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Auf dem Weg zu einem SoftwareingenieurwesenWendt, Siegfried January 2004 (has links)
(1) Über die Notwendigkeit, die bisherige Informatik in eine Grundlagenwissenschaft und eine Ingenieurwissenschaft aufzuspalten
(2) Was ist Ingenieurskultur?
(3) Das Kommunikationsproblem der Informatiker und ihre Unfähigkeit, es wahrzunehmen
(4) Besonderheiten des Softwareingenieurwesens im Vergleich mit den klassischen Ingenieurdisziplinen
(5) Softwareingenieurspläne können auch für Nichtfachleute verständlich sein
(6) Principles for Planning Curricula in Software Engineering
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Action patterns in business process modelsSmirnov, Sergey, Weidlich, Matthias, Mendling, Jan, Weske, Mathias January 2009 (has links)
Business process management experiences a large uptake by the industry, and process models play an important role in the analysis and improvement of processes. While an increasing number of staff becomes involved in actual modeling practice, it is crucial to assure model quality and homogeneity along with providing suitable aids for creating models. In this paper we consider the problem of offering recommendations to the user during the act of modeling. Our key contribution is a concept for defining and identifying so-called action patterns - chunks of actions often appearing together in business processes. In particular, we specify action patterns and demonstrate how they can be identified from existing process model repositories using association rule mining techniques. Action patterns can then be used to suggest additional actions for a process model. Our approach is challenged by applying it to the collection of process models from the SAP Reference Model. / Die zunehmende Bedeutung des Geschäftsprozessmanagements führt dazu, dass eine steigende Anzahl von Mitarbeitern eines Unternehmens mit der Erstellung von Prozessmodellen betraut ist. Um trotz dieser Tendenz die Qualität der Prozessmodelle, sowie ihre Homogenität sicherzustellen, sind entsprechende Modellierungshilfen unabdingbar. In diesem Bericht stellen wir einen Ansatz vor, welcher die Prozessmodellierung durch Empfehlungen unterstützt. Jene basieren auf sogenannten Aktionsmustern, welche typische Arbeitsblöcke darstellen. Neben der Definition dieser Aktionsmuster zeigen wir eine Methode zur Identifikation dieser Muster auf. Mittels Techniken der Assoziationsanalyse können die Muster automatisch aus einer Sammlung von Prozessmodellen extrahiert werden. Die Anwendbarkeit unseres Ansatzes wird durch eine Fallstudie auf Basis des SAP Referenzmodells illustriert.
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Visualizing Design and Spatial Assembly of Interactive CSGDöllner, Jürgen, Kirsch, Florian, Nienhaus, Marc January 2005 (has links)
For interactive construction of CSG models understanding the layout of a model is essential for its efficient manipulation. To understand position and orientation of aggregated components of a CSG model, we need to realize its visible and occluded parts as a whole. Hence, transparency and enhanced outlines are key techniques to assist comprehension. We present a novel real-time rendering technique for visualizing design and spatial assembly of CSG models. As enabling technology we combine an image-space CSG rendering algorithm with blueprint rendering. Blueprint rendering applies depth peeling for extracting layers of ordered depth from polygonal models and then composes them in sorted order facilitating a clear insight of the models. We develop a solution for implementing depth peeling for CSG models considering their depth complexity. Capturing surface colors of each layer and later combining the results allows for generating order-independent transparency as one major rendering technique for CSG models. We further define visually important edges for CSG models and integrate an image-space edgeenhancement technique for detecting them in each layer. In this way, we extract visually important edges that are directly and not directly visible to outline a model’s layout. Combining edges with transparency rendering, finally, generates edge-enhanced depictions of image-based CSG models and allows us to realize their complex, spatial assembly.
