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Analýza působení větru na štíhlé stavební konstrukce / Analysis of wind effect on slender engineering structuresTomeček, Petr January 2014 (has links)
Master thesis deals with the analysis of wind effect on high slender engineering structures. There are explained important knowledge of the flow theory and compared each turbulent models according to relation of Reynolds and Strouhal number. The point of separation i salso defined. All necessary calculations are made in the ANSYS systém.
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Deformačně-napěťová analýza páteřního segmentu / Strain-stress analysis of spinal segmentPánis, Vladimír January 2009 (has links)
Presented work deals with the strain-stress analysis of a spinal segment while monitoring the influence of total disk replacement Maverick on the global behaviour of the spinal segment. It also assesses the influence of this implant on the nearest upper intervertebral disk. On the basis of CT images was in the program Rhinoceros created the geometry model of spinal segment Th12-L2. The geometry model of implant was applied between vertebra L1 and L2 instead of intervertebral disk from which the whole core was removed, while in the immediate surrounding of implant the part of disk was left, which is important from the view of stability. Subsequently were in the program Ansys Workbench created finite element models for two states: - healthy (unbroken) status - status with applied implant Then the calculations for movements were realized: lateral flexion, flexion, extension, rotation. For the same movements were realized calculations of the model simulated spinal fusion of the vertebras L1-L2. Finally an influence both of methods (total disk replacement, spinal fusion) on the intervertebral disk Th12-L1 was compared.
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Osobní vozidlo s pneumatickým motorem / Passenger car with pneumatic driveHudec, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to propose a basic conception of passenger car chassis part with pneumatic drive (next only pneumobil). The pneumobil was designed mainly from BoschRexroth serial parts. The layout of this vehicle was arranged as dual-track with pneumatic drives with O 80 mm bore and stroke 125 mm. These engines are placed crossways top-down. Next I provided stress-strain analysis of rear bottom vehicle part, where act forces from rear wheels and pneumatic motor. The crucial task of this thesis is to design the chassis frame, choose suitable material and pneumatic motor for most effective usage of compressed air. The final goal is to propose an ideal gear ratio.
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Mechanické vlastnosti mikroelektronických systémů / Mechanical Properties of the Microelectronic SystemsPsota, Boleslav January 2015 (has links)
This paper deals with the behavior of electronic assemblies, which are loaded by the vibrations, especially in the context of computer simulations use. The main objective is to establish a procedure for determining the influence of vibration on the electronic boards and components using computer simulation; the definition of all factors affecting the accuracy of the result and evaluation of the individual influences.
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Developing Effectiveness Measures for System Analysis Tools in Hypersonic Vehicle DesignEli Vincent Sitchin (12469464) 27 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Throughout the design process, systems engineers use analysis tools to characterize the composition, development, and behavior of complex engineered systems. As such, designers must ensure that these tools generate accurate results for the systems they’re designed to analyze. One such suite of tools is the Analytic Workbench (AWB), a framework couched in a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) environment which provides methods for integrating constituent systems into a system-of-systems (SoS) or a complex engineered system, while taking into account the capabilities and requirements of the constituent systems, and the interdependencies between them. Hypersonic vehicles present a number of design challenges that result in a narrow performance envelope and a high degree of interdependence between subsystems, and so the AWB provides an appropriate tool set for characterizing the conceptual design of this class of system. The purpose of this thesis is to generate effectiveness metrics for the tools within the AWB — specifically Robust Portfolio Optimization (RPO) and System Developmental Dependency Analysis (SDDA) — in the context of a hypersonic vehicle design problem. In particular, this thesis focuses on verification and validation metrics, and applies these metrics to several demonstration cases, in which the outputs of RPO and SDDA analyses of a hypersonic vehicle model consisting of top-level subsystems are compared with a hypothetical physical vehicle. This thesis examines several candidate effectiveness metrics, and then applies the ones that satisfy the requirements for RPO and SDDA verification and validation to the appropriate demonstration cases. The AWB outputs for the vehicle models in these demonstration cases deviate slightly from the corresponding quantities for the hypothetical physical vehicles, and the effectiveness metrics decrease in value the greater these deviations are. Subsequent explorations of these metrics could apply these effectiveness to other types of design problems, including analyses involving lower-level subsystems of hypersonic vehicles.</p>
