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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energie a životní prostředí z právního pohledu / Energy and Environment in the View of Law

Pokorný, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The relationships among energetics, environment and associated climatic changes is beginning to be a subject of a complex interest of not just science but also politics and law. The reason for this is the fact that we are now at a breaking point of the development of mankind and our future steps will significantly influence its path. To obtain the energy man cannot live without, we frequently use fossil fuels, producing greenhouse gases that are warming our planet. This situation needs to change. We either find a sustainable solution or we will cause a catastrophe. The energetics must not be the cause, it has to be the solution as well. One of possible solutions for this problem is the law. It is not a stand-alone solution but it is a fundamental one nonetheless. To come up with an effective solution, a large-scale cooperation is necessary in politics, science, economics and in society as well - and there is not much time to come up with it. Keywords: energetics, environment, climate change

Provádění staveb a jejich změn / Construction of buildings and their alterations

Ondra, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Construction of buildings and their alterations Abstract This master's thesis is concerned with the analysis of the primary regulation of realization of structures and their alternations, which is a part of the public construction law. The topic of this thesis is up-to-date because of adoption of the second major amendment to the Building Act. The proclaimed goal of this amendment is a simplification and an acceleration of the processes and procedures. The main goal of this thesis is to identify problems associated with the current legal regulation of realization of general structures and their alternations, which, in selected cases, is followed by the effort to find their solution de lege ferenda. The secondary goal of this thesis is a critique of the second major amendment to the Building Act from 2017 and the identification of what problems it has brought including the assessment of whether is actually fulfilling its stated goal. The master's thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter one deals with the sources of law and the fragmentation of implementing statues. Chapter two analyzes the basic concept of structure as well as other basic concepts related to the topic of this thesis. Chapter three contains an analysis of the organisation of building offices, selected issues related to the performance of...

Aktuální vývoj na světovém trhu emisemi skleníkových plynů

Vlček, Ondřej January 2006 (has links)
Rostoucí emise skleníkových plynů přispívají k urychlování klimatické změny. Jednotlivé státy k řešení tohoto problému přistupují různými způsoby. Prozatím jediným globálním přístupem je Kjótský protokol. Kjótský protokol navrhuje k řešení klimatické změny využití flexibilních nástrojů - emisního obchodování a projektových mechanismů. Teorie i dosavadní praxe dokládá ekonomickou výhodnost těchto nástrojů. Použití systémů obchodování s emisemi skleníkových plynů se rozšiřuje i v zemích, které neratifikovaly Kjótský protokol. Práce hodnotí mimoevropské povinné systémy emisního obchodování zavedené i plánované.

Finding Optimal Decision Trees

Máša, Petr January 2006 (has links)
Rozhodovácí stromy jsou rozšířenou technikou pro popis dat. Používají se často teké pro predikace. Zajímavým problémemje, že konkrétní distribuce může být popsána jedním či více rozhodovacími stromy.Obvykle nás zajímá co nejjednodušší rozhodovací strom(který budeme nazývat též optimální rozhodovací strom).Tato práce navrhuje rozšíření prořezávácí fáze algoritmů pro rozhodovací stromytak, aby umožňovala více prořezávání. V práci byly zkoumány teoretické i praktické vlastnosti tohoto rozšířeného algoritmu. Jako hlavní teoretický výsledek bylo dokázano, že pro jistou třídu distribucí nalezne algoritmus optimální rozhodovací strom(tj.nejmenší rozhodovací strom, který reprezentuje danou distribuci). V praktických testech bylo zkoumáno, jak je schopen algoritmus rekonstruovat známý strom z dat. Zajímalo nás, zdali dosáhne naše rozšíření zlepšení v počtu správně rekonstruovaných stromů zejména v případě, že data jsou dodatečně velká ( z hlediska počtu záznamů). Tato doměnka byla potvrzena praktickými testy. Obdobný výsledek byl před několika lety prokázán pro Bayesovské sítě. Algoritmus navržený v této disertační práci je polynomiální v počtu listů stromu, který je výstupem hladového algoritmu pro růst stromů, což je vylepšení oproti jednoduchému algoritmu prohledávání všech možných stromů, který je exponenciální.

Přeměna právní formy společnosti z s.r.o. na a.s.

Pavelková, Renata January 2007 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce popisuje přeměny společností se zaměřením na jednu konkrétní formu přeměny, a to na změnu právní formy společnosti. Je zde zobrazen celý proces transformace včetně popisu všech kroků. Teoretická část je doplněna ilustrací změny právní formy na společnosti Casus Direct Mail, s.r.o.