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Survey on Service CompositionKuropka, Dominik, Meyer, Harald January 2005 (has links)
It is predicted that Service-oriented Architectures (SOA) will have a high impact on future electronic business and markets. Services will provide an self-contained and standardised interface towards business and are considered as the future platform for business-to-business and business-toconsumer trades. Founded by the complexity of real world business scenarios a huge need for an easy, flexible and automated creation and enactment of service compositions is observed. This survey explores the relationship of service composition with workflow management—a technology/ concept already in use in many business environments. The similarities between the both and the key differences between them are elaborated. Furthermore methods for composition of services ranging from manual, semi- to full-automated composition are sketched. This survey concludes that current tools for service composition are in an immature state and that there is still much research to do before service composition can be used easily and conveniently in real world scenarios. However, since automated service composition is a key enabler for the full potential of Service-oriented Architectures, further research on this field is imperative. This survey closes with a formal sample scenario presented in appendix A to give the reader an impression on how full-automated service composition works.
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Aspektorientierte Programmierung : Überblick über Techniken und WerkzeugeAdam, Christian, Brehmer, Bastian, Hüttenrauch, Stefan, Jeske, Janin, Polze, Andreas, Rasche, Andreas, Schüler, Benjamin, Schult, Wolfgang January 2006 (has links)
1 Einführung
2 Aspektorientierte Programmierung
2.1 Ein System als Menge von Eigenschaften
2.2 Aspekte
2.3 Aspektweber
2.4 Vorteile Aspektorientierter Programmierung
2.5 Kategorisierung der Techniken und Werkzeuge f ¨ ur Aspektorientierte
3 Techniken und Werkzeuge zur Analyse Aspektorientierter Softwareprogramme
3.1 Virtual Source File
3.2 FEAT
3.3 JQuery
3.4 Aspect Mining Tool
4 Techniken und Werkzeuge zum Entwurf Aspektorientierter Softwareprogramme
4.1 Concern Space Modeling Schema
4.2 Modellierung von Aspekten mit UML
4.3 CoCompose
4.4 Codagen Architect
5 Techniken und Werkzeuge zur Implementierung Aspektorientierter Softwareprogramme
5.1 Statische Aspektweber
5.2 Dynamische Aspektweber
6 Zusammenfassung
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Fundamentals of Service-Oriented EngineeringBreest, Martin, Bouché, Paul, Grund, Martin, Haubrock, Sören, Hüttenrauch, Stefan, Kylau, Uwe, Ploskonos, Anna, Queck, Tobias, Schreiter, Torben January 2006 (has links)
Since 2002, keywords like service-oriented engineering, service-oriented computing, and service-oriented architecture have been widely used in research, education, and enterprises. These and related terms are often misunderstood or used incorrectly. To correct these misunderstandings, a deeper knowledge of the concepts, the historical backgrounds, and an overview of service-oriented architectures is demanded and given in this paper.
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A quantitative evaluation of the enhanced topic-based vector space modelPolyvyanyy, Artem, Kuropka, Dominik January 2007 (has links)
This contribution presents a quantitative evaluation procedure for Information Retrieval models and the results of this procedure applied on the enhanced Topic-based Vector Space Model (eTVSM). Since the eTVSM is an ontology-based model, its effectiveness heavily depends on the quality of the underlaying ontology. Therefore the model has been tested with different ontologies to evaluate the impact of those ontologies on the effectiveness of the eTVSM. On the highest level of abstraction, the following results have been observed during our evaluation: First, the theoretically deduced statement that the eTVSM has a similar effecitivity like the classic Vector Space Model if a trivial ontology (every term is a concept and it is independet of any other concepts) is used has been approved. Second, we were able to show that the effectiveness of the eTVSM raises if an ontology is used which is only able to resolve synonyms. We were able to derive such kind of ontology automatically from the WordNet ontology. Third, we observed that more powerful ontologies automatically derived from the WordNet, dramatically dropped the effectiveness of the eTVSM model even clearly below the effectiveness level of the Vector Space Model. Fourth, we were able to show that a manually created and optimized ontology is able to raise the effectiveness of the eTVSM to a level which is clearly above the best effectiveness levels we have found in the literature for the Latent Semantic Index model with compareable document sets.
