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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of a Fermented Yeast Product on the Gastrointestinal Tract Microbial Diversity of Weaned Pigs Challenged With Salmonella Enterica Typhimurium Dt104

Totty, Heather Renae 01 December 2009 (has links)
Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) microorganisms play important roles in animal health, including providing energy and vitamins, improving the host immune response and preventing pathogenic microorganisms from colonizing. Prebiotic feed supplementation offers an alternative to antimicrobial growth promoters by stimulating key populations of the GIT bacteria that can ferment these non-digestible compounds, producing various short chain fatty acids used by the animal. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of a proprietary Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product (XPC, Diamond V Mills, Inc., Cedar Rapids, IA) inclusion in nursery diets on the microbial diversity and growth performance of pigs before, during and after an oral challenge with Salmonella. Pigs (n= 40) were weaned at 21 d of age, blocked by body weight (BW) and assigned in a 2Ã 2 factorial arrangement consisting of diet (control or 0.2% XPC) and inoculation (broth or Salmonella). Diet had no effect on pig growth performance prior to inoculation; however, consumption of XPC altered the composition of the gastrointestinal microbial community resulting in increased growth performance prior to inoculation. After Salmonella infection, XPC altered the composition of the gastrointestinal microbial community resulting in increased (P < 0.05) populations of Bacteroidetes and Lactobacillus. Infection with Salmonella and treatment of the piglets with ceftiofur-HCl resulted in alterations to the species richness and abundance of key members of the GIT community. The addition of XPC to the diets of weaning pigs results in greater compensatory gains after infection with Salmonella and an increase in beneficial bacteria within the GIT. / Master of Science

Uticaj peroralnog tretmana probioticima na zdravstveno stanje i produktivnost krmača i prasadi u uslovima intenzivne proizvodnje / Effect of peroral treatment with probiotics on health status and productivity of sows and piglets in the intesive production conditions