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A Study of Shock Analysis Using the Finite Element Method Verified with Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory; Mechanical Effects Due to Pulse Width Variation of Shock Inputs; and Evaluation of Shock Response of a Mixed Flow FanGonzalez Campos, David Jonathan 01 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
A Study Of Shock Analysis Using The Finite Element Method Verified With Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory; Mechanical Effects Due To Pulse Width Variation Of Shock Inputs; And Evaluation Of Shock Response Of A Mixed Flow Fan
David Jonathan González Campos
For many engineers that use finite element analysis or FEA, it is very important to know how to properly model and obtain accurate solutions for complicated loading conditions such as shock loading. Transient acceleration loads, such as shocks, are not as common as static loads. Analyzing these types of problems is less understood, which is the basis for this study. FEA solutions are verified using classical theory, as well as experimental results. The complex loading combination of shock and high speed rotation is also studied. Ansys and its graphic user interface, Workbench Version 14.5, are the programs used to solve these types of problems. Classical theory and Matlab codes, as well as experimental results, are used to verify finite element solutions for a simple structure, such as a cantilevered beam. The discrepancy of these FEA results is found to be 2.3%. The Full Method and the Mode Superposition Method in Ansys are found to be great solution tools for shock loading conditions, including complex acceleration and force conditions. The Full Method requires less pre-processing but solutions could take days, as opposed to hours, to complete in comparison with the Mode Superposition Method, depending on the 3D Model. The Mode Superposition Method requires more time and input by the user but solves relatively quickly. Furthermore, a new representation of critical pulse width of the shock inputs is presented. Experimental and finite element analyses of a complete mixed flow fan undergoing ballistic shock is also completed; deformation results due to shock loading, combined with rotation and aerodynamic loading, account for 32.3% of the total deformation seen from experimental testing. Solution methods incorporated in Ansys, and validation of FEA results using theory, have great potential implications as powerful tools for engineering students and practicing engineers.
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Machine tools are essential components of modern manufacturing. They are com posed of various mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical systems such as the spindle,
tool changer, cooling system, and the linear and rotary feed drives. Due to their com plexity, high cost, and importance to the manufacturing process it is recommended to
implement some sort of condition monitoring and predictive maintenance to ensure
that they remain reliable and high performing. One way of potentially implement ing predictive maintenance and condition monitoring is digital twins. Digital twins
enable the real-time, accurate, and complex modeling and monitoring of mechanical
systems. They utilize data collected from the system to constantly update their mod els which can be used for monitoring of the systems state and future predictions. This
work presents a digital twin workbench of a machine tool feed drive. The workbench
enables the collection and analysis of large, varied, high-frequency data which can be
used to construct a digital twin of the feed drive. A digital twin can enable many
other useful functionalities. Some of these functionalities include condition moni toring, modeling, control, visualization, and simulation. These functionalities can
enable maximum asset performance and are key in implementing effective predictive
maintenance. The main contributions of this work are the following: The design and
construction of a machine tool feed drive which implements a novel external distur bance force method. A new method of fault detection in ball screws using interacting
multiple models which was shown to provide accurate estimates of levels of preloads
in a ball screw driven feed drive. A digital twin based modeling strategy and analysis
of the data generated by the system including system modeling and observations on
modeling difficulties. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc) / Digital twins enable the real-time, accurate, and complex modeling and monitoring
of mechanical systems. Machine tools are essential components of modern manufac turing. They are composed of various mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical systems
such as the spindle, tool changer, cooling system, and linear and rotary feed drives.
This work presents the design of a workbench of a machine tool linear feed drive, a
fault detection strategy, and a digital twin modeling solution. The workbench enables
the collection and analysis of large, varied, high-frequency data which can be used to
construct a digital twin of the feed drive. A digital twin can enable many other useful
functionalities. Some of these functionalities include condition monitoring, modeling,
control, visualization, and simulation. These functionalities can enable maximum
asset performance and are key in implementing effective predictive maintenance.
