lower individual energy requirements compared to Duskys, due to a much larger target population size, Cacklers required 89% more foraging habitat than Duskys. Forage requirements encountered a bottleneck during mid-winter, when grass regrowth rates were low and day length was short. Commensurate with this pattern of forage availability, goose body condition declined during the mid-winter period. To support Pacific Flyway target populations for geese, approximately 18,000 ha of total grazing habitat in young and mature grass is needed in the Willamette Valley to support a total over-wintering population composed of 340,000 geese belonging to four subspecies. The role of body size in influencing the foraging behavior and decisions of over-wintering geese has important implications for conservation planning of goose populations. Small-bodied Cacklers are selective in field choice, yet more likely to redistribute across the landscape. Disturbances (e.g., hunting, hazing, or predation) will have a disproportionate effect on the movements of smaller-bodied geese compared to larger geese. These characteristics of Cacklers will make conservation planning to retain geese on public land more difficult. Coordinated management with private landowners and farming practices that maximize preferred goose foraging habitat on public lands may attract geese to utilize protected areas and minimize conflicts with agriculture in the Willamette Valley. Availability of resources during critical periods in winter is an important factor affecting the distribution of geese, but may affect small and large bodied geese differently. Management could be targeted during these critical time periods. By considering the role of body size in the context of life history characteristics, foraging behavior and habitat selection, appropriate management strategies can be developed and implemented to reduce the effects of agricultural depredation by geese, while promoting the future conservation of wintering geese in the Willamette Valley. / Graduation date: 2013

Determinants of off-farm labor supply among farm households in the north Willamette Valley

Doyle, Douglas J., 1963- 10 August 1987 (has links)
Financial stress in agriculture has been a concern over the past century. Agrarian values and "love of the land" seem to yield public conclusions for the support of the industry. Much of this support is in the interest of preserving a viable food producing sector in an volatile world climate. High interest rates, declining land values and highly competitive export markets have spurred renewed concern for farm survival in the past ten years. One alternative to traditional price supports and tariffs for farm household support is off-farm income. This may take many forms including off-farm wages and salaries, rental income, interest and dividend income and, retirement or pension funds. Central to the analysis of nonfarm income generation is the allocation of time by farm households. For farmers who place a high value on the farm lifestyle, occupational choice is embedded in the time decision to such an extent that the resource allocations based on economic efficiency criteria may be altered. Tobit techniques offer a new approach to the analysis of farm household decisions on time allocation. The procedure allows the investigator to estimate and evaluate parameters that may affect the amount of off-farm work by farm household members. The Tobit analysis is designed for censored data sets. The data in this study were censored because there were missing observations on the quantity of off-farm work for those individuals who did not work off-farm in 1986. Results of Tobit analyses of off-farm work by farm operators and spouses in three Oregon counties indicated that high levels of gross farm income reduce the likelihood and extent of off-farm work. Middle-aged operators worked off-farm more while the presence of small children and elderly dependents in the farm household inhibited off-farm work. The allocation decisions of the spouse and the operator appeared to be independent; this supports a nonsimultaneous Tobit specification like the one used in this research. / Graduation date: 1988

The similarity of texted musical grammar to oral communication : exploring grammar, text and content with examples from fieldwork with Grupo Kultura

Herrera, Tere Lynn 08 August 1997 (has links)
The goal of this study is to elucidate the similarities between the grammar of oral folk music and oral language grammar through field examples from Grupo Kultura, a group of neo-Latin American musicians in the mid-Willamette Valley area of Oregon. The linguistic analysis of oral folk music explores textual and contextual issues which serve to highlight the need to include such forms of communication as music in an expanded view of "language." It suggests both fluid and non-fluid boundaries between spoken language and oral folk music. Of particular emphasis are the potential ability of music to express deep emotional content in music and the possible decoding of that content's musical meaning. Data was collected through ethnographic interviews and participant observation. / Graduation date: 1998

Sweet corn decline syndrome in Oregon's Willamette Valley

Hoinacki, Elisabeth V. 02 June 2003 (has links)
Graduation date: 2004

Chronology and Ecology of Late Pleistocene Megafauna in the Northern Willamette Valley, Oregon

Gilmour, Daniel McGowan 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study is an investigation of the timing of extinction of late Pleistocene, large bodied mammalian herbivores (megafauna) and of the environment in which they lived. The demise of the megafauna near the end of the Pleistocene remains unexplained. Owing to potential human involvement in the extinctions, archaeologists have been particularly concerned to understand the causes for faunal losses. Our current lack of understanding of the timing and the causes of the extinctions in North America may result from a deficiency in understanding the histories of each individual species of extinct animal on a local level. Detailed regional chronologies of fauna are necessary for comparison with paleoenvironmental and archaeological data to help sort out causes for extinction. The Willamette Valley of western Oregon has long been noted for finds of megafauna, though records have not been synthesized since the early 20th century and these materials have remained largely unstudied. In this thesis, I first create a catalog of extinct megafauna recovered from the Willamette Valley. Next, using material from the northern valley, I employ AMS radiocarbon dating, stable isotope δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N analyses, and gross inferences based on the dietary specializations and habitat preferences of taxa in order to reconstruct environments and to develop a local chronology of events that is then arrayed against archaeological and paleoenvironmental data. The results of this study indicate that megafaunal populations in the northern Willamette Valley were contemporaneous with the earliest known human populations of the Pacific Northwest, as well as later populations associated with the Clovis Paleoindian Horizon. Consistent with the overkill hypothesis, radiocarbon ages span the length of the Clovis window, but no ages are younger than Clovis. Moreover, all radiocarbon ages are older than or contemporaneous to the onset of the Younger Dryas Stadial. No age ranges fall exclusively within the Younger Dryas. Comparison of megafaunal ages and paleoenvironmental records support the view that climate change contributed to local animal population declines. Prior to ~13,000 cal BP, the Willamette Valley was an open environment; herbivores mainly consumed C₃ vegetation. The timing of the loss of megafauna coincides with increased forested conditions as indicated by regional paleoenvironmental reconstruction. As the timing of megafaunal decline correlates with Clovis, the onset of the Younger Dryas, and increased forested conditions, it is not possible with the data currently available to distinguish the cause of extinction in the Willamette Valley. The age ranges of the fauna coupled with taphonomic and geologic context indicate that the fauna are autochthonous to the Willamette Valley; they do not represent ice rafted carcasses or isolated skeletal elements transported from elsewhere during late Pleistocene glacial outburst floods.

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