Apić Igor 21 June 2014 (has links)
<p>U intenzivnoj proizvodnji svinja, životinje su izložene brojnim stresogenima, koji smanjuju njihovu prirodnu otpornost na infektivne bolesti. Osim toga, primena klasičnih antimikrobnih preparata ima sve manji terapijski efekt, zbog povećanja rezistencije infektivnih agenasa na ove preparate. Sve ovo značajno povećava ekonomske gubitke u proizvodnji svinja. U poslednje vrme se, sve vi&scaron;e, koriste razni prirodni probiotici, za povećanje prirodnog imuniteta životinja i kao zamena za upotrebu klasičnih antimikrobnih preparata u animalnoj proizvodnji (stimulacija rasta tovnih životinja) i veterinarskoj medicini (profilaksa i terapija infektivnih bolesti). Zbog toga je cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio da se ustanovi da li ishrana gravidnih i krmača u laktaciji, obrocima sa dodatkom probiotskog preparata &quot;Actisaf Sc 47&quot;, koji sadrži živu kulturu kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae (proizvod Lesaffre Group, France), može smanjiti pojavu puerperalnih infektivnih obolenja materice i/ili vimena, smanjiti pojavu infektivne diareje i mortalitet prasadi tokom laktacije, povećati produktivne performanse prasadi do zalučenja i povećati reproduktivnu aktivnost krmača posle zalučenja. Drugi cilj istraživanja je bio da se ustanovi da li individualni peroralni tretman probioticima, samo novorođene prasadi, može smanjiti pojavu infektivne diareje i povećati produktivne parametre prasadi do zalučenja. U prvom delu disertacije su prikazane vrednosti reproduktivne performanse krmača u na&scaron;im proizvodnim uslovima na velikim vojvođanskim farmama svinja. Drugi deo je bio eksperimentalni i podeljen je udva odvojena istraživanja. U prvom delu je 120 krmača podeljeno u tri grupe, po 40 u svakoj: Prva grupa (G+P) je, tokom gravidnosti, hranjena standardnim koncentovanim obrokom sa dodatkom probiotskog preparata. Druga grupa (L+P) je ovakvim obrocima hranjena tokom laktacije. Treća grupa (K) bila je kontrolna i ove krmače su hranjene standardnim obrocima, ali bez dodatka probiotskog preparata. U drugom delu je ukupno 120 legala novorođene prasadi, podeljeno u dve grupe. Prva grupa (60 legala sa ukupno 572 živo rođene prasadi) je formirana od krmača koje nisu manifestovale kliničke znake puerperalnih obolenja materice i/ili vimena (grupa ZK). Druga grupa (60 legala sa ukupno 571 živo rođene prasadi) je formirana od bolesnih krmača (grupa BK). Krmače nisu tretirane probioticima. Neposredno po pra&scaron;enju, 283 prasadi (30 legala) od ZK krmača i 287 prasadi (30 legala) od BK krmača, individualno je tretirano peroralno probiotskim preparatima (One Shot, Coloron Forte Plus i Piggy Guard Forte Plus, proizvod firme &raquo;Hokovit&laquo;, Switzerland), koji povećavaju imunitet na zaraznu diareju, i stimuli&scaron;u rast i razvoj prasadi tokom laktacije. U kontrolnim grupama je bilo 30 legala (289 prasadi) od zdravih i 30 legala (284 prasadi) od bolesnih krmača. Ova prasad nisu bila tretirana peroralnim probioticima. Tokom laktacije, značajno (p&lt;0,01) manji broj krmača tretiranih probioticima (G+P=7,5%, L+P=12,5%), je imalo kliničke znake puerperalnih obolenja materice i/ili vimena, u odnosu na kontrolne krmače (22,5%). Broj legala sa infektivnom diarejom prasadi je bio značajno (p&lt;0,05) manji kod tretiranih (12,5%) u odnosu na kontrolne krmače (27,5%). Prosečan broj zalučene prasadi po leglu (z/p) i prosečna težina legla kod zalučenja (t/l) tretiranih krmača (G+P=11,6 z/p i 103,6 kg t/l, L+P=11,1 z/p i 102,8 kg t/l), bili su značajno veći (p&lt;0,01 ili p&lt;0,05) od ovih vrednosti u leglima kontrolnih krmača (K=10,0 z/p i 79,1kg t/l). Poređenjem rezultata peroralnog tretmana<br />iv<br />prasadi u leglima zdravih, sa netretiranim leglima bolesnih krmača pokazalo se da je: (a) uginuće prasadi u laktaciji smanjeno za 84% (p&lt;0,01), (b) prosečan broj zalučene prasadi po leglu je smanjen za 98% (p&lt;0,01), (c) prosečan dnevni prirat po prasetu je povećan ta 28% (p&lt;0,01) i (d) prosečna telesna masa praseta kod zalučenja je značajno (p&lt;0,01) povećana za 23,4% u tretiranim leglima zdravih krmača, u odnosu na netretirana legla bolesnih krmača. Dobijeni rezultati jasno pokazuju da primena probiotika značajno pobolj&scaron;ava zdravstveno stanje krmača po pra&scaron;enju, zdravstveno stanje njihove prasadi, kao i produktivne prametre legla (prosečan broj zalučene prasadi po leglu i prosečna težina legla kod zalučenja). Na ovaj način su postignuti ciljevi istraživanja i potvrđene radne hipoteze u ovoj disertaciji.</p> / <p>In the intensive pig production, the animals were exposed to various stressogens, which reduces their natural resistance to infectious diseases. In addition, the therapeutic effects of conventional antimicrobial preparations permanently decrease, due to the increasing resistance of infectious agents to these preparations. All this significantly increase the economic losses in pig production. In the recent years, various natural probiotics are using, to increase the natural animals immunity, as well as a substituents for using the traditional antimicrobial preparation in animal production (as a growth promoters of fattened animals) and veterinary medicine (prophylaxis and therapy of infectious diseases). Therefore, the aim of this dissertation was to determine whether feeding pregnant and lactating sows, with diets supplemented with probiotic preparations &quot;Actisaf Sc 47&quot;, containing live culture of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (product of Lesaffre Group, France), has an influence on the: (a) reducing the incidence of puerperal infectious diseases of the uterus and/or the udder, (b) reducing the incidence of infectious diarrhea and mortality of piglets during lactation, (c) increasing the productive performance of piglets within lactation, and (d) increasing the sows reproductive performance up to 45 days after weaning. The secon aim of investigation was to determine whether treatment only newborn piglets with peroral probiotics, can decrease incidence of infectious dirrhea and productive piglets parameters. In the first part of the thesis it was present the reproductive performance of sows in the production conditions on large pig farm in AP Vojvodina. The second part was divided on two separate experiments. In the first part, the total of 120 sows were divided into three groups (40 sows in each): The first group (G+P) were fed standard diets supplemented with probiotic preparation during pregnancy. The second group (L+P) were fed such diets during lactation. The third group (K) was the control and these sows were fed a standard diet, without the probiotic supplementation. In the second experiment, a total of 120 litters of newborn piglets, were divided into two groups. The first group (60 litters with a total of 572 live born piglets) was formed from the sows without clinical signs of puerperal diseases of the uterus and/or the udder (healthy sows, HS). The second group (60 litters with a total of 571 live born piglets) was formed from the sows with clinical signs of puerperal diseases of the uterus and/or the udder (sick sows, SS). Sows were not treated with probiotics. Immediately after farrowing, 283 piglets (30 litters) from the HS sows and 287 piglets (30 litters) from the SS sows, were individually peroral treated with probiotic preparations (One Shot, Colorona Forte Plus and Piggy Guard Forte Plus, products of &quot;Hokovit&quot;, Switzerland), which increase the newborn piglets immunity to infectious diarrhea, and stimulate the development and growth of piglets during lactation. In the control group there were 30 litters (289 piglets) from healthy and 30 litters (284 piglets) from sick sows. These piglets were not treated with oral probiotics. During the lactation period, a significant (p&lt;0.01) smaller proportion of probiotic treated sows (G+P=7.5%, L+P=12.5%) has manifested clinical signs of the uterus and/or the udder disease, as compared to the control sows (22.5%). The incidence of infectious diarrhea in the nursing piglets were significantly (p&lt;0.05) lower proportion of litters in the treated sows (12.5%), compared to the control sows (27.5 %). The average number of weaned piglets per litter (p/l) and average litter weight at weaning (l/w) in the treated sows (G+P=11.6 p/l and 103.6 kg l/w, L+P=11.1 p/l and 102.8 kg l/w,) were significantly higher (p&lt;0.01or p&lt;0.05) in sows treated with probiotics, compared to the control sows (C=10 p/l and 79.1 kg l/w). Comparing the results of peroral piglets treatment in the litters of healthy sows, and untreated piglets in the litters of sick sows showed that: (a) the piglets mortality during lactation was reduced by 84% (p&lt;0.01), (b) the average number of weaned piglets per litter was reduced by 98 % (p&lt;0.01), (c) the average daily gain per piglet was increased by 28% (p&lt;0.01), and (d) the average body weight of piglets at weaning was significantly (p&lt;0.01) increased by 23.4%, in the treated litters of healthy sows, as compared to the untreated litters of sick sows. These results clearly show that the use of probiotics significantly improve the health status of sows and nursing piglets, as well as the productive piglets parameters (weaned piglets per litter and litter weight at weaning). On this way, the research objectives have been achieved and the working hypothesis of this dissertation have been confirmed.</p>

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