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Produktutveckling av en medicinteknisk arbetstolOskarsdottir, Alex January 2022 (has links)
I syfte att bidra till en högre sysselsättningsgrad och ökad livskvalitet hos individer med kroniska nervsmärtor i ben och rygg har en produktutveckling av en medicintekniskarbetsstol genomförts. Som referensobjekt användes en prototyp som kombinerar funktioner på ett sådant sätt att stolen bidrar till minskad kotkompressionoch minskat tryck över nerver i ben. Målet var att skapa en digital prototyp med realistisktutformade mekaniska system, materialval samt produktionsmetoder. En nulägesanalys på referensobjekt utfördes med analysmetoden rapid upper limbassessment som grund för den ergonomiska bedömningen. Produktkrav och marknadsbehov kartlagdes med en konkurrentanalys och sammanställdes i en qualityfunction deployment matris. Utifrån insamlad litteratur togs beslut om vilka funktioner som skulle ingå i prototypen. Stolen dimensionerades enligt antropometriska mått, en gren av ergonomin som kartlägger kroppens mått. Prototypen möter målen om att generera lägre kotkompression och minska smärta i ben då den försetts med funktioner som enligt evidens har den effekten. De mekaniska system som utvecklats är en gunga som kan användas synkront, alltså som möjliggör vinkling av ryggstöd och sits oberoende av varandra. Ett magstöd integrerades i armstödet och kan användas vid sittande eller med stolen som ståstödsstol. Ett vajerbasserat bromssystem och ett justerbart svankstöd konstruerades. Anpassning avstolens dimensioner kan utföras för cirka 95 procent av den svenska befolkningen. För konstruktionens bärande delar valdes medelkolhaltigt stål av typen ISO CS30. Produktionsmetod för dessa delar är avdunstningsmönstergjutning i sand och skärandebearbetning av halvfabrikat i kombination med svetsning. För övriga konstruktionsdelar valdes polypropen och produktionsmetoden varmformning för prototyp och förslagsvis formsprutning vid slutgiltig produktion. Stoppning görs i viskoselastisktskum och armstöd i polyuretangummi. Val baserades på hållfasthetsberäkningar,gällande standarder, hänsyn till miljö samt ekonomi. I förhållande till referensobjektet förbättrades placeringar av reglage ur ett ergonomiskt perspektiv. Säkerheten ökades i och med att bromssystemet förbättrats och funktionaliteten ökades genom att integrera magstödet och utveckla en synkrongunga. Som ett fortsatt arbete föreslås framtagning av ritningar och hållfasthetsanalyser på fler detaljer i syfte att sänka vikten på överdimensionerade delar. Fysisk konstruktion av en prototyp och testning av referensgrupp kan sedan bidra till insikter om produktens bärighet på marknaden.
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Utveckling av hundtvättstation för flerbostadshus / Development of washing station for dogs in apartment buildingsGaroosi, Babak, Klahr, Elin January 2022 (has links)
AB Furhoffs Rostfria producerar produkter och komponenter i rostfritt stål. Företaget lanserade en tvättstation utformad för cyklar som fick ett gott mottagande av bostadsrättsföreningar. Från de boende framkom det förfrågningar om en liknande tvättstation som istället är anpassad för hundar. Med anledning av detta tilldelade Furhoffs i uppdrag att ta fram ett konceptförslag av en tvättstation för hundar i flerbostadshus med användaren i fokus. Inledningsvis genomförs ett förarbete om hundens välfärd för att säkerställa att hundtvättstationen inte utformas på ett sätt som medför risk för att skada eller försämra hundens välfärd. Parallellt implementeras metodiken Kansei Engineering för att identifiera de önskvärda intrycken, även kallade Kansei ord, som hundägare vill uppleva från hundtvättstationen. Förarbetet resulterar till ett slutgiltigt konceptförslag som tar hänsyn till både hund och hundägares välfärd för en social hållbarhet. Vidare resulterar konceptförslaget till en hög korrelation mellan Kansei ord och viljan att använda produkten. Därefter implementeras Value Engineering för att både minimera produktens kostnad och miljöpåverkan, samtidigt som det kvalitétssäkrar att användarcentrering inte försummas. Ett systematiskt användande av både Kansei och Value Engineering medför att följande hållbarhetsaspekter; sociala, ekologiska och ekonomiska upprätthålls. Projektet har resulterat i ett slutgiltigt konceptförslag som är en tvättstation för hundar med avsikt att uppfylla hundägares behov i flerbostadshus. Vidare ska användaren få intrycket från tvättstationen att den är passande för en snabb avsköljning av hund med vatten, exempelvis efter en promenad. Stationen har integrerade funktioner som stänkbleck och mekanisk rengöring (även kallad sandfång), samt är anpassad för hund och hundägares välmående genom ergonomiska anpassningar för tvätt-session och underhåll. / AB Furhoffs Rostfria produces products and components in stainless steel. The company launched a washing stationen for bicycles that was well received by the residents in apartment buildings. Thereafter, requests emerged from the residents for a similar washing station that can be used for washing their dogs instead. Because of this, Furhoffs assigned a project to develop a user centered design proposal of a washing station for dogs in apartment buildings. The project started by collecting information about the welfare of dogs. The purpose was to ensure that the washing station is not designed in a way that can result in a risk of harming the welfare of dogs. At the sametime, the methodology of Kansei Engineering is applied to identify the desired impressions, also called Kansei words, that the dog owners want to experience from the washing station. The preparatory work results in a final design proposal that considers the welfare of the dogs and dog owners for a social sustainability. Furthermore, the design proposal results in a high correlation between Kansei words and the will to use the product. Thereafter, Value Engineering is used to minimize the cost of the product and the environmental impact, while ensuring the user value of the product is not lost. A systematic approach of both Kansei and Value Engineering derives to maintaining the following sustainability aspects: social, ecological and economical. The project results in a final design proposal, that is a washing station designed for dogs. Moreover, the design proposal is intended to fit the needs of dog owners in apartment buildings. Furthermore, the product should give the user the impression that it is suitable to rinse the dog quickly, for example if the dog gets dirty after a walk outside. The washing station has integrated functions such as splash walls and mechanical cleaning (also called sand trap) and is adapted for the dog and dog owner’s well-being through ergonomic adaptations during the washing session and maintenance.