Trend výnosů pšenice seté v kontextu vývoje klimatu

Macalíková, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
Climate change is characterized by higher average temperatures, more frequent extreme weather events such as torrential rains, floods, frost and snow cover absence, absence of snow cover and longer episodes of drought. In the 21st century is likely to shift production areas where surface area of corn and sugar beet will be increased. In corn production areas will be achieved lower yields than in sugar beet in 2020. Around 2030, the most suitable conditions for growing wheat sown in sugar beet and potato production area. The last part was determined from the data of the Central Control and Testing Institute for Agriculture of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and the relationship between the moisture regime selected sites in different stages of the growing season and yield lines. Statistically significant correlations between yield and available water holding capacity (AWHC) was observed at stations Uherský Ostroh, Pusté Jakartice, Lípa and Věrovany.

Vliv zvýšené vzdušné koncentrace oxidu uhličitého na růst buku lesního

Sokolová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Elevated CO2 concentration influences the anatomical, physiological and morphological characteristics of plants, both directly and indirectly. The aim of this thesis was to determine the effect of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration on growth of European beech (Fagus sylvatica). The experiment was carried out from autumn 2005 on environmental work place Bílý Křiž in Beskydy and established in artificial conditions (A-ambient - natural air concentration of CO2 - 385 ppm, E-elevated - 700 ppm, C-control - open control area). Two-year old seedlings of beech and three years old spruces seedlings have been planted in a triangular spacing in lamellar biospheres in a total of 96 individuals. The study is focused on biomass production of beech in different types of mixed cultures together with Norway spruce (P-pure - monoculture, I-Individual -- individual mixing, G-group -- group mixing). In mid August 2013 has begun destruction of beeches, which was completed in September 2013. Aboveground parts were dividend in to group consisting of branches and trunk and roots were subjected to destructive analysis later. Separate parts of the trees were dried in the oven for 48 hours at 80 °C and subsequently 2 hours at 105 °C and then were weighed to determine the biomass. After eight years of experiment, cultivation of spruce and beech in lamellar biospheres, there were no signifiant differences in total biomass of trees between varieties A and E. However, it showed significant influence of CO2 on the biomass of individual organs (leaves, branches, trunks and roots, including stumps ) as well as trees grown in a single mixed culture (I). When comparing the total biomass in the spheres, sphere E showed average total biomass of an individual tree about 27 % higher, in mixed G variety 25 % lower and in the P mixing 147 % higher than mixed I in the sphere A. Biomass production of roots without identification of mixing factor increased by 60 % in the E variety. Most significant difference in belowground biomass was detected in variety of mixing I. In the E sphere was 200 % more belowground biomass compared to sphere A. These preliminary results show that total biomass of beech was higher in sphere E than in the sphere A. Differences in total biomass , however, can be caused by mixing and correspond to the concentration of CO2.

Vliv legislativních změn na kalkulaci nákladů / Impact of legislative changes to the cost calculations

PAVOUKOVÁ, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
From the 2013 to 2015 in the Czech Republic there were several legislative changes -there are some of them: the Law of Value Added Tax, the new value of a minimum wage for employees, growing low travel costs or the European Union grant for supporting employment etc. This diploma thesis is focused on the concrete legislative changes which were important for costs and also calculation system in the company. These legislative changes are described on each examples.In each example there is compared calculation in 2013 and 2015. The whole diploma thesis is focused on the follow question: How much is calculation system of costs in some company influenced by any legislative changes?

Biologické hodnocení a predikce změn krajinného rázu jako součást posuzování vlivů na životní prostředí :(EIA - Environmental Impact Essessment) /

Láznička, Vladimír January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Analýza změn land use ve vybraném území / Analysis of changes in land use in the selected area

KUČERA, Jaroslav January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of changes in the selected area, specifically in the cadastral Vodňany. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the period between 1842 - 2011. As a bases were used maps of the 2nd military mappings, the state map derived of 1: 5000 and the current orthophoto updated in 2011. The maps of the 2nd military mappings were obtained using a WMS service of the National INSPIRE Geoportal, the state map derived orthophoto and the current drawn from the order of the portal CUZK. All work involving the preparation of maps, map outputs and associated data acquisition were made in the ArcMap 10 program. The obtained data were further processed, there were created tables and graphs that serves as an overview of land use changes in the area and they were all created in Microsoft Excel. This work tries to answer on why these changes occurred and what was the reason for the change of land use in the area.

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