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Algorithmes par decomposition de domaine et méthodes de discrétisation d'ordre elevé pour la résolution des systèmes d'équations aux dérivées partielles. Application aux problèmes issus de la mécanique des fluides et de l'électromagnétisme

My main research topic is about developing new domain decomposition algorithms for the solution of systems of partial differential equations. This was mainly applied to fluid dynamics problems (as compressible Euler or Stokes equations) and electromagnetics (time-harmonic and time-domain first order system of Maxwell's equations). Since the solution of large linear systems is strongly related to the application of a discretization method, I was also interested in developing and analyzing the application of high order methods (such as Discontinuos Galerkin methods) to Maxwell's equations (sometimes in conjuction with time-discretization schemes in the case of time-domain problems). As an active member of NACHOS pro ject (besides my main afiliation as an assistant professor at University of Nice), I had the opportunity to develop certain directions in my research, by interacting with permanent et non-permanent members (Post-doctoral researchers) or participating to supervision of PhD Students. This is strongly refflected in a part of my scientific contributions so far. This memoir is composed of three parts: the first is about the application of Schwarz methods to fluid dynamics problems; the second about the high order methods for the Maxwell's equations and the last about the domain decomposition algorithms for wave propagation problems.
Date07 July 2009
CreatorsDolean, Victorita
PublisherUniversité de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typehabilitation ࠤiriger des recherches

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