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Formal and incremental verification of SysML for the design of component-based system / Vérification formelle et incrémentale de spécifications SysML pour la conception de systèmes à base de composantsCarrillo Rozo, Oscar 17 December 2015 (has links)
Vérification Formelle et Incrémentale de Spécifications SysML pour la Conception de Systèmes à Base de ComposantsLe travail présenté dans cette thèse est une contribution à la spécification et la vérification des Systèmes à Base de Composants (SBC) modélisé avec le langage SysML. Les SBC sont largement utilisés dans le domaine industrielet ils sont construits en assemblant différents composants réutilisables, permettant ainsi le développement de systèmes complexes en réduisant leur coût de développement. Malgré le succès de l'utilisation des SBC, leur conception est une étape de plus en plus complexe qui nécessite la mise en {\oe}uvre d'approches plus rigoureuses.Pour faciliter la communication entre les différentes parties impliquées dans le développement d'un SBC, un des langages largement utilisé est SysML, qui permet de modéliser, en plus de la structure et le comportement du système, aussi ses exigences. Il offre un standard de modélisation, spécification et documentation de systèmes, dans lequel il est possible de développer un système, partant d'un niveau abstrait, vers des niveaux plus détaillés pouvant aboutir à une implémentation. %Généralement ces systèmes sont faits plus grands parce qu'ils sont développés avec des cadres logiciels.Dans ce contexte nous avons traité principalement deux problématiques.La première est liée au développement par raffinement d'un SBC modélisé uniquement par ses interfaces SysML. Notre contribution permet au concepteur des SBC de garantir formellement qu'une composition d'un ensemble de composants élémentaires et réutilisables raffine une spécification abstraite d'un SBC. Dans cette contribution, nous exploitons les outils: Ptolemy pour la vérification de la compatibilité des composants assemblés, et l'outil MIO Workbench pour la vérification du raffinementLa deuxième problématique traitée concerne la difficulté de déterminer quoi construire et comment le construire, en considérant seulement les exigences du système et des composants réutilisables, donc la question qui en découle est la suivante: comment spécifier une architecture SBC qui satisfait toutes les exigences du système? Nous proposons une approche de vérification formelle incrémentale basée sur des modèles SysML et des automates d'interface pour guider, par les exigences, le concepteur SBC afin de définir une architecture de système cohérente, qui satisfait toutes les exigences SysML proposées. Dans cette approche nous exploitons le model-checker SPIN et la LTL pour spécifier et vérifier les exigences.Mots clés: {Modélisation, Spécifications SysML, Architecture SBC, Raffinement, Compatibilité, Exigences, Propriétés LTL, Promela/SPIN, Ptolemy, MIO Workbench} / Formal and Incremental Verification of SysML Specifications for the Design of Component-Based SystemsThe work presented in this thesis is a contribution to the specification and verification of Component-Based Systems (CBS) modeled in SysML. CBS are widely used on the industrial field, and they are built by assembling various reusable components, allowing developing complex systems at lower cost.Despite the success of the use of CBS, their design is an increasingly complex step that requires the implementation of more rigorous approaches.To ease the communication between the various stakeholders in a CBS development project, one of the widely used modeling languages is SysML, which besides allowing modeling of structure and behavior, it has capabilities to model requirements. It offers a standard for modeling, specifying and documenting systems, wherein it is possible to develop a system, starting from an abstract level, to more detailed levels that may lead to an implementation.In this context, we have dealt mainly two issues. The first one concerns the development by refinement of a CBS, which is described only by its SysML interfaces and behavior protocols. Our contribution allows the designer of CBS to formally ensure that a composition of a set of elementary and reusable components refines an abstract specification of a CBS. In this contribution, we use the tools: Ptolemy for the verification of compatibility of the assembled components and MIO Workbench for refinement verification.The second one concerns the difficulty to decide what to build and how to build it, considering only system requirements and reusable components. Therefore, the question that arises is: how to specify a CBS architecture, which satisfies all system requirements? We propose a formal and incremental verification approach based on SysML models and interface automata to guide, by the requirements, the CBS designer to define a coherent system architecture that satisfies all proposed SysML requirements. In this approach we use the SPIN model-checker and LTL properties to specify and verify requirements.Keywords: {Modeling, SysML specifications, CBS architecture, Refinement, Compatibility, Requirements, LTL properties, Promela/SPIN, Ptolemy, MIO Workbench}
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Výpočet chlazení asynchronního stroje pomocí programu Ansys CFX / Calculation of the cooling of the asynchronous machine ANSYS CFXHorálek, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
The issue this master’s thesis discusses the cooling synchronous machines. Specifically, the calculation of cooling induction motor using the finite volume method. Using Autodesk Inventor will create a 3D model of a real electric machine, ie asynchronous motor and then ANSYS WORKBENCH perform system analysis CFX, based on the finite volume method. Furthermore, we realize the air speed measurements on a particular machine and the individual results obtained by measuring and calculating the actual compared with each other. The master’s thesis also deals marginally with closely related to it. For the same machine model, we apply the calculation of the temperature fields using the finite volume method and them perform a thermal analysis. Next, we can carry out the measurement of the temperature on the motor itself and calculate the measured values and the measured compare each other.
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Šestiválcový vznětový motor pro užitková vozidla / Six cylinder diesel engine for commercial vehiclesPulava, Oleksandr January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma is to design a crankshaft for a six-cylinder commercial vehicle, which is one of the unified motors. The main parts are the design of the crankshaft configuration, the crankshaft balancing method for forces and moments, the crankshaft design documentation, and the crankshaft strength verification. The design of torsional vibration damping characteristics is also made and its effect on torsional vibration and crankshaft strength is determined.
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