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Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on e-learning and Virtual and Remote LaboratoriesJanuary 2008 (has links)
Session 1: Architecture of Virtual & Remote Laboratory Infrastructures (I)
An Internet-Based Laboratory Course in Chemical Reaction Engineering and Unit Operations
Internet Based Laboratory for Experimentation with Multilevel Medium-Power Converters
Session 2: Architecture of Virtual & Remote Laboratory Infrastructures (II)
Content management and architectural issues of a remote learning laboratory
Distributed Software Architecture and Applications for Remote Laboratories
Tele-Lab IT-Security: an architecture for an online virtual IT security lab
Session 3: New e-learning Techniques for Virtual & Remote Laboratories
NeOS: Neuchˆatel Online System
A Flexible Instructional Electronics Laboratory with Local and Remote LabWorkbenches
in a Grid
Simulation of an Intelligent Network - Basic Call State Model Remote Laboratory
Session 4: Service-Orientation in Virtual & Remote Laboratories
SOA Meets Robots - A Service-Based Software Infrastructure For Remote Laboratories
Service Orientation in Education - Intelligent Networks for eLearning / mLearning
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Toward bridging the gap between formal semantics and implementation of triple graph grammarsGiese, Holger, Hildebrandt, Stephan, Lambers, Leen January 2010 (has links)
The correctness of model transformations is a crucial element for the model-driven engineering of high quality software. A prerequisite to verify model transformations at the level of the model transformation specification is that an unambiguous formal semantics exists and that the employed implementation of the model transformation language adheres to this semantics. However, for existing relational model transformation approaches it is usually not really clear under which constraints particular implementations are really conform to the formal semantics. In this paper, we will bridge this gap for the formal semantics of triple graph grammars (TGG) and an existing efficient implementation. Whereas the formal semantics assumes backtracking and ignores non-determinism, practical implementations do not support backtracking, require rule sets that ensure determinism, and include further optimizations. Therefore, we capture how the considered TGG implementation realizes the transformation by means of operational rules, define required criteria and show conformance to the formal semantics if these criteria are fulfilled. We further outline how static analysis can be employed to guarantee these criteria.
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Proceedings of the Fall 2010 Future SOC Lab DayJanuary 2011 (has links)
In Kooperation mit Partnern aus der Industrie etabliert das Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) ein “HPI Future SOC Lab”, das eine komplette Infrastruktur von hochkomplexen on-demand Systemen auf neuester, am Markt noch nicht verfügbarer, massiv paralleler (multi-/many-core) Hardware mit enormen Hauptspeicherkapazitäten und dafür konzipierte Software bereitstellt. Das HPI Future SOC Lab verfügt über prototypische 4- und 8-way Intel 64-Bit Serversysteme von Fujitsu und Hewlett-Packard mit 32- bzw. 64-Cores und 1 - 2 TB Hauptspeicher. Es kommen weiterhin hochperformante Speichersysteme von EMC² sowie Virtualisierungslösungen von VMware zum Einsatz. SAP stellt ihre neueste Business by Design (ByD) Software zur Verfügung und auch komplexe reale Unternehmensdaten stehen zur Verfügung, auf die für Forschungszwecke zugegriffen werden kann.
Interessierte Wissenschaftler aus universitären und außeruniversitären Forschungsinstitutionen können im HPI Future SOC Lab zukünftige hoch-komplexe IT-Systeme untersuchen, neue Ideen / Datenstrukturen / Algorithmen entwickeln und bis hin zur praktischen Erprobung verfolgen.
Dieser Technische Bericht stellt erste Ergebnisse der im Rahmen der Eröffnung des Future SOC Labs im Juni 2010 gestarteten Forschungsprojekte vor. Ausgewählte Projekte stellten ihre Ergebnisse am 27. Oktober 2010 im Rahmen der Future SOC Lab Tag Veranstaltung vor.
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