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Bollsportens roll i ämnet idrott och hälsa

AbstraktSyfteSyftet med uppsatsen är att öka kunskapen om bollsporternas roll i idrottsundervisningen och studera dess relation till skolbetygen.MetodDatainsamlingen gjordes i form av en enkätundersökning som riktade sig elever i årskurs 9. Undersökningen genomfördes på tre skolor i tre olika kommuner. På varje skola deltog två klasser. Totalt medverkade 127 elever i årskurs 9, varav cirka 56 procent av deltagarna i studien var pojkar och cirka 44 procent var flickor. ResultatResultaten visade att 35,4 procent av eleverna var aktiva i minst en bollsportsförening och 64,6 procent var inte aktiva i en bollsportsförening. En skillnad i betyg kunde ses mellan de elever som var aktiva inom en bollsportsförening jämfört med dem som inte var det. 6,1 procent av de elever som inte var aktiva inom en bollsportsförening uppnådde inte målen för betyget godkänt medan samma siffra inom gruppen av de som var aktiva inom en bollsportsförening var noll procent. Vidare framkom även att en större andel av de som var aktiva inom en bollsportsförening nådde de högre betygen, väl godkänt och mycket väl godkänt. / The purpose of the study was to increase the knowledge about the ball sports role in physical education and study its connection to the school grades.The data was collected in form of a question survey which was aimed to pupils in class 9. The investigation was made on three schools in three different municipalities. Two classes on each school participated in the investigation. The total number of pupils that participated was 127, 56 percent boys and 44 percent girls. Our result in the study showed that 35,4 percent of the pupils were active in a ball sportsclub. The result also showed a difference in grades between the pupils that were active in a ball sportsclub and those that was not active. 6,1 percent of the pupils that was not active in a ball sportsclub did not live up to the standards to pass physical education while the same number in the group that were active in a ball sportsclub was zero percent. 30 percent of the pupils that were not active in a ball sportsclub considered that they had disadvantage in physical education of not being active in a ball sportsclub. The result also showed that 43 of 45 pupils that were active in a ball spotsclub considered that they had benefits in physical education from being active in a ball sportsclub. 77,8 percent of the pupils that were active in a ball sportsclub was boys. 51,7 percent of the girls and 81,7 percent boys reached the two highest grades.
Date January 2010
CreatorsStrandqvist, Johan
PublisherMalmö högskola, Lärarutbildningen (LUT), Malmö högskola/Lärarutbildningen
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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