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Capabilities that enable innovationWestman, Christoffer January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Attracting the right employees : A study of successful employer brandingÄrnström, Erik, Bergman, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Employer branding is an area of growing importance and attention. Though the concept of attracting and recruiting employees is by no means a new one, the idea of the employer brand implies a more conscious opinion of companies as employers by potential employees and as a result a more considered approach by companies themselves. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how the attract stage of employer branding in an anonymous company could be improved and formulate suggestions for improvement. The analysis is performed with three different focuses: formulating an employer branding strategy, organizing a structure to implement this strategy and communication of the desired image and brand values. Results show that the company is lacking in many areas and have potential for improvement in several key areas. The general analysis is that focus in employer branding is moving towards a more active dialogue with the target group where transparency and relations are emphasized. The company could improve their employer branding management by defining on a more specific target group, prioritize the opinion of this group over the general student population and use local brands more in the communication.
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Simulation of manufacturing sequences for verification of product propertiesWerke, Mats January 2009 (has links)
The manufacturing sequence may to a large extent influence properties like residual stresses and hardness and, as a consequence, the fatigue life and shape accuracy of a component. By simulating the manufacturing sequence and extract important accumulated data, the possibilities of early analysis of a design concept of a component and optimisation of the complete manufacturing sequence may increase. An established methodology has the potential to reduce physical testing, increase the process knowledge and reduce product development time and costs. This thesis suggests principles for simulating manufacturing sequences for forged and sheet metal-formed components. It is possible to establish virtual manufacturing sequences and connect different commercial simulation softwares into a chain with support from methods for data communication and in process modelling. However, the data communication has pitfalls and also material data, process data and material models for single processes may be insufficient in order to conduct a quantitative analysis of the accumulated properties. Thus, a thorough validation of the sequential simulation results should be performed. Further, engineering simplifications of the sequence are recommended and e.g. a combination of numerical and empirical methods may be preferable in order to predict accumulated results with high accuracy. Future development concerning standards for data communication as well as meshing, mapping and modelling technique is recommended in order to improve the quality of the accumulated results. Finally, methods for integration of sequential simulation in the overall component design process, including conventional Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA), should be developed. The main advantage of sequential simulation may be conceptual studies of process and material parameter variations and their influence on the final product properties. Paper I describes how to select the most critical process parameters in a manufacturing sequence. Paper II describes how to establish a sequence using a combination of numerical and empirical methods and paper III describes state of the art concerning shot peening simulation.
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Utveckling av tillbehörsprodukt för högtalare / Development of an accessory product for loudspeakersGustavsson, Joel January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Hur ska företag navigera i ett hav av teknologi? : En studie om hur tillverkande företag bör identifiera passande spårbarhet i sin produktion / How Should Companies Navigate in an Ocean of Technologies?Juterot, Matilda, Eriksson, Alicia January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Analys av Process Mining som stöd för produktionsförbättring : Granskning av processflöden för en funktionell verkstadsproduktion / Analysis of process mining as a suppliment for production process improvmentSöderberg, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Manufacturing within a workshop layout raises multiple difficult problems with how the production is planned and how it is supposed to be run to be able to maintain quality, profitability, effectiveness while at the same time keep the lead time to a minimum. To succeed with the above, it requires a well-planned production process and clear prioritizing rules for special occasions. For the personnel to be able to succeed and plan the production, they need have great knowledge in how the production works and what areas in which problems are likely to occur. The study will use the process mining software Disco and combined with interviews and observations to determine if process mining could be utilized with the purpose to improve the company’s production process. The result from the study shows that using process mining will support the company in getting better understanding in the productions current situation. It also shows that process mining can identify areas in the production process where long waiting times occur and deviations in the production data log. The study also shows that the company could profit from utilizing process mining in their work to improve the process to reach an improved current state in the future with being a complement to simulation models and can be seen as an early step in the PDCA-tool.
