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Winter Habitat Selection Of Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) In A Large Regulated RiverEnglund, Ronald A. 01 May 1991 (has links)
Microhabitat use by cutthroat trout and macrohabitat use by both cutthroat and rainbow trout were studied i n the Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam during the winters of 1988 and 1989. Microhabitat parameters used by cutthroat trout, such as focal velocity, depth, and fish elevation, differed significantly in eddies, runs, and riffles. Mean focal velocities in runs were 0.79 body lengths/seconds (bl/s), in riffles 0.66 bl/s, and in eddies 0.24 bl/s. Cutthroat trout size also varied significantly with macrohabitat; larger fish were found in riffles.
Macrohabitat use by cutthroat trout and rainbow trout differed significantly among species, macrohabitat types, and months. Both rainbow trout and cutthroat trout macrohabitat use shifted from lower velocity habitats during winter to faster velocity habitats in summer. Cutthroat trout and rainbow trout used macrohabitats at seasonally differing rates. Riffles were never selected in proportion to their abundance, especially during high winter discharges. Cutthroat trout implanted with radiotransmitters exhibited little movement during diel monitoring and did not change their occupation of macrohabitats.
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Impacts of Oil and Gas Development on Wintering Grassland Birds at Padre Island National Seashore, TexasLawson, Ardath L. 2009 August 1900 (has links)
Padre Island National Seashore provides important habitat for wintering
grassland birds, which are declining throughout their breeding range, yet oil and gas
development is widespread in the park. My objective was to evaluate the effects of
resource extraction on the park's grassland birds and make management
recommendations based on my findings.
In January-March 2007 and 2008, I surveyed 5 active, 4 abandoned, and 4 road
sites to investigate the relationship between distance from disturbance (well pads, access
roads) and bird abundance. I also compared abundance among the 3 site types. At each
site I recorded bird numbers and species in 10-m distance bands along all transects (4
transects/well, 2 transects/road), each extending 300 m from the road or pad.
At road sites bird abundance was positively correlated with increased distance
from road edge, but I found no linear relationship at active or abandoned well sites.
However, mean bird abundance in the first (0-30-m) distance interval of active well
transects was less than half that at the second interval, and was the lowest value for all
active intervals except the ninth. First-interval abundance at active wells was lower than
abundance at any abandoned well interval. Road transects likewise showed low
abundance in the initial interval, although unlike at active wells abundance increased
steadily with distance from the center of disturbance.
This trend of lower overall numbers at the first interval of active well transects
was driven largely by 1 species, the meadowlark. A combination of high noise levels
near active well pads (up to 80 dB) and lack of tall vegetation (on average 30% lower than the 60-90-m interval) from which to sing may have contributed to low numbers of
meadowlarks, which were the only birds to sing regularly during my study period.
While most birds appear to be minimally affected by resource extraction at Padre
Island, to ensure minimal impacts on sensitive species I recommend: 1) reducing noise at
active sites, 2) limiting disturbance to vegetation near pads and roads, 3) maintaining
existing perch sites, 4) restoring all vegetation to its pre-extraction condition, 5) limiting
road construction.
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Winter Habitat Selection by American Marten (Martes americana) in Newfoundland: Why Old Growth?Drew, Gary S. 01 May 1995 (has links)
Although the American marten (Martes americana) generally is recognized as an obligate late-seral species, the factors dictating this association are poorly understood. Martens were studied in Newfoundland, Yellowstone National Park, and in a captive setting. As expected, use of habitat types was not proportional to availability P < 0.001). Defoliated and late-seral conifer stands were used more than expected, while all other types indicated expected or less than expected use. Habitat selection by martens was detectable at spatial scales greater than 80 m (P < 0.001).
Newfoundland martens were radio-collared and monitored for diet activity during the winters of 1990 and 1991. A regression of the percent active fixes on temperature had a negative slope (P = -4.45, P= 0.084, n = 12), indicating that martens did not minimize their exposure to low temperatures. A log-linear model suggested that the presence or absence of light was the only factor associated with marten activity patterns (P < 0.001).
