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台灣綠色電價政策之關鍵因素研究 / The Study on Key Factors of the Green Power Pricing Policy in Taiwan

本研究透過問卷調查法,以網路問卷-Google Form發放,觀察並探討民眾對於綠色電價政策之購買意願,以及民眾對於當前政策之考量,透過ANOVA檢定,分析民眾填答問卷之結果,了解民眾本身對於環保問題的認知與意識,及民眾對於綠色電價政策之考量因素主要為何。根據問卷分析與檢定結果發現:多數民眾對於綠色電價的概念仍然相當模糊,但是大多會選擇購買綠色電價。
本研究另外發現,民眾對於綠色電價的願付價格,接受度最高的是綠色電價比一般電價貴10%以下,意即在回收的221份問卷中,當綠電價格每度低於3.18元,一般民眾有五成以上會選購,與目前綠電價格設定3.96元存有落差。據此,在綠色電價政策推行上,和實際民眾購買意願之間,應該如何制訂一個合理的綠色電價,是需要仰賴國內產、官、學各界充分討論,以及民眾意見妥善表達,在國家與社會民眾間,取得一個平衡點,並且參考各先進國家發展自願性綠色電價之經驗。如此,方能在國家發展經濟的同時,又能兼顧環境保護和節能減碳,達到國家永續發展之政策目標。 / In response to global warming, the development of renewable energy is encouraged. Advanced countries are gradually promoting “green power pricing programs”. Due to the higher generating costs of renewable energy’s electricity than conventional one, therefore renewable energy electricity prices will be definitely higher than traditional electric energy prices. The high cost of renewable energy’s electricity pushes most countries in the market to sell this type of electricity to consumers through a voluntary subscription mode and charge a so-called green power pricing. Using green power as a source of funds or as the future development of renewable energy funding sources and with such a system, you can make the whole society participate in environmental protection work. People from all walks of life will have their environmental awareness and responsibility adequately improved.
This study uses an online questionnaire-Google Form to survey, observe and explore the public’s reaction towards green power pricing policy, its willingness to purchase and its considerations for the current policies. Through the ANOVA test and the analysis of the results of the survey to understand the public’s cognition and awareness of environmental issues and the public’s main considerations towards the green power pricing policy, for most people such concept is still quite vague but anyhow they will choose to buy green.
Secondly, this article summarizes five policy factors for consideration –doubts about government policy and advocacy, the designing of the green power pricing system, the related laws and regulations, the performance of the executive units and the payment of the green power pricing adding to the economic burden of the people. In the above five points, the poor performance of the units will, undoubtedly, carry the highest score.
This study also found that the public is willing to pay for green power pricing and there is even a higher acceptance if the price would not exceed more than 10% of conventional electricity price. In other words, according to the response of 221 questionnaires, if the green power price lower than NT$3.18 /kWh, there will be half of people to purchase it. This study conducted a gap analysis between the current green power price-NT$3.96 /kWh and the price people accepted generally.
Accordingly, the implementation of a policy on green electricity and the real willingness of the people to purchase such electricity depend on how reasonable the green tariff is. The industry, the government , the academia should all express their opinions. The state and the society must seek and strike a balance while referring to the development of green energy voluntary subscription tariffs in advanced countries. In this way, while simultaneously developing the economy of the country and taking into account the environment protection, energy saving and carbon reduction, we can reach our national goals of achieving a sustainable development.
Creators陳秋伶, Chen, Chiu Ling
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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