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Framtagning av en modulär barstomme / Development of a modular bar frameworkAndersson, Viktor, Abdul-Rahman, William January 2021 (has links)
Widab är ett företag som är verksamma i Hjo, med delar av sälj och projektorganisationen i Stockholm. De erbjuder kompletta tjänster, service och produkter inom storkök för restauranger, pubar och hotell. Uppdraget innefattar att ta fram en modulär barstomme åt Widab, som de har som ambition att etablera i sitt sortiment. Målet med barstommen är främst att den ska vara modulär, men även tillgodose en lättare distribution samt montering och demontering genom att applicera metoden Design For Manufacturing and Assembly, som i rapporten kommer förkortas DFMA. Detta då Widab tidigare har haft problem med sina andra barer, då de är otympliga och tar onödigt stor plats vid leveranser. De har heller inte varit särskilt flexibla, vad gäller montering. Denna bar ska kunden kunna konfigurera även efter beställning, om de vill flytta på baren eller göra andra justeringar. Detta är något som marknaden inte erbjuder helt och hållet i dagsläget. En planerad produktframtagningsprocess har använts för att komma fram till slutprodukten, där metoder som intervjuer, enkäter, Morfologisk matris, Six thinking hats, Idéutvärdering och Konceptviktningsmatris har använts. Projektet resulterade i en bar med segment som är modulära, där användaren kan konfigurera segmenten utifrån sina behov till en komplett bar. Segmenten ställs bredvid varandra i önskad ordning och plats, där dem sedan sätts samman med en toppskiva på ovansidan. Segmenten och inventarierna kan konfigureras på olika sätt, oberoende av ordning och plats. Förflyttning av baren sker med hjälp av hjul. / Widab is a company located in Hjo, with part of their sales and project organization in Stockholm. They offer complete services and products within commercial kitchens for restaurants, pubs and hotels. The mission includes developing a modular bar for Widab, as they have the ambition to include it in their assortment. The goal with the bar is primarily to be modular, but also cater an easier distribution and also assembly and disassembly by applying the method Design For Manufacturing and Assembly, which will be referred to as DFMA in this report. This is something that Widab have struggled with, with their previous bars. They are awkward and take unnecessary large space when delivering them and that they are not flexible when it comes to assembly. This bar should be configurable even after an order, if the user wants to move it or adjust it in any other way. This is something that the market has not fully figured out yet. A well planned product development process has been used to generate the final product, were methods such as interviews, surveys, Morphological matrix, Six thinking hats, Idea evaluation and Concept weighting matrix have been used. The project resulted in a bar with segments that are modular, where the user can configure the segments based on their own needs. The segments are placed next to each other in desired order and space and are held together with the countertop on the upper side. These segments and the inventories can be configured in different ways, independent of order and space. Movement of the bar is possible due to the existing wheels.
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Optimization-Based Configurators in the Product Development ProcessWehlin, Camilla January 2021 (has links)
Requirements from the market on customer responsiveness and pressure on the environmental profiles of companies, both internally and externally, are challenging companies to amend their processes in all possible aspects in order to stay competitive. For product development companies, the challenges often lie in developing and delivering products rapidly, customized and meeting the set requirements. For highly customized products, mass customization is a term describing a company setting in which products meet each customer’s individual requirements but are still produced and delivered at near mass-production efficiency. The concept of mass customization is becoming a prerequisite for the survival of companies within this niche. For more complex engineering products, the complexity increases as new technology is introduced, which needs to be integrated to increase the product’s performance at a rapid pace. Also for complex products, the level of customization is increasing, which motivates the support of tools enabling an increase in customization. In both mass customized and complex products, the obstacles to overcome are the repetitive resource inefficient work, knowledge capture and reuse, uncoordinated processes, and a high number of iterations between departments within the company. This often boils down to the well-established so-called design paradox describing the lack of knowledge about a product and process in the early stages of design, where the design freedom is still high. As knowledge increases throughout the process, the design freedom in contrast shrinks, and the costs of changes increase exponentially. Design automation, design optimization and the use of configurators are all methods used to reduce repetitive work, increase and capture knowledge, and integrate the product development process. This thesis presents how configurators based on optimization can be used and integrated into the product development process of engineering intensive configurable products and components, such as engineer-to-order (ETO) products. Design automation and design optimization have been identified as key building blocks to extend the use of configurators. This has been done in two different application cases within two different research projects, to evaluate how these configurator systems may be modeled and utilized. The first application case concerns the automation of hose routing in vehicles and the second application case concerns spiral staircases intended for mass customization.
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