Martens in Western Newfoundland and a population in Yellowstone National Park were tested for their response to predation risk using bait stations in various habitat types. Visitation rates of martens at bait-boxes were not different between study sites (P = 0 .190). However, martens visitation by habitat was different (P = 0.001). Martens use of bait-boxes was similar in old-growth and defoliated habitats, suggesting that foliar cover may not have a strong influence on the risk of predation for martens during winter. Martens did use bait-boxes in defoliated stands to a greater extent than those in open habitats (P < 0.001), suggesting that they perceived stem structure as decreasing predation risk.
In captive experiments, martens selected areas with both overhead cover and woody stem structure (P = 0.012). I detected no difference between the use of areas with only overhead cover and those having only stem structure (P = 0.671). However, martens decreased foraging activity in response to a predatory cue (P = 0.004). The inability of martens to use food resources in areas lacking cover during the summer suggests a perception of increased threat associated with these areas.
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Ecology and conservation of the swift parrot - an endangered austral migrantSaunders, Debra, debbie.saunders@anu.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
The swift parrot (Lathamus discolor, Psittacidae) is an endangered, austral migrant that inhabits forests and woodlands of south-eastern Australia. With a small population size (2500 birds), broad winter distribution (1 250 000 km2) and often cryptic nature, the swift parrot is a challenging species to study. In autumn they migrate north from their Tasmanian breeding grounds in search of suitable food resources throughout their winter range on mainland Australia. They are therefore dependent on a combination of suitable wintering, migration and breeding habitats. Although they spend a large proportion of their lives within winter habitats, the spatial and temporal dynamics of habitat use in this part of their range is poorly understood. This thesis aims to provide a greater understanding of large-scale winter habitat use by swift parrots, in both historic and current contexts, and provide a basis for future conservation management.
Swift parrots, or red-shouldered paroquets as they were previously known, were among the first Australian birds to be scientifically described and illustrated following European settlement in 1788. However, within 60 years of settlement, habitats throughout the range of the species were being impacted upon. An important aspect of this habitat loss is the speed and spatial extent with which it occurred throughout the parrots broad distribution. Although the most extensive habitat loss in some areas occurred during colonial times, habitats continue to be lost as a result of various land management practices. Such impacts are also likely to be exacerbated by the ongoing cumulative impact with rapid climate change. As a result the swift parrot is an endangered species and is the subject of an ongoing national recovery program, to which this thesis contributes.
Conserving habitat for the swift parrot, and other wide-ranging fauna species, is challenging since impacts in one area tend to be dismissed based on the assumption that there is sufficient habitat in other areas. These conservation challenges are discussed in regard to the national swift parrot recovery program. Although recovery program implementation for this species has been successful in identifying and protecting some important habitats, there are still many gaps in our knowledge that need to be addressed through a continuing and adaptive recovery effort, including an understanding of variable habitat use throughout their winter range.
A study of swift parrot winter habitat use was therefore conducted at 53 sites across New South Wales over five years (2001-2005). Swift parrots used a diversity of winter foraging habitats in coastal and/or western slopes regions of New South Wales each year, including several habitats that occur in endangered ecological communities. Landscapes containing winter foraging habitat included scattered trees, remnant vegetation and continuous forests, and swift parrots foraged extensively on lerp and nectar from a diversity of tree species within these. The occurrence of swift parrots at foraging sites was primarily associated with the abundance of lerp, nectar and non-aggressive competitors. Although swift parrot abundance fluctuated significantly between years and regions, over half of all foraging sites were used repeatedly, highlighting their likely importance for conservation.
Patterns of habitat use throughout the species winter range were also studied across five states/territories using volunteer data from 4140 surveys. These surveys were conducted by up to 300 volunteers twice a year, for seven years (1998-2004) with swift parrots detected in 19% of surveys. As a result, this study provided the first demonstration of large-scale drought related movements by a migratory population throughout their winter range. It also demonstrated the dynamic spatial and temporal patterns of winter habitat use, including repeated use of sites, by an austral migrant. Four regions in central Victoria were used most consistently, although the birds also visited other regions each year.
During drought swift parrot abundance was significantly correlated with rainfall, whereby most of the population either concentrated in a few regions or migrated longer distances (up to 1000km) to drought refuges in wetter coastal areas. However, swift parrot abundance was not associated with specific climate variables during years of average to high rainfall throughout most of their range. Instead they appeared to prefer habitats within particular regions. Importantly this study emphasises that conservation measures need to be implemented throughout the distribution of migratory species, including drought refuge habitats and areas outside conservation reserves.
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