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Dualisms in modernity : a machine for learning in

This dissertation is rooted in the theory of time and place and it considers the
built environment through the lens of past, present and projected future evolution.
The project examines various themes of dualistic study within the broader subject
of time and change. Pertinent to the 21st century, the interface between man,
technology and architecture is investigated in an examination of how architecture
can intervene in the process of perpetual modernisation and the benefits or
compromising attributes it has on man. Additionally, the relationship between old
and new built fabric in architectural heritage is studied and a mediative architectural
approach is proposed. Also, the dual construct of permanence and change in
architecture is investigated.
At the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution, where the physical- and the cyber
worlds are continuously interwoven, a re-examination of learning models and the
volatile situation of higher education in South Africa is conducted in anticipation of
what technological advancement continuously presents and the impact this has
on man and the built environment.
The site of the Government Printing Works embodies a comprehensive
intersection between time, change and architecture with a rich development
history spanning over 120 years. The block tells the story of function, production
and dissemination of knowledge, and this intangible heritage is commemorated
by the proposed programme of a T.E.L. (Technology-Enabled-Learning) Centre
that blends physical and virtual learning environments and where knowledge is
distributed in a ubiquitous manner. / Hierdie studie is gegrond in die teorie oor tyd en plek en dit beskou die bouomgewing
deur die lens van verlede, hede en geprojekteerde toekomstige
evolusie. In die wyer onderwerp van tyd en plek word verskeie temas van
dualistiese studie ondersoek. Met toepassing op die 21ste eeu, word die
koppelvlak tussen die mens, tegnologie en argitektuur ondersoek, deur 'n studie
oor hoe argitektuur kan ingryp in the proses van onophoudelike modernisering
en die voordele of nadele wat dit inhou vir die mens. Daarbenewens word
die verhouding tussen ou en nuwe geboue bestudeer en 'n bemiddelinde
argitektoniese benadering word voorgestel. Verder word die dubelle benadring van
vastheid en verandering in argitektoniese elemente ondersoek.
Aan die omvang van 'n vierde industri?le revolusie, waar die fisiese en die kuber
w?relde voortdurend verweef word, word 'n herondersoek van leermodelle en
die huidige wisselvallige situasie van ho?r onderwys in Suid-Afrika gedoen, in
afwagting van wat tegnologiese vooruitgang voortdurend bied vir die mens en die
beboude omgewing.
Die terrein van die Staatsdrukkery verpersoonlik 'n omvattende kruising tussen
tyd, verandering en argitektuur met 'n ryk geskiedenis van ontwikkeling wat
strek oor meer as 120 jaar. Die blok vertel die verhaal van funksie, produksie en
die verspreiding van kennis, en hierdie nie-tasbare erfenis is herdenk deur die
voorgestelde program van 'n T.A.L. (Tegnologie Aangedrewe-Leer) Sentrum wat
fisiese en virtuele leeromgewings saamsmelt en waar kennis versprei word in 'n
alomteenwoordige wyse / Mini Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Architecture / MArch (Prof) / Unrestricted
Date January 2016
CreatorsHarrison, Saskia
ContributorsSwart, Johan,
PublisherUniversity of Pretoria
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeMini Dissertation
Rights© 2017 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria.

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